- Comment on Basic courtesy 2 days ago:
i bring the bag from home.
- Comment on Basic courtesy 4 days ago:
joke’s on you, i use a shopping bag
- Comment on Coming down... 4 days ago:
yeah me too, i get nasty rashes and stuff
- Comment on Federal workers vs Elon Musk: I’ve never seen a billionaire carry the mail, put out a forest fire, make sure people get their Social Security checks, answer a phone call from a suicidal veteran 5 days ago:
The government must continuously justify its existence to the people.
If it is not useful, abolish it. Who needs a government? The people can govern themselves.
- Comment on Entropy? Never heard of it. 5 days ago:
don’t forget the role that the Great Oxidation Event played in this.
Basically, earth’s atmosphere was devoid of oxygen from its beginning, and it took billions of years to change that. it wasn’t until life had learned about photosynthesis before large amounts of oxygen started to accumulate in the atmosphere.
however, oxygen is a necessary prerequisite for most animal/fungus consumers, as they use oxygen to break down the organic materials. that is probably when major fossil fuel production stopped.
- Comment on Entropy? Never heard of it. 5 days ago:
yes, you are correct, it makes more sense to focus on electrifying our big consumers first.
however, cleaning up could happen eventually. maybe some politician in the future will sell it as some “jobs program” or sth.
- Comment on Entropy? Never heard of it. 5 days ago:
not only that. algae are effectively plants without all the structural (wood) parts. that means, they consume less energy constructing bulky dead material, and put all of their energy towards the growth of the functional parts. that is why they can spread more rapidly and achieve a higher efficiency than plants.
- Comment on Entropy? Never heard of it. 5 days ago:
Renewable energy has many parts. I have listed the 5 most important here.
As you can see, renewable biomass and hydropower are also part of renewable energy. That is because they have the advantage of being both power-sources and energy-storages. That means people will continue to use biomass and combust it in the long term.
- Comment on Entropy? Never heard of it. 5 days ago:
see my comment above … yes, algae can take out lots of CO2 from the atmosphere,
in fact i remember reading that 50% of the global photosynthesis actually happens in the oceans.
also, the algae have the advantage that they might automatically sink to the bottom of the ocean, thus taking the carbon out of the atmosphere permanently. but i’m not sure about that, in fact. also, something similar could be achieved with wetlands, such as marsh and swamp, which bind organic material underwater. that water is oxygen-depleted, so it conserves the organic material permanently. this is how peat is created.
- Comment on Entropy? Never heard of it. 5 days ago:
yeah, i guess the algae would also have a counter-effect to global warming.
however, one must be a bit more sensitive about it, as it’s a biological process and can mess with the biological world around it. consider: somewhen in the 1970s, a huge cargo ship full of fertilizer (ammonia) sank in the ocean and it lead to a huge algae-growth in the middle of the ocean.
it definitely took some CO2 out of the air, but these algae often also produce lots of toxins as a by-product (to keep predators away), so that lead to a massive fish-dying. which is not so wishable, either.
so anyway, i guess taking CO2 out of the air can happen, but it should happen slowly, such as to not strain the environment too much.
- Comment on Entropy? Never heard of it. 5 days ago:
The only DAC variant i could see working out is if it takes the CO2 from high-concentrated sources (such as portland cement factories) and transforms it into something practical, like liquid fuel or methane.
It could be leading to cheaper methane than from biological sources, because technological processes can have higher efficiency, and therefore lower prices.
- Comment on What Refutes Science... 1 week ago:
well … not to be nitpicky, and i recognize this is a sensitive topic … but i have come to understand that the simpler model is to be preferred, if it is precise enough for the practical purpose. As such, since most people aren’t satellite engineers, they don’t need to know about earth’s curvature. Earth being flat is often the simpler model, of enough precision, to actually prefer it.
Just saying.
- Comment on What Refutes Science... 1 week ago:
What you seem to be forgetting is that somebody would have to pay for that science … in that sense, “control over finance” does , in reality, refute science.
- Comment on What we all want deep down 1 week ago:
There is only two options: UBI or civil war.
- Comment on Anon visits a bookstore 1 week ago:
Well, i was already holding my opinion before this 4chan post; this just gave me opportunity to formulate it.
However, it is important to note that many people say “people should read more books” without in any way, implicit or explicit specifying which books to read.
There are a lot of people saying “they’re gonna educate themselves through youtube”, but in the end, not all youtube videos that seem to have good content, actually have good content. There’s a lot of videos containing pseudo-clever thoughts, that lead people to believe they have learned something, while actually, they haven’t. And the people often even pay/donate for it. That is my consideration.
It is the same with books: By reading “books”, people are often caught in reading not-actually-all-that-great books, like all (or most of) the modern stuff, and that does not help anyone.
- Comment on Why was Hitler so mean and hateful toward one group or another? I find it hard to believe he woke up one day and said you and you suck but these people over here are good. Taking it so far as killing? 1 week ago:
I’m not spreading anyone’s propaganda, if that’s what you’re saying.
I never said they were at fault for their own prosecution. That would be stupid to think.
I don’t actually know, and maybe the Jews were the good guys and unfairly used as a scapegoat for the problems at the time, or maybe not, i was not there, i have no way to tell. I only mentioned that they did own a lot of wealth, which I think can be objectively verified. That does not make them in any way inferior people though, not at all. I am not one of the “eat the rich” people that despises people simply because they are rich. Not at all. In fact, i highly admire jewish culture. I was merely trying to lay out an explanation. There can be no discussion when there is no hypothesis. No need to react so butthurt. Now, cheers!
- Comment on Why was Hitler so mean and hateful toward one group or another? I find it hard to believe he woke up one day and said you and you suck but these people over here are good. Taking it so far as killing? 1 week ago:
The way i understood it was that at the time Jews did own a lot of wealth, much more than other people, and saw themselves as some kind of “better” or “elite” class. Many people did not like that, and that is the major reason why it was so easy for Hitler to find a lot of people to follow him.
- Comment on Anon visits a bookstore 1 week ago:
PeoPLe SHouLd ReAd MoRe BoOkS
- Comment on Anon tries to sleep 2 weeks ago:
lots of therapists prescribe drugs these days, because reality is … bleak for some
as for me, i’ve never taken medicine in the last 15 years or so, and i try to avoid taking any, except maybe the occasional mescalin. but that is for recreation and not for sleeping disorders.
- Comment on Electoral politics doesn't get the job done 2 weeks ago:
in the minds of many readers, it is.
- Comment on No good excuse to still be on Xitter 2 weeks ago:
It’s not really difficult but as far as i remember, you have to configure everything yourself, which can be tiring. Depends on your mood though, if you’re into configuring your own linux system, then i guess Arch is perfect for you.
- Comment on Anon watches Puss in Boots 2 weeks ago:
aww man i really hoped that would turn into how wholesome the movie actually was (i watched it and it was surprisingly good i would say)
- Comment on Anon is 33 2 weeks ago:
good argument
- Comment on We still have three eggs up for auction. 2 weeks ago:
Finally you can buy a house for an apple and an egg again.
- Comment on How did a simple phone call become so problematic? 2 weeks ago:
to show that they are not an option :)
- Comment on Yin and yang 2 weeks ago:
don’t smoke, it kills
- Comment on I will take no arguments 3 weeks ago:
Technology design peaked here:
- Comment on What is something that keeps you up at night? 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on How did a simple phone call become so problematic? 3 weeks ago:
Because they aren’t items on the list
- Comment on Chop chop 3 weeks ago:
a year ago i would have laughed, but now …