- Comment on art rule 1 day ago:
I’m already judging you, if it makes you feel better.
- Comment on Day 251 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots 6 days ago:
god, I miss when Ubisoft weren’t shit
can’t wait for them to go bankrupt. Then we can have another good Far Cry game, hopefully, when the rights are snapped up at auction.
- Comment on Idioms 1 week ago:
Why you keep aakin’ me that? Where his holiness does his business, is his business.
- Comment on This whole "Sign in to prove you're not a bot" thing is pissing me off 2 weeks ago:
Whenever I encounter that while trying to view something in private browsing (to avoid it tainting my recommendations), I go out of my way to use an alternative frontend just to spite them.
- Comment on TIL there's appliances to help with waffle stomping, Thanks Google 3 weeks ago:
Do you think God stays in heaven because He, too, lives in fear of what He’s created?
- Comment on Technology just isn't there yet 3 weeks ago:
From my understanding its more like a digital tollbooth that’s been tracking you across the web, and when it can’t figure out who you are/where you’ve been, it holds you hostage to do free image recognition as a toll.
- Comment on Anon has brand loyalty 3 weeks ago:
Please, the true connoisseur already has their perfect porn downloaded locally and kept in an innocuously-named folder.
- Comment on Anon has brand loyalty 3 weeks ago:
what kind of sick degenerate doesn’t watch their porn in fullscreen? Are they really beating it while going like Image at that tiny ass viewport? Why?
- Comment on You guys have to end it 3 weeks ago:
using the PRiNDle
- Comment on Please allow ads! JK, you need to subscribe, too! LOL 4 weeks ago:
I dunno, maybe provide such a good service that it makes me want to pay? Like I do with Steam games?
also, “you aren’t paying them, therefor they have the right to invade your privacy and serve malicious ads to you” is such a stupid, shit take. Are you some megacorp CEO’s personal ball-gargler or something?
- Comment on Please allow ads! JK, you need to subscribe, too! LOL 5 weeks ago:
see, I don’t negotiate with terrorists, so I use PopUpOFF and Bypass Paywalls Clean. Also AdNauseam, TrackMeNot, CanvasBlocker, and SponsorBlock to round out the “fuck you, fuck your ads, and fuck your tracking” suite.
Hostile consumer practices? Become a hostile consumer.
- Comment on Hardcore gaming 5 weeks ago:
Impedance and audio quality are not intrinsically linked.
- Comment on The right person for me deserves better. 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on TransPeople are real 5 weeks ago:
People are people, so why should it be
You and I should get along so awfully?
- Comment on Best way to turn off people and get lower tips 1 month ago:
For this? I’d hit the custom button and put in $0.02, and then tell them exactly why they’re getting that tip. I only get “thank you!” if I double the cost of my order? fuck off.
- Comment on Spotify Premium "Ad Free" plan 1 month ago:
I’d switch if there was something like RVRB for Tidal or, better still, your own local music collection. Or if RVRB supported other platforms.
- Comment on made a sticky 1 month ago:
Imagine thinking the point of life is to work, and not to live. Imagine being that far up your own ass.
I’d pity you if you weren’t so smug.
- Comment on ligma 1 month ago:
Depends. Is this tar from the 60s?
- Comment on ENHANCE 1 month ago:
I reckon it’s the cleaning.
I’ve never used contacts because the idea of touching my eye squicks me out (even if it’s something meant to go there, just – no.), but having your eyelids do all the cleaning and never having to worry about them getting dirty or scratched is probably something a lot of people appreciate.
Me, I’m happy just using a microfiber cloth and being careful.
- Comment on Looks legit, but can it actually be a real thing? 1 month ago:
Didn’t he later admit it was shopped?
- Comment on unless it’s really really funny 1 month ago:
listen, everything seems really really funny until there’s an FBI agent sitting you down at a table with a printout of it. Tends to suck the humor right out of your shitposting.
- Comment on I should bikini top his bikini bottom 1 month ago:
I used to joke, back in his first term, about going back in time from 2018 twenty years, and trying to convince someone you’re from the future.
If you’re from the future, who’s the next president, then?
Bush’s son.
No, George Jr. Twice.
JUNIOR?! That fucking moron got elected?! And what about after him?
Our first black president, Barack Hussein Obama from Illinois.
… The American voting public elected a black man called Barack Hussein Obama? You gotta be fucking with me.
Nope. Two terms, too.
Suuure. And who was after him? A woman?
No, Donald Trump.
Oh fuck off you’re not from the future, you’re just a loon.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
what the other guy said. Send it to the media if it was a national scandal, it’ll be extra spicy.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
yeah, send that to his superiors and watch the fireworks.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Ice cream, soup (add crackers and let them soften, if you want), possibly noodles.
One snack food you can eat without chewing, goldfish crackers. One or two at a time, just let them soak up saliva in your mouth and soften before swallowing.
Certain hard candy, as long as you don’t suck on them too hard. Think peppermints, something that’ll make you salivate (which will help it dissolve without having to suck on it too aggressively – you do not want dry socket). Also, any other soft candy that’ll dissolve, like York peppermint patties, might be okay.
- Comment on GTA VI Might Inspire Other AAA Developers to Price Their Games at $100 2 months ago:
if it’s higher than $60 it can go suck a fuck
in fact, if the online is as ridden with issues as 5’s online has been, I’ll probably just pirate it. Why would I want to pay $60+ just so I can get squeezed for even more money via microtransactions?
- Comment on Hold on! 2 months ago:
Everyone on Lemmy is a bot except you.
- Comment on How do I realistically get out of the US? 2 months ago:
- Comment on Potatoes ftw 2 months ago:
negatory ghost rider, that is your average everyday potato seeking sunlight.
- Comment on How can you bypass a Reddit site ban? 2 months ago:
because reddit admins are surely always in the right and never overzealous about banning for the slightest transgression or even non-transgressions, right?