- Comment on Times are tough for everyone 5 hours ago:
I mean, at the end of the day, candy is candy and three dollars is three dollars.
- Comment on Unsubscribe 5 hours ago:
If you just cut out a half dozen eggs per day from your budget, you’ll be fine. And if that’s not enough. then make coffee at home and stop ordering avocado toast, too. Did you know you can also sell your plasma for money and I think they even take gay people’s blood now, too.
- Comment on Now *we* have memes comrades 5 hours ago:
- Comment on Rent is due in 28 days 5 hours ago:
Rent is due in 28 days and in 28 days rent is due. That means all you have to do is make a whole bunch of money between now and then, that way you can pay your rent. So the options are limited, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t any option at all for you. For instance, if you just had some rich parents, you could take out a small multi-million dollar loan from them and pay your rent out of that. If you have a nice body and you know how to work it, you could become a high end hooker like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, and then it would only take a handful of dates per month to pay off all your bills. Barring those options, you could convince your friends to sell their plasma and donate the proceeds to you. But you’d have to have a lot of friends to make that work, and let’s be honest. You don’t seem like the type to have that many friends. On the other hand, we could try to make you a Go Fund Me and then send it viral. Had a friend whose hamster got leukemia and they paid for the chemo with a Go Fund Me.
- Comment on Just another wrong in a sea of wrongs 7 hours ago:
I’m sittin’ on the dock of the bay, wasting time.
- Comment on Good afternoon I choose thoughts you've never had before. 1 day ago:
How much butter could a butter churn churn if a butter churn could churn butter? I asked AI and it gave me this big long explanation that started with the history of butter churning and ended up with some facts about the traditional way of making yak butter which I did not even know was a thing but it is and that thing is butter.
- Comment on It works for anything 6 days ago:
To be honest, I’m so sexual-relationsing old that I remember when the word meme actually meant something before it was appropriated and adapted for use to refer to the digital images we share electronically after adding text over them.
- Comment on Why We Love to Get Lost in Games: The Enduring Appeal of Metroidvanias 1 week ago:
High five back at you, my friend.
- Comment on I knew it 1 week ago:
As a gaymo, I’m just gonna say both of them are 1000000000000% percent hotter in this photo than in real life. AIRump got some biggass arms and bear-like belly, and Elmo barely look like actual Elmo because he has an actual human body shape.
- Comment on Live fast 1 week ago:
You got to lick it before you kick it.
- Comment on Favourite Metroid game? 1 week ago:
The Super Nintendo Metroid game was/is my favorite, but I’ll admit I haven’t play most of the Metroid games, so I’m not a good judge.
The NES game was a ton of fun, but I felt and feel like the SNES game was just all of that and then some, if that makes sense to others.
I played one of the 3D Metroid games (the one on the Wii). It was fun, I enjoyed what I played. But it did not scratch the same itch, if that makes sense. In fact, I don’t think I even played that game to completion.
- Comment on Why We Love to Get Lost in Games: The Enduring Appeal of Metroidvanias 1 week ago:
I’m bookmarking this link so I can read it when I have the time. Having said that, it should be clear that I haven’t read the article, yet.
For me personally, 80’s and 90’s 2D Metroid and Castlevania games were fun, but for me, something transcendental happened with the release of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. I’m 100% certain that I am incapable of truly putting it into words, but I’m sure a myriad of people have done it, and done it far better than I ever could. I bought the game on a whim because I enjoyed Castlevania 3 on the NES so much. Other than fighting games, 2D games were basically blasé for 90’s 32-bit systems like the original PlayStation. Truthfully, I’m having a hard time recalling at the moment why I decided to buy the game. But I’m absolutely 10010% sure it was a good idea and I’m honestly thankful to my teenage self for that decision.
Modern Metroidvanias are fun, too. Truth be told, I gave up on Hollow Knight. I’m a patient, older gamer, so maybe that comes into play. But it eventually got to a point where it simply wasn’t fun anymore. I was confused about what I needed to do next and I wasn’t making any progress in the game. And then I had to set it aside for almost a year. When I tried to return, my memory had faded to the point where I really struggled to play it and make progress. That made me immensely sad. Once I realized that, I simply set it aside.
On the other hand, I played all the Nintendo DS Castlevania Metroidvania games back in the day and even still own the original cartridges. Via Steam, I also played the Gameboy Advanced Castlevanias. They are so much fun for me. So much fun that I purchased the Dominus collection on Steam, which is essentially all the DS games that I already own.
I also played Bloodstained: ROTN. I know there’s a lot of criticism about the game, but I’ll be honest, I loved every freakin’ minute of it. I wasn’t a huge fan of the graphics, but the game play was exactly what I needed at the time and I don’t regret that purchase one bit.
And to finalize things, nice to meet other Metroidvania lovers. We might not all agree on the nitty-gritty details, but it’s still neat to hear from others. Back in the 90s when I was absolutely in love with SOTN despite the fact that everybody else was hating on it entirely because it’s a “2D platformer”, it was hard to imagine that ~30 years later there would be entire communities of people who love these types of games.
