The funniest thing about conservatives is how they’ll complain the left are a bunch of snowflakes, but you say a single word like trans and they’ll probably explode into a million pieces because you said a bad word that scares them.
Submitted 2 months ago by to
Comments 2 months ago 2 months ago
I was reading a standard celebrity obituary article the other day. It was an actor nobody really remembers and it mentioned his family and the shows he was on.
In the comments someone said something like:
I don’t know why you had to mention his husband!!! Why does everything have to be so woke?
Sure, pal, if he had married a woman, everything would be ok, but since he had a husband, we need to pretend that he doesn’t exist around you so you don’t feel icky? 2 months ago
Mentioned COVID tests around my dad cause my brother was going to see my Aunt sick with an aggressive cancer. He exploded about how COVID is fake and the Flu will kill her too… Shes sick with cancer, dude… Shut the fuck up… 2 months ago
If I’m honest, I think your dad’s logic is sound:
Whether or not your brother has COVID is immaterial to the fact that he has an illness that is likely contagious and is still planning to visit your compromised aunt.
If she’s ill enough that any illness could tip the scales for her, then it doesn’t matter which illness. The real question is why the hell is your brother considering visiting at all.Not that you’re wrong for asking that, it’s just that your question is superseded by a question that it seems your dad forgot to think about while contradicting you. 2 months ago
Lol this same person once told me that he doesn’t support LGBT or Black lives matter or any of that because he doesn’t agree with those communities and thinks that they are hateful 2 months ago
They are hateful of him. And should be. 2 months ago
Have you ever considered that your buddy just might be a fucking idiot? 2 months ago
Sometimes I’m struck by the way that framing impacts a situation. To many people feeling that a minority group is hateful is a legitimate reason for them to oppose our rights, and the response so often is (rightfully and accurately) that that group isn’t or that it’s ridiculous to imply that they’re hateful. It was even my gut response to say that as a white person who’s protested with black lives matter I was treated as one of them.
But the framing is wrong. Even if every blm protestor is a belligerent asshole, does that mean that the facts of american policing aren’t still horrifying? If every gay person was an annoying jerk why would that have any away in whether you should be allowed to discriminate against us for being gay? If trans people were all unpleasant, why would that matter for our right to live as we please and to be seen and recognized as the genders we live as?
Because while you can probably find people in each group who argues the majority should have less rights or should suffer as we have, they’re a small and powerless contingent. Majority rights have never been on the table, except when necessary to further oppress the minority (such as the right of cisgender girls to compete in athletics without genital examinations). 2 months ago
It’s cause they never know what trans people are packing, and a penis scares them more than a gun. 2 months ago
I love telling transphobes that they’re only mad because the ladies dick’s are bigger than theirs. 2 months ago
They want to secretely fuck trans people, that’s why. 2 months ago
you shouldn’t be so sensitive
Imagine being so sensitive that someone else having a day off sends you into a insecure tirade about how hard you work. Ditch that loser. Life is too short. 2 months ago
Company holidays mean you’re lazy? Bro needs to get a grip. 2 months ago
Sounds like he’s jealous that you are getting a day off and is trying to spin it as you being lazy 2 months ago
Yeah OP, it just sounds like an unhealthy coping mechanism. He might just need some empathy 2 months ago
The conservative people that run my job think they’re funny or something. We get a the standard holidays off but if the 4th of July or whatever falls near a weekend they’ll swap another holiday to make it a 4 day weekend.
The only holidays they “trade away” are MLK day and Juneteenth… Funny that. 2 months ago
Same, though I’ve never had Juneteenth off (AT best there’s a Juneteenth BBQ that… no one but management gets to attend because we don’t have to day off to do so) and we traded MLK Day away for… I think Black Friday? I don’t remember… I just know that I work on it. 2 months ago
You’ve got it backwards. Toxic and aggressive people become conservatives because it serves them emotionally.
