- Comment on Basic courtesy 5 weeks ago:
I wish this was a thing outside Alidi in the US
- Comment on Basic courtesy 5 weeks ago:
This reads like rage bait. I want to make a copy pasta of it even
- Comment on Best way to turn off people and get lower tips 5 weeks ago:
If I saw those numbers it would be cancel then shop elsewhere
- Comment on A daunting realization 5 weeks ago:
Thanks so much for posting that. I hadn’t heard it before and loved it
- Comment on A daunting realization 5 weeks ago:
Lol the sapient one is hilarious. Especially when our ancestors probably murdered and bred out of existence other sapient species.
Part of me wonders if that turn you mentioned is our industrial revolution, invention of agriculture, or whatever set us apart from other sapient species.
Some cultures and Indigenous belief systems accept death and the process of not being an immortal to be expected while ironically the Abhramic faiths that have a huge aversion to idolatry tend to want to follow in the steps of their God by living forever and exerting control over all things.
It’s fascinating to me to explore this but while I’d love for us to explore the cosmos like Carl Sagan implored us to do, it’s also so frustrating we can’t get past our initial hangups.
- Comment on A daunting realization 5 weeks ago:
There isn’t mushroom amongus for the fungus to rule. They won’t be able to be a funguy and party.
- Comment on A daunting realization 5 weeks ago:
It’s also a very Buddhist outlook. Not because of anything specifically antihuman or pro ecology but simply because we as humans are part of a cycle that lives and dies. We don’t have a say.
You could say our karma is that we will be too proud and be too exceptionalist and end it all earlier than expected because we couldn’t come together and take care of the earth.
It sucks but the earth will go on for a few more billion years without us.
- Comment on Should have seen it coming 1 month ago:
I feel like the robots have already earned their leadership
Welcome robot overlords etc etc
- Comment on Should have seen it coming 1 month ago:
Hey It iS oUR RiGhT to not teach basic science jn the usa! /s
As a high school teacher looking to get out of teaching I’m so tired
- Comment on If you were words on a blotter, you'd be fine print. 4 months ago:
Possiblity #1: Something that worked through my insurance is Brightside, a service that is similar to Better Help but more guided by HIPPA and they take insurance. I had a crisis and was connected to a psychiatrist and therapist which worked super well for me to have it scheduled easily with my ADHD.
Possibility #2: Psychology Today’s therapist search also had a filter for things like insurance accepted, location, online only sessions, and religious belief and LGBT friendliness. It has also worked well for me to find therapists in the past.
- Comment on Very thankful 5 months ago:
Those interested: Erika Lust is a fun site. It has more ethical porn that you don’t have to wade through weird crap for. Well worth it IMHO
- Comment on Infinity 5 months ago:
Does she want more friends?
- Comment on Bill! BILL! Bill! BILL! 6 months ago:
I’m a teacher too and we use short throw projectors at our school which I feel might be more common than these smart board tv things.
- Comment on New tech discovered 7 months ago:
- Comment on It's an epidemic 8 months ago:
God I love the nerd shit on lemmy
- Comment on It's an epidemic 8 months ago:
I’m chuckling on the toilet myself
- Comment on Titta... 9 months ago:
Family member: “what’s so funny?”
Me: “snort titta”
(I didn’t show them the comic I have self respect)
- Comment on Anon's sister is a NEET shut-in 10 months ago:
I saw shower and started worrying but it’s OK.
- Comment on The ad in the middle of this article about conspiracy theories 10 months ago:
Knowing about “Temporary Internet Files” while my family was unaware made me feel like some sort of God of knowledge.
Oh and yeah I think I found porn there hooray!
- Comment on Corvids 11 months ago:
Stop making my back hurt by saying that
- Comment on Giving someone oral is the most intimate thing you can do for someone. (IMO) 11 months ago:
Not OC but the idea of making someone feel good makes me feel good. It’s like double the dopamine for me.
I could totally see being grossed out by it when I think about it logically. In fact it is gross when I think about it logically.
- Comment on Why do we have to do the health insurance company's job for them? 11 months ago:
Similar issue with me! In our case both were HSAs and my employer changed companies. The first was awesome (and super helpful considering it was pre tax) and the second was horrible.
- Comment on Why do we have to do the health insurance company's job for them? 11 months ago:
Same with HSA cards. I quit paying into mine because they wanted proof I got work done after using at a dentist.
Yeah, because dentists usually sell fun things. Fuckin morons
- Comment on Sorry about the downtime last night! 11 months ago:
Thanks for all the work you do!
- Comment on Bethesda Celebrates 30th Anniversary of The Elder Scrolls, Provides Small Development Update on The Elder Scrolls VI 11 months ago:
This is my take too. I gave Starfield a chance and I should have just gotten Baldurs Gate 3 that weekend instead.
What’s worse is how they dug down into qualifying why it sucked and their nightmare of a PR response. It fucking sucks though too. I want them to be good.
- Comment on Do you ever worry that you're secretly a psychopath that unknowingly manipulates people around you? 1 year ago:
To add on: questioning and reflecting on your behaviors is the first step.
I’m definitely guilty of some of this too and being more mindful of it has been… a process… that isn’t easy but helps me a lot.
- Comment on "looks inside, individually packaged" 1 year ago:
This is one thing where so many people I talk to got unlucky. For me, SSRIs were super lucky in that they helped alleviate depression caused by my anxiety which then helped me find other roots of the anxiety. Turns out undiagnosed ADHD is terrible for your anxiety - got diagnosed though!
Side effects for me have included stomach issues and weight not coming off even as my physical condition improves as I’ve started running again. I’ll take it for now until I start weaning off in the future. I wouldn’t say they were a lifesaver but they helped immensely.
- Comment on "looks inside, individually packaged" 1 year ago:
This is all awesome but any mind altering substance really needs to be used with a therapist when we are talking about average people in a large population. I’d also argue they both have benefits but their drawbacks are just too strong.
Weed is mostly non addictive but comes with other issues and isn’t perfect. Heart issues? Family history of schizophrenia? Either of those could be really bad. Is this a good argument for legalization and harm reduction? Yes. I’m not sure about widespread psychiatric use though. Perhaps more with a therapist but that therapist would be key - similar to the shamans of indigenous cultures.
I also totally agree with these not being long term. I love weed but the “420 smoke every dayyyyyyy” culture also ignores the need to work on yourself and do the work with a clear head. I think that internal (ideally drug free and sober) work gets you to the point of not only benefitting from these drugs but avoiding their abuse.
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 has won Steam's 2023 GOTY Award 1 year ago:
Like someone else said it’s gotta be a result of the voting for the awards being awful. I wanted to like Starfield and (ducks down) even got it early at the higher price.*
But yeah lol innovation is a joke. Makes me feel bad for the devs who really made innovative stuff this year.
*To be fair I had a shitty week before that and needed a new Bethesda game to make my life less awful so it…worked? It was my comfort food ok???
- Comment on Does anyone wish they could go back to the beginning of schooling and re-live their education/school experience from the start? 1 year ago:
This is where the “what if you could change your direction in the multiverse” aspect dies for me: my kids. I wouldn’t trade them for any better choices on my end.
That said I’d totally have brushed my teeth more when I was younger. That can’t have ripple effects can it? (Twilight zone music intensifies)