- Comment on [deleted] 6 days ago:
Land is one of the few things you can just sit on and it’s guaranteed to gain value, they’re not making any more of it, as a matter of fact we’re losing it to climate change with desertification and rising sea levels.
If it’s farmable land I would rent it out to a farmer and make some extra cash, and if at any point you need some money you can always sell a few acres, otherwise it would be better than any amount of Cold hard Cash to hand down to any children you may have.
- Comment on Does it make sense to buy a lifetime supply of honey? 2 weeks ago:
A quick search suggests that the average American uses about 1.3 pounds of honey per year.
I think this is a case of people not eating honey and bringing the average way down.
My current SO puts honey in her tea and goes though about a pound and a half per month or about 18lbs per year.
It might sound like a lot but 24oz over an average of 30 days is less than an Oz of honey per day or 2 tablespoons across 4 cups of tea every day. - Comment on Has America Reached Its Tipping Point with Ignorance? 4 weeks ago:
America reached its tipping point of ignorance in 2016, we’ve been toppled since then.
- Comment on When will we have auto turrets mounted on plane engines to stop birdstrikes? 1 month ago:
You’d need chemical lasers to quickly vaporize birds, but it could be done.
- Comment on When will we have auto turrets mounted on plane engines to stop birdstrikes? 1 month ago:
The bullets that don’t hit the birds would rain down on populated areas.
Bird strikes happen at lower altitudes and airliners flu much higher than birds unless they’re taking off or landing, and they almost always takeoff or land near a play populated area.
More people would die on average from stay bullets then from airplane crates caused my bird strikes - Comment on Multiversus ends updates, will close servers on May 30 (but will remain playable in Singleplayer) 1 month ago:
Games need to bring back locally hosted servers.
I remember back in the day I could play Warcraft II with a friend over dialup, I’d put his number in and that modem would call his house and he’d answer with his copy of Warcraft and we could play against each other over the phone line with no server.
Even as recently as the Xbox 360 you could system link games and play on multiple consoles without any connection to the internet.
I don’t see why it would be so hard to allow for a locally hosted server on most games. They would still be playable indefinitely without need of any kind of central server system.
And they don’t need to be mutually exclusive, Halo 2 allowed for you to play both on Xbox live and system link games - Comment on Do dogs experience nostalgia? 1 month ago:
Nostalgia is a nuanced word that takes some thought to explain, and we can’t really communicate with them to ask the kinds of questions we need to in order to get that answer.
But it’s well documented that dogs remember humans and other dogs for their entire lives, and that in my opinion does indicate some kind of retrospection.
Whether they feel it the same way we feel it is something we can’t know. But they probably think about it from time to time if it’s not overwritten by new memories. - Comment on Why do many lame or incorrect comments get so much more attention than some witty or funny ones? 1 month ago:
People are more likely to correct someone else on incorrect information or call them out on low effort content because it satisfies an innate human need for validation.
In this case validating one’s own intelligence. People like to feel smart and the most low effort way to achieve that feeling is to make someone else look less smart. - Comment on Is there any non-zero possibility Musk was not doing a Hitler Salute? 1 month ago:
If he did it once, it would have been an extremely low but still non-zero chance that it wasn’t a Nazi salute.
He did it twice though, it’s now firmly a 0% chance of any kind of coincidence, misunderstanding, etc.
Thus far he’s made no comment, not even to deny the Nazi intent.
No apology, no backtrack, no denial, he did it twice.
It was exactly what it appeared to be and nothing less. - Comment on Should I ask my boss for tomorrow off? 2 months ago:
Ask them to pay you for the holiday and overtime for your time worked, they’ll suggest you take a day off real quick.
- Comment on Would you do Onlyfans if needed the money? 2 months ago:
As a cornfed brick-shithouse built Midwestern hairy dude in my late-30s, I’d do it right now if there were a market for chubby hairy dudes but I know better and I’d rather not embarrass myself.
- Comment on Who can relate? 2 months ago:
Emblem on the rim makes it look like a Lincoln
- Comment on Where do you think elon musk would be if he wasn't born into wealth? 2 months ago:
Laying in a gutter in Johannesburg with a needle in his arm
- Comment on What advice would you give to your younger self? 2 months ago:
When you were thinking about buying $100 of Bitcoin when they were $0.20 a piece, fucking do it, then sit on it for a decade.
