- Comment on Game Name Help 22 hours ago:
I know this isn’t what you’re looking for, but you reminded me of Beamrider. We played the shit out of that one back in the day!
- Comment on [deleted] 1 day ago:
No. That would fit under joining them.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 day ago:
There are two ways to deal with terrible people.
Ignore them, or join them.
I’m guessing you don’t want to be a terrible person, so…
- Comment on Why there are few video games with a lot of mythological pantheons? 3 days ago:
Cult of Sheogorath here!
- Comment on Why there are few video games with a lot of mythological pantheons? 3 days ago:
You could study one mythology and create an accurate game, or research hundreds of them, and pull one out two characters from each.
It’s just more work.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 days ago:
Reminds me of the same logic that Sovereign Citizens use. If you use the correct magic words with flowers and dinner, then you unlock access to the girlfriend.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 days ago:
That’s why he wants Chad out of the dating pool! It’s not about any sort of morality, he just doesn’t think it’s fair that Chad has 10 girls, and he can’t find one (willing to take over where his mother left off.)
- Comment on How do the Republicans feel about Project 2025 now? 4 days ago:
Oh for sure. I did a deep dive into Fox News to try to understand where they were coming from and it’s all just blatant bullshit. And I honestly tried to find at least one valid argument that I probably wouldn’t agree with.
Just gotta check every now and then.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 days ago:
You’re not wrong.
- Comment on How do the Republicans feel about Project 2025 now? 4 days ago:
That’s fantastic advice. Every now and then you gotta check yourself. Those MAGA folks don’t know they’re brainwashed, and honestly, neither would any of us. Nobody is too smart for propaganda!
- Comment on Where to find help for a game name 4 days ago:
That’s usually how these things play out.
Same thing happened to me when I tried watching Thundercats again. Oh boy.
- Comment on I have tried to look it up but has Trump done anything to combat Internet Piracy? Asking for a friend. Like going as far as Obama did? 4 days ago:
I’m sure he would if he sold anything that could be pirated.
- Comment on Where to find help for a game name 5 days ago:
Could it be Aztec?
- Comment on am i responsible if i hurt someone by leaving them after "making" them fall in love with me? 5 days ago:
I’ve been paying attention to this one as well.
It’s kind of like driving past an accident. It’s horrifying, but I can’t look away.
- Comment on Where to find help for a game name 5 days ago:
I think you’ve found it. Give us some clues!
How long ago? What platform? Genre?
- Comment on Digimon Con 2025 5 days ago:
I’m very disappointed that they didn’t call it DigiCon.
- Comment on Is the term "Apotheon" an ancient term? 5 days ago:
I imagine that’s where the Apothecary would work.
Apothecary is a pretty outdated term.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 days ago:
Seriously, chill the fuck out. You lead with an insult, ask for advice, and when someone tries to offer some, you pick out this one phrase and turn it into whatever this is?
Why are you being so rude to someone trying to offer help that you asked for?
- Comment on Redditors told me to go to a therapist but I can’t afford one nor pick one from thousands available. What now? 5 days ago:
Yeah. I’m going to say keep trying with the therapy thing.
- Comment on Favourite 90s platformer? 5 days ago:
Sigma before the kids started saying it. 😂
- Comment on Favourite 90s platformer? 5 days ago:
Yes! This is my standard for a good platformer.
I think being the “free” game that comes with the system hurt it’s reputation. We all got bored of it, but going back to it after playing some terrible platformers really shows you how great it really is.
- Comment on Why are autistic people so odd?? 6 days ago:
I think you should talk less and listen more in this thread. There is a lot for you to learn.
- Comment on Why are autistic people so odd?? 6 days ago:
I’ll give you a head start, and then I’m coming after you as a ghost!
- Comment on I have a bunch of questions: Whats the best way to get this platform's feed to compete with reddit? 1 week ago:
Share fun pictures and interesting conversation topics!
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Love is one of those things that is ruined by logic.
It doesn’t make sense, and you don’t “decide” to love someone, love chooses you.
Don’t worry about it. Live your life. You may be perfectly content not having a romantic partner, or at some point you may get lonely enough to go out and meet more people, and find someone who fits you. Don’t force it, and don’t feel like you need to “have” someone just because other people expect it.
Good luck, and have fun!
- Comment on Are you annoyed by lemmy crossposts? 1 week ago:
Don’t get me wrong, but there’s two things I often hear around these parts.
“All content should be in one place”
“Don’t like it? Create your own community!”
- Comment on why is my psychologically abusive ex friend nice to me sometimes, especially in public? 1 week ago:
If everything looks good in public, there’s no reason to ask questions about what happens behind closed doors.
- Comment on Americans, How do you pour soda into a cup with ice without the soda going flat? 1 week ago:
Nope. That’s a seagull, and a very dangerous mistake.
Fuck with the Albatross, and you’re cursed.
- Comment on Oops, something went wrong! 1 week ago:
But it’s MY Internet, and I want it NOW!!
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
I’d say it’s normal to worry about, especially if you’ve never been in the situation yet, it’s easy to think it will never happen.
The best tips I can give you, as someone who spent most of high school playing D&D and wondering if I’d ever get laid, and eventually went on to be married twice, fathered three kids and got laid this morning before work.
Don’t force it or focus on it. If you do, you’ll subconsciously try to make every interaction the first steps to having sex with that person. Which will get frustrating real quick since most people should not expect to bang everyone they meet.
Get out there, meet people, talk to people like they are people, and not something you might be able to rub your genitals on. Find a person you connect with, and are comfortable with, and let it progress.
Forcing a relationship just so you can say you have one, will turn out worse than not having one to begin with.
Good luck to you!