- Comment on How do I realistically get out of the US? 3 days ago:
I’ll have to have my dad explain it again because he’s the one who’s really been deep diving into genealogy, but I remember he said the captain of the ship and the guy that fell overboard were two of the people we’re related to
- Comment on How do I realistically get out of the US? 3 days ago:
Step 1, figure out if any of your parents, grandparents…came from somewhere else.
I’m related to 7 different passengers of the Mayflower!
…yup I’m not moving countries the easy way
- Comment on Vibes based cooking 5 days ago:
As someone who doesn’t drink much bourbon and whiskey both surprised me in how much I liked them the first time I tried them. It could just be that they were higher quality examples I tried but I can see how people can become connoisseurs. Also I can see how people can easily take either too far given the high alcohol content. A couple of sips had me quite buzzed, but then I’ve met 5 year olds with more alcohol tolerance than I have so that doesn’t meet much
- Comment on Vibes based cooking 6 days ago:
Beers are very much an aquired taste. There’s your commodity beers and your piss beers from the big national brands like Pabst, Miller, Coors, etc. which largely are trying to sate a pallete that never liked the moonshine from the prohibition era (and all are crap in my personal opinion. It’s good for getting you buzzed and that’s about it), then there’s your microbrews which will vary wildly in style and flavor (if it’s on tap you can just tell the bartender you’ve not really had beer before and ask what they recommend and if you can try it before you commit to a full glass) and then there’s the stuff people don’t talk enough about: ciders (it tastes like apple juice but with a sharper, fuller flavor!) mixed drinks (again, ask the bartender if you’re unsure), and probably some other ones I’m not thinking of before you move onto the whiskeys and bourbons.
So basically it’s a wide world of alcoholic beverages and honestly people don’t encourage experimenting enough
- Comment on Vibes based cooking 6 days ago:
Once pepper cooks into a meal it’s a whole 'nother thing and miles above what it tastes like after the fact
- Comment on Anon's PC works 2 weeks ago:
I was rocking a i7-4790k and a GTX970 until about 2 years ago, now I’m rocking a i5-10400F and one of Nvidia’s chip shortage era RTX2060s. My wife is still on a i5-4560 (by memory) and a RX560 and that’s really getting long in the tooth with only 4 threads and the budget GPU doesn’t help matters much.
Later this year when Windows 10 gets closer to EOL I figure I’ll refresh her machine and upgrade the SSD in mine
- Comment on Mildly McInfuriating 2 weeks ago:
I love how what’s close to the median Y-axis value is by far the tallest, meanwhile the lowest Y-axis value is the fourth tallest bar and the highest Y-axis value is by far the shortest bar
- Comment on Anon doesn't wash 2 weeks ago:
Onto the neighbor’s dog so the stray cats annoy it!
- Comment on Anon's strict mom 2 weeks ago:
> Chef’s note: Heat up a lightly oiled frying pan/skillet. Remove from heat and ejaculate directly into the pan, return to heat and fry the semen without stirring. This will create a mini-omelette, or in some cases, many small omelette-drops. Salt and pepper to taste. This is the perfect introductory recipe for newbie semen cookers.
I’m not sure what I expected really…
- Comment on Anon discovers Japanese jazz 2 weeks ago:
If you want something a bit different, Gypsy Jazz is really fun. Kinda a jazzy swing sound with a touch of bluegrass/americana mixed in.
My dad’s super big into it but the band I always remember is Harmonious Wail
- Comment on Anon discovers Japanese jazz 2 weeks ago:
American cities were not built for cars; they were demolished for cars!
You can actually see this in any small town that hasn’t seen significant redevelopment since they first paved the streets. Old houses are really close together, small lots, fairly dense development and its only a couple of miles from any part of town to any other part of town, so pretty walkable/bikable by nature
- Comment on Anon discovers Japanese jazz 2 weeks ago:
Honestly trumpism killed a lot of that spirit in the small town (and its surrounding towns) that I moved to. Now I’m working on moving back to the large city because then I can join some clubs and maybe find some sense of community that was lost thanks to the “fuck your feelings” crowd.
I’ve also now had 2 job changes due to layoffs in a row, so I want to move to where there’s more job opportunities for the next time a workplace decides to do without me, and not find myself up the proverbial creek or forced to accept another job with an hour of commuting each direction
- Comment on Anon goes to therapy 2 weeks ago:
I mean they have gravel county highways. When I found myself on one unexpectedly last year I said out loud “Why is this county highway unpaved? Why is Iowa a third world country?!”
- Comment on Anon goes to therapy 2 weeks ago:
I mean, if the specific word you want to use seems to be an inappropriate tone, maybe find a different way to say what you’re trying to say instead of injecting a filter-bypass replacement for the same word you didn’t feel was an appropriate tone?
Betterhelp-coded therapist
Sounds like Betterhelp’s caliber of therapists
Lemme guess, this “therapist” was via Betterhelp
For a couple of examples
- Comment on Anon goes to therapy 2 weeks ago:
Watch your fucking language!
