- Comment on Why did/do sites such as the pyramids in Egypt or the Roman colosseum end up in an abandoned state, only to be "rediscovered" later? 9 hours ago:
they weren’t, exactly.
neither the pyramids nor the coliseum in rome was ever truly lost to be rediscovered.
The Coliseum wasn’t even necesarily ‘abondoned’, but had rather been repurposed for workshops and housing after it was damaged in earthquakes, and in any case there just wasn’t the interest in the games there used to be. It costs money and resources to keep things up. especially old things, and the people who owned it found that, keeping the games going simply weren’t worth it.
For they pyramids… they were only ‘rediscovered’ by western people. Keep in mind, they were tombs, massive, expensive-to-maintain tombs. for long-dead rulers. Nobody went inside them becuase they’re tombs, and in any case, nobody kept them up because, again, it costs money and resources to do that. And as for exploring their chambers… it takes a certain kind of arrogance to do that, too.
In other places, like the pyramids in south america, they’re lost because the civilization that built them died out, and the jungle reclaimed that land, hiding them. (mayan temples, for example.) Others were, similar to the egyptian pyramids, never actually lost to the culture that built it.
You may notice a trend here. These places are old, and take money, resources and effort to maintain. When times are hard, no one is spending it on upkeeping something that just sits there. not unless there’s a very important reason to do so.
- Comment on No more Bosch for me.. 1 day ago:
My dishwasher is completely fine without the cloud. Period. Full stop.
OP reports loss of functionality. Functions, that are, quite frankly standard features on all IoT machines. Functionality which, frankly, you paid for, and which in no way actually require homecontrol to use.
There is no need to put it on the network, but if you want to, and are paranoid, you can connect it to an isolated network. If you dont want to, dont, and the dishwasher will work.
only if you find it acceptable to not have full functionality. “you can put it on an isolated network”… is very much like “let them eat cake.”
Particularly if you consider the trend to force this in all sorts of things- ranging from toasters, refridgerators, ovens, stovetops, coffee makers, etc. Inorder to adequately protect mimizie the risks associated with these devices, you’d have to have a dedicated network for each one.
and yes, the reason they’re forcing you to use the home control app to get these features is to intrude into your privacy.
Notifications aside, none of the functions it enables require internet access, or even network access. There’s exactly zero reason to put it on the network. And as for notifications, I don’t know anyone that’s going to rush home or stop what they’re doing to put dishes away the moment the machine is finished cleaning them. is it possible you’re an exception to that? sure. I guess. but the vast majority of people- in my experience- won’t be finding anything that actually requires internet for to be all that useful.
Which- in case there was any confusion- is why they shut off functions people use all the time. To force people to use their app. Which, if they weren’t some how making money off that app, ask yourself why they’d care?
They’re making money off the app. which suggests they’re selling something they get from the app. (I suppose they could be using your IoT devices to mine crypto when you’re not using it… but that’s got it’s own issues.)
- Comment on No more Bosch for me.. 1 day ago:
This is pathetic.
I’m glad you enjoy your home connect. A dishwasher shouldn’t need an internet connection to function. Period. Full stop.
“Just put it on an isolated network” is ridiculous advice, when there shouldn’t even be a need.
Even if you assume there are no vulnerabilities to find, even if you assume their administrators are never evil, the only reason to require cloud service is to invade my privacy and collect data.
That’s it. They’re selling your data. Maybe you are fine with that. We are not.
- Comment on wriggle wriggle 2 days ago:
Yeah. This fucker is probably the most dangerous there is. The jellies and tiger snakes are just misunderstood.
- Comment on ARMADILL-NO 2 days ago:
It’s…. Not?!
- Comment on ARMADILL-NO 2 days ago:
Only if it’s consenting.
- Comment on High-risk 2 days ago:
Dividing by zero?
- Comment on Hey, do americans just want to take a break from normal politics for a bit and focus all our efforts solely on the wild boar problem? 2 days ago:
Possibly not even that. A mere irritation.
It’s still gonna fuck you up- they’re just ornery like that.
- Comment on What do you do if you encounter a skunk? 2 days ago:
Leave them alone.
Really, that’s a it takes. If you get too close, just back away calmly.
Skunks almost never spray if your just… there. It’s almost always something more aggressive (you charge it, you startle it by running at it, etc. you have a dog that hasn’t learned or is too stupid to learn.)(or they think the smell hides them.)
- Comment on Mythbusters 3 days ago:
just so you know, you made Baby Archimedes cry.
- Comment on Baby face next to name 4 days ago:
It’s a flag for new accounts. It depends on the platform/settings you set up.
On your platform, you’ll see everyone with an account under that threshold with that tag.
- Comment on Happens every time 4 days ago:
I mean I didn’t get that far, I lost track of how many zeroes were in the half-life.
(It’s 704ish million, right?)
- Comment on Happens every time 5 days ago:
after a certain point, you’re going to get to where you have to split an atom or two.
fairly sure that’d be far less exciting than normal.
