In b4 someone unironically tries to defend not putting their cart back. There’s always one.
Basic courtesy
Submitted 4 days ago by to
Comments 4 days ago 4 days ago
There’s always one.
Confirmed, it seems one did. Sigh. 4 days ago
My husband wouldn’t put the cart away.
But he has cerebral palsy which made walking back to the car without the cart for stability difficult when he was shopping alone. He actively liked if someone left a cart in the handicapped hatch mark area because then it would be close so he could grab that going into the store and be balanced against it.
He did know it wasn’t ideal though, and I’d take the carts back when I started shopping with him. 4 days ago
Anyone parking in a handicap spot is the one type of person no one should judge when they don’t put their cart away. 2 days ago
Every rule has its exception, it makes sense that physically handicapped people shouldn’t be treated as strictly with rules concerning physical activities. 4 days ago
Idk. I put my cart back but I have heard an occasional decent argument why someone wouldn’t.
One of the biggest ones is a single parent shopping alone with one or multiple very small children. I get that ideally the cart corral probably isn’t super far away, but leaving small kids alone for even a short period of time must be nerve wracking and not always safe depending on the area and climate. 4 days ago
Have had mutinies small children. Always put the cart away. Doors lock and children aren’t that fragile. 4 days ago
bruh, I was trained as a child to put them back, we would start putting them back as soon as our parents lift the last bag out of it 4 days ago
Sometimes I don’t put the cart in the corral…
I take it back into the store because it’s closer than the nearest corral. Or I take my bags out before I go into the parking lot and leave the cart in the lobby cart storage. 4 days ago
I don’t have time for that. and someone else gets paid to do it!
/s 4 days ago
I’m creating jobs. When you push the cart you’re transferring wealth from the cart pushers to the CEO of Walmart. 3 days ago
The CEO isn’t paying that salary. It’s a cost of business. A business you’re paying for as a customer. All the customers pay a percentage of a nickel extra for shopping in a store that has a cart returner on the payroll.
I suppose ithe job pays badly and isn’t very interesting. It’s not something I’d waste my life doing. I wouldn’t want my kids to do it either. Actually I wouldn’t recommend it for anyone. Life has much more to offer than pushing carts all day.
So, congratu-fucking-lations, you’ve created a job that nobody ought to do and made everyone pay for keeping a sorry ass kid on poverty wage.
Ok, so you’d argue that by pushing the cart back, then you’re the one doing the same meaningless job for free. Good point, right?
But here’s the catch: Nobody ever needs to return a cart.
There are at least two ways to do this.
One: We can all accept that the cart doesn’t have a home to be returned to and just leave them wherever and pick them up at the same place. This is obviously the chaotic neutral way.
Two: Pack your groceries in bags in the cart after (or while) paying. When you push the cart back towards the car, you walk by the cart corral, pick up your bags and walk to the car while leaving the cart in the corral. It’s fucking magic. 4 days ago
Now there’s more than one and they’re running mental gymnastics to claim that pro-social behavior is simping for corpos. Special kind of entitled faux-leftism there. 3 days ago
One? Like a solid 10% of the thread wtf 3 days ago
Should’ve said at least one 4 days ago
The litmus test for civility. 4 days ago
This is mostly an American thing. They/we tend to be more entitled and very selfish. Often making excuses for bad behavior with lines like “I’m keeping people employed”. No stupid, you’re increasing our groceries because of your selfishness.
Now I live in Taiwan and have visited many countries and found out that this is not the norm. Most people care about the community their live in and oftentimes put back their carts.
Another example of American entitlement. Americans often throw trash on the ground in parking lots because the trash cans are too far away or they can’t find one. Again the same excuses, “Keeping these people employed”.
In Taiwan(and Japan), if you can’t find a trash can, you take your trash home with you. You actually have a hard time finding a bin in public here. But our streets are typically very clean. Because we care about the community and the people here are less selfish. 4 days ago
Where in the US? It’s pretty common where I’m from to put shopping carts back in their corral. 4 days ago
Issaquah WA which is an affluent area east of Seattle.
I also lived in Los Angeles and some of these people take the carts pass the corral and all the way to their neighborhoods. 4 days ago
And you’ll be heavily fined if you don’t carry your trash home. Personally I prefer public trash cans, especially when I’m visiting a place hours from home. 4 days ago
We are not encouraged to carry our trash home because of “fines”. We do it because it’s the right thing to do if you can’t find a trash bin.
I have carried my trash for hours before I found a bin. It’s the norm to do that and we even have methods to carry it more effectively. 4 days ago
Wow downvoted for public trash cans. What a gentleman. 3 days ago
Creating jobs for the sake of creating jobs is the stupidest anyway. 4 days ago
You absolutely won’t have the savings passed onto you if the store fires one of the cart managers. That’s the same logic as thinking self checkout makes store prices cheaper. Maybe if every store were locally owned it might work that way, but we’re far from that sort of system. 4 days ago
Nobody said the savings will trickle down to consumers. But best believe it will INCREASE if enough idiots do stupid things. 4 days ago
They didn’t ask for an example of American broken thinking but you provided it anyway because it’s another thing Americans excel at. 4 days ago
You’d have to be some sort of lazy bones to not do something so simple. 4 days ago
What an awesome channel 4 days ago
I used to work at a Costco. There were two long stretches of parking lot that had no cart corrals anywhere nearby. They were at the farthest points of the lot on either end. Despite all the employees begging them to add a corral in those spots the manager never did. But he would always complain about carts being abandoned way out there constantly.
