- Comment on [deleted] 7 hours ago:
The cubs even won the world series. Which is how you KNOW we’re in the bad timeline!
Fuck Chicago!
- Comment on [deleted] 7 hours ago:
We also have taken the concept of reality television, and changed the concept. Now we just watch reality on our television. We like to watch moments go viral, and then…we watch that person crash and burn and ruin their entire lives. Then we have a sensible chuckle, and change the channel.
A year ago P Diddy got arrested for doing some really rapey things at parties over the past 20 years. Then they found 10,000 bottles of lube in his batcave. Ok, it was his basement, but I always imagine the batcave, with walls that turn around to reveal a limitless supply of lube. C’mon, you know that vision of it is better than just a door, a flight of stairs, and lube on some shelfs. So now he’s in jail, and we all had a sensible chuckle because he deserves the jail time. Then we change the channel.
Recently, you just missed this one girl, who the internet dubbed the Huck Twah girl. She got famous for making a reference to sucking dick. Then she got taken advantage of, and now she’s in jail. Sensible chuckle, because she didn’t deserve what happened, but now we’re onto the next person to destroy their lives!
Who’s next?
- Comment on is it wrong/selfish to cut contact with my trump-supporting father? 7 hours ago:
Not selfish at all.
I’ve cut so many people from my life. I have a rule. If you exist in my life, and all you do is make me angry, there better be a REASON you’re making me angry. Like when I was TRYING to get my dad to accept help from the government a few years back. His roof is failing. It’s only getting worse. Our city has a roof replacement program for seniors. Totally free roof. His house is rotting. When it rains outside, it rains inside.
So yeah, I fought him for 2 years trying to get him to take the roof.
Yeah I made him angry, but it’s because I care about him. And the fight is about getting him to take care of himself.
Unlike my sister, who will call, just to argue, and fight, with no real reason. I don’t answer her calls.
And when I’ve had “friends” that only care about you when they need something, fuck off. I’m a generous person, who people think they can take advantage of. And I guess they can to a certain extent. I don’t mind helping those in need. But there comes a point when you realize “I only see this guy every few months, and only when he has some sob story, and needs something”.
THATS when I stop talking to friends. OR when I realize that I’m ALWAYS the one who has to innitiate contact. Like if I just stayed silent, the friendship would just be over. Ok then. Guess you never think about me if I’m not already in your presense. I don’t need those people in my life.
- Comment on is it wrong/selfish to cut contact with my trump-supporting father? 7 hours ago:
Have you ever explained things to him about his daughters viewpoints? Just tell him “Ya know, (his name), I’ve been thinking. People with (his hair color) shouldn’t have the right to exist. People with (his hair color) are just no good, rotten nasty people! They don’t have the right to live on MY planet, breathing MY air! Right? Don’t you agree?”
And make it as absurd as actual racism/homophobia is. Make it clear that you hate him for things he was born with, and he now has to pay for being a dirty (color) hair’d person! Don’t be shy. Be as hateful as you’ve seen people like that be.
Then ask him how he feels about you. Get him yelling at you. Get him insulting you. Ruffle his feathers. Smile at every insult he hurls.
And then tell him “What I have just shown to you is a mirror. I have acted as you have acted to your daughter. These are the messages she hears you saying to her. It was hard to hear wasn’t it? You didn’t want to hear a single further thing out of my mouth. THAT is the same experience that your daughter has when you spew those same messages at her.
YOU are an individual. YOU have the ability to change your views. All I can do is hold up the mirror to show you what version of you you’re projecting into the world. Your daughter is an individual, and she has the right to live her life any way she wants. With or without you. If you care, it’s up to you to be the version of yourself that she wants in her life. Not the version you try to force into her life.”
After that, there’s literally nothing more you can do. Slap him with reality, and if he continues to be shitty to his family, he can die alone.
- Comment on Favourite Metroid game? 12 hours ago:
I wish I could love super metroid. I really do. The game holds up. The graphics are great, the sound design is bafflingly superb for a 16 bit game. Controls are tight. Map size is big but not daunting.
And then you get to the part where you fall down a pitt. And the game teaches you to wall jump.
…everytime I play the game, thats where the game ends. It’s been 30+ years, and I still can’t wall jump in that game.
