It really depends on how misogynistic and racist American voters are.
Submitted 8 months ago by to [deleted]
Comments 8 months ago 8 months ago
We voted for Obama twice, and Hillary won the popular vote. 8 months ago
Hillary won the popular vote
Moot point because winning the popular vote is just as meaningless today as it was then 8 months ago
From the outside… I hope that the US is not as bad as it looks. 8 months ago
From the outside - I read a comment about a " possible second black president" and it took me a minute to figure out they were talking about Harris
If I do more than a few hours gardening in summer I’m darker-skinned than her 😂
Why are they so obsessed with someone’s…hue?!? 8 months ago
I’ve lived in the U.S. for more than 20 years. I’m “Mexican from South America” like many Trumpists would call me.
It’s not as bad as it looks. 8 months ago
I’m so tired of hearing this about America, we have one of the most diverse countries in the world. I understand the narrative that the media shows the world, the most horrendous of Americans (which are the smallest groups) get a totally disproportionate amount of media time because of their awful actions. A majority of the population tries to be decent human beings, of course bias exists subconsciously and people aren’t aware of it.
I am in the SE region of the US, which everyone loves generalizing as the most ignorant and racist area. I have seen true racist when I was delivering pizzas and my coworkers were black, it was horrendous. I can assure you the racists are a minority and a shrinking one at that. Not only that but it is exceedingly rare that they are under 50 years. Not only both of those things but both millennials and gen Z call out that shit immediately.
It really starts to wear on you when you actively try to fight these things and everyone still only sees your country as full of racists. Yes they exist but it is a shrinking minority. 8 months ago
We don’t like because she’s a piece of shit cop, not because of her gender or her race
Unpacking Kamala Harris’s Record on Trans and Sex Work Issues - From denying affirming healthcare to a trans inmate to barring forums sex workers used to protect themselves, the former “top cop” has a concerning record of endangering our community’s most marginalized members.…/kamala-harriss-record-on-trans-and-sex-…
Kamala Harris is a complicated choice for some LGBTQ+ people…/kamala-harris-complicated-lgbtq-ch…
Kamala Harris Takes ‘Responsibility’ for Opposing Trans Surgeries…/kamala-harris-takes-responsibility-oppo…
She kept prisoners past their parole or release dates so the prisons wouldnt lose the labor 8 months ago
So is the conclusion from that that LGBTQ people would rather vote for Trump? I don’t get why this would be a reason for them to not support the democrats 8 months ago
Joe Biden was one of that main sponsors on making harsher drug sentences in the 1980’s and yet he changed, and so can she. 8 months ago
Sus account is sus. 8 months ago
That may work in Harris’s favor. She is a woman and she isnt white…
Now I know theres minorities and women who do vote red but if you look at the population based on percentages white men are only 31% of the population, White women 30%, 12% black, 18% Hispanic. If she pulls white women, and the POC (not to mention the LGBT+ vote) she could absolutely walk it in. She just needs to convince those people to get up off their asses and vote in record numbers. 8 months ago
What about her policies though? Being more than one step away from the grave is great, but would she actually make sensible decisions? 8 months ago
I’m afraid I have some bad news… 8 months ago
Checks notes… yep, it’s terminal. 8 months ago
This kind of thinking is exactly the reason why Trump got elected in the first place. 8 months ago
I think Harris is an interesting Democratic nominee to beat Trump, and I think the Democratic Party played a smart move by letting Biden take the hit of the GOP’s initial attack campaign. Now, the Democrats can use the same old age and whatever else they were attacking Biden for on Trump. Additionally, if people were on the fence about Biden, Harris could possibly resolve the issues they were hesitant on. Plus, look at these contrasts:
Trump has raped women. Harris is a woman.
Trump is anti-choice man. Harris is a pro-choice woman.
Trump is a felon. Harris is a prosecutor.
Trump is a racist. Harris is a person of color.
Trump paints himself orange. Harris has a natural skin tone.
Trump is old and has been running a campaign against old age. Harris isn’t even 60 yet.
Trump fucks up everything he touches. Harris was an effective Attorney General.
I think her nomination makes the election really about hypocrisy vs congruence. 8 months ago
Trump has raped women. Harris is a woman.
