- Comment on Good luck today, Americans 4 months ago:
I’m repeating 2016, if I pregame all night, then as results come in I’m drinking whether I’m celebrating or coping.
- Comment on Yeah but the one accessory she usually removed was the little swastika pin. 4 months ago:
This is me, but with my own emails. Even something like “Have a great day.” just reads like a “Go fuck yourself” in my head, regardless of context, and so I tend to overuse exclamation points to make the tone very clear. I’ve very much got the 'tism, so having clarifying punctuation and even the more accepted use of emoji in work communications has been an absolute blessing for me not immediately assuming the worst in a work communique.
- Comment on Anon solves a mystery 5 months ago:
There are a surprising number of cis women on Grindr. The ones that aren’t bots I’ve seen are usually looking for either a third for a MMF threesome, a trans guy/gal, or really want a bi partner.
- Comment on Do remote workers actually work? Yes, but they also shop and shower 5 months ago:
The other reality is that even with full RTO, in a position like mine, I’m working with groups spanning about 12hrs of time zones. I’m not seeing half the group anyway, so what’s the point of going in when everyone is still taking the calls at their desks?
- Comment on Do remote workers actually work? Yes, but they also shop and shower 5 months ago:
despite all our previous statements to the contrary and verifiable statistics counter to this narrative
This was by far the most frustrating part of the RTO push at my old company. The unofficial motto I was always told was “Show me the data”, as it was basically impossible to push for any sort of decision without solid data to back it up, even if everyone in the group thought it was a good idea.
When RTO was announced and the big all people town hall was held, multiple group heads stood up and asked the execs why they were doing this, and what data they had to back it up. Literally, and I quote from one of the execs, “Well, we don’t really have any, but we feel that people will be more productive, will be sharing more ideas and innovating when in the office.”
Yes, the executive at a multi-billion dollar automotive company literally said with a straight face to thousands of engineers who’d been working almost entirely from home for the past 3 years “This decision is based on feels, not reality”. Even better was since there was already an initial non-mandatory RTO push, some absolute chads even interrupted them to pull up hard data showing they had been tracking productivity since the RTO push, and their group members were significantly less productive on days they were in-office. Not only that, but they also showed there literally wasn’t the office space to fit everyone. The exec just hand waved it away and said “I’m sure we have plenty of desks for everyone”.
It’s absolutely infuriating seeing these people getting paid millions, if not billions, to suck so hard at basically everything.
- Comment on Anon explains the 2nd amendment 5 months ago:
Because if Ukraine has taught us anything, it’s that drones are definitely only limited to large and advanced military powers. There’s no way a civilian would ever be able to make something like that
- Comment on Whoever wrote this headline has never encountered a passenger train before in their lives 5 months ago:
Now just imagine how the hype is for literally everything they’ve ever done, and it’s on the exact same level. Once Tesla/Musk does something related to your field, it’s abundantly clear what an absolute fraud he is.
- Comment on after 40 all meals are horror 5 months ago:
And honestly, you can make a lot of really good bread quite quickly. Leaving out proofing for a bit, it’s less than watching an episode of a show. Bread it also easy enough that you can totally watch a show while making it, and not worry about chopping off your fingers lol
- Comment on Anon comes out to his religious parents 6 months ago:
Wow, that was pretty wild. Thanks for taking the time to type that out, it was well worth the wait.
- Comment on Anon comes out to his religious parents 6 months ago:
Well, are you going to tell us the story?
- Comment on It’s Lucian isn’t it? 7 months ago:
Yeah, that tracks
- Comment on I need new glasses. The only insurance-approved place I can shop online will cost $250 with my needs. I went to a "cheap" glasses website that doesn't accept insurance: $250. Yay, America. 7 months ago:
I do this quite a bit too. I can fall asleep insanely quickly, so sometimes I’m just chilling on the couch watching something, and then I’m out. Then when I wake up I have to go digging through my couch to figure out where the heck my glasses went
- Comment on I need new glasses. The only insurance-approved place I can shop online will cost $250 with my needs. I went to a "cheap" glasses website that doesn't accept insurance: $250. Yay, America. 7 months ago:
Okay, I’m going to go against the grain here and say “Don’t go with the really cheap online glasses”.
I used eyebuydirect, Zenni, and a couple of others for many years, and was pretty happy with them, especially for the price. However, one thing I’d always noticed is that they’d wind up being pretty beat up with some large scratches in the coatings, or they’d just fail and start flaking off by around the 1 year mark (I’m pretty hard on my glasses, tbf) and I absolutely had to get new ones. I just kind of accepted that I was very hard on my glasses, and that’s what happens.
