- Comment on Why do smokers specifically seem to be disproportionally bad for littering? 1 month ago:
Somehow they seem to think that one small cigarette butt is so insignificant that it doesn’t matter despite the fact that they can see these small cigarette butts literally everywhere.
- Comment on What is something that keeps you up at night? 1 month ago:
Anxiety / stress. Usually it relates to finances either directly or indirectly. I have enough savings to survive few years with zero income but having recently transitioned from employee to being self-employed, there’s quite a bit uncertainty about future. I’m not losing any significant amounts of money currently but I’m barely able to save anything either which makes me quite uncomfortable as someone who for the past 10 years has lived well below their means.
- Comment on What my front page looks like with no-politics content filter on 1 month ago:
That’s my experience as well. In order to get a healthy, moderate amount of news you have to actively avoid them.
- Comment on What my front page looks like with no-politics content filter on 1 month ago:
I’d rather stay informed too but not at the expense of my mental wellbeing. It’s not political posts that’s the issue here - it’s the amount of them.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
I’d embarrass her so hard after talking to me like that.
- Comment on What my front page looks like with no-politics content filter on 1 month ago:
It’s pretty disingenuous to suggest that my decision to block political posts on Lemmy comes from a desire to stay ignorant.
- Comment on Why do people indoors at public places always listen to their phone at full volume? 1 month ago:
No they don’t, you only notice the ones that do. It’s called toupee fallacy.
- Comment on What my front page looks like with no-politics content filter on 1 month ago:
sticking your head in the sand and hoping it doesn’t effect you until it’s over is probably not the best way to handle it.
Consuming anger inducing political articles all day every day is probably not the best way to handle it either. For most people, this likely has far greater effect on their mental wellbeing than what these guys are doing policywise. On Reddit, there atleast was a slim chance that you could make an convincing enough argument that someone would drop their support for them but good luck finding such person on Lemmy. We’re preaching to the choir here.
- Comment on What my front page looks like with no-politics content filter on 1 month ago:
That is what does most of the heavy lifting for me too. Nearly all political discussion here is, in fact, discussion about either Trump or Musk. I’d be willing to bet that at any moment, atleast third of the posts on anyone’s front page includes either of those names.
- Comment on What my front page looks like with no-politics content filter on 1 month ago:
I’d like to be informed too but at this point it’s essentially a choice between being firehosed by american politics or blocking all of it. I wouldn’t mind if it was just the occasional article when something actually newsworthy happens. Now it’s for a large part just recreational outrage.
- Comment on What my front page looks like with no-politics content filter on 1 month ago:
No worries dude!
- Comment on What my front page looks like with no-politics content filter on 1 month ago:
That is not even remotely what I’m saying.
- Comment on What my front page looks like with no-politics content filter on 1 month ago:
I’ve unfollowed so many communities due to the overwhelming amount of political articles already. If I keep doing that there’s not going to be anything to browse soon. People are posting that stuff even on meme communities.
- Submitted 1 month ago to | 44 comments
- Comment on How to Be Bad at YouTube 1 month ago:
is there anyway I could be more disruptive to the business model?
By not using the platform. You think you’re being clever but all you’re doing is making them more money.
- Comment on Is it weird that I have to resort the idea of "Determinism" to be able to move on? 1 month ago:
Explanation is not excuse. It doesn’t matter wether they did a bad thing because they wanted to or their genes compelled them do. The outcome is still the same.
However, that doesn’t make it a bad idea. Accepting the fact that we live in a deterministic universe entirely dismantles the foundation from emotions like hate and replaces it with compassion. I don’t like every person I meet but I don’t hate anyone nor I blame anyone for what they are - they didn’t have a say in it.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
In summary: one of the videos was daughter swapping porn and OP was her daughters. The comments were basically demanding OP to be traumatized by it and her dad to be canceled, but OP seemed to just find it amusing and was more or less unaffected by it.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
The thread seems to have been removed. It was posted to mildyinfuriating few days back.
- Comment on Do dogs experience nostalgia? 1 month ago:
I mean, there’s a good chance dogs can experience nostalgia. I’d say that it’s even likely. However, my point is that we can’t know for sure and I’d argue that we may not ever find out. Nostalgia is a subjective experience that appears in consciousness and just like consciousness itself, there zero evidence of it in the world outside of your own experience of it. How would you study something that can’t even be detected?
- Comment on Do dogs experience nostalgia? 1 month ago:
Nostalgia is entirely a subjective experience. Even if your dog would tell you that it does you’d still have to take their word for it.
- Comment on Is it weird that I have to resort the idea of "Determinism" to be able to move on? 1 month ago:
If we have free will, then who or what is making those decisions and where is it located?
- Comment on Is it weird that I have to resort the idea of "Determinism" to be able to move on? 1 month ago:
I genuinely believe that we live in a deterministic universe and that there is no “self” nor free will, so no, I don’t think there’s anything weird about that at all. Your view of the world is probably more accurate than the vast majority of population.
- Comment on It's mildly infuriating when I'm constantly hit with major political issues in this community when I'm here for mild 2 months ago:
In my experience it’s the entirety of Lemmy, not just few communities.
- Comment on It's mildly infuriating when I'm constantly hit with major political issues in this community when I'm here for mild 2 months ago:
I tried that. My blocklist was well over 1000 users long, my feed slowed down to almost complete halt and the amount of politics and extremism remained the same.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
And why is that a reason to not bring her friends over?
- Comment on What is the best post sort for Lemmy? 2 months ago:
Subscribed and top 12 hours is what I’ve been going by for about a year now. After I’ve scrolled through that I switch to “all” from which I’ve blocked all the communities I’m not interested about.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Your dad might be a gooner.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
No, listen to the comments. You need to get angry and traumatized by this. We demand it. Your dad needs to be canceled.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Because her dad watches porn?
- Comment on Knowing less about AI makes people more open to having it in their lives – new research 2 months ago:
One major issue with most online discussion about AI is that many people seem to view that term synonymous with LLMs - which it’s not. LLMs are AI systems but AI as a category is also so much more than that.