- Comment on Do cats have intrusive thoughts about eating their humans? Conversely, do cats get scared of humans eating them? 10 hours ago:
Nah. That kitten knew what it was getting into the second it decided to use “cute yawn”. This is a pokemon battle, and snuggle attack is my counter attack to “cute yawn”. Just like when the kitten uses “rub head on your leg” it prompts “human picks up kitten and snuggle attack”.
Yeah, basically everything counter attacks with snuggle attack. Pokemon only have 4 moves, and I can’t replace “Feed” “Clean litter box” or “Talk about my day as if the cat understands english from across the room”. My moveset is kind of set in stone at this point.
- Comment on Do cats have intrusive thoughts about eating their humans? Conversely, do cats get scared of humans eating them? 13 hours ago:
As for yawning, cats yawn as well, and that doesn’t signal an attack.
It absolutely does!!! Any kitty that yawns is just too cute, and will therefore recieve a snuggle attack!
- Comment on Would voluntary euthanasia benefit society? 1 day ago:
I mean…how is that different than what we have today?
- Comment on Would this be a red or green flag? 1 day ago:
Like…as a fetish, or do you want to date your maid so you don’t have to pay?
- Comment on Would this be a red or green flag? 1 day ago:
Why would he need to ask his sister for his own wifes number?
If you get married in the game, you get married for real. Everyone knows that.
- Comment on Would this be a red or green flag? 1 day ago:
She’s hacked your home security system, and replaced your alarm with “never gonna give you up.mp3”
- Comment on Would not adding a stamp and return address on a letter give you free postage 1 day ago:
Gonna need you to hang on. I’m getting a collect call.
…uh-huh…mm-hmmm…ok…sorry, wrong number.
Hey, that was Bob. He had a baby. It’s a boy.
- Comment on Would not adding a stamp and return address on a letter give you free postage 1 day ago:
It’s also a federal crime. So if you keep doing it, you’d get jail time.
- Comment on Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all? 2 days ago:
Plenty of nazis running around today. No time travel needed.
- Comment on Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all? 2 days ago:
- Comment on I'm not coping, but I do enjoy weed 2 days ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 2 days ago:
No no…ask the internet. It’s funnier this way!
OP…have you ever eaten a whole bottle of ketchup in one go?
- Comment on Is there any non-zero possibility Musk was not doing a Hitler Salute? 2 days ago:
No, I don’t agree with this at all.
I grew up in the 90s when being gay was “bad” (societys words, not mine). I live in Cleveland, but a suburb of Cleveland is Lakewood. San Fransisco is Americas gayest city. Lakewood is (was?) Americas second gayest city (at least in the 90s it was).
I lived right on the Lakewood border. About 7 streets away. And just to give an idea of how anti-gay the 90s were, I can remember a guy getting handcuffed to a chain link fence, and beaten by 4 men with bats. Beaten to literal death. With his dead body lay prone and still handcuffed from 2:30am until 7am on a busy street until a mother called the police as she walked her 5 year old to school (this was 2 blocks from an elementary school)
That’s the environment I grew up in. People CONSTANTLY accused me of being gay. I’m not. I never have been gay. But I grew up being taught you better make sure you deny it. If nothing else, so people don’t beat you.
Now I realize, we no longer live in that social environment. But I also assume Jews in Europe in the 1960s still would downplay the fact they were Jewish. Sure, the nazis weren’t a thing anymore, but if you’d seen the holocaust you wouldn’t take chances either.
Plus, being a teenager in the 90s, I thought “If the girls think I’m gay, I’ll never get laid…” which was true. They still thought I was gay, and I didn’t get to date until after high school.
And thats how I stay today. I have enough of an uphill battle to dating. I don’t need women disqualifying me for something that isn’t true.
Now if YOU wanna be gay, go ahead. I always think if more guys are gay, that makes things easier for me.
- Comment on Is there any non-zero possibility Musk was not doing a Hitler Salute? 2 days ago:
I mean sure. EVERYTHING has a non-zero chance of happening/be possible. Doesn’t mean it’s likely, or believable.
There’s a chance someone has forked the blueprints of Nikola Teslas blueprints for a mind control device, and has been controling Musk for years. Just making him do/say whatever.