- Comment on Anon goes to therapy 2 weeks ago:
My wife should be in therapy but has entirely sworn it off after her last therapist would gossip to clients about other clients, especially clients who are related or know eachother well, and tried to play matchmaker, giving her contact info and sharing some of her struggles with another client of his who happened to be finishing up a prison sentence at that time. He runs his own practice because he was fired from the last one for HIPPA violations, and instead of being thankful his old boss didn’t entirely ruin him he just is resentful that he got fired for engaging in what should be career-ending activities
- Comment on Day 1 Reddit Refugee 2 weeks ago:
I remember back in the day I heard that /r/counting was the easiest place to farm some starting karma on a new account since they didn’t have a karma requirement to comment
- Comment on Anon visits America 2 weeks ago:
Actually the person you responded to in this thread shared a lived experience where they could observe changes in their body after just a week of drastic diet improvement, just as I’m sharing my own lived experiences where I can observe changes in my body related to diet and activity in just a week, while you’re just saying “Not. In. A. Week.”
I’ll just close by repeating myself: Try it sometime! Its really cool to watch your body adjust and see just how much control you have over your body!
- Comment on Anon visits America 2 weeks ago:
Yes, in less than a week even! Try it sometime. Its really cool to watch your body adjust and see just how much control you have over your body!
If you don’t regularly exercise and start exercising 5 days a week you will see the changes in your own body after about a week, you might see a small change on the scale after 2 weeks and after 4 weeks someone close to you should be able to see the changes in your body, and after 12 weeks someone you don’t see often should be able to see the changes in your body. Since you see yourself every day and you can feel how your body feels you can see the change very quickly
- Comment on Anon visits America 2 weeks ago:
Where are you getting any kind of fast food for $5 these days?
- Comment on Anon visits America 2 weeks ago:
You realize the human body contains more than just fat right?
- Comment on Anon visits America 2 weeks ago:
If you look at yourself regularly and pay attention you can see your body change pretty rapidly. I’ve specifically watched my body bulking up on its own before burning those stored calories to build muscle and there’s a clear cycle of noticing a bit more pudge a few days before I suddenly make a big jump in cycling distance or how much I can lift (and the pudge also goes away at the same time)
- Comment on Oh well... 3 weeks ago:
Bro who hurt you?
- Comment on Oh well... 3 weeks ago:
I mean, to some degree it actually does. Sure life isn’t fair, you can do right and still fail and such, but overall, if you play your cards right and make sure to learn and present yourself well you can absolutely build a resume and job hop up the career and economic ladder.
Hell I’ve even had the displeasure of working with someone who literally only had interview and resume skills who appeared to simply job hop as soon as a job caught on that he didn’t have any of the skills his resume indicated he had and found the legal path to firing him
- Comment on Oh well... 3 weeks ago:
It’s rediculous how retail jobs put you through the ringer if you dare to try to stay home while too sick to work (and basically punish you for doing the right thing and calling to notify them you won’t be in and why) but then you get into a professional job and you can sometimes simply not show up and tell nobody and be fine
- Comment on Video Games Can’t Afford to Look This Good 3 weeks ago:
I think you’re misunderstanding what people are saying. The author of the article is clearly trying to say that major video game studios should stop focusing on high fidelity games, making unrealistic statements about market demands (let’s be real, that’s not how people select what games to purchase. The art style is certainly a factor, I’ve not played games with art styles that don’t jive with me and I’ve certainly had gaming experiences elevated by brilliant artwork, but regardless of art direction, of the gameplay isn’t for me I’m not going to play it) and honestly it feels like the author was told to write an article to support the title rather than reporting on actual industry trends or providing real criticism ongoing industry trends. The entire argument the author is trying to make falls over when you consider any market segment other than the AAA developers
- Comment on Video Games Can’t Afford to Look This Good 3 weeks ago:
I think the worst part is the author even points to freaking Minecraft and Roblox, both were indie titles when they first launched, and also compared triple-A titles to a live service game and Epic’s tech-demo-turned-Roblox-clone.
Honestly it reads more like they set out to write an article supporting a given narrative and carefully tuned their evidence to fit that narrative.
How about some studios that aren’t hurting and don’t fit that narrative? SCS software which makes Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator hasn’t released a new game since ATS’s launch in 2016 because their business model is to keep selling DLC to the same customers, and invest that money in continuing to refine the existing games. Urban Games has openly stated they exist solely to build the best modern Transport Tycoon game they can, releasing a new iteration every few years with significant game engine improvements each time. N3V Games was literally bought out by a community member of one of it’s earlier titles when it was facing bankruptcy and simply exists to refine the Trainz railroad simulator game. Or there’s the famous example of Bay12Games which released Dwarf Fortress (an entirely text mode game) as freeware and with the “agreement” that they’d continue development as long as donations continued rolling in
- Comment on Video Games Can’t Afford to Look This Good 3 weeks ago:
Having read the article I don’t see how the comment your replied to is out of context. It’s very in context, especially given the article literally points to highly successful indie games as examples of low fidelity games that are incredibly popular
- Comment on Nom nom 3 weeks ago:
Crocodile needs eat cactus to see window
- Comment on Nom nom 3 weeks ago:
Big side big number, little side little number