- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 2 days ago:
The average empire lasts 250 years, for the US that year is 2026. The US has been in a downward spiral for decades.
- Comment on What keeps Americans from being mad about the state of their country? 6 days ago:
The delusion that their party will someday fix it
- Comment on what if another country staged a coup in the US and deposed trump? 1 week ago:
Trump is a symptom of a corrupt system. Removing him is like treating cancer with a bandaid. The entire system must be challenged and overthrown, which includes Democrats and Republicans alike.
- Comment on Trump suggests the US taking over Gaza, kicking out all remaining Palestinians 2 weeks ago:
“Im speaking!”
- Comment on Trump suggests the US taking over Gaza, kicking out all remaining Palestinians 2 weeks ago:
Those of us watching it unfold in 2024. Biden started with genocide, and the next step is ethnic cleansing.
- Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 2 weeks ago:
How many people does it take before it becomes wrong?
- Comment on I just saw the words "Beatles Cinematic Universe" 2 weeks ago:
I’m sure it will be torture when you are forced to watch them
- Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 2 weeks ago:
If one person is being unjustly denied their right to freedom under law it’s just as bad as if 30000 are being denied their right to freedom under the law.
- Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 3 weeks ago:
It sounds like somebody got triggered, liberals put Trump into power by being ineffective at governing and ratcheting. All of the Republican right-wing legislation that’s put in place over the last 50 years. If liberals bothered to hold their own politicians accountable and refuse to support them when they did actions that directly targeted the working class, someone like Biden or Trump would never have had the opportunity to come into office.
Yours is the party that is willing to overlook a genocide and in some cases deny that there is a genocide, a party that labeled protesters to that genocide as terrorists. That has laid the groundwork and built the foundation for things like mass deportation, militarizing police departments which Trump will now weaponize. Liberals that spent 50 years accepting small amounts of lesser evil which in turn accepting incremental fascism.
This is a bed that liberals have made for themselves and the rest of the country and now they’re really uncomfortable with it. They love talking about purity tests while allowing their own politicians to get away with everything that they want to because they know that liberal voters are ignorant enough to keep coming back and elect them, because they have no red line, they have no backbone
- Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 3 weeks ago:
The choices were shit and shit regardless of who won, the red fascist or the blue fascists.
- Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 3 weeks ago:
The blood is on the hands of anyone she supported the duopoly. Fascism has been here but overalls have been too distracted at brunch to pay attention. Everytime they accept ‘lesser evil’ they are accepting incremental fascism…
- Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 3 weeks ago:
People are still being held there, with no due process for over 20 years.
1 person being held with no due process is as bad as 30000.
Liberals and their fucking trump derangement syndrome keep fighting the wrong things.
- Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 3 weeks ago:
If they wanted to vote for a right wing reactionary they would have voted for Trump, not the one pandering to his base.
- Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 3 weeks ago:
You’re talking like it hasn’t always been a concentration camp. If liberals bothered to hold their own people accountable and have an actual red line that couldn’t be crossed, someone like Trump could have never made it into office.
- Comment on Permabanned from Reddit? 3 weeks ago:
I was very political, but everything said and posted was within TOS limits. 3 of my huge subs were abandoned and are now being run by shit mods. They claimed I was inciting violence by saying Palestinians have the right to defend themselves.
- Comment on Permabanned from Reddit? 3 weeks ago:
My old account was 15 years old, approaching 2 million karma, never a single warning, no posts or comments ever removed for violating Reddit TOS and a some Zionist fascist pig admin didnt like a pro Palestinian comment and permabanned me
- Comment on Is there anything stopping constant impeachment votes? 4 weeks ago:
Because Dems are complicit in his actions, they only opposed him in rhetoric, in action they back him
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
I love #5, but it only needs a very small amount. He may be over applying it. If it’s a spray about 1/2 pump, and if it’s an applicator one swipe should be enough
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
The problem is liberals only speak out, in action they don’t do shit to protect the vulnerable, they never hold their own politicians accountable for their inaction.
- Comment on How do prisons handle people with peanut allergies? 5 weeks ago:
As someone that’s traveled in first class extensively there are always peanuts on board
- Comment on 25 hours of snow. 1 month ago:
Thats what Big Bear or Lake Arrowhead are for
- Comment on 25 hours of snow. 1 month ago:
As someone that hates the cold weather, this looks way beyond mildly infuriating.
- Comment on Has the USA turned into an oligarchy? 1 month ago:
Americans foundation was built as an oligarchy.
- Comment on I'm less mildly infuriated that I am still getting these stupid political scam texts and more that they are probably working on some people. 1 month ago:
I did a few times in 2016, and the sent to email address is always that email.
- Comment on I'm less mildly infuriated that I am still getting these stupid political scam texts and more that they are probably working on some people. 1 month ago:
It’s all a grift, if it wasn’t working they wouldn’t keep using it.
- Comment on I'm less mildly infuriated that I am still getting these stupid political scam texts and more that they are probably working on some people. 1 month ago:
The worst part of it was Bernie swore he wasnt giving his lists to the DNC
- Comment on I'm less mildly infuriated that I am still getting these stupid political scam texts and more that they are probably working on some people. 1 month ago:
They sold the email list too. I gave an alias email address specifically setup for a Bernie donation. They all use that email address now.
- Comment on If God is all powerful and created human. How come God in endowed with human emotions? Shouldn't he or she be beyond that? 1 month ago:
I asked a Christian friend of mine how an all knowing god could be jealous or angry if they were all knowing and the actions of the people they were angry/jealous at were part of his plan.
I never got an answer other than ‘mysterious ways’
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
The mods over here are also turning Lemmy into echo chambers
- Comment on Does anyone think it's poetic that in 2024, Trump is re-elected similarly to the same way George W Bush was in 2004? 2 months ago:
He says a lot of bullshit things like Biden did, And all piece of shit politicians before them