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I’d cancel any service that did this to me.
Submitted 2 months ago by to
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I’d cancel any service that did this to me.
Right? We don’t have nice things because we put up with bull crap.
Immediate uninstall and cancel.
Fuck that.
I already don’t subscribe to Hulu, but I want to do my part to fight this.
Is there something I can do actively to cost them money?
Help teach other people to pirate
It was a pretty good few years, but unfortunately the enshitification was a slow and painful burn at the end there…
I found the answer! It’s…/hulu-cancel-hulu-subscription
Okay, let’s not go mad. This is a streaming service. They are greedy assholes but they aren’t actively killing people.
Is this fucking real? Get fucked, mainstream media, if this is the case. Plenty of books and old games to keep me occupied until Alzheimers hits, and then occupied again afterwards
This isn’t mainstream media.
This is capitalism.
This is a company making a product, selling it for a given price, then making additional money from embedded ads.
Whether that ad revenue is additional profit, or to offset the actual cost of the item - because the sold it at a loss to beat their competitors - doesn’t really matter.
This is the consumer paying for something, and not getting a full and complete product
Mainstream media and capitalism are part of the same bullshit
Aiight, Lemmy.
Can’t be quizzed over ads if you pirate everything.
You can pirate the ads and quizzes
A friend of mine in college pirated a japanese show which included the ads. The first episode seemed to have subs with legitimate translations. The rest of the season the subtitle author had fun and changed them to make fun of the ads. It was pretty funny.
There were no quizzes though…
I was wondering how I should prepare for the tests
Piracy is a hassle, the convenience of streaming made the cost worthwhile. They’ve forgotten this. Once the cost outweighs the convenience, the hassle won’t seem like such a hassle anymore.
It’s not a hassle at all. I use my phone to tell my computer what I’m interested in watching. It automatically downloads that, and when I’m ready to watch something it streams to my TV. After I’m done with it, my computer removes it.
As a person who uses stremio; not only is it not more of a hassle than streaming services, it’s WAY less. Astronomically so. You set it up once and you have literally everything
Only upfront effort. Downloading is almost as much of a hassle as choosing what to play tonight.
Once it’s on the disk it’s fair game.
Kodi, Seren add-on and a debrid provider like Premiumize gets me better service than any streaming provider. Multiple source streams on any show in the last couple decades and every movie way earlier than is available from any source I’ve ever seen. If its not available as a cached stream, I can queue a torrent file at their end and stack them up until I’m ready to watch it, but I’ve rarely had to do that.
I would immediately cancel any service that does that.
I actively avoid advertising. I’ve cancelled Amazon prime now it has advertising.
I got Sky’s Internet TV here in the UK - a supposedly premium service yet the first VOD demand show I streamed I found it had adverts and you had to pay more to be able to fast forward through them. I immediately cancelled.
These companies are greedy as fuck, and driven by the stupidity of always trying to be “growing” to grow their share prices. That just means always trying to save money and take more money from their customers. Enshittification is a result of the stupidity of the stock markets.
I was on Amazon Prime for years.
Then in the space of one year they decided that listening to an album in order was now a “premium” feature, and that ads would be shovelled into everything.
Sure, I lost the “free” shipping, so now I hardly buy anything from Amazon either. I see this as an absolute win.
same i was really buying a lot of pointless shit it turns out lol
I cancelled Prime over a year ago and for some reason I still get “Prime” delivery. I don’t get the games, movies, or Twitch stuff but if I order something it shows up faster than when my partner does.
So, I don’t hate that about Amazon… Everything else keeps me from ordering there unless there’s no other options.
It’s as if they want you to torrent stuff again.
And funnily I feel less worse than the last time (before netflix arose)…
I cancelled Amazon Prime the second they sent me that email.
My GF then got her own subscription within less than a month so it nets out as 0 loss to Bezos in the end…
Sometimes i imagine him pointing and laughing at me
Sky really pisses me off. They have exclusive rights to the F1 in the UK, but you need to pay a fortune for it, as you have to have the base sky package plus sky sports (I think) plus sky sports F1.
Probably comes to over £50/month for something that’s on every other weekend on average, and they still show ads! If there’s a subscription, there shouldn’t be any ads.
If all you want is F1, and you kniw someone who lives ina country where F1TV is available, try booking F1TV through them. It’s 50€/year.
Yep and its never going to get better if you stay, only worse
Please drink the verification can
I’m pretty over the whole “4chan dystopian joke becomes real life” thing. Corpo dickheads, you can stop now.
Extremely infuriating. Fuck that, pirate hat stays firmly in place.
