- Comment on Why do news articles and such call the governments of countries/groups of countries after the capital? 1 week ago:
It’s a type of figue of speech, called a metonym.
- Comment on Why are Maries Sues hated while Gary Stus are loved? 1 week ago:
As another example, think of the hate Wesley Crusher still gets decades after TNG. I dunno how Wil Wheaton deals with it.
- Comment on Why is a two-party system considered democratic? 1 week ago:
Yes for some theory about this, see:
- Comment on Multilingual people all must have experienced YouTube's f**kery with auto translation. Still no workaround? 1 week ago:
You can turn off captions, I thought. Uploaders can supply their own caption tracks if they want. Otherwise auto generated ones are available. They aren’t great but they can help.
- Comment on what is psychological definition of an ideal or good family? 1 week ago:
- Comment on Why are Maries Sues hated while Gary Stus are loved? 1 week ago:
Yeah that sounds about right. It has its own fandom separate from the main HP fic fandom. So the posters aren’t always looking for the same things.
- Comment on Why are Maries Sues hated while Gary Stus are loved? 1 week ago:
Here’s a SIXTY THOUSAND WORD NEGATIVE REVIEW railing that much about how terrible a certain Gary Stu fanfic (HPMOR). I mean it’s insane. Lots of people don’t like HPMOR and even its admirers know it has errors and lots of cringy parts. The reviewer instead goes through the whole fic sentence by sentence finding things to complain about. Most of the complaints are correct but trivial, adding up to “so what?”.
Anyway it wouldn’t occur to me that Gary Stu is automatically loved. Lots of people hate HPMOR, I mean really hate it, but most do the sensible thing and stop reading after a few chapters, or maybe even read it all and then say “wow, that sucked” and go on to something else. So there.
- Comment on .world censorship? 1 week ago:
Turn it off completely. I opened a thread about it a while back when I tried to recommend WGM Jennifer Shahade’s book “Chess Bi tch” and both the title and link got censored. Not good. We aren’t kids here and if something needs removal, leave it to human mods and reports.
- Comment on Can Christians, Muslims or Jews worship or pray to pagan gods? 1 week ago:
- Comment on How do you think smartphone manufacturers will comply with EU's replaceable battery regulation? 2 weeks ago:
It sounds like the regulation is weak enough that the manufacturers won’t have to do much. I have to say batteries or chargers have gotten better. Batteries used to fail all the time, but they last much longer now. So people are less bothered.
- Comment on Are there any non capitalistic technology companies still around? 3 weeks ago:
When was the last time you saw a company managed by adults? That sounded like the issue in the original post
- Comment on Are there any non capitalistic technology companies still around? 3 weeks ago:
You don’t’t hide it from the group. You avoid embarrassing management in front of others.
- Comment on Are there any non capitalistic technology companies still around? 3 weeks ago:
No really, if you have 1 on 1s with your manager, that’s the right setting.
- Comment on Are there any non capitalistic technology companies still around? 3 weeks ago:
Generally in almost any setting, uncomfortable questions should only be asked in private.
- Comment on Is there a less stinky way to cook broccoli? 4 weeks ago:
Generally put 1 cup of water into the instant pot to let it make some steam pressure. I usuall put the broccoli on the little wire platform but putting it the water should be fine. Older models let you set the timer to 0 minutes which is fine too. Unless the stems are pretty thick, by the time the pot comes up to full pressure it’s ok to stop. Also, use the steam release button to let the steam out as soon as it’s time, so the broccoli doesn’t overcook.
- Comment on Is there a less stinky way to cook broccoli? 4 weeks ago:
I’ve never noticed a bad smell, but instant pot for 1 minute high pressure is quickest way to cook.
- Comment on Will LibreWolf be affected by Firefox's new Terms of Service? 4 weeks ago:
That is interesting. I wonder if it applies to the Debian package, which presumably compiles.
- Comment on Is there a !remindme bot scooting around lemmyverse? 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on why do most people on deviantart act the same? 5 weeks ago:
I guess they all gather there because they are all into the same things. I’ve found that site unbearable to look at.
