- Comment on nuked from orbit 7 hours ago:
This verbal smack down could have been avoided had he read probably anything about her from online and didn’t only know her because she dated a Foosball player.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 17 hours ago:
So long as there is people living in a place, having kids, and trying to improve their lives, the places will remain. The government may change, social structure’s get overhauled, but the same fact that people are having kids and building a life means those places are unlikely to go away. The old republic is dead. We have supreme court justices taking bribes then passing judgments saying they can. We have the position of President where anyone in it can legally say “I was doing it for my country the laws don’t apply.” And get away with it. The United States of America as a Democratic Republic, is over. But there still exists a United States of America that has transitioned to a Democratic Empire/kingdom. So to the question; “Is the USA screwed?” The simple answer is No. It will continue on so lobg as the population does. Is the Democratic Republic of the United States screwed? Bitch be dead, screw the corpse if you like.
- Comment on Basic courtesy 3 days ago:
I usually put my cart away if the parking lot is full. Otherwise, that’s what they pay the cart wranglers for, to wrangle stray carts. I even used to work at Kmart decades ago as a cashier and wrangled charts when the lines died down, so if the lots not full, and the employees are paid to recover the carts and as I know, it’s a nice break to wander the parking lot instead of ringing people up, idk who is really upset about carts being left to their own devices… It does suck when the wind blows a cart into you or your car, but that’s pretty rare… I do make sure my cart doesn’t just roll off when I’m done, no need to send a cart missile careening across the parking lot, but otherwise I’ve never seen a good reason to not leave your shopping cart in an empty lot.
- Comment on Trump Suggests No Laws Are Broken if He’s ‘Saving His Country’ 5 days ago:
He isn’t suggesting. He is stating the exact thing the supreme court ruled on. Anyone elected president can do whatever they want no matter how “illegal” and they are immune from prosecution IF what they were doing was in service to the country. This is what Democrats flopped over on that proved to me they are in on it. No supreme court term limits, or adjusting the way judges are appointed. Trump won’t be the worst. The worst likely hasn’t even gotten their public debut yet, they will execute their political opponents, take whatever they want, and rule like a modern Caesar, then maybe the congress will revolt and kill them, but the congress will never return their ill-gotten power, they want it for themselves.
- Comment on Mobius tape 5 days ago:
Ooooooo I hate you so much… Here’s how much! Does your subconscious have a conscience? A subconscious conscience? Yeah bitch you can’t stop saying it, melted my brain welcome to my world.
- Comment on Working below minimum wage to save the planet 5 days ago:
When you can’t earn money, then, time isn’t money, Money IS Money! Sure that device costs $5 to replace, but with those two hours that you weren’t earning cash, you saved $5 that you can spend on whatever your heart desires. When you aren’t earning, save.
- Comment on Anon discovers real life 6 days ago:
There is groups of people that will out right ruin your life because they believe it somehow improves their own. But they are statistically a very small portion of the population. So long as you avoid the " energy vampires" and stick to the Normie’s, you are likely fine to go out and make friends just; shower, manscape/ladyscape, be friendly, and people will likely respond to you positively. However; if you are out being curteous, friendly, generally positive, and people are reacting negatively, congrats you found energy vampires. If it keeps happening you are being hunted by energy vampires. If it only happens around certain friends, those friends at best are energy vampire familiars and they are dragging you to be fed on. Be aware, and always keep in mind nothing is stopping you from leaving. I’ve known more than a handful of people including myself that decided it was better and safer to just walk 20-30miles in the middle of the night rather than enduring the people they were with. It may not be a fun to do all that walking, but spending energy on a easy exercise like walking is better than spending emotional energy on people that just want to hurt you to get a buzz.
- Comment on Rock on Fedi 6 days ago:
Lemmy from Lemmy and sqiugy, and frediverse which is multiple time line versions of Freddie from Scooby doo. They only sing ghost busters cover versions. Somehow they are the best band in history.
