- Comment on I won't connect my dishwasher to your stupid cloud 16 hours ago:
That’s disgusting. I can set time delay on my 10yo Bosch at the push of a physical button.
- Comment on Hey, do americans just want to take a break from normal politics for a bit and focus all our efforts solely on the wild boar problem? 2 days ago:
A 14yo was the first to fire at Marshalls at Ruby Ridge.
- Comment on Hey, do americans just want to take a break from normal politics for a bit and focus all our efforts solely on the wild boar problem? 2 days ago:
Forgive him for what? I recall there was drama around this show but I legit couldn’t understand what actually happened.
- Comment on Hey, do americans just want to take a break from normal politics for a bit and focus all our efforts solely on the wild boar problem? 2 days ago:
I’d rather do that than arm people with assault rifles so they can live in remote rural areas where herds of feral pigs are an issue. Yes this is an actual argument people make in favor of keeping assault rifles legal. “What if I need to stop a stampede of 80 feral hogs? This is a weekly occurrence on my property.”
Frankly, if feral hogs have you running scared, it’s not your property, it’s theirs.
- Comment on What are some slow acting poisons? 2 days ago:
Yeah OP needs to define what “slow” means to them. You could say that a one-week delayed effect is slow. Or you could say that it’s only slow if it takes months of exposure.
- Comment on Why Does This Industry Get Special Privileges? 3 days ago:
Because yeah, sugar just isn’t cheap enough in America.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 days ago:
LOL I knew that was going to be the link :)
Keep those out of my pants too!
- Comment on [deleted] 4 days ago:
He wants to be guaranteed a woman and then to have her loyalty guaranteed.
These are obviously the desires of a man who cannot find and keep the loyalty of a mate just on his own merits. No, he needs the state to help him bag a wife.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 days ago:
I’ve heard it said that marriage was invented by men as a sort of peace agreement to guarantee one woman per man so that no men were totally shut out of sex. In earlier times, when wealthy or powerful men hoarded the women, this led to serious problems from those men on the losing end of the society.
So yeah, in essence, this douche is trying to level the playing field between his sorry ass and more successful men.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 days ago:
Get your laws out of my pants.
- Comment on Why is a two-party system considered democratic? 4 days ago:
This. This. This.
Everyone should watch this. Even people who know about rank choice voting.
- Comment on Oops, something went wrong! 1 week ago:
Just 25 years experience developing websites and apps. Websites are thin clients. Every line of JS that executes in your browser is generated by more server side code, and that’s not even to speak of the middle tier and back end. So yeah. A majority of software is not on the client. Unless you’re doing it incredibly wrong.
- Comment on Oops, something went wrong! 1 week ago:
“Hey boss? I got a user here who’s blocking our ads and cussing us out.”
“Oh dear. Better give him whatever he wants.”
- Comment on Nothing against disabled people but how come I can't replace my arm with something augmented that can carry more weight? Also other parts? My disabled bro asked me this and got me thinking 1 week ago:
That Harriman version is the only kind I understand, where it’s basically a freestanding robot that a human gets inside.
Others if the variety that you strap on worry me. Elderly people have weaker bones and cartilage. Having something apply force to the skeleton itself to do work seems dangerous.
- Comment on Oops, something went wrong! 1 week ago:
Look, the majority of the software is on the server end. Even if they have you a full stack trace, and you understood it, you wouldn’t be able to do anything about it. You want them to give you a way to send in a merge request? I’m sure that would be received here as Google exploiting you for free.
- Comment on I left negative feedback on ebay for dropshipping and the seller has messaged me four days in a row asking me to change it 1 week ago:
Let’s ALL buy the same thing as OP and then leave negative feedback. We’ll all get it for free and bleed this vendor.
Link, OP?
- Comment on I'm sure people fall for this type of greenwashing all the time... 1 week ago:
74 loads versus 60, bruh
- Comment on How come in most school in the USA (at least mine) they teach Spain Spanish instead of Mexico Spanish? Would not Mexico Spanish be an obvious choice to teach? 1 week ago:
Forgive me but I wanted to nitpick all those examples
Cantonese is not a dialect of Madarin. It’s a distinct language, just a smaller one.
Standard Arabic is not actually spoken anywhere, and is primarily a written form. Egyptian pronunciations ARE commonly taught, not only because Egypt is big but because, with Egypt’s large entertainment sector, they have exported their pronunciations around the world in TV and movies.
British English is taught largely as a colonial legacy, not because England predates the US and Australia in history and is therefore considered “standard.”
While all of these secondary examples are flawed, IMO, I believe you’re actually right about Castilian Spanish. It’s simply more of an individual case than part of a common pattern.
