- Comment on Why do we even do mens vs womens sizes for clothes? 1 day ago:
Yeah, that’s part of why I shifted to baggy stuff. More comfortable, easier to shop for.
- Comment on Why do we even do mens vs womens sizes for clothes? 2 days ago:
Well, depending on who you ask, vanity or capitalism.
Women’s sizes were chosen.
Men’s sizes are typically measurements, usually waist × inseam and neck × sleeve × chest
Women’s sizes are harder because they have a wider range of measurements needed to get a good fit. Bust size, waist size, and hip size can have different ratios to each other, even when the waist size is the same. So, Wanda might have a 20 inch waist, a 58 bust and a 36 hip measurement. But her sister June might be 20 waist, 36 bust and 58 hips. Obviously, clothing measured the way men’s is wouldn’t give as reliable a guide.
So, way back when mass produced clothing came onto the scene with standardized sizes, something needed to be picked.
Turns out that a size 6 sells better than a size 20, even if the actual measurements are exactly the same. Not that men’s clothing is immune from vanity capitalism, you should see the clusterduck that is XL sizing.
But, with “dressy” clothing, mens shirts are usually going to be measured. Women’s sizing, particularly dresses and pants, they go by the fairly arbitrary numeric system based on ratios. Just don’t ask me how it was calculated originally, I never cared enough to find out.
Thing is, while those sizes were originally meant to standardize things, that no longer works. You go get a size 6 in one store, hold it up against a size 8 from another, and they’ll be the same measurements. Why? Because they’re playing a numbers game based on vanity. Some places, a size 6 is unrecognizable as an actual size, it’s just so far off from the median.
Also, I use size 6 a lot because it was, at one point, the “default” size for models and mannequins. I think that’s changed, but it stuck in my head, so I tend to pull it up as a baseline example. I know it’s usually what’s used for fitting models, which is a whole thing of its own. It varies a lot more nowadays for runway and catalog work though. Height is more important in catalog work afaik.
Anyway, tangent aside, shoes are a bit more practical. Women’s feet have a slightly different set of angles, so just a toe-to-heel measure wouldn’t work exactly the same between men’s and women’s feet. I can’t recall the exact points where measurements occur to get the different sizes, but that’s what it comes down to. You have to measure the feet differently to get a good fit.
Which is the overall why none of the clothing sizes will cross over well.
Yeah, a men’s XL is going to fit a woman with a given bust measurement about the same as a women’s xxl (iirc, don’t hold the exact conversion as fact, I’m just pulling from memory here), but they may not fit the same.
A men’s dress shirt is going to fit a woman horribly, even if it’s the right chest or neck diameter. It’ll be cut for a bigger waist, with longer arms. But a woman’s dress shirt will fit z better*, because that’s taken into account.
Funnily enough, men that lift a lot of weights end up having trouble fitting men’s clothing sizes as well. You get something that fits your chest, it won’t fit your waist (unless you’re a power lifter, where you tend to see less difference between chest and waist than in bodybuilder circles), and it may not fit your neck worth a damn. Buy for the neck size, your sleeves can be baggy.
The patterns used don’t scale up the same as the human body does as it puts on muscle. It’s still not as big of a pain in the ass as it is for women with significant differences, but it is a pain in the ass lol. I’ve never been able to buy a suit off the rack. I’ve only had a few, but they all had to be tailored.
- Comment on What do you do if you encounter a skunk? 2 days ago:
Make plenty of sound so they aren’t startled by you coming up on them suddenly.
If you do encounter one, step slowly away until they either run off, or you’re far enough away to change your route a little to avoid the specific skunk.
Skunks are pretty damn versatile. Like raccoons, and possums, they adapt easily to urban and suburban settings. They’ve been in and around most cities for a long time, but you don’t know about them because they’re typically shy and avoid high traffic areas.
If you do see one, chances are that moving to the other side of the street is plenty of space for them to not feel threatened.
But, they don’t spray willy-nilly, so you’d likely have warning before it got that far. They’ll typically try to avoid confrontation at all, and just keep the business end pointed at you. If you aren’t coming closer, they’d much rather avoid wasting their spray.