I’m not saying it’s a good chance. I’m not saying I believe that to be true on any level. But I suppose there’s nothing truely stopping that from happening.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 days ago:
I thought you were going to say it’s the 2 dads having sex with each other while the daughters watch…
…yeah, it’s fucked up, but there’s literally no outcome where a father sharing porn with his daughter titled “daughter swap” ISN’T going to be fucked up, ya know? I just thought you were taking it in a whole different direction.
Maybe see a therapist after this.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 days ago:
Offer not valid in Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Alaska or Hawaii. Void where prohibited.
- Comment on Does the US really have no instruments in case a newly elected president immediatelly and openly exposes he's a nazi? 3 days ago:
I thought it was twice? I mean, that doesn’t detract from your point, and I don’t even disagree. I just want to make sure the details are set straight.
- Comment on is Chat-GPT refusing this image? 3 days ago:
To be fair…based on it knowing who it is, and what he’s doing, if you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes it doesn’t sound plausible. Like if you heard that there was nazi salutes being done at the official presidential inauguration, you’d think “ah, this guys exaggerating. He probably made a small gesture that’s being taken out of context”
Except no. He full on did a nazi salute. Enthusiastically at that. And then he thought “Oh, my bad, the people in the back probably couldn’t see that. LET ME DO ANOTHER NAZI SALUTE FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK BEHIND ME!”
And he did it A SECOND time!
It’s not chatGPTs fault it’s unable to discern absurdity from reality at this point. You can’t blame the program for what life has become. I fully expect The Onion to publish an article over the next 4 years that just says “We give up. Fuck it. We can’t make up crazier shit than NPR at this rate.”
- Comment on [Discussion] Should Twitter links be banned from lemmy.world? 3 days ago:
The playstation community just did.
And nothing of value was lost.
- Comment on Me shoppin for memes on Lemmy be like: 3 days ago:
Well now someone needs to make a linux distro called “Spring Fresh” and never explain the orgin.
- Comment on why can't there be a soda dispenser for energy drinks? 3 days ago:
Costs. These types of machines are generally free refills. You take a 32oz coke, and say actual cost to the store for you getting that coke is about 15 cents. You paid $2.30. Most people get 1 refill. But even if you get multiple, they still make profit.
I don’t know wholesale costs of monster, but I know a 20oz bottle in stores here costs about $2. While a 24oz can of monster costs about $9.
It wouldn’t surprise me if a 32oz fountain of monster cost the store like $0.70 wholesale. So there’s no way they could make profit if people got multiple refills.
Plus, if you try to sell the monster at a higher cost than coke, what would stop someone from dumping the coke, and refilling with monster? Paying the lower innitial price, and now getting refills.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 days ago:
Dude…L.A is already on fire, and you want us to make forest fires???
- Comment on [deleted] 4 days ago:
Batman IS a billionaire 1% who is on the side of the cops. Batman isn’t of the people. He’s of the elite!
- Comment on [deleted] 4 days ago:
Not da mama! bonk!
Yes. That was her. She was the mama.
…did I just blow your mind?
- Comment on [deleted] 4 days ago:
Well…she wasn’t in that clip.
Also yes.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 days ago:
“Nooooo, c’mon, you gotta get outta here before the police or whoever show up. What do you have in Switzerland? Pikemen?”
“I don’t know. I am from Germany. Where the age of consent is 14…”
“What is it? The Alabama of Europe??!”
“In many ways, yes.”
- Comment on If you shop by unit prices, double check the math! 4 days ago:
I tend to buy the max size that my family can reasonably eat before the item goes bad
Does peanut butter even go bad? I’ve never seen moldy peanut butter…
- Comment on What are the odds of getting salmonella when eating raw poultry products? 4 days ago:
Couple years ago there were locals all over America saying the masks are a hoax, and to inject bleach.
…locals aren’t always right, or even smart…
- Comment on What are the odds of getting salmonella when eating raw poultry products? 4 days ago:
Salmon? No, this is chicken. It’s pretty fowl smelling though. Probably from sitting at room tempature. Probably is contaminated with salmonella.
- Comment on If you shop by unit prices, double check the math! 4 days ago:
I’d imagine not many. I don’t know anyone who says “I need (x of weight) worth of peanut butter!” And then uses the weight as the measurement.
Everyone I know says “I need peanut butter. Oh, $6.97 is less than $8.27” and never checks the weight.
If you’re shopping by weight, you’re probably not getting either of these. You’re getting those massive jars that are like 15lbs, and come in almost mini barrels.
Also, unrelated, but WHY are you getting creamy when EXTRA CRUNCHY exists?