- Comment on How do you go about getting rid of things around your home/apartment? 1 minute ago:
I love the first criteria for holiday decorations!
- Comment on How do you go about getting rid of things around your home/apartment? 1 minute ago:
And besides the thought of maybe having to move
This is actually a great mindset to have, because it is a perspective that encourages having less stuff. You can also think of stuff as requiring effort even if it is sitting somewhere untouched. You should still be dusting it, move it if it is in the way, clean behind it, and so on even if you don’t use it. Just possessing things requires effort if you want a clean living space, and anything you have means less space to move around in or to store the things you do use.
Honestly your overall method is solid. If you haven’t used something in a reasonable period of time then you aren’t likely to. Although you didn’t mention it, having it around is also a reminder that you aren’t using it which can be a mood killer for some people or lead to feeling overwhelmed.
Like money, you need enough stuff to live happily, but an excess doesn’t lead to more happiness. It also isn’t necessary to reduce stuff all at once. Evaluate what you still use regularly and a few keepsakes are perfectly fine!
- Comment on What are some old games that are hard to revisit, because a more modern and superior version exists? 12 minutes ago:
I think BG3 also does max HP for 5e which is higher than the edition(s) used for 1 & 2. Did 1 & 2 use random HP for first level as well?
- Comment on What are some old games that are hard to revisit, because a more modern and superior version exists? 46 minutes ago:
The original Neverwinter Nights after Baldur’s Gate 3.
NWN was fantastic for it’s time, loved the DM mode and online mods, but the clunky movement and walls of text without voiceovers just can’t compare.
- Comment on how do they decide where to put bus stops? 53 minutes ago:
A store is a business…
While I don’t doubt that there are places in the US that try to keep bus stops from being near businesses for the same reasons they have hostile architecture, it doesn’t seem universal at all. Touristy areas have bus stops near businesses that want tourists for example.
- Comment on how do they decide where to put bus stops? 1 hour ago:
Or in the case of my city, they built a bus stop in the massive parking lot between Walmart and Sam’s Club for the opposite reason!
I’m sure it was added for both employees and customers.
- Comment on Porn button might actually be runner-up to Esc. 5 hours ago:
Neither are the arrows and special characters!
If only they meant button. Smh my head.
- Comment on Why DO credit card companies make a stink about adult content anyway? 6 hours ago:
In addition to the higher frequency of both fraud and chargebacks associated (allegedly) with sexual content, there are also a legal concerns for payment processors. They don’t want to be associated with enabling child porn both from a legal responsibility angle and also from the perception of processing payments for illegal content.
Is that concern overblown? Probably, but the card companies do get pressure from both the public and the government when they process the ‘wrong’ teansactions whether they are illegal or not and they don’t have a free pass like the internet common carriers do.
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 23 hours ago:
Only one?
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 23 hours ago:
The pull out drawer for shavings is top tier.
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 23 hours ago:
There are a few things where being sble to erase the mark is important enough for a pencil, in which case good ol’ #2 fits every need.
- Comment on damn it'd look soooooo cool 23 hours ago:
American finger cuffs?
- Comment on Struggling 1 day ago:
No, it’s true. There are only three moderators on reddit.
- Comment on How exactly are people lighting Teslas on fire? 1 day ago:
Every make and model has primarily electric doors that can fail to open in a fire?
- Comment on How exactly are people lighting Teslas on fire? 1 day ago:
- Comment on Why do we even do mens vs womens sizes for clothes? 2 days ago:
Funnily enough, men that lift a lot of weights end up having trouble fitting men’s clothing sizes as well. You get something that fits your chest, it won’t fit your waist (unless you’re a power lifter, where you tend to see less difference between chest and waist than in bodybuilder circles), and it may not fit your neck worth a damn. Buy for the neck size, your sleeves can be baggy.
It is even worse that that. There is plenty of variation in body types and how manufacturers design their clothes so that being fit or just slightly fat has less impact on whether something fits than whether they even design for your body type.
I tend to avoid long sleeves because I have lengthy gorilla arms, which hasn’t changed even as I’ve put on weight over the decades. Hard enough to find something that is long enough for my torso.
- Comment on Why do we even do mens vs womens sizes for clothes? 2 days ago:
Sounds like I am the opposite of you, as I have broad shoulders and long ass gorilla arms and torso so I end up needing to hunt down the long/tall version of XL sized clothes for most brands.
- Comment on Why do we even do mens vs womens sizes for clothes? 2 days ago:
Style/cut is different than the measurements though.
- Comment on How would world politics be like if the top 100 countries (in terms of military strength) all had their own nuclear arsenals? 2 days ago:
We would have nuclear war within a decade, as the odds of a country with nuclear weapons having a coup and some fanatics launching them for a wide variety of reasons is far higher when there are so many. Not to mention the increased odds of a country firing them off when invaded or to protect a friendly country that is invaded.
- Comment on World travelers 2 days ago:
I assumed one finally got lucky and got around the southern tip of Africa while headed west.
- Comment on What are some slow acting poisons? 3 days ago:
For what it’s worth, I was able to get some AI suggestions.
- Comment on How do the Republicans feel about Project 2025 now? 4 days ago:
Understanding the other side doesn’t mean there will be a common ground. Understanding nazis doesn’t mean there is common ground to share with them.
- Comment on How do the Republicans feel about Project 2025 now? 4 days ago:
Exluding intolerance doesn’t result in an echo chamber.
- Comment on What movie was this for you? 5 days ago:
All the Jurrasic World movies too.
- Comment on Should artist be allowed to use AI vocals if producers don't play actually Instruments? 5 days ago:
Musicians pay the current owner of the samples, which is occasionally the original creator. They don’t just get to sample anything at any time.
- Comment on Should artist be allowed to use AI vocals if producers don't play actually Instruments? 5 days ago:
If the intent is to make it sound like another person is involved in the song, then they should have the choice about whether their likeness is used. Audio impersonation is equivalent to visual impersonation.
Note: humorous additions like obvious caricatures are the exception
- Comment on frenly warnin 5 days ago:
You could have kept your pie hole shut when you saw that there was a response that clarified what I wasn’t seeing.
- Comment on frenly warnin 5 days ago:
Exactly this!
- Comment on frenly warnin 5 days ago:
I’ve seen your other comments, and it seems like you’re sour over getting downvoted because you weren’t able to notice a subtle difference that’s not easily obvious.
No, I am sour because people are saying that I’m doing something I’m not because they can’t fucking read.
- Comment on Why can’t HVAC be made smarter? 5 days ago:
If the outside temp is hotter there is no need to heat and if it is cooler there is no need to cool, because the house will even out with the temp.
It is slightly more complicated because of sunlight heating the building, but there is no need to spend energy changing the temp a few degrees when it will happen due to changes in temps outside. Like there isn’t a need to run the AC in the evening shortly before dark if it is only a couple degrees too warm inside because it will cool off on uts own pretty quickly.