- Comment on When would it make sense for someone to get a domain name? 1 month ago:
Get one right now before someone else gets it from under you.
- Comment on Does anyone here speak Portuguese? 1 month ago:
Also .br?
- Comment on Are dating apps a fraud since the beginning? 1 month ago:
I think they are worse now than they used to be, but they do work for some people. I was always suspicious of the PII gathered so I stayed away from them. Craigslist personals worked back when they existed, and Reddit can work. An important tip: copyedit your SPAG (spelling, punctuation, and grammar) to hell and back before sending a response, since the slightest error WILL hurt your chances.
- Comment on In some countries (such as the USA), sending encrypted communications via Amateur Radio is illegal, but how likely will the government actually enforce it, and how severe would the consequences be? 2 months ago:
TLDR: just use your phone. Yes people causing interference through improper use of the ham bands do get run down by the FCC some of the time. If you do it at low power on some UHF frequency with very few users, probably no one would notice if you didn’t do it too often, but those frequencies are only good for short range communication anyway, so you might as well use your phone. The low frequencies that can travel international distances are more interesting but they are also more closely observed.
If you are ok with short range you can also use LoRA or meshtastic instead of ham bands. Encryption is perfectly fine there.
- Comment on Would not adding a stamp and return address on a letter give you free postage 2 months ago:
Yeah I heard that one before. Another was using a stamp but putting a layer of Elmer’s glue over it, which stopped the cancellation ink from getting on the stamp. The recipient would wash off the glue and re-use the stamp (covering it with more glue the same way) to write back to you. I never tried that myself but I knew people who claimed to have done this in real life, with 1 cent stamps even.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Get a food chopper or processor (Ninja Chopper for $20 at Target) is ok. Then just add some water to your regular meals and puree them with the chopper. Be super careful cleaning the thing since any food residue left will attract germs quickly. Source: I do this for my mom, who is getting up there in years and doesn’t always like her dentures.
- Comment on How do I respond if a girl I know keeps talking how another girl is into her, obsessed with her, etc.? 2 months ago:
Yeah, basically this. You could ask some followup questions about how they feel about the situation, if they haven’t talked your ear off about that already.
- Comment on Why is it when I watch a movie at home? It seems like I have to go deaf just this way. I can hear the audio of somebody speaking compared to the explosions and other special effect sounds? 2 months ago:
Turn off the sound and used closed captions.
- Comment on Is there an equivalent of solar panels for radio waves? 2 months ago:
- Comment on Can I pay someone to add a specific feature to an open source app? 2 months ago:
Just open an issue on the github suggesting the feature. You can also make a ko-fi donation as someone suggested. Doing something like that as straight-up paid work is legit, but it would cost a heck of a lot more than $20, as everyone has already said.
- Comment on How do we know the government doesn't just have a secret hardware backdoor in all our devices? 2 months ago:
It’s difficult to know that for sure, which is why (e.g.) the US government wants to make sure that there is domestic chip manufacture with a completely controlled supply chain to make hardware for classified communications. It can help to consider the difference between targeted surveillance (spending millions to tap the President’s phone, to get big juicy national secrets) and dragnet surveillance (tapping everybody’s phone so that you can have dirt on Joe Schmoe if he does something interesting later, even if he is of no particular interest right now). Hardware backdoors would be used mostly for targeted surveillance.
Stuff like VPN’s and encrypted apps can be of considerable help against dragnet surveillance, which is what the civil privacy community mostly cares about. If you think you might be a subject of target surveillance, you have to be much more paranoid. Not just hardware backdoors in your computer, but suspicious white vans on your street, microphones in your flower pots, FBI agents under your bed, the whole bit.
There are some countermeasures you can take against hardware backdoors (electromagnetically isolate a computer from the network and transfer data from it by floppy disc or similar) but basically you’re in a different world if you’re dealing with this.
You mght like the book “Security Engineering” by Ross Anderson (older editions free online and still very good: and scroll down). It goes into this stuff, has lots of good overviews even if you gloss over the technical parts, and will generally help you see clearly in the topic.