- Comment on Happens every time 5 days ago:
But if you don’t look in side 2 billion years later, it’s both U-235 and lead-207!
- Comment on Why are Maries Sues hated while Gary Stus are loved? 6 days ago:
Batman is an example. Batman is a human being with a brilliant intellect, which is not a problem, but being a human being without powers, he manages to be more intelligent than aliens superior to humans, he manages to be a MASTER in all martial arts and no matter who the opponent is, he is always prepared and can win. Any writer who dares to create a female character with these characteristics would be attacked and called woke
Is he? or is he a rich fucking Neppo Baby running around in tights, cape and a mask, and you just assume he’s brilliant because he bought all his lab equipment or had it built?
Batman/Bruce Wayne is far from perfect. For example, the “good” he brings with his vigilantism is no where near the good he brings if he were simply taxed into obsolescence. and he’s pretty shit at crimefighting, too, frequently causing more harm than the people he’s stopping. (“oopsie, I blew up another factory causing a massive chemical spill.” with Joker going “And you get a super power, and you get a super power, and YOU get a super power. EVERYBODY GETS A SUPERPOWER!”)
as for always being prepared, that’s not how the pro forma story arc goes. First he gets into a fight, gets his ass kicked and then runs and hides in his batcave while the labtechs whip up the perfect solution for him.
Put another way, He’s what Musk wishes to be.
There are many other examples, just watch any Japanese isekai anime
The vast majority of which is geared towards teenage boys who are just discovering boobies, and most the protagonists are male simply to cater to their audience.
In any case, while yes, criticising mary sues is definitely more extensive than gary stus- and we both know why- there are plenty of gary stu’s to hate. (pretty much anything played by tom cruise, for example.)
- Comment on Why can’t HVAC be made smarter? 6 days ago:
thermostats don’t run off what the temperature is outside.
usually, they have set points- heat comes on if the temperature goes below x, cooling/air conditioning comes on if it goes above y.
Does your system have a physical outside sensor for temperature? or is it pulling that information off the internet? your immediate location and how you’re situated on your property (plus things like how well your home is insulated, the color, how many windows you have… etc,) has more to do with how hot it gets inside. Or, for example, if you get a lot of sunlight coming in, it can heat up the house with it being horribly cold outside.
Regardless, if it’s not staying comfortable, look for a “heat and cool” option and then adjust the set points to within a more comfortable range. keep in mind that will cause energy costs to go up as it’s now actively heating or cooling more. (This time of year plays merry hell with HVAC systems,)
- Comment on What's this thing? 1 week ago:
if your fart triggers alarms all on it’s lonesome…
might want to go see a doctor.
- Comment on What's this thing? 1 week ago:
Are those pipes sticking out for the courtesy TP? Just in case it’s not a fart?
- Comment on What's this thing? 1 week ago:
*some time later, in the AQ analyst office* “WHAT THE HELL ARE THESE PEOPLE EATING!!”-
- Comment on What's this thing? 1 week ago:
so your saying, one should not fart near it?
- Comment on Simple Facts 1 week ago:
Salmontha sounds like one of the foes in a godzilla flick.
- Comment on Physicists vs Normal People 1 week ago:
depends on if you’re being followed by a cyber truck too closely, or not.
- Comment on NEW TAPEWORM JSUT DROPPED 1 week ago:
“Never Threaten me with a good time!”-RFK Jr.
- Comment on crab museum!! 1 week ago:
All things return to crab.
- Comment on danger noodles 1 week ago:
It’s more of a long distance gliding thing, but yeah, those fuckers are ninjas.
- Comment on What's wrong with a technocracy? 1 week ago:
Who programs the tech?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
So to start with the “also”… vigilantism is mob justice. It is always a bad thing because it denies people their due process.
It is very, very rare for vigilantes to get it right, or to have excellent target selection. The vast majority of vigilantes go after innocent people whose sole crime is to be different- because they’re bigots.
That said, assuming you didn’t otherwise break the law (so no breaking and entry, or hacking etc) it would most closely be investigative journalism. Sure it might get taken down on whatever platform, etc, but that doesn’t make it vigilantism
- Comment on What happens to all the used guns? 1 week ago:
Alternatively, they’ve thought beforehand and placed the sign knowing that some may also want to get rid of their grenades. But as they require extra care, it’s probably a bad idea to store them in a container in the foyer of the police station.
I assume the container is regularly checked. probably daily.
Also. There’s always a story behind every warning sign like that. One might have just showed up. one might have gone off. but something happened to make someone go, “maybe we should get a sign.”
- Comment on What happens to all the used guns? 1 week ago:
I want to know the story behind the “no grenades” sign. Kind of. It could be hilarious or … very much not.
- Comment on Do you think the US will actually log its national parks? 1 week ago:
He can’t even walk twenty feet onto a golfing green. He drives his cart five feet from the ball and gets out.