- Comment on Conservative people are the moist toxic and aggressive people for no reason 39 minutes ago:
I was reading a standard celebrity obituary article the other day. It was an actor nobody really remembers and it mentioned his family and the shows he was on.
In the comments someone said something like:
I don’t know why you had to mention his husband!!! Why does everything have to be so woke?
Sure, pal, if he had married a woman, everything would be ok, but since he had a husband, we need to pretend that he doesn’t exist around you so you don’t feel icky?
- Comment on If AI spits out stuff it's been trained on 4 hours ago:
Right. I get you, and I agree, and I don’t think Buffalox was contradicting you by essentially saying “even if they technically aren’t the same, your government may still count it as the same.”
- Comment on People who live in hot climates, how do you deal with the heat? 13 hours ago:
There’s two feet of snow out here, so I don’t know the answer, but I’m willing to try to figure it out.
- Comment on If AI spits out stuff it's been trained on 1 day ago:
Hi there, I’m a random passerby listening in on your argument!
You both make great points, and I’m not sure if there’s a misunderstanding here, because I don’t see why this is still going back and forth.
I agree with Free, that if an AI creates an image of CSAM, that there is no child being abused and that it is not anywhere near the same level of evil as actual photographs of CSAM. Different people will have different opinions on that, and that’s fine, it’s a topic that deserves debate.
Other person, is saying that your personal stance on the topic doesn’t really matter if the law has deemed it so. Which is also correct. When we talk about drugs, some people do not consider cannabis to be “a drug”, others consider caffeine and sugar to be drugs, but no matter where you stand, there IS a defined list of what you can get arrested for, and no matter how I try to spin the “secret medicinal advantages of meth” (that’s a joke, there are none.) it’s not going to keep me out of prison.
You’re both making valid arguments that don’t necessarily conflict with each other.
- Comment on Why does it seem like every TV series I've ever watched gets cancelled/rushed/incomplete ending, while movies (even those in a film series/trilogy) rarely face the same problem? 2 days ago:
The success of a TV show can be gathered in real time. A movie needs to be complete before anyone knows about it.
So, they are going to make sure that movie is as sellable as it possibly can, because they only have one chance. The TV show can get tweaked as it goes, and sometimes milking a cash cow doesn’t result in quality. I think of Family Matters back in the 90s. It was a decent family sitcom, but EVERYBODY loved Urkel. So much so, that the last few seasons were essentially the Steve Urkel show. That’s who everybody wanted to see, but the show was complete trash. None of the storylines made sense anymore, and they had Urkel playing Urkel clones because MORE URKEL, MORE MONEY!
- Comment on 3 days ago:
I call bullshit.
If someone hung some out of focus water lilies and labeled it a newly discovered Monet, most people would believe it. The biggest of experts may find details that don’t quite match other Monets, but if those experts were involved in the forgery, they could easily make sure to check those boxes.
Saying they can’t be reproduced is just arrogance, or gatekeeping.
No disrespect to the artists. They deserve the respect for what they do, and creating their own style is half the challenge, but saying it’s impossible for anyone else to do the same after that, is a stretch.
- Comment on Will getting my drivers liscense renewed mess with my employer checking my driving record? 3 days ago:
It’s better to have it renewed than risk it turning expired. That will definitely mess up your driving report.
- Comment on What happened to Larry the Cable Guy? 4 days ago:
You may know him as “Tater Salad”
- Comment on What happened to Larry the Cable Guy? 4 days ago:
Good to know! My sister and I can never agree on what to listen to.
- Comment on On Lemmy is it safe to create a community on a smaller scale when there are other communities already available of the same topic? 6 days ago:
It’s certainly not dangerous, but, every community could use more traffic around here, so it doesn’t make any sense to spread it out any thinner.
- Comment on Canva charges you to make a circle 1 week ago:
Looks like you’re out of flags. Would you like to purchase 10 more for $2.99?
- Comment on Feminists in their natural habitat of bigotry 1 week ago:
Listen bud, for every man-hater out there, there are about 5 others who voted for “Your body, MY choice.” There’s assholes everywhere. We just accept them as assholes and move on. And now we need to figure if you’re offended because you ARE one of the pieces of shit they are calling out, or if you’re just too delicate to deal with people not likely a group that you just happened to be born into.