- Comment on How the fuck do I find out where and when all these protests and rallies are happening? 2 days ago:
Up to a point.
And, when the kind of pricing protesting going on is against a fascist regime attempt, don’t you think that maybe guiding people n to avoid the corporate infrastructure is a wise thing?
I mean, that and telling people to Google it instead of using an appropriate forum is douchey as hell
- Comment on How the fuck do I find out where and when all these protests and rallies are happening? 2 days ago:
I mean, have you actually tried to search for shit lately? It’s a fucking mess
- Comment on What are some slow acting poisons? 3 days ago:
Yeah, in a historic setting, use something readers will recognize, as well. Arsenic, Mercury, that kind of thing. They’ve been used as a poison, and have accidentally poisoned, for so long that they’re tropes of their own. Both of those in specific were available in the region you’re using.
Plus, they’re going to be really easy to describe the actions of, and don’t require medical knowledge to understand the effects of. Well, the stuff that’s going to be useful to show on page anyway, the stuff that happens inside organs might take a little.
- Comment on What mythologies have poor representation in media, in your opinion? 3 days ago:
And, they’re treated as a monolithic mythos, as though the myriad peoples all had the same, exact set of beliefs and entities. It’s a mess
- Comment on [deleted] 4 days ago:
Hot is typically subjective, since it tends to be used for sexual attraction.
So, you’d have to answer that for yourself.
That being said, it comes down to symmetric features in a pleasing ratio to each other, plus a proportional body. She fits the typical standards of beauty that are universal, and not reliant on fluctuating specifics (like when there’s a social shift towards something like big boobs vs average or small).
Since she’s also what you would call well put together, her features get maximum enhancement via clothing, makeup, lighting, etc.
- Comment on Sounds logical to me 4 days ago:
I mean, if you aren’t certain you’re really straight or gay, then why not try it? Just be honest about it.
If we’ve learned anything about human sexuality, it’s that it isn’t just a small collection of holes to peg into (heh). It’s not even a slider between to extremes, really, but that’s close enough for most things.
Some folks are juuuust far enough away from one end of the slider or the other that there may be situations or specific people where they aren’t exclusively hetero or homo. But, it’s also not something they’d ever know for sure without a chance to try it.
Hell, ngl, there were a few years there that I wondered.
You grow up back in the eighties, and you get fed this backside narrative that if you’re straight, the gay stuff is just disgusting, and you’ll hate even the idea of it, much less seeing it
Well, not me. I had gay friends as far back as jr high. And they were way cooler than the usual assholes.
Get into high school, and know a guy that can get fake IDs. I’m a big, hairy bastard by the time I can drive, so me and my gay bros (including a lesbian, but she was totally a bro in any realistic sense of that term) went to the city to a gay club to see a drag show. Which, a few years later, I ended up working as a bouncer there, but that’s off topic.
So, I’m seeing dudes making out, there’s a threesome going on in the bathroom at one point, there was a back hall where dudes would suck each other off, and I took a peek out of curiosity and got offered head.
But, wait, I’m not disgusted by any of it. I’m supposed to be; if you’re straight, it just bothers you.
Obviously, that’s bullshit, but I didn’t know that.
But, I did know that I never encountered anyone that offered to do anything with me that I wanted to do anything with. Never ran into a dude I was at all attracted to.
So, I really did wonder if maybe I wasn’t straight, just really picky or something. Never tried anything, though there was one person I thought maaaaybe it would work out. Back then, you had what were called cross dressers, as opposed to actual drag queens. They’d “serve real fish”. And one of those gals was 100% a smoke show. But, by then, I was working there, and wouldn’t have done anything if she offered.
So, time passed and I figured out that being disgusted by what other people do isn’t something you’re born with. It’s learned, more or less. Which meant that it was a good thing I’d never tried it, I guess.
But, if someone wants to figure that kind of thing out by doing it? Rock on, as long as you aren’t being underhanded about it. You know, don’t make promises, don’t lie, be up front about what your goal is.
