- Comment on Reddit’s 50% Plunge Fails to Entice Dip Buyers as Growth Slows 11 hours ago:
Maybe they should stop mass banning people for opposing genocide? Just a thought.
- Comment on Please tell me I'm not going nuts 2 weeks ago:
That sounds too crazy and complicated. The most reasonable answer is that the Democrats are simply impotent and indolent.
Democrats are stuck between a rock and a hard place. They believe that they need money from rich billionares to win elections, but these billionare donors want things in return.
The Democrats also need votes to win elections, yet the demands of the donors are in direct conflict with the demands of the voters.
The Democrats cannot obey both the voters and the rich donors, so Democrats obey their donors and make micro changes towards improvement. Improvements that are severely limited in scope & time, and are easily overturned.
America can no longer get by on micro changes, as Republicans are making rapid & large sweeping changes that hurt a lot of people. Democrats are now expected to make rapid & large sweeping changes that fix what Republicans broke.
Democrats don’t want to do that, partially because they’re grossly incompetent, and partially because it would go against their rich donors.
- Comment on What does a week of groceries look like to you? 2 weeks ago:
I shop at Aldi and Lidl, so I’m buying the raw ingredients for meals rather than the preprepped meals themselves.
I’ll spend my sunday afternoon cooking and meal prepping for the work week.
- Comment on Why is electricity not part of the classical alchemical elements? (Earth, Fire, Wind, Water) 2 weeks ago:
Maybe they just didnt know what electricity was.
- Comment on Pockets 2 weeks ago:
I mean, you’re not wrong.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 23rd 3 weeks ago:
It can be hard and fustrating at times. It’s a zombie game that pulls no punches.
Shoot a gun? Every zombie within half a mile heard that and are now converging on your location.
Hiding in a building? Zombies will break down doors, break in through windows, climb over and under obsticals, etc.
Got a scratch? Theres a chance its the zombie infection. Sympoms set in and you become a zombie
Even on the easiest settings possible, it’s still a challenge to go at it alone.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 23rd 3 weeks ago:
I was playing Project Zomboid because my friends were playing. Turns out they were just waiting for a Star Citizen patch and abandoned PZ when the patch dropped.
I won’t play Star Citizen until they fix optimization issues. Rigut now it’s a buggy mess with 8 to 10fps.
- Comment on M'Lady 3 weeks ago:
Framing reddit argument screenshots you think you’ve “won?” I’ve definitely met those types on Reddit.
- Comment on Is there a way to watch DS9 whole skipping the prophet & pah wraith plotline 3 weeks ago:
The “prophet & pah wraiths” stuff does get better in later seasons, and it plays a major role in the final season.
You’re only on season 1, and first seasons can be rough. But it does get better, it makes more sense, and it’s integral to the DS9 story.
- Comment on The Daily Beast reports on "provocative gesture that resembled the controversial salute Elon Musk gave at a post-inauguration rally last month" 5 weeks ago:
I hate modern “news” sites. They can’t call a thing what it is. It’s a Nazi salute, plain as day.
- Comment on Are people around you still excited about MCU movies? 1 month ago:
The people around me are more concerned with the insanity going on in our government than the movie theaters.
- Comment on Gimme some evidence that anyone at all in the government is pushing back on Trump with any effectiveness at all. Someone throw me a bone here. 😬 1 month ago:
It’s the rich buying off both major political parties in the US. One is paid to implement a fascist oligarchy. The other is paid to pump the breaks on the fascist oligarchy when the population freaks out.
In both cases, political bribery has run amok and unchecked. Neither party is beholden to the will of the people. Low voter turnout means Republicans and oligarchy wins. High voter turnout means Democrats and the same oligarchy wins.
- Comment on New clothes and more Linux! 1 month ago:
I knew I recognized the signature A in Archlinux.
- Comment on [Discussion] Should Twitter links be banned from 2 months ago:
Yes. Twitter has nothing of value left to offer the world. Anyone who’s still on that platform is either not paying attention or supports neo Nazis.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
The fakest man alive turns out to be a fake gamer? I’m shocked! Shocked I say!
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
How can there be checks and balances if the executive branch of government can now override the judicial branch?
Short answer: There can’t be any checks and balances, and that’s the point. The supreme court basically gave Trump cover to do anything and everything he wants so long as he claims it’s a part of his official duties. It doesn’t have to he true, he only has to claim it so.
- Comment on Is there anything my girlfriend and I have to consider when traveling to America based on our skin differences? 2 months ago:
We were hearing stuff that some Americans socially divide people by their ethnicity. I just wanted to ask online whether this is true and if there could be any concerns
Unfortunately it is true, but it’s not everywhere. Generally speaking, the larger the population of an area, the less likely you’ll experience hostility. Coastal cities with large populations are highly unlikely to give you trouble. Rural aeas with lower populations have a higher chance of giving you trouble.
