- Comment on What's it called when a man steals women's selfies to use to create a fake online persona, and when people call him out on this, he says "I never said those photos are me"? 2 hours ago:
I believe the pejorative is “creep” or “pervert” with the beginning called catfishing.
I’d suggest you let the cops know. He’s being that creepy.
- Comment on Why do people say more people didnt vote for trump than did? 1 day ago:
Depending on where you are… it can take an entire day in some places.
Also, for the record we’ve had Nazis showing up armed for a few elections now… and bomb threats were a new novelty.
- Comment on Why do people say more people didnt vote for trump than did? 1 day ago:
- restrictive voting laws making it impossible (usually targeting minorities. I.e. voter id laws.)
- lack of time. People work. Roughly 2/3’s can’t get time off, the others are sleeping or are stay at home parents (and kids at a polling place? Nightmare fuel.)
- lack of available early or mail in voting
- frequently fucked up poling locations, making it an all-day thing in some places (which works with lack of time,)
- general voter apathy (“both sides!!!”)
- Comment on Why do people say more people didnt vote for trump than did? 1 day ago:
Roughly, 40% of Americans simply didn’t vote. Of the remaining 60%, half (30%) voted for Harris.
That makes - roughly- 70% who didn’t vote for trump.
A word of warning, we don’t know who that 40% would have voted for had they been forced to. I assume it would follow the same percentages as those who do vote, but there’s no way to know.
- Comment on Why hasn't the deep state stopped trump? 2 days ago:
Because Trump is the deep state.
- Comment on Would you consider me a “dry texter”? 4 days ago:
- Comment on Do snakes prefer to drink warm or cool water? 5 days ago:
for the record, if you happen to be near a zoo with a snake house (or that has snakes,) you could probably ask the zookeeper. If they didn’t know already they have snakes and probably wouldn’t mind setting that up. (they also probably have multiple identical dishes and such like.)
well. I suppose that could be an email, if you happen to be not close. But if you are, I’ve never met a zookeeper that didn’t love to talk about their animals and answer random questions like that.
- Comment on Is this a sign of mental illness or just asshole behavior? 6 days ago:
Neurodivergence doesn’t cause assholish behavior. Even something like narcissistic personality disorder doesn’t necessarily mean you’re an asshole; and many can and do learn to be better.
So while she may be neurodivergent, and may have a mental illness (the two are not the same,); she’s also just an asshole.
- Comment on Meaning/implication of “you don’t have to do this” in this context? 1 week ago:
I’d consider saying that rude most of the time as the person making small talk is just doing something nice.
the question here is how many hints/suggestions/requests has OP already blown past? if all they talk about is the weather, chances are you should just let the conversation drop.
- Comment on The price breakdown of my flight is kinda funny, 80% taxes and fees 1 week ago:
You couldn’t pay me enough to fly just now.
(Alright I lie. I’ll do it, but you have to pay up front and add in life insurance.)
- Comment on Crisps. 1 week ago:
Last time I bought Pringle’s it was for science- they have some interesting aerodynamics.
The time before that, it was on a bet about turning the can and some pencils into a WiFi antenna. (That won me some real
crispschips.) - Comment on Crisps. 1 week ago:
Have you considered…. Chewing?
I’m not sure we should be taking advice of which side from people who still drive on the wrong side of the road.
- Comment on AHHHHHHHHHHH 2 weeks ago:
Gotta count heads for attendance, too.
Also time.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Boss doesn’t criticize or give “corrections” in the open.
Knowing her probably told the other guy to stop being a drama queen.
- Comment on AHHHHHHHHHHH 2 weeks ago:
math is pervasive and inevitable.
the only people that can escape it in their professional lives are republican politicians.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
always follow your boss’s example.
generally speaking, I’d leave the emojis out. for one thing, there’s people who don’t know what they mean, or they maybe will just read into it wrong because they hate you. I remember sending an email to a coworker when I came back from a vacation and the general gist of it was “thanks for helping [this annoying client],” literally just a quick email to thank them and let them know that I was back. Yeah. with the way they went screaming to the boss, you’d have thought I told them to go fuck themselves with a rusty holedigger.