- Comment on Why do some instances block users who use vpn? 5 days ago:
No such thing as a sub lemmy.
They’re communities.
- Comment on Online Wars Aside, 'Snow White' Simply Isn't Getting Moviegoers to Buy In 5 days ago:
Well, why the hell would I drag my ass to a theater to see a retread of a movie made by the same studio, when the studio already has a bad track record with remakes?
Like maybe beauty and the beast was a solid enough standalone movie to merit a theater trip. Maybe. But even that wasn’t necessary, it was still just a retread made to keep their finger in the pie. It didn’t offer anything more than the original, unless you’re a hard core Watson fan.
The rest? Tepid at best.
Why would anyone think that this movie, with trailers that already show the cgi brings nothing interesting to the table, spend money on it?
- Comment on New rule: Users or communities that, in the view of the admin team, jeopardize the good standing of The Lemmy Club with other instances may be removed. 5 days ago:
Fwiw, I kinda think it’s one of those things where better safe than sorry applies, but I agree with your that the user at the center of it all isn’t as big of a problem as they’re being made out to be.
However, they do spread some of the dog whistles and misdirections used by the far right (and, tbh, even the center right). Makes it hard from the outside to say they shouldn’t be considered a bad actor. I don’t personally hold it against an individual if they swallow the propaganda because everyone is vulnerable to that (and anyone that thinks they aren’t is highly likely to have taken the propaganda up to the sinker).
But once it turns into dog whistles being spread, it doesn’t matter if their intent is good or not, it still has to be addressed. So, better safe than sorry.
Lemmy needs some differing voices. But it’s gotta be at least as strictly monitored as lemmygrad is. Hell, some of the tankie crap needs to be monitored that close or closer from other instances.
- Comment on Why are Maries Sues hated while Gary Stus are loved? 5 days ago:
Gary stu is a new term for me lol. Didn’t know this version of the whole mary sue trope merited its own term.
But, I’m not actually seeing what you’re asking about. Do you have any female examples?
The closest I’ve seen is someone like Moon Girl or Ironheart in Marvel. But it’s my opinion that the hate they get isn’t because they’re really good at solving problems. They also aren’t really a fulfillment of what you’re describing because they aren’t portrayed as being good at everything. But they’re the closest I can think off offhand.
But I’ll echo other comments. Batman often succeeds by failing first and then figuring out how to counter what caused him to fail. That’s the basic version of modern Batman. Give him prep time, and he’s god tier; surprise him, and you might get away with whatever it is if it’s a one time thing.
- Comment on .world censorship? 6 days ago:
Eh, there’s a few words that are perfectly fine to be auto censored because of the absolute shit that they’re tied to.
If we can’t have a discussion over the n word without someone coming along that’s had to deal with that slur in their face having to deal with it again, then it isn’t a useful conversation. See, everyone knows what word I’m talking about, no need to have it there, waiting like an antipersonnel mine to hit someone just cruising along lemmy having a good day.
There aren’t many words that carry the kind of weight that one does, but they exist.
- Comment on Bravery 6 days ago:
Hey, keep it in the family.
I kinda figured I should specify that too, but where’s the fun in that ;)
- Comment on Bravery 6 days ago:
I mean, it’s a bit too dick-swingy and arrogant for my taste, but it ain’t wrong either.
Drop the bullshit about cowardice, and there’s some good advice in there.
- Comment on The Kermit Cycle 6 days ago:
Kreeeb people, kreeebd people, kreeeb people
- Comment on It's not up for debate! 6 days ago:
craab people, craaab people, craaab people
- Comment on Does measles effect allergies? 6 days ago:
So, disclaimer. Not a doctor, a microbiologist, a virologist, or anything with actual first hand knowledge. So, keep a salt shaker handy to take this with.
Since worm boy has started running his mouth, I’ve been casually reading about measles. Just enough that when some idiot echoes him that I can feel comfortable telling them to STFU and GTFO and not wasting my time trying to argue with them. So that’s kind of a second disclaimer, I guess, that I haven’t read every single line of every single publication out there.
That being said, nah. There have been patients with measles that also had preexisting allergies, and it didn’t get rid of them. At best, they were suppressed a little during the illness.
