I am Zach, AKA AceFuzzLord, AKA Dizzy Devil Ducky!
- Comment on What are some old games that are hard to revisit, because a more modern and superior version exists? 2 days ago:
I still do it from time to time because I like playing them on original hardware, but Sonic 1&2 on Genesis/Mega Drive. The Origins Plus versions may not be 100% accurate gameplay with regards to movement/moveset, but anniversary mode’s retry special stages is real nice when half of the time I get screwed in those. Especially 2’s special stages where I feel I feel like I’m constantly getting screwed over by my favorite character/sidekick being incompetent at the special stages.
Just recently got the 3rd game (still need & Knuckles to complete the set) and while not being able to retry special stages is an issue, I can at least reset the game without having to worry about needing to replay the whole entire game over from the start. So it gets a pass because all I gotta do is replay a stage.
- Comment on Tough choices 2 days ago:
Easy. Every language. Some foreigner from another country talks shit about me? Be prepared to be verbally assaulted back. Probably never happened, but it’s definitely a scenario I wish would for that exact reason.
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 3 days ago:
I got a Pentel with a tip like #3, so if #1 had the #3 tip I’d absolutely say #1.
My 0.7mm Pentel pencil has been the best pencil/mechanical pencil I have ever used, for the most part. It was definitely overpriced, like everything at a college bookstore, but it’s been such an amazing pencil. Only problem is that I can’t have it loose in the pockets of my spring jackets or it will try to poke through the cheap fabric.
- Comment on Favourite 90s platformer? 1 week ago:
I’m a bit boring in terms of my favorite 90s platformer, but absolutely love Sonic 1 & 2.
- Comment on Musk shares post that Hitler didn’t kill millions, public workers did. Union rages 1 week ago:
Last I checked, being the man who oversees a genocide does not make you innocent. In fact, it makes you just as bad, if not worse, than the people following orders.
- Comment on What’s a movie nobody can convince you is good? 2 weeks ago:
More of a genre than a particular movie, but any and all video game movies that aren’t the 90s shitshow M•rio movie or the 3 live action Sonic films. I’m talking live action because there have clearly been good video games based animated films like… well I can’t think of any right off hand, but they surely exist.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 23rd 3 weeks ago:
Just got into the pokemon fan game “Pokemon Eclesia” last night, so I’m probably gonna be playing through that demo throughout the week if I don’t get bored of it. Pretty cool game so far, but has a fair bit of swearing.
Otherwise, I was getting back into Gemcraft: Chasing Shadows. Being the idiot I am, I just now found out how to quickly power level. Don’t know how much more if the game is left, let alone how to unlock the higher difficulties, but definitely wanna finish it on the easy difficulty at least once before I die.
- Comment on New USA fashion trend just dropped! 3 weeks ago:
AI usage aside, I actually understand this one!
- Comment on The Downtrodden Billionaires 4 weeks ago:
To be fair, they can fix it. All it takes is a guillotine. Or some hungry cannibals. Shouldn’t be hard for someone with their wealth and resources.
- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 4 weeks ago:
The Star Wars Battlefront games. With how horribly the liver service EA version that came out in 2015 was and how dead it apparently is, the PS2 games are the only ones I’ll ever acknowledge as existing.
Also, one of my personal favorites that I’d consider a must have is Dokopon Kingdom. Yes the remake/remaster exists, but I don’t normally go for remasters in most situations. Gameplay is just roll a spinner, move on board, and adventure around the world while trying to do quests if you are in the story mode.
Both games have a lot of content and replayability in my eyes, which makes a game more of a must have for me.
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 4 weeks ago:
Would the feature in that horror game Zort where you sometimes use the player respon item and it respons an NPC that will use clips of what a specific dead player has said while playing count as AI use? If so, that’s a pretty good use of AI in horror games in my opinion.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 23rd 4 weeks ago:
Got an itch(dot)io bundle of games that goes to helping French devs, so I’ve been playing a couple of those. Specifically Flipon and Blocks That Matter.
Outside of those, also got into Symphonia and it’s pretty fun and so far has an amazing soundtrack. Also trying to make a level pack for Baba Is You, which is definitely harder than I thought it would be using the in game level editor.
- Comment on nature is fucking narly 4 weeks ago:
I always knew mushrooms were evil and scary and absolute monsters.
- Comment on Amazon's previous VP of Prime Gaming said they "tried everything" to disrupt Steam 5 weeks ago:
Fighting Steam as it stands now is like trying to fight an uphill battle on an 80° incline with ice covering the whole hill. It’s possible, but I doubt we’ll see anyone able to dethrone Steam so long as Valve keeps their principles and morals about not absolutely enshittifying everything to death on their end.
