- Comment on If a criminal says a cop planted drugs or whatever on them why don't they ask for a finger print test? And vice versa a cop could also request it to clear up everything? 1 day ago:
The role they play on the court is bad, and shouldn’t exist. A criminal court shouldn’t be “the State against X”, it should be X defending themselves, and the State looking for what really happened. Nobody should be “against X”. The State goes against specific people in kangaroo courts, not real ones.
And yeah, names don’t always matter. But on this case they seem to reflect the reality almost perfectly.
On “District Attorney”, they don’t defend the district on courts. But this one name seems to not matter.
Also, honestly, I don’t know how your rules for confession aren’t constantly questioned on international courts for violating human rights. You can’t just take a defendant’s word that they did it.
Anyway, none of that is “corruption” exactly. It’s a different problem. Don’t expect the remedies that exist for corruption to work with it.
- Comment on If a criminal says a cop planted drugs or whatever on them why don't they ask for a finger print test? And vice versa a cop could also request it to clear up everything? 2 days ago:
All courts work the same.
They don’t. And the way the US courts work is almost exclusive to them.
- Comment on If a criminal says a cop planted drugs or whatever on them why don't they ask for a finger print test? And vice versa a cop could also request it to clear up everything? 2 days ago:
Even that “prosecutor” name is bad.
The State is there to find and punish the right people, not to go after a random person they selected.
On most countries, the equivalent to a prosecutor will insist that the police works correctly, and will throw away cases if some evidence appear that the suspect is innocent.
- Comment on I don't think they understand. We're interviewing them too. 2 days ago:
Oh, it seems I’m getting thread-structure blindness.
I only saw the person complaining that the questions weren’t answered. I didn’t notice the one bragging about not answering them.
- Comment on I don't think they understand. We're interviewing them too. 2 days ago:
No problem in anticipating them. But the OP might not be asking them to a person that is allowed to answer them.
- Comment on Free McDonald's for everyone! For a limited time in selected restaurants. 4 days ago:
I wonder if they will extend citizenship to all the new areas they annex.
It is indeed a simple and very smart solution to the problem of illegal immigrants that the guy promised to solve in his campaign. I never expected smart solution from him in particular…
- Comment on Totally forgot there were subreddits that did this lol 4 days ago:
Well, with the added detail that the censorship would only apply to Chinese people. You won’t get a good real-world metaphor.
It’s still quite messed up, and if ml mods dislike the other instances rules that much, they should just defederate them.
- Comment on Was Isaac Newton physics jesus? 5 days ago:
Much of the Special Relativity value was on Lorenz mechanics anyway.
And General Relativity, the Photoelectric Effect explanation, and his explanation for the Brownian movement all needed a great deal of anti-establishment thinking… honestly, I have no idea how much Newton had of that.
- Comment on Could space mining alter earth orbit? 1 week ago:
Anything you do in space will alter the Earth’s orbit by some amount. But unless you strip mine an small planet out there, you won’t get enough material for the change to matter.
- Comment on vibes-based astrophysics 1 week ago:
Anakin: In my view, it’s the observations that are wrong!
Dark matter (WIMPs) has a lot of known issues, the largest one being that we should probably already have seen it (but not certainly, we just excluded almost all of it, not all). None of those is strong enough to really kill the theory, it is still the best one we have, but to firmly believe in it is something else.
But yeah, AFAIK the judge is still out on whether this is even a change from the previous model or we just calculated things wrong.
- Comment on Can I wear hardware o rings with my 4g piercing? 1 week ago:
Components from hardware stores have all kinds of composition. If you don’t know what it’s made from, why would you assume it’s safe?
Even “stainless steel” can have all kinds of different compositions, some highly allergenic, some out-right toxic.
- Comment on A job well done 1 week ago:
Do we know that?
I mean, wasn’t that Einstein guy that said that if it’s true, we will never truly know it?
- Comment on If me and a bunch of my lemmy friends got on a yacht. Went into international waters what could we get away with legally and what would still be illegal? 2 weeks ago:
Theoretically, the yacht follows the laws of the place it’s registered. On practice, the country you and your friends live will be the one that cares about it… so, it’s not any different from what you can do at home.
- Comment on IEEE 754 2 weeks ago:
It’s not mimicry.
- Comment on For science 2 weeks ago:
Before you, there wasn’t any study on the aerodynamics of a cat exactly like this one.
World changed!
- Comment on Is there a way to search for specific words on a site? 2 weeks ago:
You can try looking if the site changed at
But yeah, as givesomefucks said, what you asked for is CTRL-f.
- Comment on Communism 2 weeks ago:
One of those is the ideal version that Marx described as the ultimate goal and that can never be made by humans anyway because humans just don’t behave like that. The other one is what you actually get if you follow the Marx Manifesto and his idea of an “intermediate state” that could bring you to the end goal. (And if you go compare it with plain OG Fascism, both look way too much alike.)
There are other things called “communism”, both the word and the concept are way older than Marx. There are even ideas that begun in that umbrella but we don’t actually group in any singular concept, and instead are “just the way things are” nowadays.
- Comment on What do drain unclogging liquids actually do? 3 weeks ago:
Just to add, alkaline substances turn fats into soap, making them not only dissolve in water, but also help dissolving the surrounding fat.
Acids are much more harmful to metals, and wouldn’t have this effect.
- Comment on Nom nom 3 weeks ago:
It’s not. This is schools failing worldwide to teach math in an adequate form.
- Comment on Wanna play a game? (please don't call osha) 3 weeks ago:
At close to -1 weeks after it gets bottled.
- Comment on Wanna play a game? (please don't call osha) 3 weeks ago:
Why do you keep vinegar in the fridge?
Imagine the trouble if it rots!
- Comment on master manipulators 4 weeks ago:
War of the Worlds got absolutely the wrong reason for the aliens to leave.
- Comment on 1/2 my thesis 4 weeks ago:
That! Extend the article into a 3 pages paper and reference it!
That solves the problem.
- Comment on Things weren't bad enough and then a Moose attacks you 4 weeks ago:
I don’t think the moose would attack if there wasn’t a dog there. It wasn’t reacting at first.
But yeah, good dog anyway.
- Comment on DNA 4 weeks ago:
Well, I’m pretty sure bacteria and others aren’t thrilled by the blatant and offensive pro-prokaryote bias on that name.
- Comment on I'm literally a thinking lump of fat 4 weeks ago:
There’s a lot of water and ions (IONS!) besides that limp of fat.
- Comment on Is there a theoretical limit to profit? 4 weeks ago:
In case you want a serious treatment, for nominal profit:…
For real profit, labor productivity must put some limit on it somewhere, but I have never seen anybody look at it.
Either way, “profit” is not something you squeeze out of society. The nominal one can’t be unbalanced, and the real one is hard to even track.
You may get some better answers if think in terms of wealth inequality. But that one won’t appear on the coarse level of the wikipedia article.
- Comment on Need those unit conversions 4 weeks ago:
That’s why they talk so easily about unities like “goalposts per supercarrier”, US people are used to the confusion.
- Comment on The torque better not be too strong with this one 5 weeks ago:
Torx is more resilient to over-torsion than Hex, but both of them will end near the end of the list on that one metric, with slot first, and way ahead of anything else.
Despite what the Torx publicity says, engineering is done over a multitude of dimensions, and that one dimension Torx wins may not be nearly as important as some other random one.
- Comment on The torque better not be too strong with this one 5 weeks ago:
What they don’t say is that the smaller the features on the contact, the easier it is to strip them. This almost reverses the order on your post depending on the way you tighten the screw.