For the love of God, please, don’t use that one. I hope she has enough of a posture to not try to look victimized on the media in “solidarity” to the people that actually were. 8 months ago
She needs to respond as a prosecutor would, attack against the perpetrator. We already know the right will say and do absolutely anything so why mince words? Call the lying convicted rapist exactly what he is and talk about what policies she feels will improve things.
- 8 months ago
It still boggles my mind that a 34-count convicted felon is even a presidential nominee. Such is the state of the education system in this country. sigh 8 months ago
How is that even legal. Smh. 8 months ago
The obvious answer is: because then it would be incredibly easy to target any “undesirable” (who just so happens to be politically active) and come up with a felony to charge them with. 8 months ago
Because a president could then simply jail his opponents. If the people want to have a convicted felon as their president, in the spirit of democracy, nobody has the right to tell them that they can’t 8 months ago
Anectodally - the young people I knew who were going to sit out the presidential election because they were so mad it was just two ancient white men, or were mad because Gaza, now say they will vote for “whoever the democrats run”.
Which is only two people, but she has at least some votes that otherwise would have gone to nobody. 8 months ago
I personally know one individual who was going to write-in RFK who will now be voting Harris. So far, it’s definitely having a positive effect. 8 months ago
Does she have a chance? Yes
Could she blow it by a number of different items, including choosing a bad running mate? Yes. 8 months ago
This is a bad framing. As soon as the media can figure out a narrative, they’ll try to convince us she “blew it” by doing whatever. 8 months ago
Maybe she’ll eat arugula 8 months ago
Lemmy’s opinions are a poor substitute for polls. Give them a little time to ascertain whether democracy is likely to fall. 8 months ago
Tbh, that’s been one of my big objections to the whole dump biden insanity.
She isn’t a good candidate, a lot of democrats hate her because of her history before going after bigger offices. And those of us further left that would likely vote democrat in most cases are even less happy (see the one more extreme comment that got vote nuked for an example of that kind of opinion), and may either not vote, or vote green or another party.
I’m kinda stuck voting democrat whether I want to or not because there is zero viability beyond the two parties, and the alternative is abhorrent, but I would love a change to the voting system that would allow me to place a vote for better matches to my beliefs rather than voting against a party that’s lost to extremists and oligarchs.
I don’t think she’s got the juice to rally as many votes as she’ll alienate, in other words.
And, as much as it sucks, she’s not a lily white man. That’s going to have plenty of the conservatives rallying against her that are otherwise not pro trump (they do exist). If the whole point of dumping Biden is that he couldn’t win, she’s a horrible choice. I just don’t think she’ll pull swing votes, and I’m certain she’ll receive a coordinated opposition. I’m fairly certain that the farther left is going to be lukewarm at best, and this is a race where a few hundred thousand votes are going to matter.
Again, I’ll vote for her despite not liking her because the alternatives are worse in one way or another. But damn, this whole thing is a cluster-fuck. 8 months ago
If the whole point of dumping Biden is that he couldn’t win,
That was certainly a part of it, but think about why everyone is saying that. He really is old and it is abundantly clear he is struggling every day to remember and carry out basic tasks. Additionally, think about this: What would happen if Biden had gotten sick from the flu or something a few weeks before the election and died (which isn’t that far-fetched)? We’d have no time to mount another candidate and get them the national coverage needed to sway those swing voters. Biden stepping down is a good thing, both for his own health and to significantly reduce the risk of a freak incident occurring the closer we get to election day.
I get it, Kamala isn’t an excellent choice, but she already has national name recognition and is already experienced at that level. Most polls conducted in June and early July had her on almost even footing with Biden’s numbers, with a couple giving her an edge and some showing her slightly behind. However, those polls were conducted before a media blitz and country touring kicks off. I can easily see those numbers only increasing as her campaign’s momentum builds. Biden was already predicted to win the electoral college, and I suspect the same will occur with Kamala. I hope I’m right.
