I am Stine. Comfort the afflicted. Afflict the comfortable. High School Wrestler™. Can usually correctly use the past tense in French. Suffers from clinical depression.
- Comment on What would happen if the Supreme Court sent a US Marshall to arrest a member of the executive branch? 6 days ago:
My contention is that the DOJ (who oversees the marshals) would order them to ignore the bench warrant.
Courts have the power to deputize whomever they choose. If they were to deputize, for instance, a state police officer because the marshalls wouldn’t carry out their orders, my belief is that no deputized agent would arrest someone for contempt if some LEO under federal control (FBI, the marshalls, capitol police, etc.) was protecting the person held in contempt. You will not get two sets of cops shooting at each other over this.
- Comment on What would happen if the Supreme Court sent a US Marshall to arrest a member of the executive branch? 6 days ago:
“How many divisions has the Supreme Court?”
Even of a judge deputized someone to arrest an executive branch officer, it’s unlikely to actually happen. It always ends in who has bigger guns and that’s going to be the FBI, the Marshalls, or the secret service. No deputy trying to arrest someone on a bench warrant is going to get into a confrontation with a fellow LEO protecting said arrestee.
- Comment on Americans, How do you pour soda into a cup with ice without the soda going flat? 1 week ago:
Not to mention Rand was an objectivist, not a libertarian.
- Comment on what instances allow you to follow users? 1 week ago:
You can follow users using Mastodon (I follow myself here from Mastodon). Not sure about other Fedi software.
- Comment on Is someone falling for this crap? 2 weeks ago:
What a coincidence! I’m the fediverse dude!
- Comment on Realistically, how feasible is it to 100% boycott a massive corporation (such as Amazon) for an extended period of time? 2 weeks ago:
Good call. The greenest purchase you can make is fixing the thing you already own.
- Comment on Will LibreWolf be affected by Firefox's new Terms of Service? 3 weeks ago:
You can’t put terms of service on a web page and bind people to it. Otherwise I could put up a site somewhere and say everyone who reads this owes me a dollar.
The terms are only enforceable when they are presented to the user before they use the software. My copy of Librewolf doesn’t present any terms to me so I am not bound by anything other than the redistribution license.
IANAL but all this is pretty common sense. You can’t add terms by posting them where the user wouldn’t see them. And Librewolf explains very clearly that it is not Firefox and is not a Mozilla product.
- Comment on Sooo, where did the blatant Nazism suddenly come from? 4 weeks ago:
Reminds me of the Rule of Goats:
If you fuck a goat ironically, you’re still fucking a goat. Same goes with ironic Hitler salutes.
- Comment on Could a US state prevent its citizens from paying federal taxes? 4 weeks ago:
Yes, by law. Of course the business will abide by federal law before state law because federal law is supreme.
- Comment on What happens when I run two VPNs on my computer? 4 weeks ago:
It’s a VPN within a VPN. So all your traffic over the Mullvad VPN connection has a VPN within it going to Proton (but only for Firefox).
To answer the questions directly:
- Yes, but not exactly. Everything goes through Mullvad, but Firefox goes through Proton going through Mullvad.
- No, they’ll just see the Proton information.
- It slows down your connection! That’s a lot more extra hops. Practically…I suppose if the “inner VPN” was necessary to connect to a specific host (like a work VPN) then it could be useful. For example you use Mullvad on your router, but your work laptop uses a VPN to connect to resources needed to do your work. Other than that I can’t see why you’d need to use 2 at the same time.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Not sure if you’re asking for advice, but if appeals to reason doesn’t work “I’m your fucking parent and you’re going to do it or you’re grounded until you do” should work nicely.
- Comment on Apparently Bluesky lets you require a sign in to view a post 5 weeks ago:
Not the OP, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. I do think it’s a little odd given that the security is at the client and not in the protocol. As others have mentioned already, if you use, you can see the posts anyway.
- Comment on How dare the alarm I set betray me like this? 5 weeks ago:
I literally yell “fuck you” at my alarm from time to time.
- Comment on What is a metaphor you like in your language? 1 month ago:
“I have to see a man about a horse.” It means you’re going to the bathroom.
- Comment on 1 month ago:
It doesn’t. Might have been New Brunswick. Or I just made it up somehow. I can’t remember where I saw it.
- Comment on 1 month ago:
My understanding is that some province is charging double on US commercial trucks that cross the border. Nova Scotia?
- Comment on I can quit anytime I want! 1 month ago:
Pfft. I have trazodone.
- Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 1 month ago:
It’s a great idea, I agree. But people have to realize that a good 40% of the country thinks that holding undocumented immigrants in a military prison indefinitely is hella balls-to-the-fucking-wall awesome. These people are not interested in striking and most of the 60% left over are worried they’ll get fired tomorrow if they don’t show up to work.
- Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 1 month ago:
I invite you to imagine a state or local prosecutor indicting a member of the armed forces for carrying out an order given by a superior.
- Comment on Why do people indoors at public places always listen to their phone at full volume? 1 month ago:
It’s mostly because “fuck you, I do what I want.”
- Comment on You have got to be kidding me... 1 month ago:
Always Be Closing
- Comment on I haven't been home in a while. But when did Arkansas and other states have their governors pop up saying you can't view this porn site? With a guilt trip? No offense but not looking for sanders porn 1 month ago:
Pornhub is the only one that I know of that is doing the blocks by state. They are a big enough target that the laws could cause them a lot of trouble, and they’ve said they aren’t interesting in checking IDs.
The sum total of the laws is that people will either get their porn on sites that don’t care about the various state laws and/or they will learn about using VPNs to get around blocks.
- Comment on I mean, that's literally the opposite of what I want 1 month ago:
This is top level enshittification. You’re showing the user an ad that is, as OP says, the opposite of what they want, and then charging Truth Social for the impression. Magnificent!
- Comment on I mean, that's literally the opposite of what I want 1 month ago:
Pretty much. They’ve made some changes but it’s unclear if has changed enough to not be able to federate.
- Comment on moms rule 1 month ago:
I knew two of my great grandmothers (yay for really young parents!). I know I met two others but didn’t really know them.
I was told that I met my great great grandmother once when I was a toddler but I don’t remember it. She died at age 99.
- Comment on Transmen who have had bottom surgery, have you ever sat on your scrotum by accident? 2 months ago:
I’ve only heard of Mr. Belvedere doing this.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Being a harder worker isn’t something to be proud of, friend.
- Comment on May not be the right place but here it goes. One of my brothers passes or get extremely tired if he sees porn. Even a sex scene in a movie he has to go lay down. Is there something wrong with him? 2 months ago:
I take it he would like to watch porn but can’t? Then yes, that’s a problem and he should see his primary care doc first. It’s a quality of life issue.
- Comment on What advice would you give to your younger self? 2 months ago:
This comes up a lot. The fact is that almost everyone who mined a few dozen BTC back then would have sold it when it reached $100. No one ever thought back in 2009 that it’d be worth what it is now.
- Comment on What advice would you give to your younger self? 2 months ago:
You know how you think George W. Bush is the worst president we’ve ever had or ever will have? Well in 2017 you’re going to wish he was in office. Also, go to school in a foreign country so you can be a permanent resident there.