I think a 30 seconds round trip to return a cart is more than fair. If you cannot reasonably locate a Coral (or the store does not have one within that walking distance timeframe) I think its fair to attempt to store the cart in such a manner that it doesn’t block someone else trying to park.
All that being said the average shopper at our location wouldn’t even attempt to find a corral. Often times they would just leave them in the empty space next to their car blocking a parking spot. Usually within 20 feet of an actual corral. Sometimes they would literally yell at one of the cart runners from a distance something like “wouldn’t wanna put you out of a job!” Before they just left their cart slowly rolling across the lot unattended.
If you ever want to lose whatever small amount of hope you had left for the basic decency of the human race just work at a Costco for a little while.
People would leave their trash in the carts constantly. They would spill food and drinks all over the kids seats and just leave them there. They would almost never put them into the corrals properly. They would just shove them towards the corral from a distance which almost always cause the carts to jam up at angles and then the corral would over flow and eventually people would just leave them with their front wheels put over the curbs right next to the corrals that was now spilling over with 7 carts because nobody decided to properly put the cart away and instead just pushed it to the edge and called it quits.
I have worked all kinds of service jobs over the years. Costco by far had the most selfish and shitty customer base out of all of them. You can tell by the way many of them spoke to employees that they felt entitled to treating everyone like shit because they paid a membership. Hell some of them would even say exactly that whenever they felt even slightly inconvenienced or slighted. Just right out the gate with “I pay a membership fee blah blah blah blah”. Every once in a blue moon they had s legitimate argument to be making, but 99% of the time they were just throwing s fit because they wanted to get their way and the managers would bend over backwards for the customers every single fuckin time.
Sorry this turned into a rant about the worst job I ever had.
Yeah many people are too selfish to put away a shopping cart these days. 4 days ago
I used to work for Target and Walmart. I feel like there’s some overlap between the customers I’ve experienced at Target and the people that go to Costco. Sure, there were some weird people at Walmart, but at least they’d mind their own business. I swear Karen would try extra hard to go out of her way to interrupt your work for no reason at Target.
I found all sorts of things in carts at Walmart though. People would buy stuff to do their oil change in the parking lot, then literally change the oil and leave the old stuff in a cart sitting in the parking lot. Of course they didn’t put it in the corral! 3 days ago
Always cart corral or reserved police parking. 3 days ago
How else do I get my £ back? 3 days ago
How else do i get my tenth of a £ back? 3 days ago
I wish this was a thing outside Alidi in the US 3 days ago
One time someone gave us a free cart at Aldi and my wife took the quarter instead of paying it forward. This is the worst thing she has ever done as far as I can tell. 4 days ago
wowowow mister millionaires, who has so much money they need a “cart” to carry their things. I can only buy like 7 eggs from my salary, so I don’t have this kind of 1% problem, I can carry them easily in my hands 4 days ago
Look at Mr. Moneybags over here with his 7 EggCoin… 4 days ago
You would take the risk to carry such a fortune in your mere human hands ? Bold 4 days ago
Lereddit hoomor 4 days ago
Why can’t I, hold all these eggs? 4 days ago
There are some of you out there that really can’t return the cart. Maybe it’s your own mobility issues; maybe it’s children, animals, or something else that you can’t lease unattendend in the vehicle; maybe you just ran out of spoons picking up your medical supplies; whatever reason–I got chu, fam.
When I turn around to return my cart, I always look for stragglers and bring them back. I’m forever alone, but healthy, so getting carts back to their “home” is the least I can do. 4 days ago
“We do what small things we can” gang 3 days ago
“A rising tide raises all ships” has become my mantra as I try to do small things for others and for my community 4 days ago
The most basic test to separate people from beasts. 3 days ago 4 days ago
joke’s on you, i use a shopping bag 4 days ago
Well, put your bag back in the bag corral. 2 days ago
i bring the bag from home. 4 days ago
I‘m German. It’s in my DNA. 4 days ago
You mean our coins are in the cart 4 days ago
And there I thought the coin slots only existed so university students had to invest at least 50ct before putting them in their shared flats… 4 days ago
There are so many “unlocked” ones, they too end up where they belong and not randomly on the parking lot. 4 days ago
Aldi Stores in the USA have joined the chat 4 days ago
One time I didn’t return the cart at Aldi.
I still think about that a decade later.
