- Comment on [deleted] 3 days ago:
I keep trying to tell these goof balls, I didn’t go out and “Cut off my penis” because whatever they think the Left Wing Fox News told me to, VARIOUS DOCTORS signed off on it.
I even had one older gentleman tell me that he “Doesn’t believe in all this transgender nonsense”, but that he’s starting to come around, because after hearing me out he claimed all the possible diagnoses he had written down for what he thought was ailing me were “Things that [he] typically only see[s] in women.”
- Comment on THE EARTH IS SPHERICAL, DIPSHITS 4 days ago:
The Flat Earth “Theory” is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard because of the simple fact that if it turned out to be true, if NASA came out and said “Eyup, we were bullshitting everyone the whole time.”
Not a damn thing about my life would change.
There’s no “The Secret” level nonsense where because this one thing is true I am suddenly empowered to free myself from the chains of society or reality. There’s no “Ah, but your honor I’m a Sovereign Citizen, that means actually the murder I comitteded isn’t illegal and you owe me a check for 69 Billion Dollars as punishment for wasting my time”
There’s not a damn thing to be gained from it.
- Comment on A daunting realization 5 days ago:
I wanna fukken die, free my soul, the plants can have my body
- Comment on Looks legit, but can it actually be a real thing? 1 week ago:
- Comment on Looks legit, but can it actually be a real thing? 1 week ago:
I don’t understand why we haven’t played the Uno Reverse card on the “TRANS ARE COMING FOR OUR KIDS” Crowd
“You wanna inspect our kid’s genitals to make sure they’re using the right toilet? Sir, I don’t think you need to be anywhere where anyone’s kids are going to be.”
- Comment on A Yu-Gi-Oh! collection is coming to Switch and PC via Steam 1 week ago:
Yessss, it comes out at the end of this month
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
At this point I’m glad I’m a janitor and AI doesn’t mop floors…
And I feel sorry for anyone who take those “LeARn To CoDe” nutters seriously when they gave that as advice on how to leave poverty.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
That’s banned in most states, even though banning it is illegal
- Comment on It looks like someone at Activision is leaking Slack screenshots to right-wing X users 2 weeks ago:
It was, but Baldur’s Gate was the first game they had a beef with, and it was mostly because they made an Interquel to connect the first two games and one of the female characters was written out of character because a new writer NOT INVOLVED WITH THE ORIGINAL GAME OR ITS TEAM thought the old version of her was sexist and degrading…
The also included joke idle lines that referenced Gamergate and poked fun at it. “It’s all about bringing honor back to knighthood!” (ethics and journalism was the original quote)
While I do believe Gamergate did have some legitimate grievances and myself was part of the early movement (I was kicked out of a facebook group connected to it for “Being a fake girl gamer” who “Just pretends to like games to find a boyfriend”, which… kinda legitimized all the criticism flung its way for me)
The rewrite of the BG Character was a legitimate grievance, since it doesn’t matter how much you personally dislike how the character is written, you still need to be faithful to what came before it while working within the same continuity or you create a plot hole and alienate fans of the character.
However these two things were buried, because the introduction of a random NPC who could be asked about her background was a bigger outrage than these two things.
Other times Gamergate had a legitimate grievance -Game Journalists writing articles about liking Postal 2 as a game, but being in their words “being almost ashamed to admitting it” because it’s “Not politically correct enough”
-Kotaku writing articles that legitimately asked if beating a woman in a video game should legally be counted as rape
-Anita Sarkeesian blatantly lying in an effort to make a career out of demonizing video games like Jack Thompson before her (But as a Journalist instead of a Lawyer) (The lies are too numerous to list, but two that I caught her on personally was claiming that an oversexualized ad for Persona 4: Dancin’ All Night had been used as an official con badge for an event she was covering… It turned out to be a flier she attached to her Con ID just for the outrage machine… and there was a time she wrote off the Hitman franchise for being sexist as she claimed it “encouraged violence against women”, when in reality, the game actively penalizes you for doing anything but taking out your target as silently as possible, with as little collateral damage as possible, and the targets… while I’m not 100% comfortable saying they’re exclusively male, I legitimately can’t think of any female targets off the top of my head, and even then Hitman Targets typically have a backstory showing why they deserve a death from Agent 47 usually involving them making a decision that was financially profitable for them but cost the life of another)
Other times they did not have a legitimate grievance
-Lesbians exist! (Outer Worlds)
-Black people exist! (World of Warcraft)
-Fat people exist! (World of Warcraft)
-Visual Novels exist! (Oh don’t get them fucking started on Depression Quest, a game that literally doesn’t cost anything)
-Female Video Game Developers Exist!