Occasionally one is to queer to successfully do that, and have to find an alternate outlet, like stanning for North Korea or something. 2 months ago
idk, I know a gay conservative. Extremely stupid and selfish. He’s not even “normal gay” or whatever. He’s like some caricature out of a 90’s sitcom. Him and his boyfriend have the most toxic, untrusting relationship. I avoid him as much as possible. 2 months ago
Yeah, I’ve heard of that. Like, who’s that guy with the Greek name? I’ve also heard of gay fascists flip-flopping to the Wakanda North Korea thing.
Also, shout out to the libertarians who get lumped in with fascists as “conservative”. I see you. 2 months ago
Typical conservative reply: it’s your fault you’re offended that I was an asshole. 2 months ago
Hate, insecurity, intolerance, and ignorance are the foundation of their ideology. I’m not proud of myself at all for this, but I got sucked into the pipeline when I was a young teen. However I am proud to say that I did fortunately manage to pull myself out of it and I’m now a socialist.
While I hate that I got sucked in, it does give me a lot of insight into why they are the way they are. They start by targeting common insecurities which they use to lure people in, and then they feed them lies while appealing to those insecurities. For example, I remember being a lonely teen and watching mgtow 🤮 videos and the gist of the videos was that if you joined their “movement” that you would get laid all the time, and of course that video was ridden with a shitload of misogyny and lies. Then from there it snowballs into more and more hatred and lies.
Conservatives are just sad, narcissistic losers who are incapable of understanding that people need to lift each other up rather than putting each other down. That’s why conservatives like to brag, because they think putting others down is how they get lifted up.
Being knowledgeable is a good defence against their tactics since their lies become obvious and it quickly becomes evident that they are fools. 2 months ago
Yall are in the best position to deradicalize them. And while it wasn’t good you got sulked in, they were actively targeting people like you to suck you in 2 months ago
My brother, a right winger, brought his kids up to visit me last summer.
It was at the end of the week that he told me that I hardly work at all. I’m like: Yeah, I have fucking guests in my house. I was still at my desk when I wasn’t trying to keep 2 teenaged girls entertained.
He moved his family 1000 miles away and 20 years later is lamenting that they have no relationship with the people he moved away from. (I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that this lines up with the rise of “Family” talk from right wingers.) This same guy calls other people “Sheeple”. 2 months ago
Sounds like him living 1,000 miles away is a good outcome. 2 months ago
He is exploited and dumb enough to think being exploited makes him better 2 months ago
Friend doesn’t get a day off, complains about the “ivory tower” of those that get a holiday, instead of blaming his boss and/or company for being a souless machine grinding his bones to dust for 3 extra pennies that quarter. 2 months ago
Then proceeds to vote for the side that’s telling them they’re not working hard enough. 2 months ago
Let’s trade in some billionaires for more holidays. 2 months ago
i feel like these people really have a “don’t look up” mentality. whatever you do, don’t look directly into the sun, don’t look directly at your king, don’t ever talk about what the people in power are doing. rather, blame yourself and your friends/family /everybody else in society, rather than blame the politics of those in power. 2 months ago
💯 2 months ago
I notice that those enamoured by the right are-- there is no other way to put it-- insecure. We all got insecurities, but I think the right has managed to tap that and groom them.
The thing with this attitude of feeling special that they work excessively is precisely the right has groomed them to be part of something bigger. And humans, but not all, naturally yearn for social acceptance and wanting to be part of something big. These folks feel that their contribution counts for something. The right has tapped that feeling, but for sinister purpose unfortunately. In the case of your friend, it just so happens that a fake wannabe right wing university, which shall not be named, has a video imploring viewers that work is good and that it is the ultimate goal. It makes you feel special. No buddy, the only person who you make feel special is yourself for grooming individuals to be mindless workers who will not question longer hours with no extra pay. 2 months ago 2 months ago
Tranalation: “Work Will Set You Free” written above the entrance to Auschwitz. 2 months ago
Haha funny thing about that is one of the most right wing ppl I know only talks about his small pecker and how he cream pies his wife.
