- Comment on There is a scene in Saving Private Ryan where a soldier gets shot in the helmet and it bounces off. Now a days soldiers seem to get shot in the helmet and it goes right thru. How come and why? 1 day ago:
Helmets work better now than back then. Go to the VA you will see lots of traumatic brain injury vs before they would have just been in a body bag. Also movie vs real life. In real life there are worse things than death down range.
- Comment on Steam has the best UI 3 days ago:
Yeah that’s the one drives me nuts it’s not like that on steam
- Comment on Steam has the best UI 3 days ago:
- Comment on Steam has the best UI 3 days ago:
Whatever you do don’t look up the video where a ux person fixes steam it will make you more annoyed.
- Comment on Can I pay someone to add a specific feature to an open source app? 1 week ago:
There is also unexpected consequences of that feature. Like that feature could create bugs that would go beyond just creating that feature. But at the end of the day create a feature request bug report with a very detailed ask. Then reach out to the owner and ask two things one would they be willing to implement the feature at all and if so would they prioritize it if you paid them and what you are willing to pay.
It’s very similar to artist commission negotiations. The third thing to ask is if they no to prioritize question is if you paid someone else to create a PR for your feature would they accept it. If the answer is yes you can try to find someone but it will always be more expensive. Since like others have said they have to learn the codebase.
- Comment on How transferable is this account that I'm posting from across the fediverse? 1 week ago:
The account is not transferable at all the federated part is you accessing other platforms data from your account. Like email your account is very much tied to the server you setup with. What we need is something like openid like service to just store profile information like subs and creds and other servers to handle the data like pots and comments. Something like that would make it even more complicated like a uri of a comment would be bob@Idserver@PostedViaDataserver. You you would just login as bob@Idserver from any data server.
- Comment on How to wake up during nightmares? 1 week ago:
I had something similar ptsd and all that jazz i couldn’t wake up but I found learning about lucid dreaming helped me control my dreams to be something I wanted. It was like my own holodeck. It doesn’t always work if i go to bed stressed out but it helps on the nights I can realize I’m dreaming.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 2 weeks ago:
This is good advice but also note there are other alternatives to church that function the same way like humanist churches or the satanic temple. Note the satanic temple has nothing to do with satin and is not the same as the church of satin.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 2 weeks ago:
Could not agree more feminism is not human rights by another name and human rights is not achieved by anyone till every gender , race , sexual orientation, religion or lack of, ability or disability are equal.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 2 weeks ago:
This is so true. We are living in the novel “Brave New World”
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 2 weeks ago:
You make very good points also to add women in online spaces have incentives to pretend to be male or be ambiguous and not bring attention that they are women online to reduce the harassment they get. I’m pulling numbers out of the air but I feel 10% the internet that is male are assholes or children that don’t have any social skills yet and the other 90% get lumped in with them because we don’t reach out at all as to not come off as creeps like the other 10%. So you don’t hear about the polite respectful ones.
My hypothesis for this comes from the fact that most men I meet in real life are polite social people that respect women with about 10% being weird assholes. I also don’t blame women being guarded of all men as that 10% are true nightmare. I mean if there was a 10% chance a strange man you meet out in public was going to be Jason Voorhees. I would mace every man that came up to me as well. That’s how those assholes ruin it for everyone. Well except the grifrers that make it worse that is.
Also I’m married but we met online before tinder broke dating sites. So take what I say with a grain of salt just from an old man that sees the struggle of young people of all genders go through and I have empathy for them.
- Comment on Could the next US Administration feasibly order USCIS to destroy Naturalization records in order to make it easier to mass deport citizens? 4 weeks ago:
Yeah this is wrong at least when it comes to the military UCMJ allows you to disregard an unlawful order. Nuremberg confirmed that i was just following orders doesn’t fly at least in the military. Immunity doesn’t make it legal it just makes the person uncountable and shows how broken the system is.
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 4 weeks ago:
I don’t think what’s talked about enough is kids having the talk with their parents about not being able to take care of them when they get old because you can’t afford to take of yourself and didn’t save anything for retirement. So you hope SSN will be enough for them. I know my mother always asked me if I would take care of her when she got old.
She would say that’s why she had kids. But I had to sit her down and run the math and I said it’s not about if I have the will or not it’s is it possible and the math just doesn’t workout and I have an okay job. I can only imagine what people lower down on the ladder are going through.
There are a lot of boomers that about to get a horrible wake up call and a lot of heartbreak watching our parents suffer at hands of their own making.
