- Comment on Anon is triggered by RedNote 1 day ago:
Bunch of social media addicts. Wow.
- Comment on Just think about it 1 day ago:
Anyone who doesn’t think they should get a decent wage.
- Comment on Welcome to my lair 2 days ago:
Got a beaded curtain in the doorway, too?
- Comment on LPT: always be an asshole so you don't miss great opportunities in life 2 days ago:
It’s easier to be kind and let things go that don’t work out than it is to be an asshole with sociopathic tendencies that everyone remembers.
- Comment on I'm old 3 days ago:
Ah, gotcha. The brief moment of dread I got that I was too old to get why the math was so bad.
- Comment on Boomers with their loud Samsung phone sounds 3 days ago:
Lol, he must hang out in airports a lot.
- Comment on I'm old 3 days ago:
Ok, I give up. If there’s a joke here other than just someone shitty at math I don’t get it.
- Comment on Time to chop wood 3 days ago:
Checks are still useful. When adulting you have to pay bills to the government, various taxes and fees. Unfortunately (yay privatization 😡) in order to accept online payments there are more than a few government agencies that have contracted with private vendors to take electronic payment. Of course this saves tax money so the government doesn’t have to expend IT resources to create a site to do this, especially in smaller municipalities, but it also generates leech middlemen who use their position to extract fees for the convenience of allowing you to pay a bill online. Fuck those businesses.
So the old process of writing a check, finding an envelope and stamp and sending it via regular post is better than giving some shitty leech company a fee for taking money from you and handing it to the agency.
Fax machines? Fuck those things. Thank goodness they’re disappearing. Expecting anyone to have access to a fax anymore is crazy. Most people don’t even have connected phone jacks at home so you have to pay an online fax service to take your document and send it for you. Lots of privacy concerns with that.
- Comment on Boomers with their loud Samsung phone sounds 3 days ago:
Oh, my absolute favorites are the people that have the volume all the way up and send text messages. You get to hear the send/receive text alert over and over. Then there’s the ones that get the phone call with the obnoxiously loud ring, take forever to find their phone, look at it (still ringing loudly) to see who is calling, and don’t silence the ring while they decide whether or not to answer.
- Comment on Trust the process! 3 days ago:
It’s how chicken is processed. Also, yeah it can do the same to beef, especially now that they are using machines to tenderize and dye the beef before it reaches the customer.
Things like steak tartare are cured with salt and very carefully handled. The risk of illness is still there, just greatly reduced thanks to careful prep.
- Comment on Anon tries stand-up comedy 4 days ago:
I saw a video years ago of a stand-up show where they gave different amateur comedians a shot on stage, one guy did exactly this. Didn’t look like he was faking.
- Comment on The cost of college in USA makes no sense anymore 4 days ago:
I’m not arguing for anything, I’m stating how the system works and that college should be a careful consideration and not necessarily a default. Nobody was arguing the position you’re taking. Yes, education should be free, I’m all for it, and cost/benefit is exactly the hurdle that I stated should be considered based on the criteria I mentioned. Until school is free and easy to attend, this is the hand we’re dealt.
- Comment on How rare is it for people to live without anger? 5 days ago:
Start from the perspective that there is a huge machine out there that is monetarily driven to attract views, name whichever business sector you want, but it’s probably going to be something to do with media.
The most successful ways to get views are fear and anger.
Now couple that with people that want fake internet points, get real money, or want to drive you to a place for someone else to make money, and they’re also going to post fear and anger.
Of course this type of information incites some really strong feelings. Couple this with people doing the same with literal lies, distorted and incomplete facts, and even plain old bad spelling, all designed to drive interaction and views, and now you get an internet spammed with hate and anger.
Fear and anger sell like crazy. And everyone wanting a view or a click are posting it everywhere to drive interaction in order to profit in some way.
So I would say that yes, the take you have about this stuff being overrepresented is correct. It’s deliberately overrepresented for engagement reasons.
- Comment on Potash is eternal 5 days ago:
Is that the spreckles story?
