- Comment on We had a deal 19 hours ago:
I love how for me the next post is something about exposing vulnerabilities that could allow hackers to take control of your system. I just like the idea of some guy on a computer hacking peoples headaches. See guys? The vaccines WERE an evil plot by microsoft to put microchips in our brains and BUY TESLA!!! ALWAYS OBEY! NEVER THINK FOR YOURSELF! TELL YOURSELF YOU’RE AN ALPHA LEADER, BUT REALLY YOU JUST FOLLOW THE PACK! USE X/TWITTER!
…whoa, I passed out there. What happened? And why do I still have a headache? I thought I took a nap. Or…blacked out. Whatever.
- Comment on Game Informer Is Back and the Entire Team Has Returned 1 day ago:
Yes please. To quote time traveling reporter Ryan George “PLEASE bring me back to the 90s! The future is dumb, and nothing makes sense, and I hate it!”
- Comment on Is this possibly a jealousy thing? 1 day ago:
I’m 41 now, but when I was a kid in school I was the quiet loner kid. And I changed schools every year because of a stupid “diversity” program.
Anyways, this meant that on day 1, every year I’d get picked on. Not verbally. It was a rough school system. So every year at some point on day 1 I’d get a punch to the back of the head. And every time I’d respond by turning around and knocking the kid out. Then I’d grab my bag, and I’d walk away. For the rest of the year, I’d see them pick on other kids. Other kids wouldn’t fight back.
Of coarse these days you got a different situation in schools. All these kids have camera phones, and encourage fights so they can upload the videos to youtube. Then they all run in packs of 20-30 kids. And you never know who has a gun anymore.
When I decked a kid, I never thought it was about to be a 20 on 1 retaliation, or that I’d get shot. Never once ran through my mind. Now you can’t trust that to be true anymore. Those pussys at columbine started a trend. They couldn’t fight their bullys, so they went and got guns. And they didn’t even go to some ghetto school where it’s dangerous. They went to an upscale preppy school filled with the kind of “bullys” who tie their polo sweater around their waist because they might go golfing later. I came from schools where they were struggling at home for money to buy food, or crack, so they’d bully kids at school for it.
So now these columbine kids go in, do some fucked up shit, and now we got 30 years of not knowing if the kid you’re fighting will come back tomorrow with a gun. When I fought kids, if you went to the ground, that was it. You lost. It’s over. It’s kinda like boxing, where the ref stops the fight.
And if you lost, that’s it. You pick yourself up, and you move on. And if you won the fight, you stop. He’s fallen. It’s done. Don’t kick them when their down. This isn’t a beatdown. You won the fight, move on.
- Comment on What are some old games that are hard to revisit, because a more modern and superior version exists? 1 day ago:
Rock, Paper, Scissors.
Now you got Rock, Paper, Scissors, Stapler, Banana, Atomic Bomb, Literature, Handcuffs, Police Brutality, Spock, Tweezers, Howling Dog.
And really, who would ever expect you to pick Tweezers? But it doesn’t lose to much, so it’s actually a great pick to twist your friends nipples. Unless they start EXPECTING you to twist their nipples, so they pick Atomic Bomb, and blow up all of civilization in a 30 mile radius.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 day ago:
I mean, it’s better then asking if she wants to be rammed, and then running her over with your dodge ram truck. Hey, she said she wanted a BBC, and you gave it to her…a Big Boy Car! And what color is it? Ehhhh, kind of a dark chocolate mix…
- Comment on The specter of a GTA 6 delay haunts the games industry: 'Some companies are going to tank' if they guess wrong, says analyst 4 days ago:
It did. I’ve been a GTA player since the first one kn PS1.
I’ve bought every GTA game.
I have zero interest in GTA6.
- Comment on The specter of a GTA 6 delay haunts the games industry: 'Some companies are going to tank' if they guess wrong, says analyst 4 days ago:
Why would you want to pay $70 for a pay to win game at all?
- Comment on How the fuck do I find out where and when all these protests and rallies are happening? 4 days ago:
and they’ll start a war against some random people they blame for their own incompetence.
How is that any different than the bush administration?
- Comment on How the fuck do I find out where and when all these protests and rallies are happening? 4 days ago:
I read your name as FelixCheese.
