- Comment on So the flurry of flying embers that were blowing around in California, is that commonly how fire spreads? 20 hours ago:
- Make controlled burns the engineers said.
- Create fire barriers.
- Stop putting lots of plant life where ground fires might run thru. -All of this was said by Indians, engineers, and people from other countries where they have similar annual burn cycles. Yet here we are, “is it normal to see fire embers wafting thru the street like a lost vacationer?” So what do politicians do? Cut fire fighter funds for the democrats, and trump literally said “rake the forest to remove stuff that burns.” Like… The whole forest… The forest that is bigger than San Francisco… Are they gonna use homeless??? Cuz he’s deporting all the manual labor immigrants. Republicans and Democrats are not going to help you. They are the problem. Both need to be removed from office with extreme prejudice.
- Comment on I don't think they understand. We're interviewing them too. 2 days ago:
Toxic bosses need not post job offers. I would rather work at a McDonald’s with a good mgmt team, than a small company with hiring expectations like this. I also refuse to shop at your business if you see your employees this way.
- Employers; answer the damn questions, then move on, what’s important to you isn’t going to matter to your job candidate, what’s important to them is earning an honest days pay that will cover their expenses, and their responsibilities, like making sure to fulfill their requirements to their previous employer which is something you want them to do for you when they leave.
- If you can’t pay enough that YOU could cover rent and a car payment off the pay, then you shouldn’t be hiring, and if you can’t treat your employees, and job candidates with respect, then you deserve to be a job candidate yourself instead of a business owner.
- Comment on After shutting down several popular emulators, Nintendo admits emulation is legal 3 days ago:
I was a life long Nintendo fan boy. I have every system excluding the virtual boy cuz of the headaches, and the Wii u because I was under employed when it released. I stopped buying Nintendo after Gary Bowser, their software is janky, and bad for 2000’s level of web portal. I had already complained to Nintendo as a long term investor, and instead of innovating their software and hardware, they litigate away anything that might be considered competition and sue into poverty anyone that alters the devices. I never altered my switch, but I stand on the side of the hackers because Nintendo desperately needed to create a quality software core for their switch family. They want their software to be an extremely basic game launcher, and in modern software terms, that’s just incompetent. I stopped buying Nintendo because Nintendo stopped innovating their software, started litigating their profits, and relied solely on old worn out IP instead of creating something new and fresh. You know how many new games are gonna launch on switch 2? Less than 5. Know what one of the first 10 games is gonna be? Mario. Want another? Probably a racing game that’s another rehash but has something blandly new and shiny, like space ship racing with gerbils(instead of diddy Kong racing, or jet ski racing etc). Nintendo has no new IP ideas, and while I was mostly OK suffering through the tired old crap to get to whatever gameplay innovation they made, they seem to have abandoned the gameplay innovation entirely, and are just suing people to force them to play their games the way they want, even if they already received money for the game and system. Whatever they might have in store for the switch 2, so long as Gary Bowser is living in debt to Nintendo, I will never purchase another Nintendo product new, ever again, and I will only purchase used if they have an absolute banger of a game, but I’m only buying that used as well. No profit to Nintendo. I can buy off eBay.
- Comment on Par for the course 6 days ago:
The gender identity of your work places energy is not the damn problem. Raise the damn pay. People will work in a sewer if you paid enough.
- Comment on Yaay 1 week ago:
This is definitely in my top 10 reasons to be single in January. I’d also throw my shoe, but I have weird feet and it costs a lot to replace them, and once you touch it, The pinworms have it.
- Comment on Anon gets a job 1 week ago:
Where is $17 a lot of money? In your parents basement??? I guess tendies would be covered for this greentext. Get an education and get double that, still be broke, and still work until your mental breakdown, at which point if all of you’s can organize your break downs to align, we might be able to take that mental anguish out of the 1% families who’s houses are burning in the palisades. Yeah I said it, the universe hates the palisades. Burn baby burn.
- Comment on What's the endgame when the rich have all the money? 1 week ago:
Ditch the planet, let us have the wastelands, if they can’t just execute us first, or starve us to a more controllable population level. They want it to be them, and a small number of us to do the jobs they couldn’t or refuse to automate. This is the only answer that makes sense with everything they do. They aren’t stupid, they aren’t trying to destroy their own habitat, so their end game either doesn’t include us, or doesn’t include the planet entirely.
- Comment on parent 3 who? 🤔 3 weeks ago:
Dudes mommy is out telling people to work, and his wide ass is claiming we need more h1-b Vida’s because there’s not enough engineers. There’s plenty of engineers, they didn’t pay us enough, so we walked the hell out, now Mr republican golden immigrant is saying to fix their shitty mistake, we need more immigrants. These fuck faces will do literally ANYTHING other than pay a fair wage based against cost of living. Musk deserves the Gaddafi treatment… 100%. If rent is 2k a month, that’s 24k a yr, after taxes, making $25 an hour, you bring home around 35k, that leaves 11k for food, car payments (cuz you can’t afford to live within walking distance of anything), gas, clothing, insurance, appliances, maintenance, and emergencies. The problem isn’t “there’s no engineers” the problem is greedy oligarchs that don’t see a problem with you having 0 social mobility.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Well then the boomer bitches can pay enough for us to live 10-15 mins from work, not a 2 hr drive in rush hour. This close eyed brutal existence they are forcing on us is about to implode on them. The barbarians kicked over the oil, they dropped their torches into it, and they are currently sharpening sticks to roast the ruling class with. This is not a damn game. You stole our lives from us, now we want yours. (The actual life, not your quality of living)
- Comment on master manipulators 4 weeks ago:
The whole world is lit by gaslight. Gaslight people into buying gas cars, gaslight people into overpaying for a house by hundreds of thousands of dollars, gaslight you into a kamala vs trump fake fight. First world women gas lighting that they are real people, not literal walking talking personality disorders that the created themselves. At least the cats give affection.