He also has threatened to assualt me twice because he thought I kissed him in the ear.
I’m not even gay and I have a son.
Idk man. I stay away from those people now. 2 months ago
What a loser. I hate people like this. We are all working hard you fucking dunce. Get your head out of your ass. 2 months ago
People like this are just primed to make up their own reality. Rather than face the truth that he has a (probably) shitty job, his mind instead translates it to: “those people are lazy, I’m a hard worker. I’m working a holiday because I’m a tough man and can handle it” 2 months ago
Yeah, conservatives like to randomly plug phrases of propaganda like unfunny inside jokes. Depending on my relationship with them I do one of the following.
- Ignore if I’m not that close. Maybe roll my eyes a bit.
- Push back on it if we’re in the context of world events/news/politics.
- If we’re close enough, re-direct the culture war bullshit interjections with interjections of class war. If your friend sees it fit to just randomly call society lazy, you can also randomly call the upper capitalist class lazy government-teat sucking hoarders. 2 months ago
It’s now “why are they like this?” but rather “who had made them like this?”
Who has a vested interest in creating a generation of people who take a perverse personal pride in working themselves to death so somebody else can get rich? Hmm, tough one…
I wouldn’t even mind if the ultra rich were doing something with that money, but they just hoard it. Elon Musk could have a giant fortress in the shape of a skull, but instead he just goes home and cheats at videogames. I can do that for next to nothing! 2 months ago
The people who did it are the same wealthy anti-progressive, anti-New Dealers who hated how the government did so many programs that didn’t just work, but worked brilliantly. I need to mention that not all New Deal programs survived, but most of the ones that were cut were done so due to early concerted opposition to them and nothing organic.
No joke, it is a combination of old ideas and opposition to new ideas. 2 months ago
I wouldn’t even mind if the ultra rich were doing something with that money, but they just hoard it. Elon Musk could have a giant fortress in the shape of a skull, but instead he just goes home and cheats at videogames. I can do that for next to nothing!
That’s exactly the “Make America Great Again” attitude. You can kill your own population and mistreat your workers, as long as you spend the money in a lavish lifestyle. That’s exactly what the rich are doing, and that’s exactly what people (rightfully) complain about. 2 months ago
moist toxic
God damn slightly damp conservatives. 2 months ago
Soggy toxicity The globriatchy The squishy majority The Damp Keepers The Moist Boys South of the Mason-drippin line 2 months ago
Moist Conservatives in your local area want to meet you!
—>[CLICK HERE, MY LORD]<— 2 months ago
risky click of the day 2 months ago
What the fuck is he on about? Ivory towers? It’s a fucking federal holiday for Christ’s sake. 2 months ago
Its for a black guy 2 months ago
Its this… If it was for Christmas, it would be different. 2 months ago
Reminds me of this dipshit I saw in a Starbucks once wearing one of those anti-welfare t shirts. He spent a good 20 minutes bragging to this poor young woman working the counter about how hard of a worker he is and that people on welfare are parasites.
When she asked him what he did, he sheepishly responded that he did a few hours a week of per diem work at UPS. She just rolled her eyes and asked him if he needed anything in that “buy something or get fuck out” tone.
After he left, she started talking to another employee about how much of a tool he was. The other coworker responded that he pulls this goofy anti-welfare ranting shit to try and impress new girls and that he actually lives with his parents and collects state aid himself. 2 months ago
I guarantee he is projecting how little he works on others. Every accusation these people make is a confession.
And yes, even the “why do you have to make it your entire personality?” is projection. As much of a cult as maggots are, I think the only real difference is trump is too stupid to use the usual double speak politicians were using before and the base that always was out for blood ate it up. He also gave them phrases and symbols to plaster over all their stuff.
