- Comment on >meme arrows 18 hours ago:
Yup, definitely a studio ghibli-style twink. Checks out.
- Comment on >meme arrows 19 hours ago:
To be fair, mRNA vaccines are largely possible due to AI, and not just any AI, but similar approaches that LLMs use. They took NLP (natural language processing) concepts, which were the precursor to today’s LLMs, to generate a bunch of possibilities.
It’s not that far-fetched that similar techniques could be used to cure cancer.
- Comment on Anon is Turkish 2 days ago:
You’re not being creative enough:
- putt/puck
- put
- puke
- suit
Each has a different pronunciation, because screw you. Oh, and pronunciation differs depending on where you are, often quite dramatically.
- Comment on Anon is Turkish 2 days ago:
I think it’s because of schwarma. Mmm.
- Comment on Anon is Turkish 2 days ago:
I have no problem with Islam, I have a huge problem with religion in government.
- Comment on Anon is Turkish 2 days ago:
Turkish ice cream is delicious.
- Comment on Anon calls in for financial advice 2 days ago:
That really depends on how risk averse you are, what your payment is, and how stable your job is. For example, my payment is tiny because I got a great rate, bought below my means, and have owned it for several years (so inflation is doing its thing). At this point, I spend more on food than I do on my house.
To mitigate risk, I keep a sizable emergency fund (sustain lifestyle for 6 months), which is currently invested in very safe bonds and money market funds returning a higher rate than my mortgage rate. Why would I pay down my mortgage when I can get more essentially risk free in bonds?
I really like Dave’s question: if you had a paid off house, would you get a mortgage on it? My answer is, hell yeah if I could get the same rate I have now! It’s free money!
If my rate was >5%, I’d pay it down aggressively. But it’s way below that, so I’m holding it until I have enough to retire.
- Comment on Anon calls in for financial advice 2 days ago:
You’re really not. You can do zero planning and as long as the total amount is <$14M, there are no taxes due.
One big difference, however, is pretax investments (IRA and 401K in the US). Sell or convert to Roth before you die and it won’t be an issue at all. If everything is in regular taxable accounts, the beneficiaries even get a step up in basis, so they will only owe cap gains on growth after your death.
Any third rate tax person could figure that out.
- Comment on Anon calls in for financial advice 2 days ago:
Exactly. I forget the limit, but it’s something north of $10M before it gets taxed in the US. Not sure about other western countries.
- Comment on Anon is a specific type of prepper 4 days ago:
AI exists.
- Comment on Anon is chasing an old high 4 days ago:
Sure, and crappy games existed when FF and others were made.
My point is that good games based on engines exist with a variety of art styles and whatnot. A lot of crappy games also exist, because the barrier to making games is much lower these days. The engine isn’t the problem, the devs are.
- Comment on Anon is chasing an old high 4 days ago:
Input detection, sure, but even “no engine” games use standard input detection libraries, like SDL. I’m guessing the games you listed likely use the same library for that, and the behavior is probably identical to what Unreal, Godot, and Unity do. There’s pretty much no “feel” here.
I’ve built games, I’m pretty familiar with what they offer here. Input detection just abstracts over hardware differences, so you can check if they pressed “A” instead of knowing that’s “controller button 7” or whatever. Most games will still interpret that manually (e.g. if “A” is “jump,” apply X force upward for the physics system).
Physics is highly tuned by the developer, regardless of what abstraction they use, especially for simpler games where physics isn’t really a thing (e.g. older FF games just had simple object detection). You can achieve pretty much any feel you want with any of the standard physics engines, especially for simpler interactions like platforming.
There’s no reason I couldn’t build a convincing reimplementation of FF or Secret of Mana in Godot, Unreal, or Unity. Generally speaking, that’s not the goal.
- Comment on Anon is chasing an old high 4 days ago:
Godot, Unity, and Unreal don’t provide that kind of stuff, they mostly just provide primitives for things like hit detection, lighting, and physics. Things like movement are generally done by hand, unless the developer is super lazy and buys premade assets from an asset store or something. But then the problem isn’t with the engine, but the developer, and they’d release trash even if they didn’t use one.
I’m not big into pixel graphics, I’m into good games. Here are some examples of good games I’ve played that happen to use pixel graphics, and the engine they used:
- Darkside Detective - Unity
- Oxenfree - Unity
- Dave the Diver - Unity
- Undertake - Gamemaker Studio
- Celeste - MonoGame
- Stardew Valley - MonoGame
Those three examples you gave were made by major studios before game engines were a thing. They used pixel graphics because that’s all they could afford (FF was notorious for being multiple disks).
