- Comment on Is it worth investing if I can only contribute $50 a month? 1 day ago:
Nah, just piss it away.
- Comment on how do I avoid leggings creasing below the knees? 1 week ago:
Just wear cutoff jeans to workout instead.
- Comment on I don't have a purpose in life and feel like a robot. This cannot be good for my mental health, but I don't know how or what to change. How do I change? 1 week ago:
What do you do to take care of yourself? Not treat yourself, but take care of yourself?
- Comment on Tokyo government to introduce four-day workweek for its employees 1 week ago:
“Americans are too pussy to make this happen.”
-Ford worker upon hearing about the 5 day work week in 1925.
But for real, your attitude shouldn’t be negative towards the people who do the work.
- Comment on I have a huge bump/whitehead on nose bridge, is it safe to lance it or what is the best way to erradicate that? 1 week ago:
Safe? Nothing is safe. Grapes have killed people. Grab a razor blade, chop that sucker off, and deal with the consequences.
- Comment on Should we create a new political party in the US, specifically for shitting on the rich? 1 week ago:
Oops. I meant the community that OP started. It’s a place to hammer out those details on top of RICH BAD.
- Comment on Should we create a new political party in the US, specifically for shitting on the rich? 1 week ago:
Isn’t that what this is?
- Comment on Should we create a new political party in the US, specifically for shitting on the rich? 1 week ago:
Shitting on the rich has most definitely worked in MANY situations.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
So magic. Got it.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Wouldn’t he be HOT AS FUCK when he’s a human then?
- Comment on What gives you hope to keep going? 2 weeks ago:
I drink. I shouldn’t, but I do.
- Comment on What gives you hope to keep going? 2 weeks ago:
You have to automate his job so he can’t feed his family.
- Comment on What gives you hope to keep going? 2 weeks ago:
take pride in the effort, not in the results
Bruh. That’s poetic. Thank you.
- Comment on What gives you hope to keep going? 2 weeks ago:
At first I thought it was the lemon-lime goodness of Sprite that gave you hope, but I read it wrong.
- Comment on What gives you hope to keep going? 3 weeks ago:
This is so true. MY eyes are now a commodity and I’m going to choose who gets them more wisely.
- Comment on What gives you hope to keep going? 3 weeks ago:
I think that is a lot of what perpetuates doom. Eyes = $$$$
- Comment on What gives you hope to keep going? 3 weeks ago:
The other night I saw the stars in the sky and thought about how little my problems actually seem.
- Comment on What gives you hope to keep going? 3 weeks ago:
Thank you!
- Comment on What gives you hope to keep going? 3 weeks ago:
I think I just hit that wall. This thread is fucking depressing. There’s happiness and hope out there, but it seems you won’t find it on social media, I guess. Negativity bias seems more prevalent on Lemmy than others.
- Comment on What gives you hope to keep going? 3 weeks ago:
You don’t enjoy ANYTHING? Like, nothing at all?
- Comment on What gives you hope to keep going? 3 weeks ago:
Is this social media?
- Comment on What gives you hope to keep going? 3 weeks ago:
Thank you!
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to [deleted] | 100 comments
- Comment on If I go to Canada can I retire there and draw SS from the US? Also can I go to Canada buy a cabin or house with a plot of land and not work? Unless I just needed some walking around money? 3 weeks ago:
It’s easier for Canada to enforce these sort of requirements as they have about 12% of the population of the US. Americans are moving to Canada in mass numbers.
- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 4 weeks ago:
I’m not sure I’ll be here for long if it’s just more groupthink similar to reddit. I like how Tildes works though. Everyone seems nicer too.
- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 4 weeks ago:
I love how you have downvotes for asking for clarification. As if asking for it is an argument deserving of downvotes.
- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 4 weeks ago:
I feel like a lot of people online need to read this comment, go outside, and live their life. This is not defeatist, and it’s not unreal optimism. Thank you for this.
- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 4 weeks ago:
Be with you, be with you.
- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 4 weeks ago:
Which is why I always just say, “Later, butt sniffers.”