- Comment on It is what it is 1 hour ago:
“If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.”
- Comment on It is what it is 1 hour ago:
Best motivational poster I’ve seen.
- Comment on Lecturing row 0 of the Princeton Advanced Physics course 3 hours ago:
Du, du hast, du hast mich
- Comment on Angles 3 hours ago:
- Comment on Angles 3 hours ago:
Fuck, I thought this was just a Family Guy joke, but the joke came from reality. There are tons of these.
- Comment on Is there any way our of the US political spiral? 3 hours ago:
Emigration or civil war, I’d wager. My home country will be a fascist state during my lifetime, as I’ve been saying for about three to four years.
- Comment on Biden warned against Trump preemptively pardoning family after 2020 election, then did it himself minutes before leaving office 6 hours ago:
What penalties would have been proscribed had a vindictive man not been returned to power vs when he can unleash hell upon a judge? It’s a fun thought experiment.
- Comment on Anon has casual sex 1 day ago:
How about just having sex and then a nice conversation in bed? Maybe dude isn’t able to do the second part and it gets awkward.
Tell you what. I’ll be the pinch hitter for future casual sex. Just dip out and I’ll take the hit for you.
- Comment on Updated ADL guidelines 1 day ago:
Podcast host was talking about how supporting Palestine is the only thing that’s antisemitic to the ADL these days.
- Comment on Biden warned against Trump preemptively pardoning family after 2020 election, then did it himself minutes before leaving office 1 day ago:
Source. Now. You’re full of shit. He committed crimes. Lots of them. Come suck his dick some more.
- Comment on If I'm not ready, I won't be ready! 1 day ago:
This is why I choose to start early if I can at my job. Last job allowed me to start at 6am and leave at 3pm. It was great. I still had part of the afternoon to do grocery shopping and stuff before everyone was out from their 9-5 jobs. And I always had some sunshine after work during winter months. And the office was quiet. Some of my most productive time was that 80-90m before the next person arrived.
Current job starts at 8am. I’ve got better at enjoying the time before work because I can walk there in 10m. If I had to drive and deal with traffic, I’d be this meme, watching the clock and feeling anxious.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 days ago:
Rock candy. /s
Jk, I kid, but I’m considering having the same procedure. My brother had it done and I asked him about it, but he doesn’t really remember details about how long it took to heal and other minutia. If you wouldn’t mind posting info that you think others would find beneficial to help decide whether or not to go through with the costly and painful procedure after you’re on the other side, I’d read with interest. And if not, good luck with everything (not sarcasm).
- Comment on Best gramma 2 days ago:
This is awesome.
- Comment on Anon experiences German humor 3 days ago:
Funnybot, is that you?
- Comment on I'm okay. Everything will be okay. 3 days ago:
We can shorten it to just the first six words.
People: if your phone makes a sound in public, you are wrong.
- Comment on Biden warned against Trump preemptively pardoning family after 2020 election, then did it himself minutes before leaving office 3 days ago:
You’re politically illiterate if that’s what you took from my comment. Trump is not accused / convicted of little things. But sure, be like my mother, someone who truly believes he’s a good leader. (Your bullshit) Doesn’t bother me. (My mother’s bullshit makes me sad.)
- Comment on Cancel the call to Houston 3 days ago:
But did a sailor kiss a random lady on the street? (WWII ref)
- Comment on Dad?? 3 days ago:
My father tried to teach me to read, too. Fortunately, he was good at it.
- Comment on Biden warned against Trump preemptively pardoning family after 2020 election, then did it himself minutes before leaving office 3 days ago:
One did because they all committed crimes. The other did it because a lunatic is out to harm as many enemies as possible.
- Comment on (Meta) Proposition to exclude twitter links and screenshots. 4 days ago:
Twitter is a Nazi shithole. I think it’d be healthy to exclude it.
- Comment on You know that they guy who put up that Chyron did it on purpose 4 days ago:
This was my first really good out-loud laugh of the day. Cheers.
