- Comment on What are some old games that are hard to revisit, because a more modern and superior version exists? 1 day ago:
I agree, but going back to Morrowind is incredibly easy oddly. Oblivion was on the path to Skyrim, but Morrowind is in a totally different position.
- Comment on 'vegetative electron microscopy' 1 day ago:
Sure, we don’t know what makes us sapient or conscious. It isn’t a handful of neurons on a tray though. They’re significantly less conscious than your computer is.
- Comment on 'vegetative electron microscopy' 1 day ago:
I don’t get how the ethics of that are questionable. It’s not like they’re taking brains out of people and using them. It’s just cells that are not the same as a human brain. It’s like taking skin cells and using those for something. The brain is not just random neurons. It isn’t something special and magical.
- Comment on 'vegetative electron microscopy' 1 day ago:
The LLM systems are pattern recognition without any logic or awareness is the issue. It’s pure pattern recognition, so it can easily find some patterns that aren’t desired.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 days ago:
To an extent, but it isn’t a replacement. Talking to random strangers online is not the same as talking to real local people.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 days ago:
That sucks. If I were you I’d try to move to somewhere more dense and it could help you out. I know, easier said than done. You can try applying for jobs online and maybe get lucky though.
Good luck out there!
- Comment on [deleted] 3 days ago:
I’m willing to bet one of the largest factors is the isolation we now live in. We used to have third places on every corner, we interacted with our neighbors, and public transport made us connect during commutes. We also relied on talking to people for most of our news and information and generally just were forced to be part of a community, or multiple.
Now we drive alone in a car to work, drive alone back to our house that’s isolated from others and don’t speak to neighbors, we have no third places left, and we get all our information from the internet or TV. Most people don’t have a community larger than a handful of close friends. We can’t organize and we don’t see the struggles other people are going through or help each other out. There’s no social bonds, and everyone only looks out for themselves.
I order to progress, we need to figure out how to form communities again. We need to be able to organize. This is all constructed to keep us thinking about ourselves as an individual rather than the collective us. We think about what I can do, which is pretty minor, not what we can do, which is almost anything we want.
- Comment on the duality of beetle 3 days ago:
It’s so you can see the top and bottom. It seems pretty obvious it’s left-right that has the differences. Just look at the mandibles!
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 1 week ago:
So, I agree with you, but them providing bins implies they’re going to be responsible and empty them, and people should feel free to use them. They shouldn’t have to try to predict which cans are fine to use and which ones aren’t.
This post is them doing the correct thing if they aren’t going to do that, and it isn’t an issue. Put your trash in your pocket or your backpack or something. It isn’t hard.
- Comment on I left negative feedback on ebay for dropshipping and the seller has messaged me four days in a row asking me to change it 1 week ago:
Take the bribe and update your review to inform people they’re bribing for positive reviews.
- Comment on Is someone falling for this crap? 2 weeks ago:
I don’t think they did. They didn’t consider that it’s someone harassing her though. Most people have only considered it spam/scam, not something targeting whoever she is.
- Comment on Gaming has a polarization problem 2 weeks ago:
Yep. Most AAA gaming is too afraid to appeal to a specific segment of the market. They make games that everyone is supposed to like, which often ends up being uninteresting at best.
Smaller games can target a smaller audience and still be successful. They take risks and do new things, and it’ll push some people away but many will enjoy it a lot more for it.
- Comment on Gaming has a polarization problem 2 weeks ago:
The thing is, those reviews must be left by someone who purchased it. It’s got a self-selection bias. People purchased it presumably expecting to like it. They thought it would be a style of game they enjoyed. Most people who think it isn’t something they’ll like will just pass over it and not buy it, and obviously not effect the score.
- Comment on From the trailer of Wolfenstein: The New Order (2014) 2 weeks ago:
I think they lost their mind.
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
Second. The Articles of Confederation was first and 0failed.
- Comment on How would a stateless society handle serious threats such as mass murder and terrorism? 3 weeks ago:
Here’s a good page that goes into more detail, but no. Anarchism is not a total lack of government. It’s the removal of hierarchical systems and exploitation (inside and out of the government).
- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 3 weeks ago:
Dark Cloud 2 (aka Dark Chronicle). That and MGS3 are basically the only PS2 games I actively think about still.
Dark Cloud 1 is also worth playing, but I’d play 2 first. It smoothes out a lot of issues with the first and adds so much more to it.
- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 3 weeks ago:
It’s crazy to me that we don’t get games like SSX anymore. Games can’t just be a goofy fun time now, for the most part. Even indies don’t tend to do things like that.