And lastly, I agree, we desperately need to get rid of First-past-the-post voting and move to Ranked Choice Voting. The current status quo of the two-party system has crippled our government for far, far too long. Luckily, more and more states have looked to switching to that system (with some already adopting it). Hopefully, that trend continues into the future. 8 months ago
Hope she says nothing about guns. Everytime I hear a dem bring it up I can hear muricans running to vote gop. 8 months ago
Yep there are a lot of Republican single issue voters, guns rights and abortion bans are two of those issues. 8 months ago
They should just all campaign on “read my lips: no new gun reforms” just to get the votes 8 months ago
As someone who’s extremely left leaning, it’s so goddamn infuriating, because there are so many pro-gun Dem leaning voters that wind up voting ® down the ticket, almost solely because the Democratic candidate went on an idiotic speech about AK-15s and their 30 caliber per second clipazines. It’s not like the anti-gun Dems they’re pandering to are going to vote Republican because the Democratic candidate said nothing about guns during their campaign.
It’s literally one single issue that the Dems could just not say a word about. Literally, no work involved. No campaigning, canvassing, or fundraising. Just don’t bring it up, and it would massively improve their odds in some of the most critical swing states. But no, they just have to virtue signal to the areas that are basically ultramarine blue, and it fucks them over every goddamn time. 8 months ago
Yes and yes. 8 months ago
I have long trusted, alongside polls, Professor Allan Lichtman’s system of keys to the White House. The system uses thirteen true/false questions and asserts that American voters vote for president based on the governing performance of the incumbent party. It has been right 11 times in a row, if you believe that the Supreme Court allowed Bush to win even if recounts were going to turn it in Gore’s favor. It correctly predicted Trump’s 2016 victory along a number of other upsets.
Per this system, Harris has a less lenient board but is still probably favored at this point. She has lost incumbency and unfortunately does not bring charisma (defined as broad appeal past their party). Nonetheless, if the remaining undecided keys fall as they stand now, she would win in October.
In my opinion, her candidacy could be better than Biden’s if this allows Biden to focus on securing a ceasefire in Gaza instead of campaigning. This would allow a foreign military success, making up for the loss of incumbency. She may also hurt RFK’s campaign if there are a good deal of protest voters who are simply tired of two elderly men (and thus picked a slightly younger elderly man).
Because of this system, I was very very worried about Harris replacing Biden. Professor Lichtman’s streak is unparalleled and he has little skin in the game since he is not a pollster doing this for a living. Thus it’s difficult to see it as pure luck. Lichtman himself believes it’s still winnable though, and that has been relieving to hear.
Outside of the system, I can see how Harris could win. She polls better. She’s younger and can be a reasonably decent speaker. She’s certainly more exciting than Biden, and has more energy and time to campaign. With the media focused on her now, she could get her message out quickly and powerfully. I can see her winning by a significant margin.
If I’m honest, I’m not totally optimistic, but there are many factors in her favor. I would’ve felt better if she had the charismatic appeal of Kelly or Whitmer. It’s fine though. Her strengths of being a coherent non-fascist that has never been found legally liable for rape should help separate her from her opponent, and she’ll demolish him in a debate if he develops the courage to show up. 8 months ago
The one thing I’m kinda worried about, that I just learned yesterday, is her tendency to do “word salad” when she just doesn’t know what to say. So we get things like (paraphrasing) “the importance of the passage of time is important, for the passage of time is the passage of time and it’s important.”
She tends to do that a lot apparently :/ 8 months ago
I have to say I am too. She’s had a few incidents of odd speech patterns; if not this, the poor soundbites like weirdly explaining things (“Russia is a country” or “do not come”). Trump’s word salad is so normalized that he won’t be scrutinized for it. There will probably be sexist comments on it as well.
I hope she gets new speechwriters and a bit of training on what to say instead. It’s probably a lot to hope that she can quickly override this pattern, given it’s likely something she’s done all her life, but her duties as VP are relatively minimal and the campaign can afford speech training. She’s better than Trump either way, but being consistently on point would be useful 8 months ago
She could completely blow it by picking the wrong running mate. For instance if she picked Hillary, it would be over. That isn’t going to happen though and she has good options for a running mate if they choose to accept.
People are high on her now because it’s refreshing news they won’t have to vote for Biden. We’ll see if the momentum can carry over into the election and if Kamala shoves her foot in her mouth. I don’t think she will inspire a lot of people to vote but Trump will inspire a lot of people to vote against him. 8 months ago
This is the one area where I’m optimistic. Of all her failings, she seems to present well.
