- Comment on my dreams in colour 1 day ago:
I get where you’re coming from, but gendered body expectations are often considered not feminist.
But also that body type is just what I’d expect out of a woman in her mid 30s with kids and an office job. Like yeah, her doctor may want her to lose a few idk, but she’s not fat, just hit the metabolism cliff
- Comment on my dreams in colour 1 day ago:
I don’t think a fit body would be more (or less) feminist. That bit of chub looks like what a lot of women 30+ look like
- Comment on my dreams in colour 1 day ago:
It’s a reference to the frequent elements of racial emasculation in cuckolding content. It also alludes to how that fetish is often brought out of its context due to the reality that it often stems from racialized insecurities.
- Comment on Help 2 days ago:
Yeah its gonna be stressful and I can’t tell you it will go well, but it might. Adventures like this are good for people your age as well. Having a plan for if it goes poorly is a good idea. Video calling beforehand is generally wise because it can guarantee you aren’t being catfished and that you vibe in real time.
Go in expecting a good time and prepared to show a good time. And while it sucks if irl you don’t get along it’s ok. There’s a saying in America that bad times make for good stories. Your teenage and young adult years are for adventures and building experience. It’s scary and exciting and no matter how it goes you’ll probably be glad you did it when you’re older.
My story isn’t even the only great time I’ve had with internet friends. If I’m near anyone I know these days I’ll at least try to swing by for a meal.
So what’s most likely to happen? Probably a generally good time. Nothing life changing in any direction though your age is one in which life is quite malleable and it’s downright common to have life-changing experiences at that age. But it should be fun, and you’ll likely stay friends. It’s quite likely the friendship will be different afterwards but not worse, just closer and informed by how it felt to be in the same space. Inside jokes are likely to happen also.
Thanks, I’m sad it’s needed but also excited and I choose to maintain hope that good will win both here and abroad.
Best of luck, have fun on your trip
- Comment on Hey, do americans just want to take a break from normal politics for a bit and focus all our efforts solely on the wild boar problem? 2 days ago:
Feral pigs are an invasive species that wreak havoc here
- Comment on Help 2 days ago:
Counterexample. Over the pandemic I met some people as a d&d group. Two years later we all met up for a vacation together and had a blast (ok one woman didn’t vibe great but the rest did). This past year at one’s wedding we met each others’ partners and everyone had an amazing time. In fact we had such a good time that when my wife and I were deciding what blue city to flee our red state to we picked the home city of one of those friends, and we’re going to crash with her for a little while while we look for an apartment. In addition to being closer to her, the whole friend group will be on the west coast making trips together easier, which we’re all excited for
- Comment on Asking the important questions. 3 days ago:
Your teachers sucked. Mine would’ve told me to try at home
- Comment on Sounds logical to me 3 days ago:
No because you’d have to be insane to not love Brussels sprouts /s
- Comment on Sounds logical to me 4 days ago:
Yeah as someone not into guys it’s a powerful and unpleasant smell in a very different way. Like when you’re eating something you very much dislike but understand others might love it. This is contrasted to the butt smell where yes some people are into that, but it’s because they’re freaks
- Comment on Sounds logical to me 4 days ago:
It could be man smell and not ass smell
- Comment on Anon touches grass 5 days ago:
Yeah and this is where I fall into the "listen if you’re someone who can’t get laid that hates that these reactionary assholes have made difficulty getting laid into “this” I’m sympathetic. But incels as they actually are have no sympathy from me.
Touch grass, work on your mental health, get a hobby, start participating in society in a constructive manner and start showering.
One of the things that gets to me is how often they mock the advice that actually helps. And I get it, I’ve struggled with mental illness and mocked helpful advice. But fucking hell dude so often the reason they can’t get laid is that nobody wants to spend time with them in any capacity.
- Comment on Free Him! 1 week ago:
Yes. See post for example
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
Also people like him tend to be shit at getting useful data.
- Comment on I kinda do know but I'm posting this as a joke. 1 week ago:
I feel bad for anyone on this website who happens to be named Nicole
- Comment on Anon uses Discord 1 week ago:
Believe it or not, most pedos aren’t super open about it.
- Comment on Anon reads a depressing book 2 weeks ago:
I’m fortunate that the author with my pessimism is Pratchett. Humans, a bunch of terrible little assholes that I love and treasure
- Comment on Equations can't hurt your feelings 2 weeks ago:
Difeq is a horrible pain in the ass until it clicks and becomes easier than that stupid non vector geometric integration. Is it really too much to ask to be allowed to stick to matrices and vectors‽
I’m just grateful I had stats 2 instead of calc 3
- Comment on Equations can't hurt your feelings 2 weeks ago:
No partial credit
- Comment on Nicole got a new outfit! 2 weeks ago:
There are dozens of us
- Comment on Having a baby? Use this one weird trick! 2 weeks ago:
Yeah that’s because we had a whole thing of people claiming that people born enslaved weren’t citizens or eligible to vote
- Comment on Homer Simpson irl 2 weeks ago:
Kept finding geodes filled with fresh human blood huh?
- Comment on Crossbow killer Kyle Clifford was 'fuelled' by Andrew Tate videos before rape and murders, court told 2 weeks ago:
Yeah comparing violent video games and propaganda for violent misogyny is obtuse
- Comment on Crossbow killer Kyle Clifford was 'fuelled' by Andrew Tate videos before rape and murders, court told 2 weeks ago:
Yeah ultimately the reason misogyny needs to be taken so seriously is shit like this and the overturn of women’s rights in some countries.
That said, misogynistic violence is not new and it hasn’t been dormant. You have incidents like the shit what’s his name, the incel with a crush on his sister who shot a bunch of people in California like a decade ago and you can draw a clear line from the École Polytechnique massacre through it to here with many other stops along the way.
Tate is telling boys and young men that they aren’t real men unless they feel entitled to women and act on it. Incels had similar entitlement leading to Jordan Peterson’s “enforced monogamy” stance.
- Comment on Owing your home today is nearly impossible, but even if you did the ever increasing property taxes will bury you 2 weeks ago:
Yeah, this is one of the meanings of “property is theft”. To own land is deny all others that piece of land.
- Comment on wrong again 2 weeks ago:
So what like under a buck per trans person in this country?
- Comment on Trump considering major NATO policy shift 2 weeks ago:
Yeah from backbone of to war with
- Comment on tig ol bitties 2 weeks ago:
Alternatively the second era of mistborn has a woman hiding weapons in her tits
- Comment on What is the name of the sexuality of being into the opposite gender and willing to date the same gender but not finding anyone of the same gender attractive? 2 weeks ago:
Yeah, and like fair. Especially after talking to enough bi people to know that many have a gender they have significantly better or worse taste in, it makes sense. Like I’m a lesbian with great taste in women, but I had to learn to be happy I’m gay.
- Comment on Please answer. 2 weeks ago:
It’s more like they’re the unicorns to angiosperms. Meanwhile non angiosperm plants are the guy who busts a nut on the bus
- Comment on This Cybertruck shaped man is destroying our government 3 weeks ago:
Yeah I always forget that he’s just kinda shaped like a fat guy in a girdle several sizes too small. He probably wasn’t always that shape. This seems to be the masculine version of spherical boobs