The brother being a better parent than most actual parents.
It all seems to boil down to patience and Pavlov in the end.
Submitted 10 months ago by to
The brother being a better parent than most actual parents.
It all seems to boil down to patience and Pavlov in the end.
Anon is a normal, decent human being and sibling.
I wouldn’t go that far. He’s being decent to his sister, but there could be ulterior motives here. I’ve learned to never trust a 4chan post.
Expected a weird twist, got pleasantly surprised
Man, I hope this one is actually real.
I hope it’s not, what the hell kind of parents do these kids have??
Sometimes they’re working multiple jobs, sometimes they were mistreated themselves as kids. We shouldn’t be too quick to judge.
Not entirely uncommon, unfortunately
Even if it isn’t, you know something like that has actually happened somewhere.
Isn’t this just parentification?
If it’s healthy for you does it need a label?
The story sounds healthy enough. I’m mostly critical of the role of the actual parents. I may be over reaching here, but it sounds like the writer ended up taking up a responsibility that should have been taken by the parents in the first place. However, the situation sounds healthy enough and parentification has positive sides too!
The big point of parentification is that it is forced on the child by their parents. The role of sub-parent to siblings is assigned via negative means. This is often in punishment for not performing that role. This can manifest as verbal and mental abuse, such as guilt tripping, neglect where the parent doesn’t do what is needed until the parentifide child does it out of necessity, and can go as far as full blown violence.
This reads more like the OP saw that their sister was in desperate need of help, and decided to take it upon themselves to do whatever they can to help her.
This is behavioral therapy, which you could say is a responsive mode of “parenting” that is highly effective.
I’d never really heard the term NEET before and had to do some research. I get what is, but not really why it is.
Is it a lifestyle thing or a mental health thing?
NEET is is an economic label that means Not in Employment Education or Training. Its the group often looked down on as leeches in society but the term doesn’t consider the reasons or health of the person.
The sister in the post appears much more like the Japanese shutins or hikikomori who isolate themselves from all social contact. Technically being a hikikomori is a choice but mental health and big pressure culture probably dont help.
I most cases the culture and mental health are the reason a lot of them will choose that lifestyle, still not 100% by their own free will.
TIL NEET means something else. For I thought it was only an enterance test in India to get into medical education. It is super competitive and toppers are usually shut-ins, studying for 14-16 hours a day.
The exams are held in may so for kids to go in hibernation since January is common place.
Its the group often looked down on as leeches
im still trying to figure out why people hate the fact that people leech off of shit.
Like unless we’re going turbo functionalist society where we define suicide as a normal aspect of everyday life, it seems rather. Dystopian to be claiming that everybody must be a part of society.
economists are fucking weird dude.
Just say loser lol
Is it a lifestyle thing or a mental health thing?
Bit of both, with a dash of enablers (usually parents).
Probably a bit more than a dash.
I heard it but I never had an idea what it meant, so I looked it up. NEET means they aren’t in education and don’t have a job employment.
Most times neet’s are people with mental health issues or depression also.
Normally it’s used to indicate a lifestyle which probably has an underlying mental health component. But the girl in this story is just really really autistic. IDK why the OP didn’t describe her as such once.
How do you know she’s autistic? Maybe she’s depressed, experiences severe social anxiety, or something else of that nature. I see no reason to jump to autism as the explanation, there just isn’t enough context.
Yes. As for why, why not? If you can it’s probably the single best was to live life. Most jobs are entirely unfulfilling, unnecessary bullshit jobs that stack even more unfulfilling, unnecessary bullshit on top of it. the important work is, like, maybe a tenth of all actual work done and that’s still usually done by people who get treated like shit, sucking out whatever meaning they might be able to find.
Education is good, but left to their own devices most humans will educate themselves to some degree, so it’s not like NEET necessarily means a lack of self improvement either. Not that that’s the only measure of a good life.
And that’s before taking into account mental health.
Its mental health, no one hides from the world if they don’t have a reason to hide.
i think it’s more of a situational thing. I.E. used to shit on people who aren’t “part of the work force” although now it’s been codified into a bit of slang, since it’s technically an acronym now.
If you can find her a real life boyfriend you deserve a degree in social work
Pretty sure it’s actually gonna happen
The image attached makes this the fakest story I’ve ever seen on greentext
The image makes this seem like it's going in a certain direction
It’s just the training data the AI got
Well yeah the image is a drawing, it’s not actually the sister
Most surprising thing in this greentext is seeing Freia mentioned as luxury chocolate! 🇳🇴
If you’ve ever tried US chocolate it beats it hands down. Also, kvikk lunsj and fruktnøtt FTW
If you’ve ever tried US chocolate it’s straight up god tier by comparison.
Fair point. Like a lot of their foodstuff, it’s been fucked up into oblivion (and yes, I know you can find decent food, it’s just not the default).
As an American, I agree. The aftertaste of Hershey chocolate is the same as vomit
Or Lindt.
I guess it’s expensive in the US ? I may have upper middle class brain rot because of my parents, but to me it’s basically the baseline for decent industrial chocolate.
I am thinking the meant the Icelandic Freyja chocolate instead? Spelling in the greentext doesn’t match either though.
TIL Lindt is luxury chocolate
When it’s being compared to Hershey and Nestlé bars? Yeah.
Lindt is pretty good as packaged chocolate goes. You can always find some fancy artisanal chocolatier if you can afford to spend a few bucks per chocolate but for a HS student Lindt is pretty high tier.
It isn’t? Yes there is way more expensive chocolate but Lind isn’t cheap.
At least premium.
Premium, I definitely agree. But luxury is pushing it imo, given the prices and ingredients used. Imo luxury chocolate is either artisanal and/or has extremely high quality standards (e.g having as little stuff that is not pure cocoa and sugar as possible in its ingredients), and thus even more expensive than Lindt.
Lindt is positioned as a premium supermarket brand in some places where it is usually a little better and more expensive than the default brand eg Cadbury. For many people it would be seen as a bit of a treat over their regular supermarket brand.
Laughs in Fazer
I was half expecting an eromanga sensei thing
How many times do we have to say it... Don't fuck your sister.
I can’t tell if the coaxing thing was an intended pun after the fiber optic thing before it
considering that coax and fiber optic are two different things, probably not, but judging by the fact that the fiber box is outside, it’s probably run inside using coax, and that is a rather astute observation.
4chan greentext about sister no incest
Am disappoint.
On a more serious note, I hope that’s a true story. A healthy social circle, even if it’s only 1 person, does wonders to people.
these feel good greentexts always make me feel a certain type of way.
I’d like to think they’re almost certainly feel good posting, i.e. fake. But 4chan levels of fake.
Wh-Where are the jumper cables? This feels not fake which feels wrong for a greentext.
I’m exhausted just reading this. It being 2am may be a factor. 10 months ago
I thought it was some weird sex thing at first but you never know what you get with greentexts. 10 months ago
I saw shower and started worrying but it’s OK. 10 months ago
The proliferation of anime and Internet porn has mortally wounded familial relationships.