I’m sure I could find examples in Godot or Unreal if I looked.
My point is that it’s not the engine, it’s the devs. Whether a game is good has less to do with the engine used and more to do with the passion, budget, and time of the devs.
- Comment on Anon is chasing an old high 4 days ago:
As did you.
What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.
- Hitchens’ Razor
- Comment on Anon is chasing an old high 4 days ago:
It’s really not.
- Comment on Anon is chasing an old high 4 days ago:
And that’s why I generally avoid games that advertise themselves as “pixel art.” I have no problem with pixel art itself and I play many pixel art games, but the art style is secondary to whether it’s fun.
- Comment on Anon gets handed a note 4 days ago:
It’s just a way of preventing direct rejection. If I ask you out and you say no, you’re rejecting me and I feel bad. If I ask a hypothetical and you say no, you rejected the hypothetical, not me.
It’s stupid, but sometimes that helps people work up the courage.
- Comment on Sounds logical to me 6 days ago:
Idk, sounds pretty gay. Or at least bi. But what do I know.
- Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 6 days ago:
There are some things where fax still makes sense
Fax is insecure, you’d be better off signing w/o a “digital seal” or whatever and emailing it in. You can also print, sign, scan, and send, just like w/ a fax, but send as a PDF instead of insecurely over the telephone wires.
- Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 6 days ago:
Eh, they seemed to have better access to new tech like phones, though most of that seems to have shifted to Korea these days.
- Comment on Anon starts talking to a girl 6 days ago:
He and his friend could be sleeping together, but otherwise in an open relationship.
- Comment on Sounds logical to me 6 days ago:
Ah, some YouTube guy. He seems decent enough that a good personality match could bump him up a few notches w/ the right mate. And maybe he’s genuinely good looking, idk.
- Comment on Sounds logical to me 6 days ago:
Fake: op never has sex
Gay: op is justifying a gay sex fantasy as “but I’m actually straight tho”
- Comment on Sounds logical to me 6 days ago:
Is he attractive or nah? As a straight guy, I could see either way.
- Comment on Sounds logical to me 1 week ago:
Depends, is he in jail?
- Comment on Sounds logical to me 1 week ago:
You could still not be gay, just into pegging.
- Comment on Anon touches grass 1 week ago:
get very meticulous/competitive/analytical/meta-gamey but I do go to casual board game meet ups anyway because its “fun enough” and I can socialize occasionally.
You’d probably like some of my coworkers then. My boss let us do a “team building” activity playing Twilight Imperium, and we’re all pretty analytical types. If you were in my area, I’d introduce you.
But failing that, you can try asking if anyone knows of other groups that plays something more your speed.
I’m usually tired after work
Totally fair. Is moving closer to the city an option? 1:30/day must suck, I do that 2x/week (40-ish there, often an hour home) and WFH the other two, and even that much gets old.
While I’m not neuro-divergent or anything, I am quite introverted and a little socially anxious, so maybe I understand some of what you’re going through. Or maybe not, idk. But I do know that I need some amount of social interaction even though it’s draining.
- Comment on Anon appreciates Chris Sawyer 1 week ago:
Yup. I feel that so much at my day job. We use Python on our BE, and we have so much waste on top of that
For example, we have some low level code for a simulation (not Python), and we ported it to Python, and we noticed the code spent a ton of its time doing bubble sort. So our Python implementation ended up being competitive by just making reasonable high level choices. We had a paginated sort + filter that loaded all possible records into RAM and did the logic in Python instead of SQL (fixing that dropped request time like 80% on larger queries).
We have so much more crap like that, it’s not funny. But I’m ticking them off one by one by inflating my estimates a little to allow for refactors.
- Comment on Anon appreciates Chris Sawyer 1 week ago:
That’s not because of hand-written assembly vs compilers, that’s because everyone and their dog wants abstractions up the wazoo. You have frameworks on top of frameworks, and no compiler can efficiently sift through that nonsense.
I’d really like to see a shift back toward compiled languages like Rust to cut through the bloat.
- Comment on Anon appreciates Chris Sawyer 1 week ago:
I think it was a subconscious letter swap. :) I’ll keep it because ghosts.