- Comment on Disappointing coyote attack 2 days ago:
I know coyotes aren’t exactly massive, but the six year old is fine?? Good news, but that coyote must be embarrassed as hell.
- Comment on 🐙🐙🐙 5 days ago:
Its origin is Greek, but it comes to us through Latin, so fuck it. Plus it’s language, and octopi is understood by fluent speakers
- Comment on Bravery 1 week ago:
I started saying dawg ironically…
- Comment on Pineapple was never the problem 1 week ago:
It’s definitely not for everyone, but the only thing stopping me from making a mac and cheese sandwich is shame.
I will say, most of the mac and cheese pizzas I’ve had were more enjoyable(for me) than good and the texture is the reason. To do it well, you basically just need a good thick cheese sauce that coats the noodles well enough to insulate them from getting simultaneously soggy and burnt, but the best sauce for that is not the best sauce for standard mac and cheese
- Comment on Pineapple was never the problem 1 week ago:
When I clean the fermentation cabinet at my bakery, I start craving subway because of the smell. It was annoying until I actually realized what caused it, and since then it’s just gross.
- Comment on Pineapple was never the problem 1 week ago:
I know, I know. But have you had it?
I was the kid who used to make mashed potato and stuffing sandwiches after thanksgiving, if that’s relevant.
- Comment on Anon's friend is Buddhist 2 weeks ago:
It’s a partner exercise
- Comment on Why is Jury Nullification a Thing, But You Can’t Talk About It in Court? 2 weeks ago:
It can, but I’d still rather criminals walk free than people who didn’t do anything wrong be punished.
I guess it comes down to this: I think twelve randos are less likely to be racist than our legal system.
- Comment on Why is Jury Nullification a Thing, But You Can’t Talk About It in Court? 2 weeks ago:
I mean more people generally walk away. When designing a legal system, you have to decide whether it’s better that guilty people go free or that innocent people are punished. I’m fully on the side of the former, and jury nullification is basically an extra release valve.
Luigi’s obviously a sensation right now, but jn is imo even better for situations like those sisters who lit their father on fire after he raped them for years (I don’t want to dig too deep because it’s depressing, so I don’t have a source, but this could just as easily be hypothetical). The legal system is not going to codify how much the victim must abuse you before your snapping is justified, because that’s impossible. The jury gets to decide on a case by case basis, whether the immolation was a crime or not.
In a perfect legal system, we might not need it, but not only is that impossible, the US has in some respects the farthest from a perfect system currently in place.
- Comment on Anon's friend is Buddhist 2 weeks ago:
That square is my bed and my therapist was concerned when I said I didn’t leave it.
- Comment on Why is Jury Nullification a Thing, But You Can’t Talk About It in Court? 2 weeks ago:
The common rebuttal to what I’ve said is that the justice system is rarely just. That may be the case but justice is not going to be improved by moving to a kangaroo court. We may as well throw defendants in the river and pronounce those who do not drown to be guilty.
I would agree with you if it worked the other way. If jurors could say: okay, he didn’t do the arson, but something’s off and he should go to jail anyway, that would not be a functional justice system. As it is, having jury nullification just makes it a looser system, nowhere near kangaroo court.
- Comment on Do they get the urge to get something to eat at the 'Fly Thru'? 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Starbucks continues to be terrible 2 weeks ago:
I work at a bakery (we’ve got snacks, coffee, cake, and danishes in addition to bread), and every once in a while I see two people come in and it’s not clear if they’re on a date until they disagree about whether it’s for here or to go. Then I realize that only one of them thought it was a date. It’s especially awkward if the one who did has already offered to pay for everything.
Doing that for a job instead of a date is brutal
- Comment on Just sayin’ bro 2 weeks ago:
Yeah, I assume they just made the mistake of turning on video in a public discord or something.
- Comment on Let's gooooo 3 weeks ago:
They better call them wacky tabacky
- Comment on Let's gooooo 3 weeks ago:
Can confirm. I was once given a cocaine cigarette without my knowledge and it did have enough of a stimulant effect for me to notice something was off (though I was expecting a spliff, so it was easier to realize that it was having the opposite effect), but I absolutely did not get any kind of high.
It was mostly just increased heart rate and anxiety with a little nausea, like being overcaffeinated.
- Comment on Could your body adjust if you separated your macros into meals? Like all carbs for breakfast, all fat for lunch and all protein for dinner? What would happen? 3 weeks ago:
Cheese chips and guacamole could be okay, but if you can’t have any protein or carbohydrates, that would be difficult.
- Comment on Why do people see me as far older than 19 when I type the way I do sometimes?/Why do people think full stops are rude? 4 weeks ago:
Older people grew up writing less than younger people have, because of texting, so they’re more accustomed to taking their time with the proprieties of grammar. Younger people began using grammar as a tone marker differently from how it had previously been used, so they tend to see a bigger difference between “no” and “No.” as an answer to a question than older people do. For younger people, the latter tends to seem more abrupt and final, which could come across rudely.
- Comment on The science is divided 4 weeks ago:
They’re what the government uses to spy on the Amish.
- Comment on cilanto 🌿 5 weeks ago:
I dislike grapefruit and durian. Otherwise, I’ve never met a plant I don’t like.
- Comment on A balanced diet is important 5 weeks ago:
That sounds amazing rn [8]
- Comment on Working below minimum wage to save the planet 5 weeks ago:
I was living in a shithole apartment with a noisy fridge that the landlord wouldn’t fix and complaining to my therapist about it. He suggested I fix it, which was a completely alien idea to me at the time. It was a lot less complicated than I expected, I learned a lot about how it worked, and my self-confidence and perceived control over my circumstances skyrocketed.
- Comment on Erasure 1 month ago:
I think they’re clarifying that the removal of the DEI program erased you, not the DEI program itself. It’s a small nit to pick, but then you confirmed it, so I think they just got confused. Words are hard sometimes
- Comment on my version is better 1 month ago:
In lay me down by the dirty heads, the line:
But they were seen by the good eye of the mean billy green
Should have been:
But they were seen by the keen eye of the mean billy green
- Comment on anyone else LOVE how their sleeping s/o looks? (Obv not in a creepy way) 1 month ago:
You don’t start hating your SO when you get married. You start hating your SO when you take them for granted and/or if you’re poorly matched. Being married is fucking awesome.
But yes, my husband and I both have pictures of each other sleeping on our phones.
- Comment on White House Faith Office 1 month ago:
Has there always been a White House faith office?
- Comment on Anon achieves optimal testosterone 1 month ago:
It is, but I feel like the additional harm to myself is worth not getting a vape with all of the environmental drawbacks to the casing and battery, especially because I really think it’ll only be another few weeks. I already have a new job lined up, and I won’t be able to smoke during that really at all.
- Comment on Anon achieves optimal testosterone 1 month ago:
I smoked cigarettes for four years, then quit for a decade. I was incredibly stressed out and had 2-3 cigarettes for a couple days in a row and now I’m addicted again. I hope I will be able to quit soon, I just have to stop working where I am first, because I need the five minute breaks and don’t get them otherwise.
- Comment on Keep them guessing 1 month ago:
That’s why it’s broke
- Comment on If you're falling apart at only 27 you're in real trouble 1 month ago:
I mentioned the recovery time in my comment, and that I took a step back from dancing for my knees, so I’m not sure why you’re assuming I don’t take care of myself. My doctors are of the opinion that I’m doing everything I can, but maybe you’ve got an extra insight.