So far, attempts along those lines on purpose haven’t worked to an extent that it’s worth it. There was some testing done with other means of destroying the relevant immune cells, and the most effect was a temporary reduction in severity of allergic response. They eventually came back in full.
So, assuming you want to cite a rando on the internet, if anyone starts spewing that tripe as a benefit, you can confidently tell them that I said to STFU and GTFO.
- Comment on Anon touches grass 6 days ago:
It’s a shame that this is fake gay
- Comment on Can someone own a concept of a public domain character with specific hair/skin colors? 6 days ago:
Aight, the answer isn’t exactly clear. It really depends on how detailed you get, vs how willing the given company is to risk resources on an unlikely to win case.
Straight up, there’s something referred to as a campfire principle. Anything mythological is going to fall under it, and the idea is that they were created so long ago, and shared mutually by so many people that copyright can’t exist.
However, the more specific you get in the depiction, the more likely you would be to be able to enforce a copyright. The big example I’ve heard/seen thrown around is Hercules.
Hercules has existed for thousands of years as an idea. The myths are definitely under public domain. So, you’d be damn hard pressed to try and claim a different company/artist violated your copyright just because you also included him in your works.
The only time you’d be able to in print is if you used the name instead of the idea. I could write a book with a guy that happens to be named Hercules, and someone using that character in an identifiable way would probably lose a copyright suit against them.
However, if your story is substantially based on mythology, as in your character is Hercules from mythology, you’d be incredibly unlikely to win if someone else only used a vague description that’s similar. They’d have to take the description word for word to make it a realistic suit.
But, you’re asking about images as much as characters. Those specific images are copyrighted. If you make a cartoon with a Hercules that looks significantly like the one grin the Disney movie, expect the mouse’s cock up your ass, and the courts to side with them. Try printing it on hats, same thing. That goes for comics as well. Once you take things that make the images of a character distinct and reuse them, a lawsuit has standing enough that it’s a bad idea to get too close to the depiction from a big company.
But it does depend on how close you get. If I just make a muscular dude with curly hair and a club, Marvel is going to have a hard time claiming I messed with their version of the character, especially since they change his depiction so much from artist to artist.
So, the Orange Hades from DC might be distinct enough if the costume and other details are also part of their claim. But not solely on him being orange. What it would probably do is make sure nobody else in comics tried to use an orange hades in their publication, mostly to avoid the mess.
The video game, it would be similar. The closer you got to the exact depiction as it shows up on screen, the more likely they would be to win the lawsuit. And, it does matter what the format is, like with the comics. If I draw a comic and my greek gods have black skin, and that’s all I copy, the lawyers might get rich, but good luck to them winning the suit. But if I make a video game and do the same thing, you’re getting up to the edge again, where the similarity of the medium makes it an easier thing to make a good argument it’s substantially derived from the original. But it wouldn’t be a slam dunk.
The reason I’ve looked into this is that I published three books that make heavy use of mythology, and use the same ideas as part of my home brew ttrpg setting and system. So not only did I not want to get sued into oblivion for my Thor actually being inspired by the comic versions of him, but I also didn’t want that to mean anyone could just shit all over the settings and claim it was public domain. So I asked my agent about all this. Back when I had an agent lol. Not only was I covered from comic companies coming at me, I would have some limited protection over terminology and other details of my works, as they applied to mythological entities.
I was advised that if I ever fully described a character that exists in popular media as well as my own works, that I avoid anything distinctive, like the way mjolnir looks or the discs on Thor’s armor in Marvel comics. But mjolnir would still be fine since it exists in mythology already.
- Comment on what are the chances of irreparable damage due to obstructed blood circulation during sleep? 1 week ago:
If the lack of sensation was from lack of blood flow, it would mean tissues were dead, and you’d essentially be fucked. You would already be seeing other symptoms, and they aren’t pleasant. The amount of sensation loss from restricted blood flow returns quickly, or not at all.
