- Comment on A balanced diet is important 5 days ago:
That sounds amazing rn [8]
- Comment on Working below minimum wage to save the planet 5 days ago:
I was living in a shithole apartment with a noisy fridge that the landlord wouldn’t fix and complaining to my therapist about it. He suggested I fix it, which was a completely alien idea to me at the time. It was a lot less complicated than I expected, I learned a lot about how it worked, and my self-confidence and perceived control over my circumstances skyrocketed.
- Comment on Erasure 6 days ago:
I think they’re clarifying that the removal of the DEI program erased you, not the DEI program itself. It’s a small nit to pick, but then you confirmed it, so I think they just got confused. Words are hard sometimes
- Comment on my version is better 1 week ago:
In lay me down by the dirty heads, the line:
But they were seen by the good eye of the mean billy green
Should have been:
But they were seen by the keen eye of the mean billy green
- Comment on anyone else LOVE how their sleeping s/o looks? (Obv not in a creepy way) 1 week ago:
You don’t start hating your SO when you get married. You start hating your SO when you take them for granted and/or if you’re poorly matched. Being married is fucking awesome.
But yes, my husband and I both have pictures of each other sleeping on our phones.
- Comment on White House Faith Office 1 week ago:
Has there always been a White House faith office?
- Comment on Anon achieves optimal testosterone 1 week ago:
It is, but I feel like the additional harm to myself is worth not getting a vape with all of the environmental drawbacks to the casing and battery, especially because I really think it’ll only be another few weeks. I already have a new job lined up, and I won’t be able to smoke during that really at all.
- Comment on Anon achieves optimal testosterone 1 week ago:
I smoked cigarettes for four years, then quit for a decade. I was incredibly stressed out and had 2-3 cigarettes for a couple days in a row and now I’m addicted again. I hope I will be able to quit soon, I just have to stop working where I am first, because I need the five minute breaks and don’t get them otherwise.
- Comment on Keep them guessing 1 week ago:
That’s why it’s broke
- Comment on If you're falling apart at only 27 you're in real trouble 1 week ago:
I mentioned the recovery time in my comment, and that I took a step back from dancing for my knees, so I’m not sure why you’re assuming I don’t take care of myself. My doctors are of the opinion that I’m doing everything I can, but maybe you’ve got an extra insight.
- Comment on AHHHHHHHHHHH 2 weeks ago:
Nah, I teach adult immigrants, so if they don’t show up, that’s their business. As for time, I don’t know that I really consider that math.
Either way, counting and time are two things that republicans politicians also have to do, tallying up the votes in congress and figuring out exactly how long they can draw that process out. At some point, I suspect they’ll give up vote tallying, but we’re not there quite yet.
- Comment on AHHHHHHHHHHH 2 weeks ago:
I like math quite a lot, but I don’t really use it in my job as a language teacher. I guess there’s a small amount of addition and division in grading, but there are also programs that automatically do that for you.
- Comment on Wow, ok. 2 weeks ago:
It’s rare that reading the wiki page for a movie does psychic damage and makes me want to see it
- Comment on If you're falling apart at only 27 you're in real trouble 2 weeks ago:
This is heavily dependent on your genetics. It sounds like you’re pretty lucky in addition to taking care of yourself, congrats! I had to take a step back from dancing around 27, because I kept injuring my knees, even with sufficient training, musculature, and recovery time built in. It’s now been several years and I’m okay, but I simply cannot be as active as I want to be (tbf, I was dancing for 14 hours a week, but I had the time and energy for it. I still do, but my knees complain 🤷)
- Comment on This is America 2 weeks ago:
Until you guys do, it seems fucked up for the USA to just take US. German uses US-Amerikaner, which is at least clear.
- Comment on This is America 2 weeks ago:
The United States of Mexico would like a word.
- Comment on Tough question 2 weeks ago:
Sure, but it’s the time of year (indirectly) affecting your personality, so it felt relevant
- Comment on Tough question 2 weeks ago:
I think it has an effect, not inherently, but only because we then standardize schooling based on birth year, not actual age. Starting at four years and one month vs four years and eleven months (where I am, it starts even earlier, at two years and six months/three years and five months for kindergarten) means students are in a wildly different developmental stages. I don’t think it’s necessarily a lifelong thing, but at least during school, the kids who start at a later age are better at sports, so they’re more likely to make sports teams, which certainly affects your personality.
I would never say that I believe in astrology though.
- Comment on Anon has a business idea 2 weeks ago:
photographer is the first thing to cut
I got married for about $3.5k, of which $800 was the photographer and that was a spectacular decision.
- Comment on To whomever invented LED bus advertisements: I despise you. 2 weeks ago:
I have a sensory thing about tags, only purchase undecorated, monochrome clothing, and have worn the paint off of my water bottle. Plus, I make my own lunch and pack it in metal Tupperware whose branding is also worn away. It’s wild to me that there’s an application for being a fucking weirdo, but I don’t have any visible ads on my person.
- Comment on If my friend says he can eat 50 eggs... 2 weeks ago:
God, the stench of his farts afterwards must have been awful
- Comment on Snap, Crackle, Transubstantiate 2 weeks ago:
Everyone who wants to taste these: look up Oblaten at a baking supply store near you, they’re basically 20-30 cm diameter communion wafers, and they come in much smaller quantities than you’ll find at seminary stores. You probably won’t want to keep eating them, so it’s better to have to throw out five big ones than 499 small ones.
- Comment on Snap, Crackle, Transubstantiate 2 weeks ago:
As someone who’s eaten too many communion wafers: it would probably not be good. They’re so bland that it would be too sweet and they don’t have a strong enough structure to hold up to molten marshmallows, imo.
- Comment on Wish I could just keep drinking, but I need to cut back soon. 3 weeks ago:
My favorite game is asking small children how old they think I am. Sometimes it’s 15, sometimes it’s a hundred
- Comment on Wish I could just keep drinking, but I need to cut back soon. 3 weeks ago:
That’s how it always is. I have one coworker in her mid twenties and another in her mid forties (I’m in my mid thirties). The younger one was saying the older one looked good for her age and I was like “??? But she’s not old???” But just like I see 50 as the line for older and 80 as the line for elderly, she sees them as 40 and 70, respectively. I’m sure my 75 year old dad doesn’t feel five years away from elderly (unless his knees are acting up)
- Comment on My Honest Opinion 3 weeks ago:
Yes. That’s why I’d be impressed if a random friend showed me one and said they painted it.
- Comment on My Honest Opinion 3 weeks ago:
They’re not art school caliber, but I’d definitely be impressed if a random friend of mine had painted one
- Comment on Punk circa 1200 AD 3 weeks ago:
Stealing food when you’re hungry (especially if you share it with other hungry people) is morally right though. Fucking with the cops about it is pretty punk
- Comment on Anon experiences German humor 4 weeks ago:
As an immigrant in Germany, that’s the reason people think Germans aren’t funny. A lot of the humor is pun-based (and sometimes there are many, many more layers, making them actually very good jokes), which just doesn’t translate well.
- Comment on Meta Censors #Democrat when searched for 4 weeks ago:
Maybe try to be better. You know, when they go low, we go high