- Comment on Why aren't there mass protests in the USA? 6 days ago:
This is the part that made me give up. No amount of anything will make up for the fact that roughly 53% of voters wanted this, which is probably like 40% of the country. A country which has like 3.5 billionish people, and 40% want racism. They want to support the wealth gap because they’re too dumb to understand they’ll never be on the other side of the gap, and this is just renforcing it. They’re more than happy to hurt themselves if it means the OTHER people get dragged down with them. Which just makes them a tool for the rich to use the poor to destroy the poor.
We’re alienating our allys, we’re destroying our country. We’re destroying the global economy, and this is just the start. The next 4 years this asshole gets to sit on his throne, and KNOW he’ll face no consequences. He’ll face no reprecussions for his actions for him and his little asshole buddies.
I’m hurt. I’m tired. I’m in pain. I have no idea if I even HAVE medicaide anymore. They say it’s not cut off, but it was supposed to get cut off Feb 28th because of lack of state funding. I think the state itself doesn’t know. But worst of all, I have no hope. I have no logical plan for what comes next to work towards making a better tomorrow. Yesterday sucked. Today sucks. Tomorrow will suck by all indications. The GOP at this point are actively trying to destroy this country. I’m not proud to be american. I’m ashamed. I’m tired of appologizing to others for existing. And right now, if Canada decided to just atomic bomb us, I’d understand. Go ahead Canada. Take us out. We deserve it.
- Comment on Why are autistic people so odd?? 1 week ago:
Because fuck normal. Oooooh, look at me, I’m going to go to walgreens and buy an eyeglasses screwdriver, and then flirt with the 16 year old casheer despite the fact that I’M in my 60s! Like a NORMAL person would do!
Or, you could say fuck that, I’m wearing a pacman costume today in the middle of March. No reason. Fuck the world!
Who do you think is having more fun in their day? The 40 year old dressed up like pacman walking around the city going WAKA WAKA WAKA WAKA, or the 60 year old trying to get teenage pussy and creeping EVERYBODY out?
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
I had to check which comment you were referencing. I thought it was going to be the one where I said how hot it would be if Taylor Swift wore a strap-on, and made Mr Feenie (the teacher from boy meets world) her bitch. But about linux gaming? Me? Insane sounding? :O
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
Oh good. My PC is actually 11 years old. The hard drive died a few months ago. So I replaced the 3.5inch sata 7200rpm drive with an enclosure that holds 2 2.5inch drives. I’m using solid state for the first time. I was able to clone my Windows 7 drive to a solid state drive. It works even better than the original drive.
But! That enclosure makes it so that I can just turn off the PC, eject the drive, insert a different drive, and now I’m on an entirely different OS. It’s my first time using linux…it still sucks, but it’s useable. Last time I tried linux was right before I bought this PC 11 years ago. I tried using linux on a PC that previously was running Windows XP. I couldn’t even get it to boot. Now things generally work, but it has BEEN a constant struggle, and a constant learning experience.
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
Mint, Zorin, and Ubuntu are the ones I always hear.
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
you might not find a great drop-in replacement for Photoshop.
I’m not a photoshop user, so maybe I’m just being dumb and not getting it, but…isn’t that gimp? I remember that one because the program name “gimp” made me laugh first time I heard it. It’s like a BDSM thing, and then you’re like “Oh, it’s photoshop? My mind went a totally different direction…”
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
Dude…c’mon now. Check my history. I am NOT a linux defender. I am more along the lines of a linux user mocker. I find the OS to be confusing, but I find the userbase to just be SO…SO mockable. Just making fun of linux brings them out in droves. And it’s so funny to point out how the whole OS is clearly terminal mandated to enjoy the OS. Just say something like that, and you’ll twist somebodies knickers.
That being said, of all the things that are legitimately awful about linux, you chose the GAME SUPPORT??? My god. Steam is THE storefront on PC. They have a vested interest in helping linux’s development, as long as that development goes towards making games work. The steamdeck is literally their financial incentive to make certain that your claim isn’t close to being true.