However, I started going to Costco just because my insurance wouldn’t cover any of the online places, and the quality of the lenses and coatings are absolutely night and day. I’ve had 10 pairs now (sunglasses and normal lenses), and only had one with a single scratch in the lenses, after having them go flying across a cement floor due to me doing something quite stupid.
I don’t think you need a membership for their optical center either, but I’m not 100% sure.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
As someone who’s extremely left leaning, it’s so goddamn infuriating, because there are so many pro-gun Dem leaning voters that wind up voting ® down the ticket, almost solely because the Democratic candidate went on an idiotic speech about AK-15s and their 30 caliber per second clipazines. It’s not like the anti-gun Dems they’re pandering to are going to vote Republican because the Democratic candidate said nothing about guns during their campaign.
It’s literally one single issue that the Dems could just not say a word about. Literally, no work involved. No campaigning, canvassing, or fundraising. Just don’t bring it up, and it would massively improve their odds in some of the most critical swing states. But no, they just have to virtue signal to the areas that are basically ultramarine blue, and it fucks them over every goddamn time.
- Comment on end your free trial 8 months ago:
Definitely should share what gym so people can avoid it at all costs
- Comment on Back in the 1970s when we switched to unleaded gas, what did the vehicles that ran on leaded gas do? 9 months ago:
It’s pretty uncommon though. Aviation uses far, far more leaded fuel than classic cars.
- Comment on Back in the 1970s when we switched to unleaded gas, what did the vehicles that ran on leaded gas do? 9 months ago:
Getting hardened seats isn’t really all that expensive either. I took the head off my MG and a shop only charged me about $300 for a full teardown and rebuild of the head, including all the machining and installation of hardened seats. It’s way cheaper in the long run than having to add a lead substitute every fill-up
- Comment on How do things get stuck in the anus? 9 months ago:
I mean, you can’t just not tell us some of the top-10
- Comment on How do you search for honest product recommendations? 9 months ago:
Also, check your local library, as they likely have a subscription you can use!
- Comment on Whoops 10 months ago:
He forgot to mention that after Home Depot, he stopped by Timmies on the way to his rec hockey game
- Comment on car insurance 11 months ago:
I totally get that, but what I don’t understand is why Progressive was so reasonable compared to literally everyone else for literally identical coverage. It’s like for whatever reason they were the only ones who didn’t care I was in that <25 age bracket.
- Comment on car insurance 11 months ago:
I’ve noticed that some insurers give insane “fuck you” quotes for no reason. I had Progressive under my parents since I started driving, and when I got my own insurance, it was around $500/6 months through them. I wanted to get other quotes from some other insurers and the rates were absolutely insane by comparison. Like, $500-800 PER MONTH. I have no idea why they were so much more. I know there are loyalty discounts and such, but I don’t think they’re going to be ~85%.
- Comment on Why do people around me tend to increase their responsibility load (i.e. have children, become a manager, do charity, etc.) while I (30M) try to avoid it as much as I can? 11 months ago:
I don’t think it’s necessarily bleak or selfish though, it might just be overly succinct. Sure, you can look at it as wanting power purely for selfish reasons, but I think they just boiled it down to the most basic aspect of “more responsibilities = more power = the ability to do more”. You can use it however you want, hopefully altruistically, but at the end of the day a pure altruist who is well connected person with unlimited financial resources can help a lot more people than if they were broke and destitute on the edge of starvation.
- Comment on This is a member of the Ku Klux Klan pontificating on education. 11 months ago:
Does this comic involve econ lessons?
- Comment on This is a member of the Ku Klux Klan pontificating on education. 11 months ago:
I hate this was my initial thought too. I feel like such a degenerate uwu
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Because it grabs attention and sounds scary, which really what media outlets care about. My other favorite is when they talk about someone having being caught with “hundreds of rounds of ammunition”, which clearly indicates that’s how many people they were planning on murdering, and isn’t just a pretty typical range day, or in the case of reallly common stuff like 9mm, 22LR, or even 223, can literally be a single box of ammo.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
But that really makes no sense. Unless you have them all set up in a row pointed exactly where you want, you’re probably not even saving half a second vs reloading. The old “switching is faster than reloading” thing doesn’t apply nearly as much when you’re at a static position and can have all your mags out in the open at arm’s reach.
- Comment on Wait until they get to pineapples... 1 year ago:
- Comment on How to keep a man 1 year ago:
8 hours? Look at Mr. Iron Gut over here.
- Comment on the Perks of ownership... 1 year ago:
Coming from out west, Menards was absolutely next level for doing house projects.