- Comment on The cost of college in USA makes no sense anymore 5 days ago:
There is a trend on social media to dismiss college as wasteful and expensive. Article after article after data show college is worth it (for some) if planned right.
No, I don’t really want to entertain any suggestion that there is any conspiracy to drive people to college unnecessarily, however there is a LOT of marketing to get people to go. I have NEVER heard of an employer paying a random, off the street hire, for a degree. I have no idea where that came from. Some employers will pay you, or pay for, advancing your education while employed, but that’s rare.
Unfortunately, people don’t do the math that going to get a $150k degree for a job that starts at $39k/yr that doesn’t have a lot of career progression or very limited high-paying positions might not be a good idea.
Nobody cares which college you went to or how exclusive it was, unless you’re getting a job in a field that compares dicks over what school you went to like high finance, or maybe something like a lawyer or physician could open doors at more exclusive institutions. For the rest of us, finding the least expensive college that will offer a decent education should be the mark. After your first industry job, that’s all anyone cares about. Work experience. Same for going to a trade school - which is a perfectly valid choice if the field you’re interested would be better served by going to one.
Don’t just go to college because that’s magically supposed to make things better. It doesn’t. It needs to be a well planned decision with real possibility of career progression at a pace you can realistically hope to make decent money in to pay back any loans and have an improving lifestyle.
I’ll offer that my experience was going to college handily landed me my first two jobs in my industry, however it took over 20 years of working in my industry before I started making enough money to have anything remotely called a “lifestyle”. Unless you’re well-connected and well heeled headed into an industry with crazy starting pay, you’re not gonna just buy all the toys on day one. Most of us are going to take many years before getting comfortable or even treading water.
- Comment on They believe in life after death 5 days ago:
If they can figure out where to send the bill.
- Comment on Plan B 6 days ago:
You can also avoid military service in Thailand by becoming a monk, but you gotta be one for a good while.
- Comment on Sure. Whatev's 6 days ago:
Same person: “I never eat vegetables.”
- Comment on Par for the course 1 week ago:
A quick scan of Bookchin’s wiki entry really seems at odds with this quote. He simultaneously suggests that there are multiple ways to run economic systems yet seems to indicate that capitalism isn’t one of them. Ah well, if he’s anti-capitalist he’s gonna stick to his guns.
- Comment on iykyk 1 week ago:
- Comment on Career tip #345 1 week ago:
#4, also influencer.
- Comment on Par for the course 1 week ago:
It’s crazy that they could lose 90% of everything and still have more than 99.999% of the population of the planet, yet they keep fighting to make sure they have more and more and even more.
- Comment on oopsie 1 week ago:
The trolls have organized, industrialized, and multiplied like cockroaches. They have also changed from a few phbb forum assholes posting to stir shit and bait people to agenda-driven agents of propaganda. They no longer subsist on lols from making people mad, they get paid money or tribal power.
Also, F the victim blaming that, what…? People should sit back and let the trolls have it all? The fault isn’t with the individuals replying, it’s with the service provider that willingly accepts and pushes such activity for profit and engagement.
- Comment on This could be the costume for a New Super Hero. What would you name him? 1 week ago:
Unmentionable Man
- Comment on A job well done 1 week ago:
It never ceases to amaze me how difficult it is to come up with something worthwhile and original (pedants, no need to point out inspiration or standing on the shoulders of giants) without years of work. Art, science, music, whatever. Yeah, there are lucky one-offs, but even something as simple sounding as “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction” distills the semi-intuitive into something concrete and explainable.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
If OT is spelled out in the hiring contract he’s gonna be hurting later when he gets sued for unpaid wages.
- Comment on Disgusting money driven mindset 1 week ago:
Soft attempt at blacklisting.
- Comment on Wish there was a toggle for it like there is on phones 1 week ago:
After a while there is no conversion necessary. 5 pm is 5 pm is 17:00. They are the same. UTC to local however can get fucked. Time zone variables, daylight standard/savings variables, no thanks.
- Comment on Checking in 1 week ago:
- Comment on Anon buys a TV without researching 1 week ago:
Nice. Totally understandable. We have unlimited DL/UL, but I don’t support leeches on our LAN.