That may because they actually don’t sell, but I doubt it. It’s just going to not make as much money, and most studios only make games with too much budget now instead of allowing smaller games to be made with less risk.
- Comment on How would a stateless society handle serious threats such as mass murder and terrorism? 4 weeks ago:
I call myself an Anarchist, but I don’t think there are many reasonable Anarchists who want a society without any government. It’s necessary for the function of protecting people. It shouldn’t be involved in telling people how to live their lives where it doesn’t effect others though, such as laws against drug use or any other lifestyle choices. It should step in to protect people from exploitation and dangers that they don’t choose freely.
To answer your question, it couldn’t. Essentially no one is asking for that though, so it’s not really a useful question.
- Comment on Common Ground 4 weeks ago:
Let me give you an example and maybe that will be easier to understand. If you let a person stay at your house because they have no where to live and then steal stuff, that’s not ok. Now you bring them to therapy and explain why it was wrong and they promise to stop. Then you let them stay at your house and they still again. So you talk to them again and tell them they need to stop. They continue to steal. Now, at some point, you trying to reform this person is just an invitation to having your stuff stolen because it’s not getting through.
This is not analogous to this situation at all. They will keep doing what they’re doing. They aren’t invited to do it by us. The only way to make them stop is to get them to join us. You can’t just kick them out like you could someone staying at your house.
The equivalent situation would be something like being locked in a house with someone. Your best bet is to convince them to be better. It isn’t to turn them into an enemy because you’re stuck with them.
How am I not showing empathy?
Because you aren’t trying to understand how they can come to their position empethetically. They have empathy. It’s just being abused. You’re trying to turn them into some monstrous “other” that you don’t have to consider where they came from.
Or do you think deporting people, banning books, telling people they aren’t the gender they claim to be, limiting health care, passing voter suppression, taxing the lower and middle class to fund tax breaks for the rich, you think all that shows empathy?
These are actions, not reasons. Murder is generally bad, right? However, if I murder someone to save hundreds of other people, maybe not anymore, right? They’re told, for example, that immigrants are killing, raping, or doing whatever to Americans. They’re told this is a rampant massive issue. They want to protect the innocent who are being harmed. They come to a bad action through an empathetic thought process. You not seeing how that can be done is you not having empathy for them.
One side was literally making up insulting nick names for people, banning the press from even covering them, people running as dems them voting republican.
I’m not discussing republican elected officials. They’re the ones misleading republican voters to do evil. They are almost universally bad. The average republican is not. They’re mostly misguided.
You’re the group in WW2 that thought Hitler could be reasoned with and kept trying to appease him.
Again, I’m not talking about the leaders. I’m the person who would fight against Hitler, but wouldn’t turn down the help of someone else who wanted to fight against him but voted for him in the past.
Out of touch doesn’t even begin to come close to addressing this… Holy crap man. Do you follow politics at all?
Most people want what’s best for them and their family. They’re told socialism or whatever is evil, and they believe it. When the policies are polled without telling them what it is, people agree with them. Most Republicans want to legalize Marijuana, for example. The elected officials don’t. Don’t think what republican officials say or do represents their voters, because it often doesn’t when polled. They support workers. They generally support people being allowed to do what they want freely. However, they’re told there’s a great evil they need to defend against, and that they’re doing the right thing by fighting against the left.
There’s a reason why people call themselves “Forever Trumpers”, they will follow him to the end.
These are not most republican voters.
Look at some of the street interviews of these people, they don’t care about policy, they care about their side winning, fully stop.
Again, these aren’t most republican voters. Most republican voters are sitting at home and trying to survive, like everyone else.
They’re told they’re fighting the good fight. They’re told there’s evil that’s trying to harm innocent people. All of this is done so the elites can keep fucking them and us. Telling them they have to continue to be our enemy because they once we’re is stupid. It’s a waste of everyone’s time.
Making enemies has never helped anyone. If you don’t want to ask them to join, fine. Just don’t say anything. No one needs you to pop in and tell them their pieces of shit when they’re thinking about voting against Republicans.
- Comment on Common Ground 4 weeks ago:
Stop letting them cause damage? We’re “letting” them do that? Sorry, we don’t have any control of them causing damage. Making sure they double down instead of seeing an opportunity to change only makes sure they cause more damage. Insulting them doesn’t make them want to stop.
To rehabilitate someone like that they need empathy, the one thing Republicans lack en mass.