We even heard things like that in some places they divide people by “skin color” and base different cultures on that (we noticed that people from America even speak and behave differently based on whether they identify as “black” or “white”) and even have schools for primarily people with dark skin or so.
Yes, segregation was a dark chapter in America’s history. Officially, segregation was outlawed, but unofficially it still happens in some areas. Some of the conservative regions are trying to go back to the days of segregation and slavery. They create laws that aren’t specifically racist, but still have that effect.
As to different cultures, we have a lot of them. Most of the country speaks English, but we have a lot of different accents that seem like a different language entirely.
I dont know German, but I would draw a parallel to various English accents in the UK. Irish, Scottish, Cockney, Geordie, and so on.
As to the way white and black people talk, I suspect it has more to do with wealth and social class rather than race. Poor white people and poor black people tend to socially isolate from one another, creating distinct accents. But it’s not uncommon for intermingling.
I have a coworker who grew up in a poor black neighborhood and he has a “black accent” (for lack of a better term). If your only interaction with him is on the phone, it would be easy to assume he’s black.
- Comment on Where do you think elon musk would be if he wasn't born into wealth? 2 months ago:
This is the correct answer.
- Comment on Could the next US Administration feasibly order USCIS to destroy Naturalization records in order to make it easier to mass deport citizens? 2 months ago:
When it comes to fascism, the rule of law only matters to them when it works in their favor. The rest of the time it’s simply ignored.
- Comment on What are examples of things that would get you banned on reddit, but is okay on most major instances of Lemmy? 3 months ago:
I got perma-banned for condemning Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Several mods accused me of being an alt-right neo Nazi MAGA cultist. 🙄
Bro, genocide is bad no matter who is doing it.
- Comment on Hideo Kojima seems to be testing Death Stranding 2, but it's not going well: "I fell asleep twice while on a delivery and ran the vehicle into a cliff" 3 months ago:
Is this game… fun? Everything I’ve seen and heard about it doesn’t seem fun at all.
- Comment on Should we create a new political party in the US, specifically for shitting on the rich? 3 months ago:
Right now we don’t have a left wing party in the US. We have a right wing party, and a right wing fascist party. As much as members of the fascist party love to shit on the Democrats for being leftists, most of them aren’t actually leftist.
- Comment on The Blob Strikes Back 3 months ago:
I have a question. What do any of the people in this… meme? have to do with each other? Is this another Qanon delusion?
- Comment on I hate when a PC game is ONLY available on Epic Games store 3 months ago:
They’re basically announcing “We’re a business, but we’re not all that interested in making money.”
- Comment on Why do people with lots of 'karma points' tend to be nothing but egotistical assholes? 3 months ago:
Egotistical assholes gain attention more than regular commentators.
Internet culture rewards the loud, obnoxious, and offensive with attention and engagement. Advertisers like attention and engagement, so they financially back the loud, obnoxious, and offensive.
This is why it’s so prevalent on social media.
- Comment on What gives you hope to keep going? 3 months ago:
Tone down social media use and do a little prepping. Learn how to use mylar bags and properly store away rice, beans, lentils, pastas, etc.
Prep as if the internet is going down for a prolonged time, maybe even electricity in general.
- Comment on What are the best games you can play on a laptop? 3 months ago:
It’s not an RPG, but I always recommend PowerWash Simulator. It’s one of those games where you don’t have to pay too much attention to the game and can watch stuff on your phone.
Aside from that, maybe World of Warcraft private server like ChromieCraft.
There’s also Starbound, Terraria, Fallout 3 & New Vegas, the Portal and Borderlands games, Half-Life 2 just received an update.
- Comment on Is it possible to have a "free speech" platform that simultaneously stops "hate speech"? 3 months ago:
No, because free speech includes all speech. Even the speech we disagree with.
We don’t technically have free speech in the US either. You can’t make death threats or shout “Fire!” in a crowded movie theater.
- Comment on What games have you put the most hours into? 3 months ago:
I have 3,400 hours in Space Engineers.
About 1,500 hours in FFXIV, 1,400 hours in DayZ, and 1,300 hours in 7 Days To Die.
Then 900 hours in Empyrion Galactic Survival, 500 hours in Baldurs Gate 3, and 300 hours in Fallout 4.
The rest are well below 200.
- Comment on Damn it YouTube! 3 months ago:
Google is just going to stall and delay until Trump’s goons come in. Then, suddenly, the DOJ will have a change of heart.