- Comment on Bernard 1 day ago:
“I am neither Danny DeVito nor Bernie Sanders, I am the one who will give you healthcare!”
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 5 days ago:
The only way this will work is if humans behave in ways that no human has ever humaned
- Comment on Anon uses Discord 1 week ago:
I don’t know what you’re talking about, it’s just fun pretend roleplay with consenting adult other parties
- Comment on You better say "Thank You"! 1 week ago:
Ewww AI Generated
- Comment on Anon uses Discord 1 week ago:
- Comment on Anon uses Discord 1 week ago:
This, the second you aren’t profitable, they put you in the modern day version of solitary confinement.
- Comment on Anon uses Discord 1 week ago:
I’m legitimately paranoid about this scenario, especially since I’m in a couple of ERP servers, and I was friends with ReploidRevo… yes THAT ReploidRevo, and never knew about what he did until after his downfall went viral.
- Comment on cherry pickers 1 week ago:
I love stealth puns
- Comment on Musk shares post that Hitler didn’t kill millions, public workers did. Union rages 1 week ago:
Unlike Twitter and Reddit, we actually give a fuck about free speech. You can even say “I want to rip out Elon Musk’s spine and wipe my ass with it in Mortal Kombat 1” if you want.
- Comment on Musk shares post that Hitler didn’t kill millions, public workers did. Union rages 1 week ago:
Wow, I know I’m saying this about Hitler, but… this guy was a total fucking monster.
- Comment on Musk shares post that Hitler didn’t kill millions, public workers did. Union rages 1 week ago:
Luigi’s gotta save the Princess
- Comment on Musk shares post that Hitler didn’t kill millions, public workers did. Union rages 1 week ago:
I am once again asking Democrats to be a functioning opposition to the Republicans.
- Comment on Dunning-Kruger 1 week ago:
The only reason to root gender in how you were born is to ensure gender roles are as rigid and immutable as possible.
This, this right here, that’s the game, that’s the whole game. They want to punish transness and then start changing what the definition of trans is.
“Your daughter was wearing pants, and said no when my boy asked her out, that’s trans behavior and it’s unAmerican, might have to report you.”
- Comment on Dunning-Kruger 1 week ago:
Dunning-Krueger effect is the delusion that you are smarter than a serial killer who stalks teenagers in their nightmares.
- Comment on Dunning-Kruger 1 week ago:
What really bothers me is that they seem to be winning on the “Trans Sports” issues which sucks, it’s such a blatant distraction that I’d let them just “have that”, but… you know damn well that’s the floor and not the ceiling, and even then their wins are based on lies.
There are less trans athletes in the world then there are kids with measles in Texas, but the Right would have you believe ever Macho Man Randy Savage type is getting into sports and just blowing records clean away. Hence the push to “Ban transwomen and revoke their records”
What records? Even Lia Thomas, the closest they’ve gotten to finding an “Evil Cheating Trans!!1111” only came in 4th place…
- Comment on Dunning-Kruger 1 week ago:
One time a woman told me that my lack of a second X Chromosome meant I would “always be a man”
So I gaslit her into thinking her husband had klinefelters.
I hate how Republicans think transphobia is science
- Comment on Have a good Monday 2 weeks ago:
Joke’s on you, I’m a janitor at a high security facility working there when no one else is around at a time where if anyone in the world tried to reach me they’d be taken out by armed guards for tresspassing in a nuclear plant.
As an introvert they’re paying me to spend a few hours in Heaven cleaning.
- Comment on That's why it's called science fiction duh 2 weeks ago:
The problem is that Adam Ruins Everything is guilty of spreading more misinformation than it solves. (The Video Games episode is particularly embarrassing)
It’s neat entertainment and it does expose some bullshit, but it aint perfect. And to its credit it does have a few “Times we were wrong” episodes
- Comment on That's why it's called science fiction duh 2 weeks ago:
Ironic that the Right is the movement associated with the phrase “Facts don’t care about your feelings.”
- Comment on That's why it's called science fiction duh 2 weeks ago:
“Science just doesn’t know if this trans stuff is safe, don’t Leftists know their biology? Men are men and women are women!” Is something my trans ass is tired of hearing.
- Comment on Anon downloads a game 2 weeks ago:
That sounds like a puzzle in Mega Man Battle Network
- Comment on Let me tell you something, I haven't even begun to peak. 3 weeks ago:
I legitimately hated Witcher 3 as a game hears guns being cocked over her hot take Witcher 2 was better, and even I didn’t think that was anything special… dunno if that helps or if it made it worse… anyway
But The Witcher was peak Television… until it wasn’t and Henry Cavil just kinda gave up and left over it.
- Comment on Hentai is art 3 weeks ago:
Being trans and in love with this kind of artwork is weird.
I went from being stupidly horny, to being very “Oh God, that’s not how the female anatomy works!”
I never realized so many artists were fucking up and having characters screw the pee hole instead of the actual vulva until after I became post-op and… let’s just say VERY familiar with my new lady parts.
- Comment on I love the future. 4 weeks ago:
What? Who;s dead wife?
- Comment on I love the future. 4 weeks ago:
I don’t like being alive, I already didn’t, but I like it less now. I crave the afterlife.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
I keep trying to tell these goof balls, I didn’t go out and “Cut off my penis” because whatever they think the Left Wing Fox News told me to, VARIOUS DOCTORS signed off on it.
I even had one older gentleman tell me that he “Doesn’t believe in all this transgender nonsense”, but that he’s starting to come around, because after hearing me out he claimed all the possible diagnoses he had written down for what he thought was ailing me were “Things that [he] typically only see[s] in women.”
- Comment on THE EARTH IS SPHERICAL, DIPSHITS 5 weeks ago:
The Flat Earth “Theory” is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard because of the simple fact that if it turned out to be true, if NASA came out and said “Eyup, we were bullshitting everyone the whole time.”
Not a damn thing about my life would change.
There’s no “The Secret” level nonsense where because this one thing is true I am suddenly empowered to free myself from the chains of society or reality. There’s no “Ah, but your honor I’m a Sovereign Citizen, that means actually the murder I comitteded isn’t illegal and you owe me a check for 69 Billion Dollars as punishment for wasting my time”
There’s not a damn thing to be gained from it.
- Comment on A daunting realization 5 weeks ago:
I wanna fukken die, free my soul, the plants can have my body
- Comment on Looks legit, but can it actually be a real thing? 1 month ago:
- Comment on Looks legit, but can it actually be a real thing? 1 month ago:
I don’t understand why we haven’t played the Uno Reverse card on the “TRANS ARE COMING FOR OUR KIDS” Crowd
“You wanna inspect our kid’s genitals to make sure they’re using the right toilet? Sir, I don’t think you need to be anywhere where anyone’s kids are going to be.”