- Submitted 2 months ago to | 5 comments
- Submitted 2 months ago to | 1 comment
- Submitted 2 months ago to | 7 comments
- Comment on Trump-Aligned Project 2025 Would Mean Higher Taxes for Workers, 'Corporate Welfare' for the Rich 7 months ago:
national sales tax is fine, if it applies to all things. so stocks, bonds, as well as tvs. scratch that we can exempt food. I find folks who like the national sales tax thing lose their shit if you think it should apply to "investments"
- Comment on Help me understand littering 7 months ago:
do you mean as opposed to grass. Not sure how much dogs are trained to use grass. I mean I do bring them there so maybe they pick up on that and true if for some reason they seem to be starting before the grass I will pull them over but honestly I think they prefer the grass or other earthen areas over concrete. Basically not sure if that behavior is trained so much as instinct but I suppose it could be a bit of both. much training is about reinforcing behavior dogs do to begin with so I guess you could say that about all of it. sorry sorta ruminating this through my head as I type.
- Comment on Suffering 7 months ago:
I really not sure about that last paragraph of the premise shot. I think the top is finite suffering for finite deaths but infinite individuals and then the bottom is finite suffering for infinite deaths of finite individuals. Honestly it sorta seems like the deaths are the suffering or at least part and parsel with it so I think it finite suffering/death for infinite individuals or infinite suffering/death for finite individuals.
- Comment on How do i tag another person in my comment? Not post but comment. I'm reddit it was u/name would alert that person they'd been mentioned 7 months ago:
@andrewta does this help?
- Comment on Every August 7 months ago:
but the sun. the sun... I can't wake up in darkness. im like the walking dead.
- Comment on Every August 7 months ago:
So the opposite. Super desperate for her not to leave me alone in the cold and dark.
- Comment on The 10 worst science fiction movies of all time 7 months ago:
oh god. after earth was shyamalan. I just lost a bit more respect for the man.
- Comment on Elden Ring – Patch Notes Version 1.13 7 months ago:
I beat him with the heal the golem method combined with rotting him using aonia (first time that spell was useful for me but its a one strike rot and you can pretty much come up behind him with the golem)
- Comment on I grew up in the era of Photoshop and people would post fake nudes. Why is it now a big deal that AI is doing it? Kinda like the Taylor Swift thing on twitter. 7 months ago:
I sorta feel this way. Before that people would make cutout mashups or artistic types might depict something. I do get that its getting so real folks may things the people actually did the thing.
- Comment on Moms, I you were struggling with your child in public and a man offered to help, would you let him and why? 8 months ago:
Its wierd being a guy nowadays. Even years ago I remember going to the zoo with my wife and she is a picture taking type with a nice camera and there is this merry go round. Well she wants to go around and get pictures from every point but there are these benches and im like. ok well im tired im going to sit here and when you are ready to move on get me. Well when she was about half way around so just opposite me I suddenly realized im this guy sitting alone on a bench watching a merry go round filled with kids. Man was I glad when she was done and we were moving again.
- Comment on Hogs 8 months ago:
mmmm. what major city known for food lies between the dots.
- Comment on Before it's too late! 8 months ago:
I see that as a recipe for failure. Expectations are fine but when you expect for from someone else than you do yourself. Well that hypocrisy and will lead to either hate or neroticism. Every parent should just want their kids to be happy.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Sounds right.
- Comment on Before it's too late! 8 months ago:
Whats funny to me is people who want for their kids something they see inadequate in themselves. Like obviously as a man you can't teach your kids to be a man then you must not know how.......
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
I think she has a good a chance as anyone and I doubt any running mate pick would blow it unless it was like that one guy that was a dem and went independent because hes basically a republican.
- Comment on If I live in a red state, would it be better to vote for rfk to take votes away from trump? 8 months ago:
that just shows a state can change and it can change at any time. enough folks could get fed up that with your vote the outcome is different. Politics is like the stock market. You can use historical trends to guess at the future but historical trends do not always indicate future behaviour.
- Comment on Vance promised a new dawn for workers — one Trump didn’t bring to pass 8 months ago:
yeah its funny the make america X again. Didn't you already have four years to bring X about and failed?
- Comment on If I live in a red state, would it be better to vote for rfk to take votes away from trump? 8 months ago:
There is never no possibility. Florida is considered a red state up there with texas and gore lost to it from a florida court decision on hanging chads.
- Comment on If I live in a red state, would it be better to vote for rfk to take votes away from trump? 8 months ago:
maybe in the primaries but this would be like not voting at all.
- Comment on The FCC wants to force carriers to unlock phones within 60 days 8 months ago:
What! Freedom for the masses! SCOTUS assemble!!!
- Comment on Just had someone say they are going to have a Fatwa put on me . What the hell does that mean? Do I need to report it or something? 8 months ago:
the same as them saying you will be excommunicated. or that they will hang you for high treason. essentially its total bullshit as they likely do not have the authority to do what they are saying.
- Comment on I don’t understand quantum physics 8 months ago:
einstein had problems with it. don't feel bad.
- Comment on What do to if I survive a nuclear blast in my city? 8 months ago:
I just assumed they would want to hit major infrastructure like airports, depots and such. Now my new fear is they don't nuke the airport at all. Im like at 3rd degree awefulness distance.
- Comment on Firefox search box jumps focus to address bar 8 months ago:
I think this has been a thing for awhile.
- Comment on What do to if I survive a nuclear blast in my city? 8 months ago:
I live at the edge of a city but near a major airport. my biggest nuke fear is a bomb hits the city center that leaves me alive and the airport ones take awhile to arrive.
- Comment on Awnings: a simple cooling tech we apparently forgot about 8 months ago:
Im lucky as im right below the roof so I get the effect but nobody on the other floors get that shade except for the balcony getting it from the balcony above.
- Comment on Watching videos of people screaming "shooter on the roof" at law enforcement 8 months ago:
I love people who think two seconds after someone yells gun a sniper is going to shoot someone. uvalde went on for hours.