Yep my media server is better quality and I can share it with my friends
Somewhere someone thought this was a good idea.
Fuck that individual specifically, fuck head…
We need a name
Das Capital.
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
checks news for Luigi fallout
I’m not sure even that even sways them. They think it won’t happen to them.
Because right now they think he was a lone nut job. It couldn’t possibly happen again. We need to prove them wrong.
I just think it’s missing the real culprit twice. We are not being punished and harvested by other people, but by giant entities that are soulless, with global access to replacement humans when one of their crop dies. It will just regrow its pilot instantly. It’s much more concerned about focusing efforts on its legal team to ensure it gets any profit and power the event might have left on the table.
Similarly, when a zealot notices the slaying of one of their own, they do not think it could be them, they think about the vacant spot and the entailing power vacuum in the ranks of this entity. Humanity is a weakness and disease to them because, unsurprisingly, it is how you rise in favour with any of these odious entities.
In society, the states have collectively chosen to worship and dedicate their life to the psychopathic entities, have elevated them first to being “legally human” whatever that means, and then beyond that, by giving them control over law and enforcement so they can punish anyone dissenting their overlords.
Instead of resorting to clandestine conspiracies or infiltration that you might expect, people in these states are out in the open proudly celebrating the progression of the insane dark entities elevation to absolute power and esteem. “They are more human than us”, they proclaim, “they should have more rights than us. We owe it to them to collectively increase our efficiency and meet the demands so they can lead us to salvation.”
Viciously the weak are considered insufficient, and it hurts me to the bones. Whenever any societal issue appears that clearly asks “is humanity more important, or the overlords that provides for it?” the choice is not even a question for the followers any longer, but straight up considered an insult. “Why should it not be allowed to use indiscriminately any resource that are not part of the church? It is able to, and it has all its legal rights in order. It provides for us. Look what the entity has given us. Repent, bow and work, or you will not be a sacrifice, but a casualty.”
Some time ago, the knowledge that the entities are summoning some demonic ice age and that the last chance to survive as a species is nearing, most people chose to deny the research, for the chance to climb socially in the ranks of their respective churches by proving their loyalty. The current human leader destroying the research openly, poised to imprison any dissenters. No significant amount of people seemed upset in the states that the entities have now claimed as their sovereign.
Every country on earth cowers before the dark entities and the fervent zealousry of their worshippers. They wear masks of defeated ideologies. The world’s most powerful military force continually wage excessive one-sided wars in the name of democracy, the face of its sword arm an obscene twist of the idea that people should vote and choose laws via representation, not by force or persuasion. It wears the skin of anything it has eaten and impersonate it not as a disguise but as a means to rally its zealots for battle.
Luckily, if you have concerns about the irreversible damage these things are doing, a dismissive jeer the most common response, but the collective immune system of the entities is now very close to making it punishable to speak out on concerns of humanity and our species survival.
It is of no concern of the zealots of course, that can enjoy up to 3 free hours a day that the churches generally allows for sleep. Vying for relative power in the ranks of the church is occupying their thoughts day in and day out as they climb over each other like crabs in a bucket. It’s more fun right now and they might get a better death when the doom comes. It’s ironic that the gluttony and greed are parts of humanity it did not take from us. It causes a deadlock. It’s hard not to believe it is pure malice engineering the end of our species, but that’s what most people believe. That we are killing ourselves. That we are inherently incapable of greatness due to our egoism. That degrading defeatism is hard to believe when we spend our entire day doing altruism for the entities. We have food money and resources enough for every human several times over. We have chosen to give it for safekeeping in the belly of the beast. But I love you anyway good night
Man, I’m so mad I want to upvote this, even though I think it’s a lot more complicated than that.
It’s just a historical fact
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”
If you are paying for this shit, you are part of the problem.
Or just tolerating this shit.
Why would anyone put up with the attack that is advertising? If it requires you to watch ads, it’s not worth it. You wouldn’t sit through a free movie if it meant a stranger showing up every few minutes and offering to let you rim them, (it’s not that no one wants what their offering, it’s that they don’t care whether you’re interested or not. They’re still going to show you their asshole) why would you allow a similar violation of your mind?
a free movie
That’s the point. The movie isn’t free. You pay for the admission by rimming that guy. If you don’t want to do that, go to a different cinema and pay with money.
How old are you? The reason I ask is because it was very common to watch movies with ads via free-to-air TV in the 90s, at least in families that didn’t have cable TV.
Yeah, there’s a history here. That being said, newspapers have included ads and purchase fees for a long time AFAIK.
