- Comment on Life imitates art? 1 day ago:
I mean, duh it wanted them to recognize that? Recaptcha is annoying but this is just pettiness.
- Comment on Last channel rule 2 days ago:
Hearing this let’s me realize how lucky I was in this regard. I got a PSP when I was young and either my parents didn’t know it had an internet browser or they didn’t know it was a fully fleshed out browser.
- Comment on reddit cat subs be like: 3 days ago:
That’s QUEEN Monkey cat to you!
- Comment on Fear 3 days ago:
I’m in my early thirties and I used to feel this way. But in the last couple of years I’ve noticed I prefer calls more because it’s so much easier to get things across to each other faster. As someone who travels a lot for work I also find it helps with feeling isolated/lonely as well.
- Comment on This made me so angry, enjoy! 6 days ago:
Sorry, I’m a dumb dumb. Can someone explain?
- Comment on No longer dating 1 week ago:
Oh sorry, didn’t know you have complete knowledge over the entire worlds sense of humor and your sense of humor is the only type that exists.
- Comment on Br*t*sh 1 week ago:
It is, but i detest getting stuck in a massive line of people who have no idea how to use a roundabout.
- Comment on Oh Elon 3 weeks ago:
Lmao, if you actually believe all this you are an idiot
- Comment on So professional looking it must be true 4 weeks ago:
It’s mind-boggling how you and others like you (assuming you aren’t just a bot or being paid to say this stuff) can say/comment/post this stuff when there is SO MUCH EVIDENCE proving it wrong.
- Comment on Why are doctors so hands off and unhelpful in the USA? 5 weeks ago:
Insurance companies have control over what the doctors can do and over their schedules. They are only allowed to spend certain amounts of time with patients or they get in trouble. All the doctors I’ve talked to hate this. Blame insurance companies and the hospitals for prioritizing profit, not the doctors.
- Comment on after 40 all meals are horror 5 weeks ago:
I travel a lot for work so I’ve been to a pretty large number of restaurants and such. I’ve definitely had bad food from food trucks before, but it isn’t very common for it to be abysmal. It’s not like a restaurant that can have other factors like atmosphere, lighting, etc. If the food is bad they won’t last long. Never seen a true roadside stall any of the places I’ve been though unfortunately. I’m honestly so sick of chain restaurants. They completely take over and drive local stuff out a lot of the time.
- Comment on after 40 all meals are horror 5 weeks ago:
I’m betting they didn’t mean it to be racist. I wish I had roadside stalls as options to eat at where I work. A lot of times those end up being better quality and I like the thought of giving money to the people directly making the food instead of a corporate overlord that takes 95% of the money and makes the workers divide the 5% among all of them.
- Comment on Oof ouch owie 5 weeks ago:
If there is a heaven I doubt she is looking down from it.
- Comment on Pizza 1 month ago:
Probably because when companies posted or commented shitty things they would get downvoted to oblivion. Spez obviously couldn’t allow that
- Comment on SMH(ー_ー゛) 1 month ago:
I mean acting stupid and feeling superior about it in a lot of cases would be trolling. It’s honestly just sad how clueless you are, but I’m not interested in teaching you since I already have a full time job. Bye
- Comment on SMH(ー_ー゛) 1 month ago:
It’s a troll trying to stir things up by pretending to be offended about things that are way out of context.
- Comment on SMH(ー_ー゛) 1 month ago:
Begone troll
- Comment on Close call 1 month ago:
You are reaching. Stop overthinking things and looking for a reason to be offended.
- Comment on SMH(ー_ー゛) 1 month ago:
Grow up
- Comment on What's the best way to measure the size of the government? 1 month ago:
As someone else stated there’s really no way to answer this without specifying in what way. The federal government is bigger in some ways and greatly lacking in others. And the amount of finances or revenue isn’t going to tell you the size of the government. It just tells you what one of it’s resources is. I would argue that if you aren’t in an area that’s trying to enforce religious rules/laws the average person likely has more freedom in the past. Obviously based on the demographic that might not be true though.
- Comment on Is this normal for girls or just a extreme edge case? (Serious question) 2 months ago:
Seriously. I’m not a woman so my experience is from the other side of things, but if there is anything I’m glad I’ve learned in the bedroom it’s that you have to find out what she likes and not just assume. Not all women like being pounded like crazy and at the same time not all women like having their clit focused on. You need to find the sweet spot(s) and also learn how to use them, so to speak.
- Comment on Twitter 2 months ago:
It’s just some edgy troll thinking they are being clever
- Comment on 6/10 'murican cinema supremacy 2 months ago:
I think I watched it like 10 years ago but I really don’t remember it being all that horny in general. There were some parts it was excessive. Might just be that it’s been so long though.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
I would absolutely love if she picked Pete. I’m not sure how likely it is that will happen though.
- Comment on Kids and their computers these days. 2 months ago:
Not with that attitude
- Comment on A story in two parts 2 months ago:
So scroll past it. No one forces you to interact with these posts.
- Comment on Povertymaxxed and bolognapilled 2 months ago:
No if blowing were involved you wouldn’t be here either
- Comment on If I live in a red state, would it be better to vote for rfk to take votes away from trump? 2 months ago:
Because trumpets will always vote Trump. People voting for third party may not be actively supporting Trump, but the 3rd party has zero chance of winning so the only way to keep Trump from winning is to vote for who actually can win against him currently. Which is biden.
- Comment on Water 2 months ago:
Lol, fair enough
- Comment on Water 2 months ago:
This picture just reeks of boomer to me