I think she has more charisma than Hillary. I went to a Hillary speech once - smaller audience at a university, Obama-era - and while she’s a good and compelling speaker when speaking to her base, I think she’s prone to phrasing that’s too easily taken out of context out simply easily misinterpreted even in context. The famous example being, of course, when she told middle-America that she wanted to destroy their way of life and put them out of jobs. What she said was that she was going to shut down the coal industry, but that means different things to different people. Kamala is less prone to that, I think. And Hillary was hard to warm to, and I’m kind of a fan of hers.
But we haven’t really seen a lot from Kamala yet.
What I think she has in her favor:
- 4 years in the White House. That’s tremendously valuable experience, even if she was only a proxy and exigency case.
- She might draw support from law enforcement, who’ve been solidly in Camp Trump. She’s going to have to play that carefully, because she could also easily alienate another entire sector. If all she accomplishes is to drive a little wedge in there, that’d be a big win. If you look at polling, Trump leads in “tough on crime.” Kamala could shorten that lead.
- She’s a woman. Yeah, this is one of those big questions of whether it’ll hurt more than help, but there’s an ocean of women (and men) who are still furious about Hilary’s loss, and the fact that the USA is one of (maybe the only?) developed country which has never elected a woman leader. And she’s pro-women’s rights. If she can rally the feminist community, carefully, without alarming the misogynists (is that possible?) such that it becomes a club the One-Eared use against her… I think it’s a potential positive.
- She’s a woman of color. Hell, she has not only a black heritage, but Asian as well. I don’t really know how the mixed race thing plays; I’ve heard that it can hurt more than help. Again, it’s a card that, if she plays it carefully, could bring in a lot of votes. Shit, 5% of New Jersey residents are of south Asian heritage.
- So far, she’s a Middle-East wild card. You publicly support your boss, and her boss was Israel Über Alles. But we don’t know what position she’ll take when she’s making decisions. This gives her wiggle room. Frankly, I think openly supporting Palestine is political suicide - Israel has invested far too much in lobbying, and Palestine hasn’t; she’d lose more votes than she’d gain, despite the outrage on Lemmy about the genocide. But she at least has an opportunity to pick her own position that could offer hope to the victims in the West Bank, without giving Israel the finger and sending their vast financial resources in the US to Trump.
- The debate will be huge. She’ll need to learn from the mistakes in the format, and try to arrange something more debate-ish. But she’s hella sharper than Trump, and that’ll show if she gets good coaching. Look, everyone knows how Trump is going to present; it should be easy for some smart people to use that to maximize making him look more like an idiot. Maybe a little baiting, to get his ego talking more than his incoherent ranting full of dog-whistles. I don’t know, I’m not an expert. But Kamala can hire experts.
- Biden’s staff are incompetent boobs. They’ve mishandled this entire election cycle, giving him bad advice, and bad support. They’ve been so bad, it’s hard to believe they don’t have saboteurs in his cabinet. His performance at the debate? It’s like someone gave him Nyquil, when they should have given him amphetamines. Fuck, if there’s any time to risk a stimulant and pay the price tomorrow, it was at that fucking debate. Anyway, Kamala has an opportunity to hire her own West Wing team, and frankly, that alone can make or break her campaign. She needs a smart, savvy, experienced, and maybe a little devious and ruthless team, and she has a chance to hire them without it looking like she’s chaotically shuffling the deck like Trump’s term.
Look people shouldn’t vote based on heritage, or skin color, or gender - but they do, and you work with what you’ve got when the stakes are this high, and you’ve only got a few months to capture votes.
I think she has a lot going for her. We don’t even know if she’ll be the nominee; maybe someone stronger will win. I think Booker wouldn’t be a bad choice; he’s white, male, and young - that’s removes a lot of variables and is safer. But it it’s Kamala, I think she’s got a lot to work with. If she, or her team, can play her cards well. 8 months ago
I never liked reddit gold but this comment is a masterpiece worthy of it. I don’t really have anything to add because you basically covered it all, and each point is a 10/10 take.
