- Comment on How was this old "no hands pushup" viral video made? 1 day ago:
Calves? I do my push ups with only my toes.
- Comment on low iq in love with high iq person, is that bad?? 2 days ago:
IQ is bullshit. If you love each other you love each other.
- Comment on What are some of the things someone permanently relocating away from the US should be aware of? 2 days ago:
Unless you formally revoke your citizenship you’ll be required to file for taxes for the rest of your life.
- Comment on Why do i see so many americans obsessed with the concept of "this is a thing that [Ethnicity] does" 1 week ago:
As an American that moved to Canada it was eye opening that a lot of racist Canadians direct the energy Americans point at black folks toward Native Americans. Canada absolutely has a problem with some deep seated racism.
- Comment on what’s with some adult tv shows using tiktok speak/“brainrot” or acting like the example below, wouldn’t this approach work better with children’s shows? 1 week ago:
In the 90s we had “See you on the flippity flip” - it’s almost certainly genuine and talking to folks in the language they more commonly use because that’s how pop culture pops.
Eat my shorts!
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Go back to sleep and wait until someone says “Wake the fuck up Samurai” - that’ll be a markedly better world to wake up in.
- Comment on Why have an adversarial legal system? 2 weeks ago:
Bear in mind that our system is quite old and some of the ways we process information have changed so that much more of what is on trial is a “fact” rather than hearsay. However, wouldn’t what you’re suggesting put the burden of information gathering on the judges themselves? This would make trials much more expensive in terms of judge time as well as removing your ability to self-advocate.
Right now when you enter a trial there is a burden on each party to collect and present their evidence - would you prefer a system where you were barred from this and the judge made a ruling based on whatever information they happened to glean independently - potentially missing something that you consider extremely important?
- Comment on Why do people say more people didnt vote for trump than did? 2 weeks ago:
So the electoral college complicates things somewhat - a voter for Stein in California probably thought their vote would have no impact anyways - but voters for Stein in more competitive states were absolutely fine with Trump being president.
Due to the vote shenanigans in 2020 I think it was wise in this last election to vote for Harris because had their been an electoral college/popular vote split with Harris winning the college Trump would absolutely try and overturn the results again… but I know most Americans are less politically aware.
- Comment on How is the Stock Market keeping it's value after *points to everything*? 2 weeks ago:
The market was significant out of whack before this election even began.
Tesla’s stock price is 99% pure (dumb) speculation.
- Comment on Why do people say more people didnt vote for trump than did? 2 weeks ago:
I believe you can’t be retaliated against for taking off time to vote but your employer isn’t required to compensate you for time spent voting.
- Comment on Why do people say more people didnt vote for trump than did? 2 weeks ago:
Of course, it’s also important to realize that 70% of Americans were fine with Trump being president. 70% of America didn’t vote for Harris when Trump was the likely outcome of the election.
- Comment on How is the Stock Market keeping it's value after *points to everything*? 2 weeks ago:
Look at Tesla stock prices - even after a slight deflation it’s astronomically overvalued and divorced from reality.
We’re in a speculative bubble baby!
- Comment on the person who abused(?) me (who I’m breaking free from and focusing on me💪) acted like this: is this common with certain mental health conditions? 2 weeks ago:
It could be a lot of things - Narcissism certainly, but defensiveness as a response to criticism is also pretty common in folks with ADHD due to what we experience in the educational system… I’ve had to train myself to be more open to criticism but any criticism in the realm of laziness still makes me quite defensive.
The “No one understands you just me” is classic predatory behavior that’s often accompanied by trying to isolate you from your family, again, it could come from narcissism but it’s also frequently tied to plain old insecurity but in an extreme form.
It sounds like you’re happy getting out of that relationship - whatever is wrong with them is their fucking problem and not yours. One of the hardest part about ending an emotionally abusive relationship is removing them from your day to day thoughts - so it might not be healthy to dwell on them even in this form, it might help to understand the damage better and find like folks but it’s also important to close that door.
- Comment on Do most people still use computers, or do people only use a smartphone as their main/only device? 2 weeks ago:
Damn, I haven’t heard about using a laptop for CBT but that shit probably hurts - that’s gonna be a wide surface area for impact.