- Comment on Amazon's previous VP of Prime Gaming said they "tried everything" to disrupt Steam 5 weeks ago:
One of the only acception I have to the rule of multiple game managers is with emulation. For some reason I cannot stand having something like Emulation Station or anything else but for buying games, Steam is the absolute king with their platform.
- Comment on I miss myspace 5 weeks ago:
To be fair, it’s probably not the same, but there is Spacehey. It is described as a modern Myspace. Haven’t logged in to mine for a while since I still haven’t learned how to make a profile theme thing, but it’s pretty fun (coming from someone who was never there for the Myspace revolution).
- Comment on What's your "this is totally fine and I'm going to have a great time" FPS? 5 weeks ago:
So long as the game doesn’t lag enough that I have input lag, I’ll gladly play through a game at prettyich any FPS.
- Comment on Valve ban advertising-based business models on Steam, no forced adverts like in mobile games 1 month ago:
F-Drlid games definitely aren’t always the greatest, but I have been recently having a lot of fun with Feudal Tactics.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 9th 1 month ago:
Don’t know what’s going on at 2K, but I gladly took the offer and even got the bundle for a Steam friend I haven’t talked to for years.
Absolutely wild and I thought it was some sort of error at first considering right below it they were advertising just BioShock Infinite and their DLC pass thing for more than the whole bundle by a little less than $2.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 9th 1 month ago:
I definitely feel like I got an absolute steal of a deal. No idea when the sale ends, but I got all 3 games in the BioShock series, with DLC, and the 2 remasters for a little over $11USD before tax this weekend. I just finished my first time playing any of the games on PC. Had to install the original on my desktop with win10 because I couldn’t get the resolution right or brightness slider working on my steam deck when docked. Definitely prefer console controls because I was having a lot of trouble with mouse and keyboard controls, so I’m gonna have to switch to controller.
Other than that, I started playing Stellar Initiative this weekend as well and it’s was pretty difficult on the easiest difficulty while I was learning how to play and what works well with which enemies.
- Comment on No beans, only dogs 1 month ago:
I’ll take a Michigan, hold the mustard. Absolutely love chili dogs.
- Comment on 'Zombie' spiders infected by never-before-seen fungus discovered on grounds of destroyed Irish castle 1 month ago:
They better keep that contained to their slice of the planet or I’m gonna have to fuck some shit up… after I’m done cowering in fear.
- Comment on What are some games you like that most people hate and/or were panned by critics? 1 month ago:
Extremely easy question: Sonic The Hedgehog (AKA Sonic '06). Such a buggy mess, but I absolutely loved playing it on 360 and definitely wanna play it again some day.
- Comment on Many people left Meta after Zuckerberg's changes, but user numbers have rebounded 1 month ago:
Looks like the number of bots has increased. No same person would ever create an account on there, not since at least the 2010s.
- Comment on the woke mob made the oscar mayer wienermobile stop throwing the defective factory dogs in the stands at nascar because 17 people “died” and caught “salmonella” 1 month ago:
This feels exactly like a post you’d see boomers sharing all over the Facebook to all their Internet friends.
- Comment on GTA VI Might Inspire Other AAA Developers to Price Their Games at $100 2 months ago:
It’ll push a shit ton of new pirates, thus creating more headaches for them if $100 games become the new normal. It’s almost like they love shooting themselves in the feet with a shotgun and then blaming everyone else as to why they can’t walk like they used to.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of January 20th 2 months ago:
Since I just got my deck repaired, I can continue Sonic Origins on there. Had to install it on my desktop temporarily.
I also just got the summon I wanted tonight in Fire Emblem Heroes: New Year’s Níðhöggr (Nithhoggr). As a casual I see strong unit like her and think I’m gonna be set for a long time, like when I got Heir to Openness Alphonse or Gatekeeper (even though he didn’t last long for me).
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
The funniest thing about conservatives is how they’ll complain the left are a bunch of snowflakes, but you say a single word like trans and they’ll probably explode into a million pieces because you said a bad word that scares them.
- Comment on They just don't understand 2 months ago:
I would love if I could do this, but wouldn’t matter because speeds are bad here most of the time because it’s an apartment complex. I’m just lucky I don’t play online games that require a good connection is all I’m saying.
- Comment on Lemmy is ever vigilant against the AI threat. 2 months ago:
You better not be snooping on me using TOR to do innocent things and failing 3 times because doing CAPTCHA on TOR is like pulling teeth with a nuclear powered jackhammer.