I seriously thought about it, and talked myself out of it because it sounded like a good way to lose $100 and it would probably only lose value anyway.
It would be worth $50 million today.
- Submitted 2 months ago to [deleted] | 148 comments
- Comment on Next Xbox Rumored To Launch In 2026 With New Call Of Duty 2 months ago:
Xbox One X 360
- Comment on This seat reservation doesn't reserve any seats 2 months ago:
It means you can sit anywhere you want and you’re not stuck in an assigned seat.
You get on the train early you can have any seat you want.
This seems like the exact opposite of infuriating. - Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
I don’t have kids myself, but I understand that it’s the employers fault they don’t extend the same privileges to me, not the parents fault for receiving the privilege.
- Comment on I've noticed a lot of UK job applications use the American MM/DD/YYYY date format and some also say "resume" instead of CV. Does that annoy you if you're British? 3 months ago:
It just depends on how you say it out loud.
Here in the us, we would say today is December 11th, so we write it the same way, 12/11.
Other parts of the world would say today is the 11th of December, so they write it that way, 11/12. - Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 3 months ago:
Do you want to see the people who killed Osama Bin Laden prosecuted?
Because the United Heath CEO killed far more people, including many more children, than Bin Laden did on 9/11. - Comment on If the US dissolves for whatever reason and goes into a state of anarchy what would happen to the rest of the world? 3 months ago:
The next biggest economy would likely fill the power vacuum, which at the moment would be China.
European countries with likely band together but still align their policies closer to Russian polices because they’re a more imminent threat than China.
There would probably be several small brush wars as countries try to to consolidate power amongst regional areas like North America and the Middle East.
Fragile ceasefires backed by American influence would pretty quickly dissolve like between North and South Korea.
And in a few decades everything will settle into a new “normal” just like it did when other great empires have lost their influence. - Comment on New report claims gamers spend more time watching videos about gaming than playing games 3 months ago:
Because who can afford a new gaming rig/system AND games to play on it?
- Comment on Should Germany aquire nuclear weapons? 3 months ago:
There are two ways to make sure nuclear weapons are never used in war:- No one has any nukes
- Everyone has nukes.
#1 is never going to happen. The US, Russia, and China are for sure never ever giving up their nuclear weapons.
So #2 it is, level the playing field and give everyone nuclear weapons. A nation is far less likely to use a nuclear weapon if they know they can and will get nuked back right away. - Comment on Will Firefox die for good if Google is forced to sell off Chrome? 3 months ago:
The opposite. Google won’t be able to leverage chrome to drive website design and Internet policy anymore and it’ll give smaller companies an opportunity to get a better foothold in the market. That’s the whole point in breaking them off from Google in the first place.
- Comment on At what age do we switch from measuring a human by length to by height? 3 months ago:
About the time they start walking.
Once they’re standing up, they’re tall.
While they’re still laying down, they’re long. - Comment on Are illegal streaming sites really getting shut down a lot lately or has it always been like this? 4 months ago:
It’s more or less always been like this.
p2p services like Napster were getting a shut down and replaced with limewire, then limewire was shut down and replaced with FrostWire. The Pirate Bay has been shut down at least half a dozen times, demonoid was shut down 6 years ago, Grooveshark was once an ad free music streaming service but tried to go legit at some point to save themselves, every few years the movie and record industries get a burr up their ass and go for the piracy and streaming websites. But these websites have always been like a Hydra and when one of them is killed, several more eventually pop up to take their place. - Comment on What do zoos do with dead animals? 4 months ago:
As someone who grew up with horses, in most cases the hole is dug first with a ramp, the horse is walked into the hole, then it’s euthanized.
- Comment on Did binders used to be called tablets? 4 months ago:
Tablets are notebooks that the paper flips vertically over the top instead of folding to the left or right
- Comment on Why are laptop adapters so much larger than phone adapters of same power rating? 4 months ago:
Voltage is the same but wattage is not.
Most of your phone chargers will be 65w or less while a laptop isn’t going to charge on fewer than 100w most of the time. - Comment on Why do I feel sick every time I go out to eat with my gf? 5 months ago:
Placebo effect?
Maybe you got a touch of food poisoning one of the first times and now you subconsciously associate it with date nights?