Similar violation? How in the actual fuck is watching a few ads in anyway whatsoever even close to what you described?
Why would anyone put up with the attack that is advertising?
It’s quite simple because not think the exact way you do and have the same priorities.
you’re right. at least, depending on the person, there’s a chance rimming could be enjoyable. not so with ads that quiz you.
I’m, that’s how over the air broadcasting is funded. You watch commercials. It’s been this way since television started.
Aaaannnnd this just resolidifies my decision to not engage with streaming services. What a load of shit.
hulu is owned by disney. encourage canceling disney+ too just for good measure
This is a brand lift study. It’s almost worthless: Hulu is paid nearly zero for it. I can’t believe they’ve stooped this low to scrape so little incremental revenue with such a customer hostile tack. Their product and analytics people must truly suck and completely lack awareness of counter metrics.
That’s exactly what I was thinking.
Except you have to watch out and buy TVs that don’t show ads by themselves these days…
To prevent this from happening, you should always check RTINGS first before buying a TV (or any electronics, for that matter). Scroll down to the “Ad-Free” section for the review of the TV you’re considering.
Am I behind the times? I don’t use a television. I use a desktop computer with monitors. The television itself will show ads.?
Exactly, it’s really the perfect combination, to be honest. For what? $3 a month? Outrageous?
Or go to one of the streaming websites like 123 movies or whatnot and use an ad blocker. Same experience to an extent.
Yeah it’s €16 for 6 months of all the content you could ever care to stream, straight to your living room. So yeah, about $2.75/mo USD. Deal of the century.
The addon support for Stremio is huge, allowing you to customize your feed exactly how you like it. A good addon for example is, which recommendeds content based on your viewing habits. Perfect for people who are too dependent on Netflix/Disney/Max/etc. and their algorithms.
it’s very difficult for me to describe to other people how good this setup is. it’s not “check home assistant” good. it’s not “use 1password to store your passwords” good. it’s almost “just download more ram” good
When Hulu still had ads when you bought a subscription, I swore I would never pay them ever again. That was around 2014. I have stuck to it, and every year I am reminded why. Fuck Hulu.
They’re really doing everything in their power to destroy their own business model, aren’t they?
I’m always a bit dumbfounded how many people are apparently fine with this sort of thing. I wish this was obviously a death sentence or pr nightmare for the service but in practice it must not be for a lot of people, enough to make it worth attempting.
This is squeezing money out of a dying service. That’s all.
Hulu is, IIRC, mostly owned by Disney and on its way out. But it was always in an awkward place, without the critical mass of Netflix or some other giant tech/content ecosystem (Amazon, Apple, Disney and such) to push it. In hindsight, it’s kinda laughable that anyone thought it would last.
They are owned by the cable company, so who knows.
How many? Turn off TV, unsubscribe from Hulu rows.
Somebody better tell Sony about this. I’m sure they want to cash in from their patent being infringed.
:p /s
The dreaded future of advertising is here. Next step, in your face as you do your daily stuffs.
Theyre making it easier to switch back to pirating by the day
I have one TV for my PC monitor and one for, well, TV. Both hardwired to the network, no external network access. Wrote a quick PS script to switch from one to the other or both, made it into an EXE with buttons, très chic. Everything streams off a crappy USB drive “RAID” array. OpenVPN server with Digital Ocean, hosted in Amsterdam, $6/month. DONE.
I’m not on some crusade against capitalism, I simply choose not to participate in bullshit like this.
“Our’research has determined that we can fill up to 90% of the visual field with advertisements before inducing seizures!”
Corporations all genuinely want to be that guy so fucking bad, just because they think that if they do become him, they might actually starry to finally feel something… anything. Or they think if they become that guy their father might say "I love you " for the first time or some other sad “this is why I’m a serial killer” shit.
If you answer wrong, what does it do? Refuse to show you any more of the program you are paying them to provide?
Oh wait, I know. It shows another ad, right? That’s gotta be it. We’ll keep showing you ads until you fucking pay attention!
Does it delete random pieces of your data if you give it a wrong answer? 2 months ago
It’s finally here…
Image 2 months ago
And the example they use is a guy shooting another guy on TV.
🦅 2 months ago
As long as it’s not a breast 2 months ago
America, Fuck Yeah 2 months ago
Its the second comercial 2 months ago
You don’t have to answer the question you know. It’s shitty, yes, but it’s not forcing anything to happen. 2 months ago
Not yet… 2 months ago
Error. Please drink a verification can.
Image 2 months ago
The problem will not continue without answering