- Comment on Do most people still use computers, or do people only use a smartphone as their main/only device? 2 weeks ago:
I use my computer for pretty much everything but I have a projector so that shit is up on my wall.
- Comment on Isn't it possible to frame almost any opinion as a question? 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 2 weeks ago:
It’s just bigotry and there is no logic.
- Comment on is it a good thing if someone says my nose looks like his? 2 weeks ago:
Don’t forget to remember to breathe!
- Comment on is it a good thing if someone says my nose looks like his? 2 weeks ago:
Well, in that context, maybe it was just a funny that they knew would make you laugh?
It’s like seeing a pimple on your friends face, having one of your own, and joking about your witches coven.
- Comment on is it a good thing if someone says my nose looks like his? 2 weeks ago:
- How does it make you feel?
- Given the context of your relationship do you know if it was intended as a compliment or an insult?
- Comment on why do people say annoying/rude stuff and then tell you “it was a joke!” 2 weeks ago:
Depends. Sometimes they take a bad swing at a joke and realize they fucked it up… sometimes though they’re just assholes they are trying to cover being an ass.
It’s usually a matter of context to tell which is which.
- Comment on For different game store, legally, what happens if they close? 2 weeks ago:
These two things are not the same.
With GOG you’re buying the license to freely download a reusable and unlocked installer - with steam your game state is managed by steam in a generally intricate manner that relies on steam being running to run the game. Some games do install stand alone executables but it is vanishingly rare to find a game with an installer included in the game files.
In theory with steam games if there are no other dependencies (like dlls or registry entries) you can copy the game directory to a new computer wholesale but often times even that won’t be worth much if the steam executable isn’t running.
Please note, a lot of this knowledge came from me tinkering with the overlay a few years back, it’s possible steam changed things to make the overlay and client dll more optional but those are usually hard dependencies baked into the game executable files.
- Comment on How likely do you think there will be a run on the banks? 2 weeks ago:
Unlikely unless Trump crashes the bond market by refusing to honor treasuries. If that happens a lot of banks will be underwater in assets.
- Comment on How important is flirting within the dating scene? 2 weeks ago:
Just a note about flirting, communication, and fear of rejection.
If you’re being subtle in a conversation to avoid coming on too strong and form a relationship… don’t be. Any relationship you form by cloaking your personality will weaken when you reveal your true self.
The goal in dating shouldn’t be to form a relationship, it should be to form a good relationship. Jumping into a bad relationship that you just barely work in is going to waste your time and cause a lot more grief than anything else.
If my advice is a bit surprising that’s fair - there’s a reason the divorce rate is so high among young couples and you really don’t want to go through that experience.
- Comment on How important is flirting within the dating scene? 2 weeks ago:
Flirting is part of a non-platonic relationship during the introduction, wooing and continued phases.
Flirting can take a lot of forms though, so if you’re uncomfortable with what social media describes as flirting then you may simply have a different love language.
For context, my partner and I met digitally through (essentially) a text based MMORPG and have been married for about a decade and a half. Never were unironic pickup lines part of our courtship.
- Comment on What happened to Pez? 3 weeks ago:
My suggestion to use Necco wafers was, unfortunately, in jest. They certainly have their appeal but they’re absolutely an acquired taste.
- Comment on What happened to Pez? 3 weeks ago:
If you’ve got a knife you can cut Necco wafers down to size to improve the taste.
- Comment on Why isn't free stuff (public domain/noncommercial) discussed as much as paid stuff? 3 weeks ago:
Yea, I think human perspective generally defaults to us assuming other people have had similar experiences to us so people can be blind when someone else is fully missing a big chunk of context.
- Comment on Why isn't free stuff (public domain/noncommercial) discussed as much as paid stuff? 3 weeks ago:
Because most people who use good free stuff assume everyone else is using it to… because it’s like free and shit.
- Comment on [ClickHole] Just Beclause You;re Sniggle And Died Doesnt Man You Cant Enjoy , Vrandentine’s Day , (By Queen Elizabeth II) 3 weeks ago:
I am amused that the quality of this slop could actually be improved by sending it through ChatGPT. It’d still be meaningless slop but it’d be at least legible slop.
I hope my true love sends me some Chonklettes for Vrandentine’s day.