Because that haunts me I always put the cart back no matter what
For those that don’t know you have to put a quarter in to use a cart and you get it back when you put it away which means there are never stray carts anywhere. People want their money back. 4 days ago
I look for someone coming in to give mine too, as do many others. 4 days ago
It’s worse than that. I shoved it up on the curb and left. Like you see at any other store. 4 days ago
That time Cart Narcs got a gun pulled on them in Texas:
Assholes have guns and that’s all they need to think they’re right. 4 days ago
I was fine with annoying guy calling out the dude for not putting his cart away. Until he pulled out a magnet, (at least it wasn’t a sticker). Don’t fuck with people’s property. 4 days ago
People that think gun is the appropriate response to magnet are a big part of why I want to leave this country. 4 days ago
Lol don’t tread on me, right? 4 days ago
I hate those people. They are just as bad as the people who don’t put the carts away. They look like they applied to be traffic cops, and got rejected, so they are doing this and pretend like they are writing tickets. What a bunch of wannabe pigs 🤣. 4 days ago
I bring it back to the store, like a proper child of the light. 4 days ago
Nah, the Stop n Shop I go to has portable scan guns, it’s really the best. If I have to shop somewhere that doesn’t have these, it will ruin my day. For the uninitiated, it’s a portable bar code scanner with a little screen on it. You scan items as you take them off the shelf, put them in your bags, and when you are done shopping there is a “checkout” button on the gun/screen that generates a barcode. Scan that barcode at the self checkout, pay, and be on your way. It is peak grocery shopping efficiency. 3 days ago
Some stores (where I live) have the scanner, some use an app to scan. Works the same but they don’t need to maintain the scanners with you using your phone. 4 days ago
That sounds amazing. 4 days ago
I don’t take the cart out of the store anymore. I really can’t afford that many groceries. 4 days ago
An unironic way to fix half of America would be to let minimum wage workers hurt the public. Give them all baseball bats and make it legal to go for the knees of people who don’t return carts, only one tap for people who don’t put it back properly. 3 days ago
This is such a weak post. You really wanna be a good steward of carts? Get one from the corral on the way in instead of using one from the inside. Especially if it’s not out of the way. Make the cart retriever’s job even easier. Especially on super hot/cold days. 4 days ago
It’s a wonderful test for if someone is an ass. 3 days ago
I’ll never understand people who make doing free labor for a corporation some sort of top tier ethical standard.
Not lttering, following traffic rules, there are so many small ways we make our society better and yet people get so worked up over the one that is providing free labor. 3 days ago
**Narrator: ** They aren’t. 4 days ago
This is why I always try and find a parking spot closest to a cart corral. People go crazy trying to get a spot closest to the front of the store, but ultimately your last stop before getting in your car should be at the cart corral. Yes, sometimes this means parking further away from the front door, but I have functioning legs and walking an extra 30 feet isn’t a problem. 4 days ago
literally just religion
realize thousands of years of religon doesn’t even make people selfless enough to put a shopping cart back 3 days ago
STOP! STOP PRETENDING THIS MATTERS.! The retail worker doesn’t care! It makes no difference if the carts are in the corral or anywhere else in the lot. It effects NOTHING!! STOP!! 4 days ago
ITT people simp for corporations.
I’m super daddy supermarket chain loves it when you offer your free labor to him after he’s finished ripping you off with his shrinkflation and grocery prices rising faster than inflation.
As a union household we don’t steal work from unionized grocery workers. Anyone who does is a scab. 2 days ago
So I used to put my cart back all the time but then I found out it creates jobs for people that cant get a job. Some one getting out of jail living in a half way home can use these jobs to get out of their situation. I no longer put it back. 4 days ago
I usually put my cart away if the parking lot is full. Otherwise, that’s what they pay the cart wranglers for, to wrangle stray carts. I even used to work at Kmart decades ago as a cashier and wrangled charts when the lines died down, so if the lots not full, and the employees are paid to recover the carts and as I know, it’s a nice break to wander the parking lot instead of ringing people up, idk who is really upset about carts being left to their own devices… It does suck when the wind blows a cart into you or your car, but that’s pretty rare… I do make sure my cart doesn’t just roll off when I’m done, no need to send a cart missile careening across the parking lot, but otherwise I’ve never seen a good reason to not leave your shopping cart in an empty lot. 4 days ago
Why is this such a thing people are obsessed with? Like there’s a billion things wrong with the world at every scale imaginable and your concern is the cart return guy has to walk around an extra 10 ft? There isn’t even consensus amongst the people who have to do the cleanup that this is bad. Just move on. 4 days ago
Nobody posted the copypasta yet? I guess it’s gotta be me, then.
Image 4 days ago
I watched someone in a Costco parking lot shove his cart onto one of those berms at the end of a row, very obviously about to walk away from it. I was already frustrated, so I walked over and basically yanked it from him, saying something to the effect of “no don’t worry I’ll get it” in a very “you’re part of the problem” tone.
It felt nice, I’m not gonna lie. 4 days ago
Sounds like the other guy didn’t have to do Costco’s job, and you got to feel smug and superior without any real reason. Win win win 3 days ago
My local Costco recently removed the coin locks. Almost immediately, trolleys were fucking everywhere except in the bay.
The coin locks never bothered me because I have a pick for them on my keys. 3 days ago
Well done. 3 days ago
Yes, smug self satisfaction at the expense of others feels nice. You do you bro. 3 days ago
Smug virtue signaling anyone? 3 days ago
Found the animal. 2 days ago
Came to the comments just to look for this.