They will be drowning and some kids are going to jump in and get pulled under when trying to rescue them and the ones who know they don’t have to proper equipment. Stay out of the water and mourn the loss.
- Comment on George Carlin - It's A Big Club & You Ain't In It! 4 weeks ago:
See i want to be in the club for just a little bit so I can shut it down. Like running for HOA president in order to disband the HOA. Unfortunately it will never happen since I can’t bring myself to do the horrible shit the elite do to maintain power.
- Comment on 'Star Trek: Lower Decks' Finale May Not Be the End, Says Tawny Newsome 4 weeks ago:
Yeah they had to call back to Trip’s death since we have such great memories of when that happened.
- Comment on Do spam calls "I wanna buy your house" ever work? Has anyone ever sold their house like that? 4 weeks ago:
Yes they do and the answer is old people being taken advantage of
- Comment on How likely will "Cloud Storage" eventually replace Local Storage? 5 weeks ago:
That’s still local storage if you are the one that owns the hard drives
- Comment on How likely will "Cloud Storage" eventually replace Local Storage? 5 weeks ago:
Cloud storage will only last till they get a monopoly then when they start charging through the nose when they start the Enshittification phase . The scramble for local storage will begin but by that time they will outlaw it or some other bullshit
- Comment on AUSTIN ST JOHN & WALTER JONES - Why We Left Power Rangers, we tell the story together 1 month ago:
Yeah by Austin St John, dude is a bigot
- Comment on Are Increased Colorectal Cancers Rates Linked to Using Laptops on Stomachs? 1 month ago:
To add to this the heat being radiated is more dangerous than the EM coming off the laptop. If that gives you the idea of how not dangerous EMs fields are in normal devices.
- Comment on Rational Self-Interest 1 month ago:
Man can you imagine if that happened for real. Hopefully before she wrote her second book. That Russian piece of trash. I wished I believed in hell, just so i could believe she is burning in it.
- Comment on Starbucks wants a Bachelor's degree for a barista 1 month ago:
None like they said you apply directly on their site. It sucks it seems they all use Work Day as a platform but you can’t share logins and data you entered between different applications.
- Comment on What gives you hope to keep going? 1 month ago:
Basically it’s self fulfilling if say that. You can believe all that i do too but I don’t say it becomes a forgone conclusion as that will make it happen for sure. My thoughts on it are. if it’s going to happen im gone to make it as hard as I can for the people that are making it happen and the closer we get to it happening the more radical my actions will become. I will help my community where I can and do my best to make the people responsible pay for their actions. I would read about community network building.
Also there is a YouTube channel Beau of the fifth column that has a lot of great advice. I know the name makes it sound like a crazy person but it’s not. They put the news into perspective and talk about ways to help your community. When the government and other social structures are gone.
Also if you want to talk I would be happy to be your penpal.
- Comment on Why does the snow melt in this pattern? 1 month ago:
Underneath the cover there is reenforcement bars in that pattern so there is more mass to conduct heat
- Comment on Why people consistently vote against their own interests to benefit the rich? 1 month ago:
Because powerful people turned politics from a policy / representation in to politics as an identity. People will almost anything for their two minutes of hate.
- Comment on Where to start? 2 months ago:
You know what you are correct i should have done a search before posting thanks for the correction
- Comment on Where to start? 2 months ago:
TNG season 1 is a good start its rough around the edges and if it starts to look like the movie “Coming to America” go ahead and skip that episode. Just watch knowing it’s going to get better like Park and Rec but it sets up a lot of storylines that will pay off later and some classic episodes that people forget are season 1 like “Measure of a man”.
- Comment on is "oh boy" considered a gendered term? 2 months ago:
Can we all just agree that Dude is a gender agnostic term and doesn’t just refer to men. It’s what Bill and Ted would have wanted.
- Comment on Why is Gen Z so Poor? 2 months ago:
Their about to get a whole lot poorer cause they didn’t get out and vote
- Comment on US Elections question: Bernie Sanders said that the Democrats abandoned the working class, and the working class abandoned them. How is this true? 2 months ago:
This is very much on point I have always seen America as as really having four parties masquerading as two. Progressives , corporate Left , Corporate Right, and zealots and bigots. The problem is the Corporate Left and corporate Right have been edging Progressives and the zealots and bigots on single issues but never following through as they wouldn’t have anything to campaign on. Trump was too stupid to realize this but when he killed roe. Not to be crass but he finely let the zealots and bigots cum and they fell in love. With Progressives that happened with Obama but he just kept edging us never truly giving what we need other than it could be worse.