- Comment on Hurry it along chucklenuts 1 week ago:
Write a check, honey. Them slow ass bitches behind you will love it.
- Comment on You can do it 2 weeks ago:
I just hate what’s being done to the Palletstinians.
- Comment on Just saw this very important sign 🪧 2 weeks ago:
Makes you wonder why so many people want to go fishing in this spot to begin with.
- Comment on Why the long gill? 3 weeks ago:
Nice. Now can anyone find the original image so that I can actually see what’s going on? Very hard to make out anything behind the layers and layers of compression, recompression, screenshots, and compression again.
- Comment on Anon removes a fence 3 weeks ago:
Probably the closest I’ve ever come to dying that I know of happened after I developed a severe, systemic infection from stepping on a nail. So yeah, I concur, it’s not fun.
- Comment on Just. Fuck. OFF. 3 weeks ago:
My scabs haven’t even healed, the wound is still too fresh.
Last year the grocery store I go to remodeled for almost 5 months. Each and every week that I went in there, entire sections had been moved to a new location. Signs weren’t updated at all during the process, and there weren’t any employees to be seen, so it was time consuming to find stuff. Plus, the store was disgusting during that time.
Not only that, but they significantly reduced overall product selection and moved the aisles closer together so that you can barely squeak 2 carts side by side down the aisles. There’s no room to maneuver and get around folks.
The big “win” was that during the remodeling, they didn’t have all those displays down the middle of the main aisles blocking everything up. But that turned out to be false hope, because once the remodeling was done, those displays all came back with a vengeance.
The other big “win” was more space in the checkout area, including more self-checkouts. But that turned out to be false hope because within a few months, a lot of the machines have been permanently “broken”, some were converted to cash-only, and they added AI cameras to them that lock the machine up about every 3rd item.
- Comment on Psst, the Americans are asleep, post some eggs 4 weeks ago:
Oh yeah? I’ll make my own eggs with blackjack and hookers.
- Comment on Not Americans right now 4 weeks ago:
Wait, I had eggs for breakfast and lunch today. How is this possible?
- Comment on Predation 4 weeks ago:
No worries mate, as long as you lay very still so you don’t trigger any predators’ hunting instincts, you’ll probably fare okay.
- Comment on Puff Variety 4 weeks ago:
So long as we all still agree to call their poop “scat”, I am okay with this.
- Comment on Predation 4 weeks ago:
No worries mate, as long as you’re not the weakest and the sickliest, you’ll probably fare okay.
- Comment on 🐕 🦴 4 weeks ago:
I live in a rural setting, so 90% of the time the answer to that question is wild animal poop or some dead critter. Sometimes though it’s a bug or random fruit/veggie.
- Comment on Speaks to me tho, sigh 4 weeks ago:
I take the hot hairy ones quite seriously. Especially the ginger ones.
- Comment on Reuters: New research backs up that video games can be an antidote to stress and anxiety [interactive article] 4 weeks ago:
To be honest, most of the games I’ve played in the past 5+ years since I’ve started to get back into the hobby are stressful in various ways. That doesn’t mean they aren’t “quelling” stress and anxiety for me, just that when I’m playing them, they stress me out and give me anxiety.
Take for instance my current game du jour: Doom 2016. When battles are going, I’m for sure sweating and amped up, stressed, anxious, and what have you. It’s anything but relaxing while playing. But still quite enjoyable.
So, perhaps the “quelling” comes after? A bit like a workout, where you’re hyped up and exerting yourself, but after the fact you mellow out and relax?
- Comment on It's coming 4 weeks ago:
It’s a meme pic, so I’m just wildly gesticulating and making giant assumptions here: I doubt it’s the “mushroom” fruiting body that’s doing anything in this research. It’s almost certainly the mycelium or we’re dealing with something like slime molds or yeast which don’t produce mushrooms at all.
Yes I made this comment without reading the rest of the thread or hunting down the story. Sue me.
- Comment on Rolling Stone's List of 50 Best Video Games of All Time 5 weeks ago:
So, looks like I’ve played 19 of these games. Although not all of them were my thing and some of them I’ve barely played more than once briefly, I’ll agree that they were all pretty solidly good.
A few of the others are on my wish list (especially now that they’re available on PC) so maybe one day I’ll be able to agree or disagree.
I enjoy seeing Castlevania: Symphony of the Night on these greatest games lists because back in the days when it was originally released, it seemed like it was practically ignored in my social circle. At the time, if a game wasn’t using low fidelity, standard definition polygon-based graphics (aka 3D), it had to be a fighting game or it would be completely ignored. Yet, that particular game was one of my favorites of the era and I didn’t get to enjoy it with anybody else at the time because they just saw it as a lame 2D game.
- Comment on Rolling Stone's List of 50 Best Video Games of All Time 5 weeks ago:
Doing the lawd’s work, so I also thank you.
- Comment on Putting the die in diet 5 weeks ago:
Look at the privilege showing through, able to afford eggs for more than one meal a day in the USA.