And sure, you could say you disagree with Steam’s practice of LICENSING you a game. Not selling. There is a difference. I get it. That is something that is in itself a problem, but that also doesn’t relate to your issue. Because even if you stayed on Windows, you’d still have to buy from Steam. They’re just as dominant on Windows, as they are on linux.
So, you COULD buy from GOG. The issue is, they specialize in retro games. So, their library may have massive gigantic gaps in titles. But again, this would also be true on Windows.
So…yeah, I don’t know how you would defend linux game support being lackluster.
- Comment on I have a bunch of questions: Whats the best way to get this platform's feed to compete with reddit? 1 week ago:
Narrator: "And just like a crying baby taking it’s first few breaths, and gasping for air, so to is another born into this world…our world.
Welcome to the fediverse. The next few weeks are going to be confusing as shit…but then you’ll love it. Ask all the questions you want. You now have a girlfriend. Her name is Nicole, and she’s the fediverse chick! She just wants to steal all your data!
- Comment on Is anyone else getting failures to generate reports when reporting the constant spam from "Nicole, the Fediverse Girl" which originates from a different, new instance every time? 1 week ago:
So you rewrite the script, and if the message gets banned it replaces the banned words with similar words from a thesaurus.
I assume the messages would get jumbled after a while.
“Hi, me name be Nicole. The fediverse baby chicken.”
- Comment on Chrono Trigger Is Timeless 1 week ago:
I have never played Chrono Trigger
So, are you one of those guys who denies themselves pleasure?
- Comment on Nothing against disabled people but how come I can't replace my arm with something augmented that can carry more weight? Also other parts? My disabled bro asked me this and got me thinking 1 week ago:
we don’t have the tech to make an arm that can exceed human levels of strength without damaging something.
What if I don’t need it to be gentile? Maybe I want to be Doctor Octopuss from spiderman, and just smash the city with big metalic arms. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to destroy the world, because this world SUCKS! Have you seen…ya know, things??? I don’t know a single person who’s like “Yes, things are certainly going well.”
- Comment on Constituents Erupt at North Carolina GOP Town Hall Over DOGE Cuts 1 week ago:
Oh no! Not the easily predictable lepards! Historically speaking, they’ve always eaten faces. So who could have seen it coming when we trusted them to be in the same room as us, and now they want to eat OUR faces!!! Truely unforseen circumstances!!!
- Comment on Do you think the US will actually log its national parks? 2 weeks ago:
You mean like genocide, slavery, and being the only country in history to use atomic bombs against another country?
- Comment on How come in most school in the USA (at least mine) they teach Spain Spanish instead of Mexico Spanish? Would not Mexico Spanish be an obvious choice to teach? 2 weeks ago:
TIL there are two versions of spanish.
- Comment on Pokemon Legends Z-A's visuals aren't "great" say former Nintendo marketing leads, but hope Switch 2 could allow Game Freak to "go back to the drawing board" 2 weeks ago:
Dammit, I was going to kake a joke about how Mario64 is blocky but was revolutionary at the time. Whereas gamefreak games are an inspiration, that ANYONE can make video games. Even if you’re 30 years behind the times.
- Comment on If I don't have my lunch my sugar crashes and I get sleepy 2 weeks ago:
“What are you doing, step-grandpa???”
- Comment on If I don't have my lunch my sugar crashes and I get sleepy 2 weeks ago:
You guys wanna hear another song?
mixed response
“Alright cool.”
drummer and singer stay, guitarist and bass leave
- Comment on WoW guild uses exploits to get world 'first' on new raid, gets banned, puts its name backwards and does it again 2 weeks ago:
Actually it’s super easy, barely an inconvenience!
- Comment on WoW guild uses exploits to get world 'first' on new raid, gets banned, puts its name backwards and does it again 2 weeks ago:
ITT: I learn WoW is still a thing. Honestly thought that shit died like 15 years ago.
- Comment on what’s the deal with nicole? 2 weeks ago:
Who is Nicole? What does she want???
ITT: Lemmy users making conspiracy theories of stolen photos, without ever actually clicking the links and investigating.
Yes, it’s her. She’s promoting her peertube live broadcasts. When I clicked, I was one of 3 viewers, and she was just sitting in a dark room, illuminated only by her computer monitor, smoking a cigerette and not saying anything. The video was blurry, and it was boring.