-Transpeople exist! (Hogwarts Legacy, Baldur’s Gate, Guilty Gear, and for some reason the unreleased Fable reboot was accused of having, without evidence a trans protagonist… even though it’s a series largely based in customizing your own hero and deciding their moral compass)
-Female Ratchet’s boobs aren’t big enough, and she was designed by a transguy
-The New Fable has a protagonist that isn’t even implied to be trans, but they’re
-There’s a trans character
-Gail Simone doesn’t like being mansplained to about comic books she literally fucking wrote.
-One of two Optional Lead characters of an Assassin’s Creed game is female! (Which is even funnier considering it was accused of being an executive mandate… When interviews revealed that they originally wanted the game to ONLY have the female character, and her male rival who can ALSO be chosen as a player character… was the one added by Executive Mandate)
-Mortal Kombat isn’t sexy enough because the women have actual designs instead of just wearing underwear, even though they’re still just wearing underwear… and the original designs are literally unlockable (Even for this group I still don’t get it)
-Homosexuals exist (Mortal Kombat X - This one killed me because Kung Jin has one line that hints at him being gay and it’s so subtle I figured it was talking about a girl, the writer had to clarify… Yet people immediately screamed Kung jin was “rubbing the LGBT Lifestyle in people’s faces!”… This game literally has a scene in which an evil necromancer is being held hostage by the US Military to prevent the return of an Elder God who has threatened revenge on the Guardian Deity of Earth… that itself is interrupted by Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade complaining to each other about their failed marriage… meaning the HETEROSEXUAL UNION IS THE ONE BEING SHOVED IN MY FACE!)
-A black guy doesn’t like slavery (Mortal Kombat 11, no seriously they whined about Jax canonically disagreeing with America’s Institution of Slavery)
-Women with facial hair exist! (Horizon Zero Dawn)
-People called the movement’s founder anti-semetic and homophobic despite him being a gay jew… A gay jew that is constnatly saying homophobic and anti-semetic shit and claims to either be Catholic or Jewish depending on which suits him better, claimed to be married to a black man who is oddly absent from his life, and then “divorced him” and became an “ex-gay”
Basically, GamerGate had SOME legitimate concerns, but, their bad takes far outnumbered the good takes and were mostly just “MINORITY IS IN A THING, THAT’S BAD!”, which hurt any legitimate cause they may have had, and makes it obvious the real goal was to push gamers to the Far Right
Sidenote: To whom it may concern, I actually hated when they made Bridget a transgirl in Guilty Gear. I mean Transpeople are based, but… given that her backstory is basically “Anime John Money Experience”, it rubs me entirely the wrong way and I liked her “femboi” incarnation a lot better. IT would have been cooler if her unnamed sibling in an ironic twist, turned out to be a transgirl, if they really wanted to appeal to Transgender Bridget fans. Having Bridget herself be trans is very uncomfortable when you remember that she was raised as a girl, told she was a girl, and made to present as such solely to try to fool the concept of fate.
- Comment on Already planning for how to survive in jail 2 weeks ago:
You can’t do this to me
- Comment on It looks like someone at Activision is leaking Slack screenshots to right-wing X users 2 weeks ago:
To be fair, Sweet Baby Inc. censoring shit is a real problem
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
I think it’s gonna be one of those things that’s supposed to be a thing, but isn’t a thing.