- Comment on Is there any hope for Ukraine to survive as an independent state now that trump is desperately wishing for a peace treaty with Russia, even bypassing Ukraine? 1 day ago:
Didn’t they JUST announce 700billion dollars in military funding yesterday?
- Comment on Has America Reached Its Tipping Point with Ignorance? 1 day ago:
Thats not what a tipping point is. You’re thinking of rock bottom.
- Comment on Has America Reached Its Tipping Point with Ignorance? 1 day ago:
Have we reached a tipping point where ignorance has become the norm?
Yes. We reached that point in 1776.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 2 days ago:
I mean, if the united states is getting karma for invading and annexing other peoples land, SURELY you’d think there would have been some repercussions from Native Americans, right? Hell, even Canada arguably has some leeway to give us karma if that’s the case.
And Hawaii.
And technically Puerto Rico, and the Somoa Islands, and Guam.
Even though Vietnam isn’t, nor has it ever been a US territory, they still know what it’s like to be invaded by us. We were never trying to take land for ourselves, but we WERE trying to take land for our cold war ally. We just failed is all. And yet…for everybody reading this from a country that ISN’T America, here’s the weird thing. In our schools, they teach vietnam in history as if WE WON. Which I assume the rest of the world easily see’s how absurd that is. Here in America? There are PLENTY of people who think we’ve never lost a war. There are people who defend the 2001-2020 invasion of multiple middle eastern countries as a war we won. Some of them think it was multiple wars in a short amount of time we won. Others think it was one continuous war that we won. But those people exist. I’ve met many of them.
Now, with all that said, NOBODY calls them freedom fries. Nobody. Never even heard of a single person who calls them that. It was a 2 week thing on tv, and then everybody just shrugged and called it stupid. Which is exactly what I’m hoping this whole gulf of america/mexico thing is. Just political theater, and then it’s over because it’s stupid.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 2 days ago:
I would say it’s been coming since BEFORE the civil war.
People always take my words out of context when I say that life in general would have been better for everyone long term if the south won.
People take that to mean that I’m pro-slavery. I’m not. If the south won, slavery would have died out naturally by the early 1900s (assuming confederate america lasted that long)
But if the south had won, and been able to leave the union? I feel like they’d have made the worst possible choices for their country on a repeated basis. I feel like their country would have crumbled and disolved into multiple smaller countries. The united states would have continued expanding out west. Texas is probably the only former state that wouldn’t have crumbled.
The rest of the confederate states? They’d be struggling to survive, last in the world in education, terrible healthcare, basically a bunch of 3rd world countries. But the rest of the USA? SO MUCH HEALTHIER FOR IT!!! All these cancers trying to tear down OUR country today, wouldn’t be part of our country. They can go fuck up the country of Alabama. Go nuts.
The pure amount of butterfly effect policies that would be different is mind blowing.
To me, the south winning isn’t about slavery. It’s about taking this large lump sum of the worst people in the country, and cutting them free like you cut away a tumor to get rid of cancer.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 days ago:
I mean, are we not all just running Windows XP anyways? What OTHER os would you be running??? Windows 11? Ew.
- Comment on Can names of things on a video game be used for any purpose? 2 days ago:
I’m going to need clarification by what you’re talking about.
- Comment on Nintendo Reveals Switch Vouchers Won't Work On Switch 2 Games, And Their Gold Points Program Is Ending (Again) 2 days ago:
Steamdeck isn’t in competition with Switch 2. Totally different markets.
One is a full on powerful PC shaped like a portable gaming tablet, and specializes in gaming. With a pricepoint to match.
The other is a dedicated gaming machine, using cheaper parts, with every aspect specifically thought out for one, and only one, purpose. With a price far far FAR cheaper. Switch 2 hasn’t been price named yet, but I’d be shocked if it was over $350.
- Comment on meirl 2 days ago:
Do you not have a PS3? Or a PS4? Or a PS5? Or a PS6?
Wait, are you a time traveler?
- Comment on How do I stop laughing at stupid shit all the time 3 days ago:
Here’s what you do.
Just think about the fact that you don’t control your destiny. You’re a wage slave. Doing whatever is told to you. You’re going to die alone, and the only friends you have are only your friends because they are afraid of not having friends. The world is a dark and miserable place, and during the cold war America straight up lost 53 atomic bombs. Presumed to be in the oceans. Nobody knows their condition. Nobody knows if they are a threat to explode at any time.
