Here. Not this very thread, but the fediverse in general.
He’s very autistic, but if he weren’t a billionaire the material conditions that made him a fascist wouldn’t be there. (Although being from South Africa, he’d probably still be a massive Racist)
This means there’s a 93.4% chance he’d be a smarmy Linux guy. Nowhere near as intelligent as he thinks he is and honestly pretty obnoxious, but harmless. 2 months ago
In his mom’s basement, in cum-stained sweatpants, sitting hunched over in front of a cheap oversized monitor hooked up to an underpowered desktop PC with lots of LED, trolling on /b/ and /pol/ and jerking off to pokeporn. 2 months ago
"Mooom, get me my CHEESY POOFS! 2 months ago
“Moooom! Bathroom! BATHROOM!”
Image 2 months ago
So, no difference then? 2 months ago
As a matter of fact, yes.
I didn’t make all that up on the spot. I already had the visual image in mind because that really is how I visualize him.
And I didn’t even try to do it. When he first bought Twitter and started trolling professionally, I just found myself visualizing him doing it, and before I knew it, I had this crystal clear image of him sitting in front of a desktop PC on a rickety particle board desk in a dank basement room with white paint over concrete and green shag carpeting, lit only by the glow from a cheap monitor, wearing gross stained sweats and a hoodie, hunched over a grimey keyboard and occasionally giggling to himself.
I keep trying to visualize the more likely reality for a billionaire of some sort of extremely custom multi-monitor setup in the center of a purpose-built room, but it just won’t stick. 2 months ago
This is the correct answer.