- Comment on Like Elon Musk, 1 in 3 bosses admit they are pushing RTO because they're so upset about wasting money on all those empty desks 4 weeks ago:
The great reset is coming, it’s nipping at their heals, soaking into the top of their eyelids like exhaustion, the darkness is creeping in from all the edges, making them wonder how close it will get, if it will truly envelope them as they’ve been warned
- Comment on Companies issuing RTO mandates “lose their best talent”: Study 4 weeks ago:
Return to office is literally a hail Mary play. Covid sent us all home, now the corporate real estate is tetering on collapse because no one needs office buildings. By any means necessary. DON’T GO BACK TO OFFICE! The office buildings will eventually be turned into rental apartments because the owners are desperate for money! Make them spend the inevitable government bailout on retro furnishing their buildings into apartments so the rent can finally drop, and people earning 70k a year with no debt can afford more than a 2bedroom apartment while being unable to save. Also blackrock will lose…a LOT of money, which just makes me really happy as a person.
- Comment on Voters 4 weeks ago:
US citizens when it’s time to replace democrats and republicans? We sleep. Us citizens when their favorite sports team wins OR loses a big game? We riot.
- Comment on They're trying to charge Luigi with terrorism! Imagine that! 4 weeks ago:
Who do we charge with terrorism for people being forced to watch their loved ones die from preventable causes that were denied treatment and cures by insurance companies? Asking for some revolutionaries I might or might not know.
- Comment on Was Trumps "booming economy" proof that "trickle down" policy actually works?? 2 months ago:
It doesn’t. The riches tax cuts are still in affect, the lower earners had their taxes increased with no increase in wages. Trickle down economics doesn’t work because people are selfish.
- Comment on Absolutely nothing happened June 1989 3 months ago:
They felt the same way the Kent State Students felt before the attack.
- Comment on Nintendo filed a lawsuit against Pocketpair, Inc. 3 months ago:
Stop buying Nintendo. They can’t create quality new IP’s, just rehashes over and over, at this point she ain’t got a peach, bowser mashed it into a pie, and Mario’s eating it for breakfast, lunch, an after dinner snack.
- Comment on Deficiencies 4 months ago:
If people could only share useful information that helps people like this, the world would be a better place. Search out the deficiencies, tell others how to satiate them once you find the way!!! Vitamin D, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, and Kelp(for iodine, but kelp allows for enormous idodine intake). Those vitamins all work together and help you to feel great!
- Comment on How to decide what kind of controller one should purchase? 4 months ago:
Bought a wired eswap thrustmaster pro. Refuse to use anything else ever again. Been a default controller that came with the console guy for most of my life before that. An actual game changer. Button pushes always register, the joysticks are damned responsive, and it feels quality with internal parts being made of metal. It was pricey, but it was damn worth it.
- Comment on I think I am socially ostrasized, what should I do? 4 months ago:
Get a degree, get a dog, make art not friends.
- Comment on If Russia takes out all the Internet cables like the news is saying. How much of that traffic can be re-routed to satellite? 4 months ago:
By internet based, I meant attacking the internet itself, not attacking thru the internet, my mistype
- Comment on If Russia takes out all the Internet cables like the news is saying. How much of that traffic can be re-routed to satellite? 4 months ago:
Mid year 2018, maybe it was 2019, there was a massive internet outage. Closest guesstimate to the causes was a truck with their boom up ran through an intersection clipping fiber and power lines, and a fiber bundle was accidentally cut in a separate incident, this was all state side. Internet went down for nearly every ISP, services dead, country wide it was found we don’t have redundancy like we thought. You see, when internet lines are built out, the lines are divided up to different owners and leases, those third parties sell backup internet services to major isp’s, but no one was checking if the backup was running across the same infrastructure at any point, sales was selling, and the backup lines worked and we never had a full bundle break previously that was carrying main and backup bundles. When this outage happened, it hit Russia as well. Russia had an internet outage because of 2 bunlde breaks in the US. This tells me they are linked to the US network, and might infact be capable of doing multiple nefarious activities that made use of the wide open hole we had in our infrastructure. Now I don’t know if our infrastructure was patched, they kept that above most peoples pay grade. But the weakness was there, and it was on display to the entire world plain as day. They could either poison our networks/DNS/routing tables/etc with their high-speed connections, or just use it as a heartbeat to see the success of internet based attacks.
- Comment on How do people in this day in age become nazis/neonazies sexist or even incels when there is so much knowledge against it? Do they get anything out of being that way? 4 months ago:
Wiccans name men incels, the name itself, involuntary celibate indicates they are there of some one else’s doing. They do this to ugly men, quiet men, and men they see as a threat. So why do you think they made themselves some thing involuntarily through not having knowledge? Are you trolling, or genuinely confused how the wiccan rape cult has destroyed society? Or are you just looking to attack men you think are less than you? Word matter, so how does a shy or fat guy deserve to be incels for how they look or act? Or do you not care about your victims? This misandrist sexism you’re pushing is tired and out of date, it’s literally what broke society. You need to rethink your entire thesis on society, because you’re deadly wrong, and society is changing with or without YOU.
The wiccan rape cult also finds its roots in Nazism as it came here after the fall of Germany. Men aren’t the problem, but if you feel they are, you’re definitely part of the problem.
- Comment on How the fuck do you meet new people? 4 months ago:
All right, this is gonna sound absurd maybe, but it works. Act like you lost something and ask people nearby if they can help you find it -contact lense, key, library card, etc, then strike up a conversation while they help you look. If they are rude then it’s not a person you was to be friends with. You might want to drop something so you aren’t meeting them on a full lie.