On top of that, the soviet union lost an unknown number of nukes during that same time. Whereas the united states says they’re pretty sure they lost them in the ocean, the soviet union makes no such claims. That means it’s possible they dropped it from a plane, and it didn’t explode. Maybe they were stolen from storage, and sold to whomever. No regulation needed.
So now, instead of laughing at some meme, you can have a look of dread and uncertainty on your face. Like you’re holding back tears. And THEN you’ll fit right in with todays soul crushing society.
- Comment on How do I stop laughing at stupid shit all the time 3 days ago:
Ew. No. I’ve known people who are happy, and giggly all the time.
I want it to be legal to strangle them.
- Comment on How do I stop laughing at stupid shit all the time 3 days ago:
A batman mask.
- Comment on How do I stop laughing at stupid shit all the time 3 days ago:
…I don’t even get it.
- Comment on Am I a bad friend/rude for not engaging with my friends and giving one-word responses? 3 days ago:
Maybe my friends are growing apart and they text me less because of this, but I’m kind of okay with that because I know they will be there for me when I need it
I have someone I used to be friends with. I’d text her while watching wrestling, and she’d reply.
Then her replies got shorter and shorter. I’d write a paragraph, and she’d write “Yeah lol”. Eventually she just stopped replying. Eventually I just stopped texting.
This past Christmas I got a text from her that was clearly mass texted. It was just a “Merry Christmas” thing.
I looked at it, and realized we hadn’t talked at all in almost 2 years. Why is she texting me this? Do I reply? Is she trying to reopen communication? Then I realized she probably clicked “select all” in her contacts list, and I just happened to still be in there. I didn’t reply.
When you don’t commicate, you send the message that you don’t want to communicate. I have a rule about friends. If I’m ALWAYS the one starting the conversation, then you clearly don’t care about me. And I stop caring about you over time.
It’s not that your friends are drifting apart from you. It’s that you’re pushing them away from you. If I asked a friend if they wanted to come out on whatever event to hang out, and they just bluntly and coldly said “No.”, I would take that as an insult. Like, oh, ok. You don’t enjoy my company. Fine then. I’ll go without you.
And at some point, you push everybody away. Then you wake up one day at 30 years old, and realize you need new friends. Except 30 year olds aren’t out there trying to make friends. And it gets harder and harder progressively as the years go by to make new friends.
So yeah. I totally see you as being at fault here.
Instead of saying “No.” just say “No, I need some recharge time.” At least then it’s about you taking care of your own mental health, and not just “Do I want to hang out with YOU? No!”
See, that moves it away from them being the problem, and lets them understand you just need some alone time. Always remember, every relationship always has at least two sides. You are not the main character in a story.
- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 3 days ago:
You put the lime in the coke, YOU NUT!
- Comment on Anon shares his taste in music 4 days ago:
Every day my grey hairs get greyer. I was already in my gaming prime by the time N64 came around. A seasoned veteran of the gaming world. Having had saved the princess in multiple series, in multiple games, in mjltiple consoles, for over 10 years by that point…
Now the kids ask if I got “Rizz”. No. I know not of this Rizz…what I do have is a very particular set of skills. Skills I have developed over a prolonged career. Skills that make me a nightmare for punks like you. If you put the controller down now, that will be the end of it. I will not pursue you. If you don’t, I will look for you, I WILL find you, and I’ll plug my toys r us gold exclusive N64 controller into port 2, I will pick Jaws, insist you pick oddjob, and still wipe the floor with you!
Hail to the king, baby!!! Oh, sorry, wrong N64 shooting game.
- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 4 days ago:
Yeah, but after you’ve taken a shot of vodka, what are you going to do about the money?
- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 4 days ago:
foot clan operations intensify
- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 4 days ago:
What about spiked cleats?
- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 4 days ago:
No no no. Chop chop master onion head taught me everything I need to know.
Kick punch it’s all in the mind, if ya wanna test me, I’m sure you’ll find, the things I teach ya are sure to beat ya! Nevertheless you get a lesson from teacher! Now…
- Comment on How do you express romantic interest in someone? 4 days ago:
Now what I personally do, is I fly a drone miles above their house, for like 3 months. High enough that nobody is complaining about it, because it’s so high nobody notices it…but it notices you! Oh yes! It documents your every move in fact.
So I use it to figure out a womans schedule, how many pets she has, if her house has an alarm. That sort of thing.