- Comment on I mean I would totally give it a try 1 week ago:
As a person that once dated a person that had an actual psychotic break, beat me up cuz I wouldn’t fight back, tried to beat the police up, and pretty much ruined my happy days for awhile… I would need to know the inmates criminal history, and their mental history, I mean I could date a federal inmate if they were in for embezzlement, or theft of 10k or more if it was from a non corporate entity, but “I tried to kill my husband with a knife”. Naw I’m good.
- Comment on This didn't work... back to the basement! 1 week ago:
If people are worth talking to, then you will be drawn to talk to them. There is literally an over abundance of assholes everywhere. You’re not shy, you’re living in a world of unworthy assholes. Make yourself worthy and forget them.
- Comment on Nothing a whole lotta *COPE* can't fix 2 weeks ago:
Here’s the kicker for most people, THOUGHT EXPERIMENT TIME!!! : for non home owners, how far would you move, and what kind of a career change would you accept in order to be guaranteed an actual house with a mortgage you can definitely afford even serving French fries at McDonalds, and is guaranteed to be paid off within 15yrs? Would you walk away from your current career carte blanche? Cash out your retirement and work construction on homes with the understanding one of the homes you work on is yours at a cost you WILL be able to afford when they are all completed? I personally can’t think of a job I wouldn’t do except prostitution, and naked body shows, meaning I would clean toilets, I would clean dog shit, I would clean up after nasty sex shows so long as i got proper biohazard protection gear, I would walk away from a 20+ yr career as an IT Engineer to learn basic and then advanced construction. I bet I’m not alone.
- Comment on "Poetic take" on the state of the US 2 weeks ago:
I dunno which version this is from, but damn, this was in a letter to Christians of the times, PEOPLE DIDN’T CHANGE! Interesting, and sad.
- Comment on (:3) 2 weeks ago:
Now gently tug on my hair while telling me the only way things have ever meaningfully changed is when physical violence was cast against the right people and I’ll be halfway to not caring you’re all yellow and probably have a Simpsons penis.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 2 weeks ago:
I personally have mad bo staff skills. I fear no man. Grizzly’s scare me, but no man.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 2 weeks ago:
Bitch wouldn’t be so scared if she had mad bo staff skills… Napoleon tried to show ya’ll, but everyone just laughed… Tina you fat lard come and get some dinner!
- Comment on Gemini wont talk about Bernie Sanders 2 weeks ago:
Gemini sounds like me in my 20’s “don’t talk trouble, won’t be trouble”
- Comment on I am in the US and its gotten very political but as pretty much a peon do I just tune the stuff out thinking its fear mongering? Or should I closely pay attention to it? 3 weeks ago:
You get used to a specific tone, and if you hear that tone, based on previous experience, you recognize it is probably bullshit. Then you start to tune out the bullshit, sometimes you might still miss something important, but that happens anyways. Check out what people are saying, if it’s actually true, you can decide if it actually should be a concern to you as an individual. Don’t believe “immigrants are destroying the country” without working with some as equals at a job. Same with other rage bait.
- Comment on hey neighbor, where's your router? 3 weeks ago:
Alternatively, shoot the router and become a media sensation.
- Comment on hey neighbor, where's your router? 3 weeks ago:
Just download the internet to one of those infinite USB drives from China. Boom. No more searching.
- Comment on Day 194 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 3 weeks ago:
I too hide in video games from what god created IRL.
- Comment on WTH is going on with the price of a quart of Hydrogen Peroxide? 3 weeks ago:
Walmart sells em for $1 a large brown bottle. Idk how much it is, but I buy 10 at a time
- Comment on Stay strong, fellas 💪🏻 4 weeks ago:
I’ll outlive all my enemies so I can piss on their grave with oddly colored pee because I won’t go to the doctor!
- Comment on Trump Administration Temporarily Mutes Federal Health Officials 4 weeks ago:
Never should have been a question of turd sand which or douchebag. That should have been a major warning fascists were already in control.