What you’re dealing with is most likely from nerve compression. Two days is enough to see a doctor and verify that there’s nothing major going on, but typically you’re looking at a gradual return of sensation over days to weeks. Thing is, if it isn’t returning as it should, delaying treatment is a pretty bad idea. There’s limits to treatment to begin with, but sooner is better than later, you dig?
It’s a thing. In bed bound patients, it’s common enough that I’ve seen it dozens of times. They get a leg stuck through bed rails, and a nerve gets compressed, and then they’re all pins and needles, or without sensation for a while. In facilities, it’s on the staff when they’re in that position long, but in home health, you’ll show up and the patient may not have had anyone with them overnight, and that’s when our can take time to resolve.
But when it’s blood that’s restricted, it isn’t just sensation that’s an issue. You get discoloration as well. If that color doesn’t start returning to normal relatively quickly as soon as the pressure is gone, you’ve got trouble. People can and do lose limbs that way. It can actually kill you if left in place; dying body parts are not good for the rest of you. But
You didn’t mention anything about the skin being blue, or worse colors, so it’s unlikely that blood restriction is what caused the issue.
- Comment on Are you annoyed by lemmy crossposts? 1 week ago:
Nah, I ain’t mad.
It helps visibility, and tends to help build awareness of related communities.
Lemmy ain’t gotta be simple, and the fediverse really can’t be. There’s a degree of adaptation to the quirks of federation that takes a while to happen, and that’s one of the quirks. Someone crossposts, you’re going to see repeats. After a while, you get used to that and mentally filter it out. No big deal
- Comment on Caption this. 1 week ago:
You found what on my web history?!
- Comment on I heard the admins of were investigating claims about a prominent member in order to form a verdict and I would like to offer myself as witness and someone to call to the stand to question 1 week ago:
Shit, at this point, y’all are lucky.
I’d ban everyone involved because not only is it way past old, it keeps being dragged into the wrong communities.
Shit, if the admins want, I’ll make an account on the relevant instances, you can make it an admin and I’ll ban everyone involved, and then you can ban that account too.
Only reason I haven’t blocked all the accounts of people posting about any of it is to be able to down vote it so it doesn’t clog up the other feed sorting options.
- Comment on Anon gives a speech 1 week ago:
Could be, but the text claims autism powers were activated, but I totally get your point.
- Comment on Nothing against disabled people but how come I can't replace my arm with something augmented that can carry more weight? Also other parts? My disabled bro asked me this and got me thinking 1 week ago:
Well, I guess a nice jewish arm would also be nice, but the gentile ones don’t have to have the tip snipped
Sorry, the typo made me giggle
I’m with you! Supervillain origin story: go!
But, you want limits on what a piece of machinery strapped to you can do.
Ever see somebody lifting super huge weights, and the muscle just rips off and rolls up? Or someone carrying something huge and heavy (like my johnson) and take a step just a little wrong and bye-bye knee?
You get a mechanical arm, it’s gotta be hooked to you. If the attachment is something like a strap, it doesn’t matter what the arm can do, the strap is the weak point, and will eventually fail.
If the arm is grafted onto bone and muscle, guess what the weak point is. The arm can maybe lift a ton, but what actually happens is that either the ton just sits there while your arm pulls you to it; or, your arm pulls itself off of you in a spray of blood and gristle
Honestly, the first one of what would really happen if you were trying to pick something up. You don’t have the mass and stability to move something that heavy, you’ll get pulled to it.
But, let’s say you’re strapped to a crane by unbreakable chains. Then, pop-pop goes the shoulder right out of socket, tearing the flesh around it until the arm stops pulling.
Most likely, whatever would be translating your wishes to the arm would stop sending a signal after whatever connection broke, but if it was not done right, it would get ugly fast.
- Comment on What happens to all the used guns? 1 week ago:
Exactly! My butthole puckered when I stripped it down.
- Comment on Anon gives a speech 1 week ago:
The whole point of lemmy and any forum like it is humans reaching out to each other, sharing thoughts and little pieces of themselves.
- Comment on Schumer, Facing Backlash for Not Forcing a Shutdown, Says He’ll Take ‘the Bullets’ 1 week ago:
Appropriate. And please.