Then, I buy a plot of land in a nearby city. Build a perfect replica of her house. And use to to become intimately firmiliar with the layout of her house. You know how you can navigate your house in the dark? Yeah, that kind of intimate knowledge of the layout.
Then when she’s going grocery shopping, as I knew she would, I fill her house with thousands and thousands of bees. The idea being that with her struggling to hold onto 17 bags at once, it will be a 1 or 2 second delay before she’s able to do anything once she realizes what’s happened.
So now she’s gotta deal with 6 months of tearing her walls down, doing expensive home remodels, the works. It’s a very costly repair, that’s leaving her pretty financially struggling.
At this point, she should be living at a hotel, or some other short stay place. You have the housekeepers change all the paintings in her room, before she checks in, with paintings of her, depicting a series of events.
She sees the painting of her running out of her house being chased by bees. She sees the picture of her being chased by naked naked clowns with chainsaws. She sees the painting of her standing outside her house smiling.
And she’s also gotten a second job. Wherever she gets her second job, I get a part time job there too.
At this point she’s going to be so rattled out of her god damned mind, that she’ll feel insecure about everything. Her safety. Her sanity. Her life. She’ll feel it’s all being attacked. And then I start talking to her at work. Just work conversations. But she feels to trust me, because all the crazy shit going on in her life, I’m the safe, sane, boring one in her life that just stays stable. She’s looking for that now.
But it’s time to finish the job. It’s time for work to take us all to an art exhibit. “The being of Clown”. It’s an art imitating life exhibit using real life clowns, posing still as an art display, in the nude.
When she sees this, she’ll get uneasy, but you’ll convince her to go. She’ll tell you she saw a painting of a clown chasing her with a chainsaw. You assure her that no clowns are going to chase her. Certainly not with a chainsaw! It’s an art gallery, not a haunted house! Besides, it’s a work thing. If she doesn’t go, she’ll be in trouble at work.
As the company trip is going well, thats when the big overhanging sky window shatters, as federal agents fall on ziplines and shooting guns at the clowns. In the commotion everybody scatters. Her out into the big bush maze, past the gardener, who’s trimming the bushes with a chainsaw. She screams and runs, as the gardener is just confused. Just then a clown runs out, grabs the chainsaw and chops off the gardeners head. Now he’s chasing the witness. Her. And now she’s being chased through a bush maze by a naked clown with a chainsaw. Just like the painting shows.
She’s running through the bush maze screaming “HELP!!! HELP!!!” As the clown disarms her screams by yelling “MARCO!!!” so everyone thinks it’s a game.
She finally runs into me, and I’m holding a baseball bat. Just then the clown cuts through the bush. I tell her to run, as I battle this clown.
Just as she finds the exit to the bush maze, there I am with a car yelling “GET IN! QUICK!!!” and we speed off into the night, grateful that we survived.
About 20 miles away we’ve pulled over, and the near life ending experience has us making out, and getting hot and heavy. So we go to her place, the hotel.
When we walk into her room, she sees it. The picture that used to show her standing outside her house smiling is now showing her standing outside her burnt down house kneeling on the lawn and crying.
She’s freaking out. She’s telling me there’s supernatural force at play. I tell her it’s just a painting. Then I ask why she even got those made. She says she didn’t they came with the hotel room. So I reassure her. “Do you want to go to your house, and check on it’s progress? Make sure it’s not burnt down?”
So we drive over there. Her house, is exactly how she last saw it. Walls partially rebuilt, dead bees everywhere, it’s still a work in progress, but it’s not burnt.
A few weeks go by, and nothing crazy happens, then I tell her that I have a surprise for her after work, but she has to be blindfolded first.
So I drive her over to the surprise, guide her into place, and she takes off the blindfold. She looks around the room…her room. She’s in her bedroom. In her house. The walls and remodel is complete. She says “How did this happen?” and before I could answer a stream of bullets come shooting through the windows. I get hit, and fall to the floor. Bullets still shooting. One of the bullets shoots a candle off the mantel. It falls to the carpet, and fire spreads. She calls 911, and the bullets stop. She’s not hit, but I’m clinging to life.
When EMS arrives, they tell her to wait outside. She can hear the EMS workers saying that I won’t make it. She begins to cry, outside “her house”, just like the painting said. When EMS are bringing my body on a stretcher, she insists on going with us to the hospital, but they insist it’s family only.
