I work from home. It has many advantages, but one big disadvantage is you might not notice it’s a holiday and work anyway.
Dare I ask my boss for Tuesday off since I accidentally worked the holiday anyway?
Submitted 2 months ago by ccunning@lemmy.world to [deleted]
I work from home. It has many advantages, but one big disadvantage is you might not notice it’s a holiday and work anyway.
Dare I ask my boss for Tuesday off since I accidentally worked the holiday anyway?
You let your boss know you worked on Monday and “Just wanted to let you know, in case that puts me over my hours.” You either get holiday pay overtime, or he tells you to take a day off in order to avoid it.
Unfortunately I’m an exempt employee so this strategy won’t work.
Ask for time in lieu for the day you worked yesterday. But be aware that it may be a difficult fight for it if no one asked you to work yesterday.
That said, all but the shittiest bosses are likely to approve retroactive time off requests since rejecting them discourages independent working.
Ask them to pay you for the holiday and overtime for your time worked, they’ll suggest you take a day off real quick.
This totally sounds like something I would do. Surprised I haven’t yet.
Go ahead and ask. Sounds fair, and a fair boss wouldn’t mind.
I just took 3 Days off, starting Tomorrow!
Go for it champ!
I don't know man, it's not like they made you work.
I love holidays! What was it? Was there a feast involved? Those are my favourite holidays. And the drunken orgy ones. But especially the feast ones
Neither of those unfortunately. It was MLK day in the US:
Well that’s not gonna stop me personally.
Yes. You worked on a holiday. I think they’d be on dangerous (legally) ground to forbid you your day off. Be confident. You had a day off and forgot. Claim it.
Legally shaky ground? Lol.
Not in the US. Unless this is all laid out specifically in the contract, there’s nothing preventing from an employee coming in on an off day and doing some work, legally speaking.
Your employer can decide you’re not supposed to be there and tell you to go home, mind. What days you work or don’t work are between you and them. You doing extra work as a salaried employee is gonna look at as you doing favors.
Boss probably doesn’t care, though.
I’m of a different mindset. Maybe it’s because of my age and the time that I’ve been in the workforce (I have no fear about politics in the workforce). I emailed and discussed with the CEO of a small company that it was hypocrisy that we were closed on Presidents’ Day but not MLK day (company was only about 24 people; this wouldn’t have been possible at a huge corp). I said that we should be closed on both or open on both, taking that side that it’s better that we’re open on both. We started being off on MLK day after that.
You are a person. You were given a day off. You mistakenly worked that day. Tell your boss that you made a mistake and you want to shift your day off. I’m not saying that you should demand it. I’m saying that you shouldn’t be afraid to ask for what is owed. As far as the legal bit goes, I’m not suggesting that you should sue if you don’t get the day. I’m saying that as a worker, you are likely somewhat protected and it’s better for them not to fa&fo, so they’ll probably just say “sure thing.”
Don’t be afraid to assert yourself. Being an advocate for yourself is one of the most important skills you can learn.
The email to the CEO was as follows:
We spoke about observation of Martin Luther King Day last month. Something that was mentioned was that [Company] remained open because some of our clients remained open. I suggested that observing the holiday would signal our solidarity with marginalized peoples, which I think has value.
This month, [Company] was closed on President’s Day, despite some of our clients remaining open. I recall that both [Client] and [Client] had new hire tickets for people starting on that day. This seems to be a contradiction.
Both holidays are the same class or category: Bank Holidays. If [Company] observes one, it should observe the other. If [Company] is open on one, it should be open on the other. This is not a ploy for an additional paid holiday. I would rather that we work on both MLK Day and President’s Day than be open on MLK Day and closed on President’s Day. I believe that we should observe the holiday of a civil rights leader if we observe what has been, until recently, a holiday for white men.
Respectfully, [some_guy]
Response from CEO about a week later:
[some_guy], Thanks for the email. I appreciate it and the discussion we had a few weeks ago. At this point I am planning to add a new holiday for 2020 for MLK Day. Thanks for inspiring principles based change. [CEO]
Tell them you’re owed holiday pay 1.5x your typical rate
JackLSauce@lemmy.world 2 months ago
Sounds like you’re salaried. Generally those jobs care about getting your work done more than watching a clock or waiting for phones to ring
If you have a decent boss, explaining what happened and asking if you can just take off a different day this coming week would probably be fine, even if Tuesday isn’t feasible on such short notice. Personally, I’d be gunning for Friday (assuming you have the normal weekend days off)
If that conversation is considered a problem, then it’s time to see if the company’s competitors are hiring for your position
ccunning@lemmy.world 2 months ago
This is the actual answer. My boss is awesome and this isn’t really a problem.
I mostly just felt the urge to revel in my stupidity once I realized what happened 🫠
It explained why it was such a nice quiet day. I was able to get more than usual done 😅
natecox@programming.dev 2 months ago
I am a manager for a remote team. Sometimes I screw up and forget to double remind the team about holidays. Sometimes I remember but they forget anyways.
Either way, I’m not going to screw someone out of a day of PTO; I’ll usually suggest the coming Friday off as an alternative.
I would be honest, it’s a funny mistake and worth a quick laugh.