Yet they will claim someone having a single pride sticker on their car or flag outside their house is “shoving it in their face” while they drive down the road with a 2 or more flags I their car, along with countless number stickers, and a house covered in at least a half dozen flags and signs.
And no, I’m not exaggerating. I see these trucks (always a shitty truck) and houses regularly where I currently live, and I’m fleeing in a month as I’m queer and one of their targets. 2 months ago
Being a harder worker isn’t something to be proud of, friend. 2 months ago
That depends on context but if you don’t own your company ypu shouldn’t be giving your job your all. 2 months ago
I was vising a family over the weekend. I mentioned that the only reason I had time to make it over to their house to help them with some work this weekend was because I was off on Monday for MLK day.
Their response was to scoff and roll their eyes while sarcastically saying “mLk daY”.
It’s stereotypical yet anecdotal, but they stopped working in their 50s and moved around the country shopping for states that would grant them disability. Other than a short-term odd job here and there, they haven’t had a job since. But yes, they are exactly the same folks that complain how nobody wants to work anymore and it’s everyone else who is lazy. 2 months ago
If only MLK day was set on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November.
What better day for people to have off to celebrate. Oh and every 4 years they would be off work so they can vote too! 2 months ago
Religious conservatives are trained from childhood to unwaveringly believe things that can’t be proven, and teaches that malice is the only acceptable way to get dopamine. 2 months ago
“if your position is that you CHOSE a job that makes you work on MLK Day, that makes you a dumber worker”. 2 months ago
The assertion that your friend is a harder worker might not ge true. I have had to work many holidays in retail because my job said I had to not because Im a harder worker. 2 months ago 2 months ago
Hey you work hard enough and you might get a tombstone that reads “Worked really hard!” on it! Such a nice tombstone that your family gets to go in horrible debt for! 2 months ago
lol brainwashed as fuck. Who the fuck brags about being forced to work hard? Bet he doesn’t have anything to show for it. Not working hard and living a comfortable life is a bigger flex than breaking your back to earn money for the boss
Bet he thinks there is a reward at the end. Nope. Boss wil fuck him over and there is no heaven. 2 months ago
you didn’t ask him if he thinks for one fucking second that any of the shitheel CEO/executive suite trump fluffers he’s generating revenue for are working today? 2 months ago
They’ve been built up to get angry about specific topics in a way that bypasses critical thought. 2 months ago
They’re sad insecure people who try to find self worth by looking down on others, which is hard work for a bottom feeder 2 months ago
If you’ve known him for 20 years he should respect you enough that you can tell him he’s being a cunt. Coming from you it should mean something, and maybe he’ll take a look at himself. I’m friends with some right wingers who are decent people but folks like that need to be called out. 2 months ago
“right wingers” or “decent people”
Choose one, because they are mutually exclusive. 2 months ago
You can still be charismatic, a good neighbor, someone who stands up for friends when things start getting rough, a caring person that worries about those around them, and still hold the most batshit insane political ideas. I happen to know multiple people like this.
People are complex, and plenty are good people who have been led to believe the most outlandish shit. They are gullible and don’t put enough thought into what they accept as truth. It is just as attractive to people on our side of the fence to paint everyone else with a broad assumptions. It is the nature of Evil, because evil is ultimately a boring thing that we all do every day without thinking about it. 2 months ago
It must be exhausting and lonely seeing the world in black and white. 2 months ago
Apparently you project your toxicity onto the decent (eventhough you’re a leftist) Nuance is clearly, not your forte 2 months ago
This attitude makes liberals loose elections.
Of course there are descent people on “the right”, what would you call them if theoretically, they voted for what you want? Would they still be terrible people, just voted correctly? 2 months ago
Where I’m from calling someone a cunt is term of endearment. 2 months ago
In North America it’s like domestic violence in a word. Cunt doesn’t really have a positive connotation here.