Ironically, this is a response with a total lack of empathy. No, they largely do have empathy. They’re just told that they path that does the most good is the wrong one. They want to protect women, and they’re told that trans women are a threat to them. Sure, it’s lies, but they’re that abuses empathy. If they lacked empathy then the messaging wouldn’t target empathy.
We’ve tried talking and reasoning for years, look where we are.
No, we haven’t. Our political class has specifically sought to divide. Sure, they try to get republican support when they need to, though they don’t do it through going left. They do it through maintaining the status quo.
Regardless, it doesn’t matter what “we’ve tried” before. Its about practicality. What does telling them they are bad and can’t move past that do? It only ensures they’ll never be useful. That’s not the way forward. We need to push leftist policy, which they largely do agree with (but only if it’s not called leftist) and invite them to join us. If we don’t then we are stuck where we are, which personally I don’t really care for.
- Comment on Common Ground 4 weeks ago:
When did I make it out like they were the victims? I pretty clearly said they aren’t I think. I said it’s more useful to turn them into allies if possible rather than ensure they remain enemies.
I agree their news sources are toxic, but also like you said it’s addicting. I think we should try to assist addicts of all kinds, because it isn’t necessarily their faults, and even if it is fighting them doesn’t help. It only causes more harm. It’s better to help them get to a better place where they can be made to do good.
- Comment on Common Ground 4 weeks ago:
The problem is they don’t have all evidence to the contrary, as you say. They’re told there’s a massive issue of trans people playing sports and making impossible for women to compete, and things like that. They’re given very impassioned reasons to believe that they’re believing the morally correct thing. They’re told it’s to protect people. You just refuse to accept that your “opponent” can have the same moral reasons for doing something as you do.
There are others out there that need my help more than the hillbilly lifelong GOP voter. They can fend for themselves. I’m not going to waste a breath on them when I am too busy fixing all of the shit they’ve been breaking.
Yeah, sure. I’m not asking you to. I’m asking you to shut the fuck up while other people try to do good. You don’t need to tell them they aren’t allowed in joining us to fix things, or to work to get them on side. You just need to sit down and not say anything. You seem to have plenty of time to waste telling them they won’t be accepted, which can’t work to do good.
- Comment on Common Ground 4 weeks ago:
For an example of how this isn’t useful, my dad (a long time ago) bought the rhetoric against gay marriage. The reasoning was that it was a thing done by the church, because that’s the lie he’d been told. It was a lie, but he supported a bad thing because he’d been given a “good” reason. Once it was explained the church had nothing to do with it and it was a state issue, he realized it was wrong.
I could have just called him a bigot and pushed him further down that path, as a sort of revenge. What good would that do though. It might have made me feel better for a moment, but that’s it. It wouldn’t have cause any real change.
Your feelings, at the end of the day, matter little. Outcomes matter. If we can push some propaganda to get people who traditional vote conservative to vote liberal, that’s worth it. We don’t have to refuse to out of some backwards morality because they believed something in the past. It’s cutting your nose off to spite your face. It only hurts you in the long term, even if it felt ideal in the moment.
We should focus on actually doing good and creating the best outcomes for trans people, the drag community, minorities, women, and everyone else. We shouldn’t care about how it makes us feel.
- Comment on Common Ground 4 weeks ago:
I don’t disagree, but just like the prison system, revenge doesn’t solve any problems. It only makes them worse. The goal should be rehabilitation to improve society, not revenge seeking to make it worse just to make us temporarily feel superior.
- Comment on Observer 4 weeks ago:
“Observation” in a QM sense has nothing to do with sapience of anything like that. It literally just means that something needed the information and it collapses the waveform. It’s any time it influences another particle. It doesn’t matter what that particle is. If it needs to know the state or the particle we care about then it “observed” it. Humans or animals need not be involved.
- Comment on Instant removal 5 weeks ago:
I think you didn’t see what I replied to. The comment, which is now gone, implied the person above said they didn’t eat it.
- Comment on French video game developers stage first industry-wide strike 5 weeks ago:
To support the strike fund I assume, which is the point of the whole post?
- Comment on Instant removal 5 weeks ago:
Obviously you commented a refutation without understanding what they said, and didn’t bother to type the word in Google, but I’m curious what you thought they said. Did you think they were saying they grew nails in their stomach or something? Obviously they ate them. How else would you think they could be there?
- Comment on Memory Wiped 1 month ago:
You’re right those usually aren’t taught but that’s very different than denying they happened. Honestly, it’s more effective too probably. China denying it is part of why it keeps being brought up. They’re in too deep now, but if they had just said “yeah, it happened and it’s regretful” then people probably wouldn’t bring it up all the time.