- Comment on Why is there so much separation in the USA between people who identify as "black" or "white" compared to other regions like South America? 11 hours ago:
I think it is mostly used by AfroAmerican people, and i believe
Have you ever asked one of them about the meaning or purpose of that habit?
- Comment on Why is there so much separation in the USA between people who identify as "black" or "white" compared to other regions like South America? 11 hours ago:
There was a civil war about it.
I know that. I don’t deny that. But what was the outcome of it? They have reunited with gritted teeth.
Memorials are a good thing to remember people, but not very meaningful for that what I have talked about.
- Comment on Why is there so much separation in the USA between people who identify as "black" or "white" compared to other regions like South America? 16 hours ago:
Usa has never tried to break with their own slavery/racism in the past. They have not admitted that it was wrong what they were doing, and that they will never do it again. Therefore it is still there and it remains strong.
Although there are many who frown on racism today, it is only on the surface, only a show.
It is like a law of nature: when you have not learned from history, then you are bound to repeat it.
- Comment on Is using MicroSD cards a good way to store data that you can destroy quickly incase an adversary is about to seize control of it? 21 hours ago:
Better if you always carry a pocket lighter.
- Comment on Can trump make it so I can sell my citizenship for 5 million dollars? 21 hours ago:
You, there!!
Go back to work right now, or else you will feel the peaks!
- Comment on Why don't people going to college get HUD, Food Stamps, and free Medicare/Medicaid while enrolled? Instead of the parents footing the bill or the student working 3 jobs and school? 21 hours ago:
It is actually the case around here.
The idea is derived from one of the basic human rights: education.
It means, everybody has the same right to education (not just the rich ones), and therefore it is society’s task to make sure that nobody gets denied it just because the parents are poor.
- Comment on When Lemmy got named did no one think that the "lemming" association might alienate people? 22 hours ago:
When Lemmy got named did no one think
I think that’s true so far.
- Comment on Does 'attempted murder' require a viable method? 3 days ago:
Stupid bullshit …
… is it always when someone asks about some legal stuff without saying what country’s/region’s/city’s law he is interested in.
- Comment on Are there any non capitalistic technology companies still around? 3 days ago:
55%(?) taxation rate
Not true. But the real rates are quite complicated. Do not believe any simple statements to this :)
Germany required you to learn the language
All countries require that, unless you don’t want to really live.
- Comment on Are there any non capitalistic technology companies still around? 3 days ago:
but being pulled aside and being asked to kiss the ring felt disgusting.
You are absolutely right here. It is a very shitty boss. They can happen everywhere, but still not all are like that one.
I am an expert in my field, too, and I would have my way of withstanding such a guy. Not sure, however, if it is possible in Usa. I am in Germany.
are there still companies that exist in the USA or outside that still give a fuck about what they’re doing and not just inflate that companies value
There are. At least here. The work culture is much better in general, because such single specimen of asshole bosses are not that powerful here. Firing somebody is a regulated process, and things can be reviewed later by independent people, in the company or in court.
As long as companies are not that huge, they usually care better about what they are doing.
- Comment on Why does it seem like many Americans have an arrogant personality trait? 4 days ago:
I have observed a huuuge difference in this regard between the Usamericans that I have met in real life (when they have moved to Europe) and the ones that I have met online because they still live there.
So, one part of the arrogance comes when they have never seen the world, but talk about it as if they knew it.
- Comment on Can you actually suffocate to death from holding your breath? 4 days ago:
I think it is quite possible to die from such a stupid exercise if there is some additional weakness/illness/damage or if the person has taken drugs.
- Comment on conflicted about my coworkers' overpunctuality 5 days ago:
if I question why I get yelled at.
Yelling is bad behaviour. This person’s bad behaviour, not your’s.
One idea:
Tell them in your calmest voice (!) that the one who yells is wrong. Always. Didn’t they know that? Because, if he were right, he would not need to yell.
This isn’t the most solid logic, but then it’s better to argue about the yelling and not about your 5 minutes.
- Comment on What would the realistic ramifications be, if some (EU) country leader told Trump to his face that he's stupid? 6 days ago:
Trump would not believe it, and so nothing would be gained from it.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
You forgot one skill that may be quite important for his popularity ;-)
He can make every woman want him in her bed ASAP.
- Comment on What happens when I ignore the cookie preference dialogue on websites? 1 week ago:
Legally, you are right.
Technically, browsers do not offer all settings that you can dream of.
- Comment on People complain that it's poor design that humans eat and breath through the same pipe(throat). Are there any animals which don't though? 1 week ago:
Most animals do not have this habit of complaining.
- Comment on What happens when I ignore the cookie preference dialogue on websites? 1 week ago:
Legally, the user has NOT allowed ANY cookies then. (The law still allows the technically needed ones)
But in practice, it is not easy to find out what a website does.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Its the same problem with teleportation. If you are disentegrated in one spot and then completely reformed out of new particles in another spot to the new version
But Scotty’s Beamer wasn’t a real transporter. It consisted of a scanner (not a disintegrator!) and a creator. If it had been constructed just a little differently, it would have copied you again and again…
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
What foes the thinking? The flesh.
No, it’s the dlesh that does the dinking.
- Comment on Why do most Americans use an iPhone? 1 week ago:
Usamericans usually like to look for “the best”, whatever that means, and never accept “second”. I assume that they need that to feed their pride.
Apple has managed to make them believe that iPhone products were the best smartphones, and all of Apple’s marketing is focused on maintaining that belief.
- Comment on If I microwave my balls, will it dry them faster or just make them taste weird? 1 week ago:
Your wife wants more kids? Then she is right and you shouldn’t cook your balls.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 2 weeks ago:
All states should leave the us now ASAP.
Except maybe New York and Florida, because they have given him shelter.
- Comment on Job related: Am I being stupid? 2 weeks ago:
As I understand, you like both options (for different reasons).
One more aspect is your further career: Always check if a new job fits well into your resume, and brings you forward to better/higher paid options in the future, or not. This is especially important when you’re young.
Option B seems a dead end in this regard. You cannot become a ‘boss driver’ or even a ‘senior driver’ from it. You’ll stay on the same career level forever.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
I’d call her unbearable.
- Comment on What even is fire? 3 weeks ago:
It is alive. It is a predator. It wants to eat you!
- Comment on what if another country staged a coup in the US and deposed trump? 3 weeks ago:
Trump’s children do it, because it is all just so shameful.
- Comment on do managers value if you're an engaged employee even if you had/have a bad reputation? 3 weeks ago:
No. Managers do not like the hardworking employees but the ones who crawl up their asses all the time.
- Comment on Why was Hitler so mean and hateful toward one group or another? I find it hard to believe he woke up one day and said you and you suck but these people over here are good. Taking it so far as killing? 3 weeks ago:
woke up one day and said
LOL No. He built this up bis whole life. Even wrote a detailed book about his ideas and plans 20 years or so in advance.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
The French have a real culture of protesting and striking. You can’t use it if you don’t have it, so you need to learn it all from scratch.