When she gets to her hotel the painting is now her tending over my body in a hospital bed, holding my hand, with a very grim look on my face. In the shadows of the room is a creepy smiling clown face.
The other painting in the room is a wedding scene. She and I at the alter. She’s happy. I’m happy. All her family and friends are in the seats. She doesn’t recognize all the people on the grooms side of the seats.
So she comes to hospital during visitation times. I’m unresponsive. I have a tube in my throat. The sounds of beeping machines monitoring my vitals. She keeps looking into the corners of the room. She doesn’t know what these paintings are trying to tell her, or why these clowns keep showing up in the paintings, but she knows there’s a clown in this room.
She’s checking on every curtain. She’s using her phone flashlight on every dark corner of the room.
“What are you doing?” She screams in fear and pulls out her blade. She turns to see a white coat doctor. “What is going on in here?” And she tries to explain about the clowns, and the bees, and the fire, and the chainsaw, but she’s doing it so fast she just sounds crazy. The doctor orders security to take her out of the hospital.
She goes home and sees the same two paintings. Just as they always were.
So she goes back a week later to see me, and I’m responsive, but not alert. I’m pretty heavily sedated. I say her name, and some jibberish. I ask if she’s ready for her banana. She, seeing that I’m delerious says yes. I hand her a pear fruit cup. She can see how out of it I am.
So over the next 6 weeks, she cares for me, everyday. Bedside care really makes you care for someone. And she makes priority to get me back to health.
And as I’m nursed back to health, I tell her I’ve enjoyed our time spent together. And she feels the same. And now we’re officially an item.
And THAT is how I show romantic romantic interest in women!
…what? Did you think I forgot the assignment?
- Comment on I feel my life is empty. Is there any way to stop this? 4 days ago:
Holy shit…if you were a woman you’d be wife material.
- Comment on Liquid Death Quietly Adds Stevia to Tea Drinks 4 days ago:
I think you’re misunderstanding.
I’m not stating how recycling SHOULD work. I’m stating how the city of Cleveland DID (or rather did NOT) operate it’s own recycling innitive.
They sold you a blue bin for $10. And then for 12 years, unknown to the public, they picked up the recycleables, and didn’t recycle them.
It was a cash grab to get millions of dollars from residents, to perform a service that was never properly performed.
- Comment on Some examples of video games with an UI layout ripped off of another game? 4 days ago:
Flappy bird CLEARLY uses super mario bros pipes and other assets. Out of all the things Nintendo sues people over, all the petty things, they somehow missed this one. Which is strange, because it’s like the one lawsuit that you see, and think “yeah…I get why Nintendo would sue.”, and it’s the ONE TIME Nintendo said “nah”.
I mean, they recently sent a cease and disist, as well as a channel strike to Retro Game Corps. Because he showed videos reviewing emulation devices. Not specifically Nintendo related. These are little handheld emulation devices, and the gameplay he showed in small clips of Nintendo games from the 90s. Nintendo felt that was potential lawsuit ready. So now he’s said he’s not going to say the name Nintendo, he’s not going to show any more footage with nintendo anything. They threaten to sue HIM but not flappy bird, which stole direct assets from their games, and sold this new game with their assets. No lawsuit there.
They sued blockbuster video for including game manuals in rentals.
They’ve sued countless people for making fan created games, which would be released for free.
They even sued a guy who spent 6 years writting, casting, shooting, and producing a full length live action Zelda movie. They released it online for about a week before it got taken down. Never to be downloaded by anyone who didn’t grab it right away.
I don’t understand.
- Comment on Liquid Death Quietly Adds Stevia to Tea Drinks 4 days ago:
Here in Cleveland, we used to just put all trash, no recycling, on the lawn. Then in 2008 or so, they put out a recycling innitive. Each resident had to pay $10 per family (so duplexs would buy 2 per house), and they’d get a blue bin. You put the recycling in the blue bin, and a seperate truck picks that up.
Sounds great right?
Welll…in 2020 or so they found out the 1st truck would take your black bin regular trash, and the 2nd truck would take your blue bin recyclables, and then BOTH trucks would drop off in the same pile, in the same landfill with zero recycling done.
Since that was discovered I see a massive 90%+ dropoff in blue bins. Not only have people lost faith in buying blue bins at all, but most people now use their blue bins as 2nd regular non-recycling trash can.