Not everyone has to like you, but keep it up if you want to add to the number who don’t.
- Comment on Feminists in their natural habitat of bigotry 1 week ago:
Methinks thou doth protest too much.
- Comment on Is anyone else worried about the dehumanizing memes about Mark Zuckerberg being exploited for anti-semitism? 1 week ago:
I haven’t even seen one. 🤷🏻♂️
- Comment on Please explain this to me. Are consumers that dumb?!? 1 week ago:
I don’t understand the issue.
- Comment on Any Roguelike/Roguelite suggestions? 1 week ago:
I’m not REAL into these, but every now and then I find one (usually much lighter than like) that clicks with me and I dump a few days into it before I get bored.
Dead cells was fun.
Children of Morta was pretty cool as you have a whole family to level up.
My son was playing Skul that looked fun.
- Comment on Mods here are wankers 1 week ago:
Maybe this isn’t the place for you. I think Reddit might be more your style.
- Comment on I Bought a PlayStation Vita in 2025 1 week ago:
He’s just savvy enough to be dangerous! So he bought it pre-hacked and loaded with software.
- Comment on I Bought a PlayStation Vita in 2025 1 week ago:
My brother just bought his first 3DS. It’s blowing his mind! 😂
- Comment on Time travel and the economy 1 week ago:
Of course THOSE theories don’t work, we haven’t yet figured out the one that will.
- Comment on Would you do Onlyfans if needed the money? 1 week ago:
You might be surprised.
- Comment on How to wake up during nightmares? 1 week ago:
I couldn’t agree more. You feel helpless, and that carries over into your dreams.
- Comment on How to wake up during nightmares? 1 week ago:
I rarely realize when I’m dreaming, but when I do, those are some of the BEST dreams! Once I realize that it’s not real, I think “Wait, in THIS world, I’m in charge!” and I take control.
I know you can’t always realize the situation in your dreams, but maybe a perspective change could help.
Instead of trying to escape, embrace it! Pull out your holy hand grenade, count to three (5 is right out), and chuck it at the nightmare!
Before you go to sleep, focus on how excited you are to go in and defeat your monsters! Think about your flaming sword of virtue and how it will cut through anything that dares challenge your power in your own domain! Keep thoughts of victory and power in your mind and when you are in the thick of that nightmare, you will remember that you are in control and you will win that battle!
You created those nightmares, and until you know that you can beat them, you will continue to create them.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Better a friend than an employee. 😬
- Comment on What advice would you give to your younger self? 1 week ago:
The best time to get into crypto was at the very beginning, it’s not even worth gambling with now.
That’s what they said 5 years ago when it was worth half what it is today.
- Comment on Not promoting violence or anything. But stupid quest since Iran has an 80 million bounty on Trumps head. If someone would follow thru do they just go to Iran and be like pay up? Why or why not? 1 week ago:
A true patriot.
- Comment on Not promoting violence or anything. But stupid quest since Iran has an 80 million bounty on Trumps head. If someone would follow thru do they just go to Iran and be like pay up? Why or why not? 1 week ago:
🤣😂🤣 I didn’t even realize!
- Comment on do you give employers or managers a second chance? 1 week ago:
That sounds like a question for future You.
You just got moved, and the boss seems nice, right? Settle into that for now. Focus on the new routine and see where it takes you. You may enjoy your new role or meet some new people that would make all this worrying pointless.
Also, sometimes people just make mistakes. It’s not always a vendetta against you.
- Comment on Could every monarchy and authoritarian/tyrannical societies have been the result of child abuse? 1 week ago:
Wouldn’t be surprised. Especially since the monarchs are used to everybody bending to their will, a prince having a tantrum probably didn’t go to time out.
- Comment on If you can’t discriminate based on age, how are there 55+ neighborhoods? 1 week ago:
Honestly, it was probably more the fact that you walked in shouting “I WANT TO SLEEP WITH THE CHILDREN!”