- Comment on "Algorithms are breaking how we think" 1 week ago:
I can’t argue with the notion that we’re worse at finding information through other means. I’d just say that’s the way times change, though.
I’m reading Henry Huggins to my son right now and in it, a boy needs to find out how to take care of a fish he’s bought. He waits for his dad to come home in order to ask him, and when dad doesn’t know, they go on a trip to the library. The librarian has a little trouble figuring out where the right book might be, and ultimately can only find him one that he needs adult help to read.
And that’s a success story for those times.
While we’re certainly worse at things like that these days, we’re better off in other ways that more than compensate IMO. It’s still good to know how to resort to books, but I think it’s romantic to bemoan the options for learning nowadays (not that you are doing that).
- Comment on "Algorithms are breaking how we think" 2 weeks ago:
Good points.
I do think It’s been a longer road to where we are than most people realize. Conservative talk radio and Christian AM radio had been peddling disinformation, outrage, and conspiracies for decades prior to the Internet. That really paved the way for today’s bullshit, and the prevalence of podcasts in the conservative media wackosphere helps show that.
I think his point is that the more people conflate their social media algorithms with the internet, the less able they become to do some basic research.
I guess that didn’t come through very clearly for me. Does using Instagram actually harm people’s Googling skills? This is a bold claim, and while interesting, was not founded on any evidence. I could tell he’s concerned this might be the case but he didn’t have any particular knowledge of this to present. Which is odd, because he typically has extensive knowledge about what he’s presenting.
It was a bit of an odd video for him. That’s fine. He’s more than earned the right to the occasional weird editorial.
- Comment on "Algorithms are breaking how we think" 2 weeks ago:
I genuinely do live this guy.
When I watched this though, I had to think: back in the days of television, wasn’t it even worse? There was nothing you could do to influence what was on. We literally called what was on programming ffs.
I was also a little unimpressed by the radio parts shopping example. Is he really saying that instead of engaging in some feed scrolling while you’re waiting to be called in the doctor’s waiting room, that you should go on a mission to repair some electronics? There’s project time and there’s entertainment time and they ain’t the same.
- Comment on Receipt checkers trigger me 2 weeks ago:
I only experience this at Costco and my theory is that they just check that it’s a receipt from today, and that it is about the right length for your size of cart. On top of just making sure you have a receipt at all, this would make it harder to walk out with a pirate cart. Plus there’s just an overall deterrence because you don’t really know how much they are checking. Maybe every 10th person gets a real look-over.
- Comment on Is someone falling for this crap? 2 weeks ago:
Remarkably pedestrian photo for a scam. And 29yo seems old for a fantasy girl too.
I guess they understand that it’s older guys who have the money, and even those guys know they’ll never make it with an 18yo.
- Submitted 2 weeks ago to | 23 comments
- Comment on What is best Lemmy App to use on iPhone? 2 weeks ago:
Yeah I tried a lot of different clients and landed on this one for the long haul. It has held up well in the months since then.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Most of us have. There are just entrenched centers where the history goes very deep.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
I see you’ve fallen into thinking that as long as we don’t talk about race, there’s no racism. And that actively trying to do something about racism draws attention to it, and is therefore racist.
The whole “I don’t see race” thing is empty. You can claim you don’t see race and so you don’t want to hear about it, while black people systematically get turned down for mortgages and have their houses appraised for less.
Maybe you don’t “see race” but society as a whole still does and you can see it in the numbers. Pointing that out and asking what we can do about it is not racism! That is not what racism ever was.
I would say that “not seeing race” is all well and good but you shouldn’t try to say that because you don’t think you see race, no one does, and therefore everyone should never mention it again. Do you see how that’s several leaps of logic thrown into one? And it makes you look like you’re desperate to bury any talk of the subject, which might be, you know… racist?
I agree the end state we would all like is one where no one sees race. But there’s no use pretending we are there when we aren’t.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Yep. Interestingly, conservatives disagree on this. They’ll say that black people have absolutely nothing to complain about post Civil Rights Act of 1964. They think that once the law changed, everything else is just a matter of personal merit and fortune. They only recognize institutional racism. They seem to think either that personal and cultural racism doesn’t exist, or (more likely) that that is a personal choice which no one has any business complaining about.
- Comment on Is it a red flag if a potential employer rushes you? 2 weeks ago:
It might occasionally be legit that an employer needs you to apply quickly.
But EVERY scam will say this.
You might just let this one go.
- Comment on How do you feel about someone taking the coins people tossed into a fountain or other public waterworks display for "wishes?" 2 weeks ago:
It’s a ritual sacrifice, so the important thing is that the person parted with the money. It’s not that important if the situation gets it, or who gets it.