- Comment on An independent voter explains why they chose a moronic, oligarcho-fascist demagogue over Joe Biden (c. November 2020) [Day 58] 1 month ago:
The Dems failing to pass helpful legislation is different than scrapping the country and having the peices sold off by Donald Trump
But to a centrist everything that isn’t shoveling ice cream into their stupid maw is equally evil
- Comment on Wobble Wobble 1 month ago:
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
- Comment on Democrats doing the nazi salute 1 month ago:
Yeah i mean the literal country that invented Nazism said it was a Nazi salute, and they would be the #1 expert on that because they invented it, but what does that matter?
What do you think about Elon saying that the Nazi party in Germany was the country’s only way forward a couple months ago during their elections?
- Comment on Democrats doing the nazi salute 1 month ago:
The German government says it’s a nazi salute
- Comment on Democrats doing the nazi salute 1 month ago:
Yeah but i can’t support right wingers in good faith if I aknowledge context
- Comment on Adolf Titler 1 month ago:
I noticed the gums when it was showing him next to barron after trump said drill baby drill
You can see his gums are inflamed and bleeding a bit. It’s hard to capture in a pic but you can see his gums are fucked in that clip
- Comment on Adolf Titler 1 month ago:
Elon Musk wants people to so desperately like him he bought high ranking Diablo 4 and Path of Exile 2 accounts to fake being a hardcore gamer but the community sused him out after like one stream because people could tell he had no idea what he was doing playing on endgame accounts.
Also he was high on Ketamine and probably cocaine during the inauguration, the head rolling he did is a side effect of ketamine and his top gums were bleeding every time he smiled which is a common side effect of cocaine use on the gums.
But he does also have tits like someone who’s flip flopping on HRT
- Comment on The thing about the 80s is that all these people were under 18. 1 month ago:
Also almost any job paid enough to make a living.
Also parents wouldn’t have their kids taken away for letting them spend time alone in public
- Comment on ADL defends Nazi salute 1 month ago:
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
- Comment on Hulu quizzing about the ads played 1 month ago:
Every movement is demonized by the billionaire media, whether or not people agree with it. onsent is effectively manufactured for our government to crush dissent on behalf of their donors.
If you come up with something let me know, but in the mean time we will probably see more vigilanties.
- Comment on Hulu quizzing about the ads played 1 month ago:
It’s just a historical fact
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Religious conservatives are trained from childhood to unwaveringly believe things that can’t be proven, and teaches that malice is the only acceptable way to get dopamine.
- Comment on Hulu quizzing about the ads played 1 month ago:
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
- Comment on After shutting down several popular emulators, Nintendo admits emulation is legal 1 month ago:
Strange that they targeted Palworld but not any of the other monster collector games that came out in the last 10 yesrs that weren’t nearly as successful.
They don’t need the money, but them wanting other developers money is what makes them do these petty lawsuits. And if they really wanted the money then they could have just made the pokemon game that Palworld ended up filling the niche for.
But they’re lazy and greedy instead of a fun games company so they choose to hire lawyers to suppress real competitors
- Comment on After shutting down several popular emulators, Nintendo admits emulation is legal 1 month ago:
If they spent half their lawyer money on making good games they wouldn’t be losing money to competition
- Comment on Genshin Impact Game Developer Will be Banned from Selling Lootboxes to Teens Under 16 without Parental Consent, Pay a $20 Million Fine to Settle FTC Charges. 1 month ago:
Playing games is different than manipulating money out of minors.
You know too
- Comment on Genshin Impact Game Developer Will be Banned from Selling Lootboxes to Teens Under 16 without Parental Consent, Pay a $20 Million Fine to Settle FTC Charges. 1 month ago:
Yeah Lina Khan is fired the second Trump takes office, and she’s the one opening up all these antitrust suits
- Comment on Genshin Impact Game Developer Will be Banned from Selling Lootboxes to Teens Under 16 without Parental Consent, Pay a $20 Million Fine to Settle FTC Charges. 1 month ago:
Then ban that shit too
We shouldn’t allow corporations to psychology manipulate children.
- Comment on Steam has the best UI 1 month ago:
There’s a current effort being made by games companies who see themselves as a competitor to valve to sow criticisms of Valve in online spaces.
A ton of it is inorganic.
- Comment on What's Rednote and why is "everyone" talking about it? 1 month ago:
- Comment on Steam has the best UI 1 month ago:
Really insane that companies will pay for memes like this to be posted but refuse to develop viable competition
- Comment on 小红书 1 month ago:
It is if you want to stick it to the domestic authoritarian
- Comment on 小红书 1 month ago:
Remember that authoritarian regimes spying on people is only ok when it’s the US who does it!
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Do you think Nazis and Stalinists were left wing?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Labor is the left wing party in the UK
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Tankies are right wing
- Comment on The cost of college in USA makes no sense anymore 1 month ago:
Cool we all know how the system works, you saying it when it’s not needed implies you are supporting and reinforcing it.
You are implying you agree with it by playing devils advocate.
And that’s conditioning to prevent solutions to probems.
- Comment on BLT 1 month ago:
In the US you get to choose between having mental illness from being employed or having mental illness from being homeless!
You’re free, to choose one of those two things.
- Comment on The cost of college in USA makes no sense anymore 1 month ago:
They have you advocating for the devil instead of wanting a better system.
Nobody should pay money for education. The government should finance schools directly as public services like most civilized countries.
It’s completely unreasonable to expect literal children to do future cost benefit analysis and gamble with their degrees.
Tying min wage to inflation would also fix these wage issues.
But tbh nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
- Comment on UUGGHHHH pick a lane ! 1 month ago:
If they want more financial equals they can start redistributing their wealth whenever they feel like it.
Sounds like the team of billionaires who want to end the human race is having staffing issues.