- Comment on Should I ask my boss for tomorrow off? 4 days ago:
I’m of a different mindset. Maybe it’s because of my age and the time that I’ve been in the workforce (I have no fear about politics in the workforce). I emailed and discussed with the CEO of a small company that it was hypocrisy that we were closed on Presidents’ Day but not MLK day (company was only about 24 people; this wouldn’t have been possible at a huge corp). I said that we should be closed on both or open on both, taking that side that it’s better that we’re open on both. We started being off on MLK day after that.
You are a person. You were given a day off. You mistakenly worked that day. Tell your boss that you made a mistake and you want to shift your day off. I’m not saying that you should demand it. I’m saying that you shouldn’t be afraid to ask for what is owed. As far as the legal bit goes, I’m not suggesting that you should sue if you don’t get the day. I’m saying that as a worker, you are likely somewhat protected and it’s better for them not to fa&fo, so they’ll probably just say “sure thing.”
Don’t be afraid to assert yourself. Being an advocate for yourself is one of the most important skills you can learn.
The email to the CEO was as follows:
We spoke about observation of Martin Luther King Day last month. Something that was mentioned was that [Company] remained open because some of our clients remained open. I suggested that observing the holiday would signal our solidarity with marginalized peoples, which I think has value.
This month, [Company] was closed on President’s Day, despite some of our clients remaining open. I recall that both [Client] and [Client] had new hire tickets for people starting on that day. This seems to be a contradiction.
Both holidays are the same class or category: Bank Holidays. If [Company] observes one, it should observe the other. If [Company] is open on one, it should be open on the other. This is not a ploy for an additional paid holiday. I would rather that we work on both MLK Day and President’s Day than be open on MLK Day and closed on President’s Day. I believe that we should observe the holiday of a civil rights leader if we observe what has been, until recently, a holiday for white men.
Respectfully, [some_guy]
Response from CEO about a week later:
[some_guy], Thanks for the email. I appreciate it and the discussion we had a few weeks ago. At this point I am planning to add a new holiday for 2020 for MLK Day. Thanks for inspiring principles based change. [CEO]
- Comment on Should I ask my boss for tomorrow off? 4 days ago:
Yes. You worked on a holiday. I think they’d be on dangerous (legally) ground to forbid you your day off. Be confident. You had a day off and forgot. Claim it.
- Submitted 4 days ago to | 1 comment
- Comment on Why is it when I watch a movie at home? It seems like I have to go deaf just this way. I can hear the audio of somebody speaking compared to the explosions and other special effect sounds? 5 days ago:
We enable CC on everything because my partner is not a native speaker. Turns out I’m hooked on it now for anything where any characters have accents. I catch all kinds of little details that I used to miss without quite realizing it.
- Comment on Why is it when I watch a movie at home? It seems like I have to go deaf just this way. I can hear the audio of somebody speaking compared to the explosions and other special effect sounds? 5 days ago:
I have an Anthrm receiver and I’m pretty happy with it. I had a 2.1 system (L, R, sub) and was happy for a long time. Moved into a different space and dialogue got harder to hear so I added a center channel and it’s awesome again.
- Comment on What are some actual good *sour* sour candy? 5 days ago:
- Comment on It’s the way 6 days ago:
Gnosticism is a fascinating subject that we only truly started to understand last century (Nag Hammadi). What’s really blown my socks through my shoes is the possibility that Jesus was originally understood as a heavenly figure (crucified in the firmament) and the earthly biography came later.
As with Gnosticism, the early church would have suppressed all documents contradicting their narrative, but there’s reasonably compelling evidence that no one wrote of a man on earth for the first four decades of christian thought. This is something I’ve been reading about for the last several months. “The Jesus Puzzle” makes a great case for this idea.
- Comment on Low deductible high fantasy 6 days ago:
This is pretty clever. If I were to add anything to it, it would “because you live in a sane country.”
- Comment on BREAKING: CNN Found Liable for Defamation of Navy Vet Zachary Young 6 days ago:
I’m not triggered. I use it as a context clue.