I really hope you’re right, that she can play both sides on issues like law enforcement and the Situation (genocide) in Gaza to really swing those swing voters. I’d really like to know how much of this had been planned from the get-go and how much is really just the democrats scrambling for some semblance of control again. I’m not proud to admit I’m susceptible to conspiratorial thinking, but at a certain point you have to acknowledge that there are huge teams of people with aligned interests who have no job but to make sure that their political master plans have contingencies on contingencies. Politics used to look too coherent for it to be as disorganized as it has become. 8 months ago
Nope, she’ll lose the black vote for putting them into the chattel slavery prison system. She’ll lose the youth vote for supporting the Palestinian genocide. She’ll get a lot of heckin’ blue no matter who Redditors just like Hilary! 8 months ago
Yeah, I’m pretty sure the youth and the black voters are excited to vote for a fascist felon like Trump 8 months ago
[deleted] 8 months ago
I am hoping for Harris to channel her inner persecutor and bull rush Trump off stage. 8 months ago
That I would just truly savor. Her calling out each and every lie that oozes out what he calls a mouth. 8 months ago
I doubt it, the only complaint I ever heard about Biden was he is old. She is way younger. I wouldn’t be surprised if she can pull a lot of Republicans since she is an ex DA and known for being tough on crime.
I guess she could choose Don Jr as her running mate and blow it that way but I see that as impossible. 8 months ago
I think she has a good a chance as anyone and I doubt any running mate pick would blow it unless it was like that one guy that was a dem and went independent because hes basically a republican. 8 months ago
Going for another Californian, if possible, would be a bad call. 8 months ago
if a president and vice president on the same winning ticket hailed from the same state, and it was a close election–things would get messy. really messy. like, even worse than they are now.
an elector’s votes (at that stage of the process, there are two: one for president, one for vice president) in the electoral college cannot both be for a candidate from their own (the elector’s) home state. 8 months ago
What does “from” mean? Could Obama have been voted in with someone from Hawaii or Illinois(for simplicity’s sake, the other person is a lifelong resident in their respective state)? 8 months ago
The Democrats have an unusually deep bench right now. Honestly there’s probably at least 5 very high quality candidates for Veep. Another 5 won’t take it because they plan on running for Prez themselves and don’t want to backbench when their current gig is going so well.
The veep choice won’t be a problem. 8 months ago
I wouldn’t say she has no chance, but the present situation is chaos. Harris could blow it, Trump could blow it, who knows. Biden on the other hand was at a disadvantage vs Trump, but still had winning chances, as we say in chess.
Very recent yet now obsolete: 8 months ago
Shouldn’t there be an actual primary now that the incumbent is out? 8 months ago
Ideally, but there’s ease tally no chance that can be organized in time. The US is big. Biden should have just not run for a second term and let us have the primary as is normal. 8 months ago
Maybe this was all planned so they could shoehorn Harris in there. 8 months ago
She’s got a decent chance. She was already on the ticket, but I feel like she is less known than Biden.
I hope she goes with a safe VP pick like Pete Buttigieg. 8 months ago
I would absolutely love if she picked Pete. I’m not sure how likely it is that will happen though. 8 months ago
It needs to be a nobody. Frankly, probably an boring older white man, so people could picture them in the Pres seat if needed, but otherwise unremarkable. Keep the interest on Kamala. 8 months ago
More of a chance than they did. The dems were definitely going to lose before, now things are shaken up, Trump still has an edge but if they play their cards right who knows. 8 months ago
I want her to win, but I’d bet good money against her winning. 8 months ago
So do it. Either you get a cash payout, or you get a functional democratic government for the next 4-8 years. 8 months ago
Know of anywhere that will let you bet on political races? 8 months ago
Betting odds are 1:1.5 for Trump and 1:3 for Harris while Trump is slightly ahead in the polls. I’d still think it’s a toss up since the Democratic election machine is going to kick into high gear and they have a pretty good youth angle by saying Trump is a relic of the past. 8 months ago
The Trump campaign has been saying Biden is too old forever, and Trump is barely younger. If anyone on their base actually bought that rhetoric then it’s probably going to fly back in their faces now. I have (maybe too much) hope that this can be turned around quickly. 8 months ago
She could blow it badly just by being in the race. 8 months ago
She is in so a vote for her is one less vote for a rapist. 8 months ago
Getting shot gave Trump the win. Project 2025 will destroy the US. 8 months ago
The Democrats are out of time, and they could rush to nominate her as their candidate in August. It’s likely they will find the best polling candidate, and I hope they look for someone outside the Biden/Harris administration. Someone without the baggage of the last four years and complicit in hiding the condition of the current president.