But I’m not going to shit all over someone’s attempt to make a difference if it’s based on genuine good effort and intention.
- Comment on Don't forget where we came from and what shaped us as a species. The Jungle. 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Would you like to finance your hot chocolate with a loan set at 69% apr? 3 weeks ago:
The point is that the Kid’s Hot Chocolate and the Small Hot Chocolate are literally the same item, but the “Small” is a dollar more
It’s not a larger amount, it’s literally the same amount and the app even tells you this
- Comment on You have got to be kidding me... 3 weeks ago:
At this point I’m kinda of hoping for Trump to start trying to tear down the Washington Monument to put up a Golden Calf only for Bibleman to show up with his lightsaber.
Because let’s face it, our world has to be some kind of cartoon.
- Comment on Wait, I've seen this movie 3 weeks ago:
Right? Like, that copypasta about a Muppet Beauty and the Beast, where the joke is that the “Beast” is a conventionally attractive human who becomes a Muppet at the end? (Maybe even Animal himself)
That would be the movie of all time.
- Comment on You have got to be kidding me... 3 weeks ago:
“In God We Trust” with Trump’s image on it, makes me feel sick
- Comment on Multiverse 3 weeks ago:
So, bout as much evidence as Dark Matter.
I used to not believe in Dark Matter, but during a recent shroom trip I saw that it existed and that my being was even composed of it. That to an extent all of us are made of equal parts matter and dark matter, and the parts of us that are made of Dark Matter are the reason why we have paranormal experiences, for they’re actually quite normal experiences just happening to us on a level where we can’t see all the details.
And if I were the Spirit Science guy I’d walk away fully believing THAT.
- Comment on Multiverse 3 weeks ago:
Personally it was always “Berenstain Bears” I know it was because I watched the Nick Jr. show as a kid, and the ads would use the “BerenstAin” name
The Mandela Effect is interesting because while I do remember the correct version of most events (Pikachu did not have a black stripe, Rich Uncle Pennybags did not have a Moncole, Nelson Mandela did not die in prison, “No, I AM your father”), there are still some that I straight up know did not happen the way I remember them.
For example: Fruit of the Loom had a Cornucopia, I remember because it was the first time I had ever seen one. The only reason I knew what a cornucopia was, was due to it being on the underwear logo.
That said I have heard about memory being incredibly suggestible, studies about people who were tricked into believing they had been on a Hot Air Balloon when they had not or seeing Bugs Bunny at Disney World despite that not being a Disney character. So Mandela Effect could be bullshit.
There are some stories that interest me from time to time.
Like in a Youtube Video discussing Mandela Effect, James Rolfe better known as the Angry Video Game Nerd, had always remembered the pay off to “My face on the one dollar bill”, being that the money Joker gives out at the end of Tim Burton’s Batman movie was counterfeit with the Joker’s face on it… But that’s never actually revealed in the movie.
The reason that interests me, is that the prop money DID have Jack Nicholson’s face on it, but it’s something you can only find out by reading about the development of the movie as it’s never shown to the camera clearly enough for you to tell. Making it interesting that James remembered a factual detail he couldn’t possibly remember from watching the movie.
Now it’s easy to say “Well James just read about the prop money being Joker themed and got mixed up about where he heard the money from”
My dad is even more interesting, for reasons beyond it being someone I know
My dad claims he is a magnet for this kind of phenomenon, claims that the “Time People” are always messing with him, and that he regularly experiences time out of order. The thing is though he might actually be right.
We’ve had times where we’re talking and he says something that has nothing to do with what we’re talking about and makes no sense at all, and I’m like “Are you okay?”
Like one time I was just checking in on him, and he starts rambling about Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen for some reason… I just assume he’s tired, since he works two jobs and all., often coming home from one just to change uniforms and go to the other.
