Back pain.
What is something that keeps you up at night?
Submitted 4 weeks ago by to [deleted]
Comments 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
Which Corporate State I’ll have to migrate mt family to after the US is broken up by oligarchs. Then the subsequent Russian landgrab. 4 weeks ago
Being old.
I used to be able to sleep endlessly.
Now I find myself awake early in the morning, despite having gone to bed rather late. And I’d like to go back to sleep but I can’t.
I miss it.
And this isn’t even about needing to get up to pee. That’s apparently something I still have to look forward to. 4 weeks ago
I was about to ask how often you wake up to per but oof. 4 weeks ago
the children STILL AWAKE running around upstairs 4 weeks ago
Trouble sleeping… 4 weeks ago
Doomscrolling lemmy
Youtube videos
The fact that a literal convicted felon became president again after already attempting an auto-coup in the previous term, I keep anticipating a “Martial Law Declared” emergency alert with gunshots of soldiers echoing in the distance. Maybe I’m over-reacting, maybe I’m not over-reacting enough. 4 weeks ago
Anxiety / stress. Usually it relates to finances either directly or indirectly. I have enough savings to survive few years with zero income but having recently transitioned from employee to being self-employed, there’s quite a bit uncertainty about future. I’m not losing any significant amounts of money currently but I’m barely able to save anything either which makes me quite uncomfortable as someone who for the past 10 years has lived well below their means. 4 weeks ago
Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun.
Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-two million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue green planet whose ape- descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea.
This planet has – or rather had – a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movements of small green pieces of paper, which is odd because on the whole it wasn’t the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy.
And so the problem remained; lots of the people were mean, and most of them were miserable, even the ones with digital watches. 4 weeks ago
I never understood what was so terrible about the digital watches. I understand that today’s smart watches are an absolute detriment to any semblance of privacy that you might have had before in this brave new world, but why would one hate something like a Casio? 4 weeks ago
Waking up to being taken to a camp because I exist 4 weeks ago
If we nuke ourselves now, we’ll never figure out the mysteries surrounding black holes or the origins of the omg particle
For the Oh-My-God particle hitting a nitrogen nucleus, this gives 2900 TeV, which is roughly 200 times higher than the highest collision energy of the Large Hadron Collider, in which two high-energy particles going opposite directions collide.
The Oh-My-God particle’s energy was estimated as (3.2±0.9)×1020 eV, or 51±14 J. Although this amount is phenomenally large for a single elementary particle – far outstripping the highest energy that human technology can generate in a particle – it is still far below the level of the Planck scale, where exotic physics is expected. Though a subatomic particle, its energy was comparable to the gravitational potential energy of a 1 kilogram object that could fall 5 meters off a two-story building 4 weeks ago
What doesn’t these days? 4 weeks ago
coffeine 4 weeks ago
My cat. 4 weeks ago
Step 1: Pick up cat and keep holding them.
Step 2: They get overstimulated and leave you alone? (your experience might vary) 4 weeks ago
1 the cat bring live mouse and forget about him/her
2 the cat ask for food or general attention (at 3am)
3 the cat wakes the dogs
4 the dogs wake me
5 I shout and send them all to sleep again
6 the mouse pops up and wake me again
7 I give up 4 weeks ago
step 1: can’t find cat
step 2: get up, find cat
step 3: play with cat
step 4: cat goes to sleep
step 5: now i’m wired, i can’t sleep
step 6: nyquil 4 weeks ago
Thinking about how I’m not going to get enough sleep. 4 weeks ago
My cat. He has no qualms about interrupting my sleep if he wants to play or cuddle. 4 weeks ago
Viagra 4 weeks ago
The wrong weed. 4 weeks ago
Mosquitos. 4 weeks ago
bladder 4 weeks ago
Insomnia also Balatro 4 weeks ago
Stubbornly not taking my antidepressants in the morning, whether relenting later in the day or not. Venlafaxine, how I love thee and thy withdrawals. 4 weeks ago
My friends. I seem to have this weird ability where if I start talking to someone, time will go by really fast and then we suddenly realize it’s some ungodly hour of the morning. 4 weeks ago
Shoulder and hip discomfort as I am an obligate side sleeper entering my late 40s. 4 weeks ago
Insomnia but lately I’ve been treating it with weed and it has gone quite well. 4 weeks ago
Being awake 4 weeks ago
Your mom. 4 weeks ago
Adderall. When my wife shares one of hers with me because I have a long grueling day. It helps the day but ruins any chance of sleep that night. 4 weeks ago
trying to make the biggest financial comeback known to mankind 4 weeks ago
YouTube shorts 4 weeks ago
The demon from the horror movie, Smile (and the sequel Smile 2). 4 weeks ago
Existential dread