Personally I hope they ask Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to lead. (If she will accept) Of all the possible nominees I’ve read about she has the most experience. 8 months ago
What I wouldn’t give to see Big Gretch in the Oval Office. MAGAts literally tried to hatch a plan to kidnap and murder her, so she’s aware of the threat they pose to civilization in a way few others are. That aside, she’s taught effectively for labor, helped repeal right to work in her home state, and is brimming with personality.
She also doesn’t want the job, which makes her even more perfect for it. 8 months ago
Kamala has the charisma of a potato, so it’s not yet clear how well she’ll do. She has a few sketchy things in her past as the former California attorney general which will likely come up (taking bribes to drop serious charges). 8 months ago
Do you have a source for such a bold claim? 8 months ago
I do.…/amp
Steve Mnuchin and OneWest Bank were, according to a memo obtained and reported on by The Intercept, guilty of “widespread misconduct” in the form of over 1,000 legal violations. The memo was the result of a year-long investigation and it asserts that OneWest Bank operated to intentionally boost foreclosures. The Campaign for Accountability called for a federal investigation of Mnuchin and OneWest Bank claiming they used “potentially illegal tactics to foreclose on as many as 80,000 California homes.”
Yet despite internal memos explicitly mentioning numerous prosecutable offenses by Mnuchin and co., then California Attorney General Kamala Harris refused to prosecute.
She’s never given an explanation for her decision and Mnuchin later donated $2,000.00 to Harris’ campaign. It was his only donation to a democratic candidate. 8 months ago
Thanks troll 8 months ago
According to the polls aggregated by 538, she does significantly better than Biden. But Trump still has the advantage in polling. 8 months ago
Trump is now the oldest presidential nominee in history. She’s about 20 years younger then him. She’s unburdened by all of Biden’s failures, and can claim all his successes. Also not being catholic she doesn’t have to be weird about abortion and can be pro choice, which post-Roe is a HUGE deal for about 50% of the population. Trumpworld’s best hit against her is her laugh, which is absolutely not doing numbers because… c’mon.
So yeah she’s got a decent chance, but obviously anything can happen. 8 months ago
The only point I’d argue is that whenever I see pictures of people protesting outside abortion clinics there are plenty of women there too…
The abortion topic might not necessarily pull the womens vote as hard as you might think. 8 months ago
There are of course women on both sides, but generally speaking the prospect of being forced to cast a child they do not want is off-putting for most women. 8 months ago
See you’d think that but in practice women almost never imagine the men want restrictions that are actually as strict as the rhetoric suggests.
No exception bans are so beyond the pale that even blood red Nebraska will go 60 to 40 against them. Hitting the abortion button is one of the Dems’ best strategies right now, if the Republicans defend it too much they alienate the center, and if they don’t defend it enough they sap the right’s energy for them, and they themselves have polarized the issue enough that there’s not nearly as much of a goldilocks zone for keeping enough voters grumbling but not turned off to skate by as there may have been in the past.
Also applies to Project 2025 more generally but the abortion issue is the locus around which that broader case can be built from since it’s the “right now” manifestation of just how crazy it will all be. 8 months ago
You’re conflating volume with popular support. The Nationalist Christians and related religious fundamentalists are extremely loud, obnoxious, and annoying, and that group does include women. It’s just important to also acknowledge that religious fundies, despite how noisy they are, are not a majority of the populace at this point.
And moreover, part of the reason they’re being so loud, obnoxious, and annoying, and the core reason of why they’re trying to solidify their hold on power, is that they can see demographic tea leaves - religiosity is plummeting across the country for a lot of very good reasons. But instead of adjusting their stances to be more inclusive, they’ve taken the Fox News route and are going for outrage. As long as we can make it through this and the next election relatively intact, I think and hope that this particularly cancerous tribe of fundies are destined for the dustbin of history. 8 months ago
Most of those women think the only moral abortion is their abortion. Most of those men abortions are a means to an end of getting women back into the kitchen. This has way more to do with women’s suffrage than it ever did about babies. Just look at how they treat babies/mothers after they are born. 8 months ago
Not sure if by that 50% part you mean that women all care about abortion rights. They definitely don’t. Conservative women love hurting other women whom they perceive to be sluts. It assuages their pain about dedicating their lives to some bubba of a husband who has never made them cum.