And then months later, we’re talking about weird experiences we’ve had while high (He’s a stoner, I’m not but I partake from time to time), and I mentioned that sometimes I “see things” before they happen, but I can’t stop them from happening, then when they happen… It’s like… I know they’re going to happen, but I can’t prevent them happening, and I react like I’m “supposed to”
And he says the thing he said before about Dr. Manhattan, referencing the scene where he’s on Mars and knows his lady friend is going to tell him something, she tells him, and he still acts surprised, because he was SUPPOSED to be surprised…
It’s the same thing he said only now there’s context for it, and then our heads start hurting and we flashback to the conversation where he had no reason to say it.
Freaky stuff happens to him.
The weirdest one though, is one time he straight up told me that he was from another universe.
See I don’t live with my dad, he’s a state a way and I only sometimes see him. Last time I saw him it was for my cousin’s graduation, and he says to me, he’s not my dad, he’s a version of him from another universe.
Because he never married my stepmother, and I’m confused because he did and they have a daughter, my half-sister. He tells me a story of how years ago he screwed up on a big date way back when, and never got over her. So he went out drinking with some friends of his at this restaurant, and he sees her at the bar, he’s had a few drinks and they tell him that he needs to win her back, do this one grand romantic gesture.
Now he’s drunk this sounds like a good idea, and he goes up to her, but sees she’s with a guy, having a nice time, and decides not to ruin her night. He tells me, that he goes home in tears, his heart broken, and falls asleep alone. The next day, he wakes up and she’s in the kitchen, finds that he and her have been married for months, she loves him, and has no recollection of being anywhere last night except home with him. So he just smiles, and accepts that he has been given a gift, and just tells her that it was all a bad dream he had been having.
Creepy story if true. Not sure I believe it, but it’s an interesting tale to say the least.
Now, it’s possible that my Dad is just fucking with me because he thinks it’s funny, but… believe what you want I guess. Maybe my day have some kind of schizophrenic disorder or maladaptive day dreaming. I don’t know, and I probably never will.
- Comment on Multiverse 3 weeks ago:
Well, fair enough then.
- Comment on Multiverse 3 weeks ago:
It’s funny, outside of Hollywood, Comic Books, and Bertrand Russel trying to disprove religion by taking Hawking out of context, is there any real evidence for a multiverse?
I mean I believe that reality is truly infinite and the only reason we have limitations is because we haven’t found a way around them yet (Science distinguishable from magic is not sufficiently advanced in my book), so I’m not calling bullshit, but I’m also asking for evidence beyond going “Hey, wouldn’t it be cool if?”
- Comment on guys... :( 4 weeks ago:
This nibbler eating beans.
- Comment on The basics should be affordable. Yes even eggs. 4 weeks ago:
I need some eggs man, it’s a chicken’s period, guilt-free protein right there.
- Comment on Anon experiences German humor 4 weeks ago:
Tubig asin, hahaha, god I wish I were bilingual
- Comment on Anon experiences German humor 4 weeks ago:
Okay that’s actually really funny
- Comment on Anon experiences German humor 4 weeks ago:
OKay that made me chuckle a little
- Comment on Anon experiences German humor 4 weeks ago:
That’s sadly the funniest German joke I’ve ever heard, I mean the punchline is there, but the set-up isn’t, meaning it’s closer to a joke than most Germanic Humor.
- Comment on Aright, Elon has definitely gone too far now 4 weeks ago:
I’m reminded of Time Killers wher the main character Rancid has an X carved into his forehead, it’s a reference to Charles Manson’s swastika tattoo, because it was the 90’s and edgy = kewl
- Comment on Aright, Elon has definitely gone too far now 4 weeks ago:
ADL: Drinking milk is racist kinda like McDonalds Mascots and Cartoon Frogs! But doing a Hitler Salute is a-okay!
Why do we pay attention to anything this organization says?
- Comment on Anon fixes Super Mario Bros 4 weeks ago:
This is why I want a remaster of Space Channel 5, the timing is impossibly difficult (ESPECIALLY when emulated as video and audio isn’t synced), but it’s on purpose because if you aren’t stonewalled the game will only take one hour.