- Comment on Anon sees a happy couple 24 minutes ago:
A lot of women I know would love to get it on with aliens, but are stuck with humans. Mind and gentle Terrans are worth settling for I suppose…
- Comment on Anon sees a happy couple 27 minutes ago:
It’s really be nice to be around. If people enjoy being near you they’ll want to do it more and some will want to date you
- Comment on Anon sees a happy couple 31 minutes ago:
He’s not on 4chan.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 days ago:
And part of the problem is that congress won’t govern. Everything has to be someone highly politics hot button issue with then and when it isn’t they’ll throw it in there anyways. And at this point when I hear bipartisan I ask myself who the democrats are letting get hurt in exchange for permission to operate the government.
Like, can you imagine a constitutional amendment passing today? Or something less difficult like a budget passing without any spite. The infrastructure act shouldn’t have been controversial. Following through on the agreements we made in exchange for Ukraine denuclearizing shouldn’t have been controversial. So now because everything is controversial the executive has to either expand their powers or do nothing, and by doing nothing they don’t get reelected and they don’t get what they want.
Ultimately this is a byproduct of decades of gerrymandering and obstructionism. But yeah it’s resulted in the most competitive position expanding its powers as well as the judiciary doing the same as they’ve realized they can say anything and do anything
- Comment on [deleted] 2 days ago:
It’s common for conservatives in majority groups to have the sort of experience that could imbue empathy for minorities and instead use it to argue for cracking down against them
- Comment on [deleted] 2 days ago:
I assume you mean DEI and not the drug enforcement agency, which is infamously bad. And the FCC has broad powers over broadcasters. That said this definitely feels like a reach of power. Like, this feels like the sort of thing I wouldn’t think they have the internal skill base to do.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 days ago:
Oh jeez I wonder if those two possibilities interact with each other. Fortunately universities in my state aren’t allowed to research such things anymore
- Comment on [deleted] 2 days ago:
I can’t wait for my employer to get in trouble for me being an engineer instead of some cishet white guy who can’t do algebra.
- Comment on How important is flirting within the dating scene? 4 days ago:
Yeah for how big is it? It’s so basic I’ve never considered it might be why some people aren’t getting laid. I’m more likely to assume someone doesnt shower than that they don’t flirt
- Comment on How important is flirting within the dating scene? 4 days ago:
Ok, then to be very clear, yes it matters a lot. I’m a slut. I’ve had an amount of casual and easy sex that it feels cringe talking about on the internet. I’m also married. I always start with flirtation and if someone doesn’t flirt back I stop. Because the alternative is to keep hitting on someone who may be uninterested, which is what creeps do. Theres a range of time that it’s ok to flirt without flirting back, but yeah if you dont initiate and you don’t reciprocate only creeps will ask you out
- Comment on Let's talk...wait... No! Not like that! 4 days ago:
Not all problem, happens to all of us barrel sweep
- Comment on How important is flirting within the dating scene? 5 days ago:
That’s like saying you don’t put in job applications and are trying to figure out why you can’t find employment
- Comment on Let's talk...wait... No! Not like that! 5 days ago:
So many accidental discharges though
- Comment on brain blowing orgasms 5 days ago:
- Comment on Deny it? 1 week ago:
Listen I’m only brickish. I’m semi passing
- Comment on Magnets 1 week ago:
They’re generally better and more reasonable people than anyone would’ve ever guessed. Their fans are too. Generally they’re just traumatized lower class Midwesterners with their hearts in the right places in my experience.
- Comment on I watched Arrival (2016), there was a lot more to it than I was expecting 1 week ago:
Yeah its one of my favorite movies
- Comment on How Could the Weather Service Change Under Trump? President Trump tangled with its forecasters during his first term. As he slashes government spending, many wonder what that means for weather data. 1 week ago:
Killing off my favorite weather website
- Comment on fck yea 1 week ago:
Knowledge always has the capacity to become useful again at some point
- Comment on fck yea 1 week ago:
My high school chemistry teacher was a professional chemist working as a teacher so she’d be home when her kids got home, and yeah I think I had a different experience. Several of our labs were more thermodynamics related. One was to create a temperature based can crushing method. But yeah she’d ask us what we thought would happen and tell us to go figure out. That said we did have the “learn to titrate” labs too, but we were told that’s what was happening.
- Comment on Thank god "shit" is censored 1 week ago:
So given your other comment, a lack of experience is normal here. Speaking as someone who has been on many sides of the ability to get laid spectrum from “nobody will ever fuck me” to regular group sex, to “both of my partners have been in long funks of not wanting sex and I’ve grown too picky for casual” the think you need to understand is that it’s not going to just happen, but trying too hard will ensure it doesn’t.
Go out, meet new people, dress nice for it, and be your most enjoyable to be around self, and start learning to flirt (it’s a skill and everyone starts terrible at it).
- Comment on Thank god "shit" is censored 1 week ago:
Odds are with some level of effort someone is willing to fuck you unless you throw off huge danger flags. Working on your personality, appearance, and social skills just make it so your odds go from largely the sort of people who’d fuck anyone to the sort of people who are more selective
- Comment on Anon gives up on Bitcoin in 2010 2 weeks ago:
The US dollar actually has a basis for its value. It’s the only currency the us government accepts payment in
- Comment on Why do some people assume all immigrants are illegal and should "go back to where they came from"? Shouldn't that logic apply to all non-Native Americans? 2 weeks ago:
Oh i have no doubt they tell native Americans to go back where they came from. Especially folks like Tejanos who speak Spanish and used to be Mexican.
- Comment on Fucking hell 2 weeks ago:
And it makes sense. Ever since Elizabeth served in WWII while she was the crown princess I’d imagine there’s some pressure to match it for royals.
- Comment on Fucking hell 2 weeks ago:
Nah, we’re more a rome style society. In a hundred years after the longstanding madness of the Trumpian dynasty we’ll enter our era of “whomsoever pulls the dagger from the king is the divinely ordained king”
- Comment on Fucking hell 2 weeks ago:
Spain still has a monarchy?
- Comment on Anon is 33 2 weeks ago:
And start walking and counting calories today. Cutting weight can happen later, you start by figuring how much you’re actually eating then slowly reducing it.
And if you start exercising by running while out of shape and obese you’re just going to be too miserable to keep going. So you walk, figure out how much it takes to get exhausted then do it every day you can. I once did 10k steps every day indoors. What was that like? 3 hours of walking in circles. But it was what I could do. From there start trying other things trying to find things that have reasonable impact that aren’t so miserable you won’t do them.
If you have to choose between dieting and exercising, pick exercising. A sedentary lifestyle destroys motivation in all aspects of life. Every other aspect of self improvement is going to take a long time to see real benefit, but it doesn’t take long to get fit enough to notice and it impacts every aspect of your life.
Also numbers are easy to overprioritize. The goal is health. Not some amount you can lift, not some distance you can bike, not a waistline size (though I’ve heard it’s a useful indicator for heart health), not bmi, and not weight. All of those numbers can help you figure out how healthy you might be, but I’ve seen people walk into eating disorders and body dysmorphia over all that and the fact is you don’t need to look like a movie star to be healthy.
- Comment on im soooo normal 2 weeks ago:
Would’ve been funnier if someone else had posted this
- Comment on Anon questions the KKK 2 weeks ago:
I’m in. And we can bring back the thing with women wearing bright red lipstick because Hitler didn’t like it. Am I just imagining rockabilly goths doing antifascist pranks and protests? Yes. Does that reduce this in the slightest? Not in the slightest.