My theory is, she’s someone who IS nerdy in a tech way, and genuinely does love the fediverse…but if I would have typed anything, I’m sure she would have probably promoted an adult cam streaming site.
I’m fairly sure she, and possibly a team helping her, directly create and control the bots.
Funny story though. Before she was a thing, while I was still trying to understand the fediverse I asked a lot of queations. One of the questions I asked was, what was stopping someone from creating duplicate accounts on different instances. To I was told “you can”. Then I asked what would stop someone from making thousands of duplicate accounts. To which I was told “you can”. Then I asked what was stopping someone from making thousands of duplicate bots to spam the entire fediverse.
I was laughed at, and told that would never happen, and it COULDN’T happen in a defederated environment. So I did what I always do when I don’t understand something. I ask questions.
I asked “Why is it not possible in the fediverse? What stops it?”
And I never got a straight answer. Just mocked, and told I was stupid for suggesting it could happen here.
Now I don’t know how many bots she has, but I’d venture that’s a few dozen thousand. Like 20-40,000 of them. And probably 80% of them are banned at any given time. So she creates more, and then those get banned, and she creates more, and those get banned. Meanwhile the total number of bots grows.
So, I was mostly asking what stops this behavior from a public posting perspective. I hadn’t even considered the idea of private messaging.
So technically I guess my question goes unanswered. Since Nicole ISN’T spamming communities. She’s spamming users directly.
Still though. The amount of hubris that the fediverse is all encompassing protected from spam is mind boggling.
The only reason you don’t see ads, and spam here isn’t because it’s not possible. It’s because big money backers don’t view this platform as having enough users to invest in.
If the fediverse was as big as twitter and facebook and myspace, then all the brands would absolutely set up accounts, and set up their own instances.
Now you could ban them…but if they saw the fediverse as a worthy platform to invest in, they’d be paying 1000 people to every 1 moderator. And with money backing their 1000 posters, and the 1 mod being unpaid, and overworked, they would have a secret account that looks like a normal user. This account would ask to take over the abandoned community. Then, they’d instill a bunch of other “regular users” as mods to that community.
So now you have these power users. Lets take Blaze for an example. I’m not saying Blaze IS a corporate backed shadow figure account. I’m not saying that. I want that to be clear, that I’m not accusing him of anything. I’m using him as an example.
So lets say Blaze is now the head mod of like 17 different communities. He’d spend 2-3 years getting the platforms dtrrust. Then ensure ALL the other mods are also corporate backed.
Then the company would pour money to ensure when you think of Lemmy, you think of Lemmy.Instance
And I know you’re thinking “But if they did that, you could just make a new instance”. Sure, you could. But here’s the biggest misconception on Lemmy. The average person (not the average current lemmy user, but the average person) does NOT give a shit about any of this.
If Verizon comes along and makes comics@Lemmy.instance and makes a bunch of comics that are subtle verizon ads, the average person would not give a shit. There’d be no rage. No migrating to a new instance. They’d just laugh, unaware it’s an ad. “Ha ha ha. That’s true about 5G biggest network!”. Meanwhile you’re yelling at them to move to a noncorporate network.
If you think I’m wrong, why is reddit still DOMINATING the fediverse. One single big subreddit is bigger than the whole fediverse combined. With the ads. With the corporate bullshit. Nobody is leaving.
You could say “But Lemmy is growing, and reddit is shrinking”, and that’s true.
I came from reddit. But I didn’t leave reddit. I was banned because AI flipped out over nothing. Lemmy was what I found when I googled “Sites similar to reddit”. I’ve talked to people with similar stories on Lemmy.
The fediverse isn’t growing due to being the better choice. It’s growing because reddit is either intentionally banning users that they view as problematic towards their new layout, OR they’re unintentionally downsizing due to bad AI. They probably assumed I’d just start a new account. My account was a 12 year old account. I was among the 1% of karma earners in 2022. I’m NOT starting over.
So, with my arrival, reddit shrinks by 1 user. Lemmy grows by 1 user. Now multiply by scale.
- Comment on I would like to change the capitalization of my username 2 weeks ago:
Hey, give him a break. Capitolization isn’t Smokeydope’s fortay.