- Comment on Trump Administration Temporarily Mutes Federal Health Officials 4 weeks ago:
While it is buried under a fair slew of vitriolic content against both parties… Somewhere on one of these sites I’m on, I said electing trump is how we get “covid part 2: electric bugaloo” And frankly, yep.
- Comment on ‘A Betrayal, a Mockery’: Police Express Outrage Over Trump’s Jan. 6 Pardons 4 weeks ago:
He’s only on the side of the extreme right law enforcement. The people like Andy Griffith he won’t support, give him barney fife with an itchy gun finger and a wobbly sight!
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
When we say Mangione the 1%, we mean all of them.
- Comment on Hulu quizzing about the ads played 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on So the flurry of flying embers that were blowing around in California, is that commonly how fire spreads? 4 weeks ago:
- Make controlled burns the engineers said.
- Create fire barriers.
- Stop putting lots of plant life where ground fires might run thru. -All of this was said by Indians, engineers, and people from other countries where they have similar annual burn cycles. Yet here we are, “is it normal to see fire embers wafting thru the street like a lost vacationer?” So what do politicians do? Cut fire fighter funds for the democrats, and trump literally said “rake the forest to remove stuff that burns.” Like… The whole forest… The forest that is bigger than San Francisco… Are they gonna use homeless??? Cuz he’s deporting all the manual labor immigrants. Republicans and Democrats are not going to help you. They are the problem. Both need to be removed from office with extreme prejudice.
- Comment on I don't think they understand. We're interviewing them too. 4 weeks ago:
Toxic bosses need not post job offers. I would rather work at a McDonald’s with a good mgmt team, than a small company with hiring expectations like this. I also refuse to shop at your business if you see your employees this way.
- Employers; answer the damn questions, then move on, what’s important to you isn’t going to matter to your job candidate, what’s important to them is earning an honest days pay that will cover their expenses, and their responsibilities, like making sure to fulfill their requirements to their previous employer which is something you want them to do for you when they leave.
- If you can’t pay enough that YOU could cover rent and a car payment off the pay, then you shouldn’t be hiring, and if you can’t treat your employees, and job candidates with respect, then you deserve to be a job candidate yourself instead of a business owner.
- Comment on After shutting down several popular emulators, Nintendo admits emulation is legal 5 weeks ago:
I was a life long Nintendo fan boy. I have every system excluding the virtual boy cuz of the headaches, and the Wii u because I was under employed when it released. I stopped buying Nintendo after Gary Bowser, their software is janky, and bad for 2000’s level of web portal. I had already complained to Nintendo as a long term investor, and instead of innovating their software and hardware, they litigate away anything that might be considered competition and sue into poverty anyone that alters the devices. I never altered my switch, but I stand on the side of the hackers because Nintendo desperately needed to create a quality software core for their switch family. They want their software to be an extremely basic game launcher, and in modern software terms, that’s just incompetent. I stopped buying Nintendo because Nintendo stopped innovating their software, started litigating their profits, and relied solely on old worn out IP instead of creating something new and fresh. You know how many new games are gonna launch on switch 2? Less than 5. Know what one of the first 10 games is gonna be? Mario. Want another? Probably a racing game that’s another rehash but has something blandly new and shiny, like space ship racing with gerbils(instead of diddy Kong racing, or jet ski racing etc). Nintendo has no new IP ideas, and while I was mostly OK suffering through the tired old crap to get to whatever gameplay innovation they made, they seem to have abandoned the gameplay innovation entirely, and are just suing people to force them to play their games the way they want, even if they already received money for the game and system. Whatever they might have in store for the switch 2, so long as Gary Bowser is living in debt to Nintendo, I will never purchase another Nintendo product new, ever again, and I will only purchase used if they have an absolute banger of a game, but I’m only buying that used as well. No profit to Nintendo. I can buy off eBay.