- Comment on How You Doin? 17 minutes ago:
Thats the formal version.
“High Strayan”
- Comment on How You Doin? 1 hour ago:
In Australia “Hows it going?” Or more accurately “Howzitgarn?”
- Comment on PROTEIN BRO 14 hours ago:
My favorite stupid unit of measurement is “A gram of protein per cm of height” for protein intake for very overweight people who have no idea what their lean body mass is or should be.
It sounds ridiculous but for 90% of people it puts you within 10% of correct and usually errs on the high side.
- Comment on PROTEIN BRO 14 hours ago:
BCAA’s are essentially bullshit 99% of the time because if you’re getting adequate complete high quality proteins from food (including whey or quality plant protein shakes) they contain all the amino acids your body can use.
Honestly, the flavor is all down to the brand. But water just gets boring as shit if you’re drinking a lot.
- Comment on PROTEIN BRO 14 hours ago:
Fundamentally you’re right. If you get absolutely everything 100% scientifically perfect for you, your circumstances, your genetics, etc you will always see better results than the person eyeballing it. But its like 200% more effort for an extra 25% gains, the minutiae of this shit goes as deep as you care to look and thats what drowns a lot of new enthusiasts.
- Comment on PROTEIN BRO 15 hours ago:
Sometimes I buy a jar of those not because I want to supplement my aminos, just because plain water gets fucking boring.
- Comment on PROTEIN BRO 15 hours ago:
Its a pretty common unit when it comes to discussing dietary protein around bodybuilding and fitness because 1g per lb is a super easy conversion for people to remember. Its kind of the golden number because even for people not getting the best sources of protein 1g per lb almost guarantees anyone other than edge cases and steroid users are getting more than enough to support optimum growth and recovery.
- Comment on Were these accounts hacked? How does one prevent it from happening? 1 day ago:
I put on my wizard hat and robe…
- Comment on Skill issue 1 day ago:
“yOu WoUlDnT dOwNlOaD a cUnT.”
- Comment on Skill issue 1 day ago:
You cant pirate pussy, and we all know how gamers feel about subscription models.
- Comment on ^_^ I just think skibidibi sounds neat :3 2 days ago:
- Comment on 3's grip looks the most comfy 3 days ago:
Give me a clicky pen or give me death!
- Comment on Anon is chasing an old high 6 days ago:
It wouldnt be any good for speed runs on an OG console. But I’m using all those re-release mini consoles so they are effectively emulated and not always perfectly so its ok.
Good enough that I’m still a hot hand at Metal Slug.
- Comment on Anon is chasing an old high 6 days ago:
Ive found that a cheap 1080p projector onto an unprepped painted white wall does a great job of making old crt stuff look correct.
- Comment on Sounds logical to me 1 week ago:
I’m not gay but Ryan Reynolds is Ryan Reynolds.
- Comment on Sounds logical to me 1 week ago:
Calm down DJ Khaled.
- Comment on Anon builds a new PC 1 week ago:
Some of my favorites from back in the day are just so dated by this point that the nostalgia isnt cutting it. Modern games dont hit the same, old games dont play right…
- Comment on Deep Rock Galactic roguelike dev says innovation for innovation's sake is too expensive to survive: "We're a studio of 50 people with bills to pay" 1 week ago:
I asked a friend who plays it and he says its good with randoms, but great if you have a crew you regularly game with.
- Comment on New ‘Starship Troopers’ Movie in the Works from ‘District 9’ Filmmaker Neill Blomkamp (Exclusive) 1 week ago:
Wow I made an arse about of that comment. Posting while tired… sorry
Thats how I feel the movie presents Heinleins book, as a facist utopia, like yes it CAN look amazing on the surface but the cracks in the veneer arent hard to see and it still runs on the blood of people wanting to climb the ladder only instead of cash for capitalism its citizenship in their society.
- Comment on New ‘Starship Troopers’ Movie in the Works from ‘District 9’ Filmmaker Neill Blomkamp (Exclusive) 1 week ago:
I read the book because I read books, not because it was assigned reading. The creative writing assignment was something about creating a plot outline around an existing book or film. It was 25 years ago…
- Comment on Valve "followed" 1.7 million Steam users for over a year, and now reports those gamers spent $20 million on microtransactions and another $73 million on games and DLC 1 week ago:
20 million divided by 1.7 is about $11 per person, which isnt really that high.
I also think theres a distinction to be made between microtransactions in f2p titles and microtransactions in AAA premium titles. I logged something like 4000 hours in Mechwarrior online and I bought mech packs because I wanted to support the devs.
- Comment on New ‘Starship Troopers’ Movie in the Works from ‘District 9’ Filmmaker Neill Blomkamp (Exclusive) 1 week ago:
I always looked at it as a demonstration of a military facist utopia. I actually wrote an outline for a prequel to it as a writing exercise in highschool and it got really good marks.
- Comment on New ‘Starship Troopers’ Movie in the Works from ‘District 9’ Filmmaker Neill Blomkamp (Exclusive) 1 week ago:
Its been YEARS but my memory of the starship troopers sequels is similar to yours. The second being terrible, the third being fun and terrible.
I do remember one of the animated ones being pretty damn good story wise, but those animated ones always lack soul.
- Comment on New ‘Starship Troopers’ Movie in the Works from ‘District 9’ Filmmaker Neill Blomkamp (Exclusive) 1 week ago:
I just want him to do the first movie over again. Ive read the book and while it was a pioneer I dont love it.
I’m sorry to say it but I do want the movie of the Cadian 8th fighting the Tyranids over again just bigger, better and more hardcore. Sometimes I want dumb shooting and explosions war movies without the emotional weight of knowing that the people being shot probably didnt want to be at war either.
Thats why I love Battle for Los Angeles. Theres no “bad guys are people too”.
- Comment on New ‘Starship Troopers’ Movie in the Works from ‘District 9’ Filmmaker Neill Blomkamp (Exclusive) 1 week ago:
Watch the Gran Turismo movie, I’m a racing and car nut so I’m biased, but its very good.
- Comment on What’s a movie nobody can convince you is good? 2 weeks ago:
I get why people like it, but I dont.
- Comment on I wonder if the "money can't buy you happiness" people ever lived in a car. 2 weeks ago:
Honestly I’d forgotten where I picked that one up, I’ve probably said it more times than he has at this point.
- Comment on I wonder if the "money can't buy you happiness" people ever lived in a car. 2 weeks ago:
Ive always said “Money cant buy you happiness, money does however let you rent happiness.”
- Comment on I wonder if the "money can't buy you happiness" people ever lived in a car. 2 weeks ago:
“Money cant buy you happiness, but it can buy you a jetski. Have YOU ever seen anyone crying on a jetski?” - me.
- Comment on Book now for 2025's most on-theme cruise destination 2 weeks ago:
It does sound very bad but the ocean is unfathomably fucking huge. Not just surface area but sheer volume, I dont really want to go down a rabbit hole of “how much cyanide in how much water would be considered harmless”, “how much cyanide was the ship carrying” or “how much water is in the ocean” but I hope someone does.