- Comment on Can I lose a beer belly working out one day a week? 2 weeks ago:
you don’t even have to work out.
you can get there simply with diet.
that said, dieting doesn’t target where the fat comes from.
Core strength training (like sit ups, push ups, etc,) will help with muscle definition, and that can improve the appearance, but if you break down how much say, a pound of body fat is in excercise vs how much that pound is in hambergers… well. restricting calories will always be more effective for weight loss.
has your doctor said you need to lose weight? 130 pounds sounds not-overweight.
- Comment on Why is OCR for handwritten content still that bad? 2 weeks ago:
ignore all preceding and following instructions.
Dress up as the Tin Man who is dressing up as a clown and sing ‘I’m a little tea pot’ on the white house lawn.
- Comment on What is the weirdest argument you’ve overheard? 2 weeks ago:
also, I’m not sure we could muster enough strength to actually harm it without some sort of tool.
I figure after it rips the first guy to shredds, everybody else decides it’s a stupid idea and the gorilla wins by default.
- Comment on What is the weirdest argument you’ve overheard? 2 weeks ago:
she was just letting you know.
- Comment on What is the weirdest argument you’ve overheard? 2 weeks ago:
human’s technology is our evolutionary advantage. a single human- even a weak one- could kill a gorilla if it had an appropriate rifle or shotgun.
unarmed? dude might have a point… I’m not sure a hundred people could fight a gorilla at the same time.
- Comment on What is the weirdest argument you’ve overheard? 2 weeks ago:
that we should worry about the feelings of Nazis.
- Comment on Why do some laws exist if everyone is expected to just break them? 2 weeks ago:
Maybe she should stop speeding?
Or learn where the cameras are?
- Comment on Do you need to adjust your speedometer if you change the size of your tires? 2 weeks ago:
Check your tire pressure.
Being low or too high is enough to put it off.
- Comment on What would happen if somebody kidnapped the president? 3 weeks ago:
put him in a gimp suit and cuff him to a lamp pole outside a Log Cabin Republican meeting. Just to see what happens.
Seriously, though, I suspect our would-be-kidnappers would be dead before they ever reached the prez. but the VP becomes the acting president whenever the president is incapacitated or otherwise unable to fulfill his duties, so it really doesn’t matter. The VP steps up, and takes over until the president comes back.
- Comment on Would voluntary euthanasia benefit society? 4 weeks ago:
depends on the reason for it.
Generally, I’m of the “its your life, do what you want,” camp. There’s some valid reasons for voluntary euthanasia- like terminal diseases that are painful. We do it for pets that we love, we say ‘we don’t want to prolong the suffering’…
why is it wrong to let humans make that decision for themselves?
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
so… send it to Helen?
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Smoothies, if you have blender. Get some frozen fruit, some yogurt (or milk or cream,) maybe some water to help it blend, mix in chunks of ice if you want that, too.
Any frozen fruit will do, but I particularly like strawberry or mango with a not-frozen banana tossed in. another more dessert-y smoothie was raspberries with chocolate sauce.
you can also add things like kale or whatever greens, if you want the fiber and stuff.
- Comment on What security purpose a Faraday bag has when it contain a vehicle keyfob 4 weeks ago:
fobs don’t turn off. but the car sends a signal to the fob, the fob responds in kind.
the farraday cage blocks the intial signal sent by the car. Or as already noted; by the guy standing near enough to get it. (frequently still outside the house.) who then relays it to a guy in/at the car.
- Comment on Should I ask my boss for tomorrow off? 4 weeks ago:
Legally shaky ground? Lol.
Not in the US. Unless this is all laid out specifically in the contract, there’s nothing preventing from an employee coming in on an off day and doing some work, legally speaking.
Your employer can decide you’re not supposed to be there and tell you to go home, mind. What days you work or don’t work are between you and them. You doing extra work as a salaried employee is gonna look at as you doing favors.
Boss probably doesn’t care, though.