- Comment on Hardcore gaming 1 week ago:
Can’t play tarkov on steam deck without windows or moonlight and moonlight over hospital wifi would be worse than tarkov natively over hospital wifi.
- Comment on Murica 1 week ago:
Where are you all buying bike that don’t hurt your wallet to replace? I guess there are Walmart bikes but I’ve literally had a huffy fall apart while in motion.
- Comment on I love the future. 1 week ago:
I guarantee he doesn’t actually believe this shit. He’s just a grifter grifting just like the rest of the Whitehouse circus cast. The only exception might be Robert F. Kennedy Jr. That freak show might actually believe the shit he spews.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 4 weeks ago:
For what amount of time? The statistic just doesn’t make sense when framed this way.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 4 weeks ago:
Maybe I’m too tired or dumb to understand this… But 1 per 100k what? Is this successes per 100k attempts? Is it murderers per 100k people? 1 homicide per 100k human interactions? Maybe a citation would help me to understand the statistic you are referring to. It’s not that I don’t believe the sentiment of this comment but I really don’t know what the figures mean here so I can’t meaningfully gauge what each number means for the safety of a city.
- Comment on If you save, we will charge you more 1 month ago:
If the shareholders are smart, they’ll buy shares of the solar providers and solar maintenance companies.
- Comment on If you save, we will charge you more 1 month ago:
Grid attached solar contributes to the overall usage which brings the cost displaced back down. Personal solar is almost always a net positive for the customers, the power company, and the homeowner with the solar. Not to mention the environmental offset that comes with generating your own power.
- Comment on There's fucking ads in board games now 1 month ago:
What about products subsidized by advertisement to reduce the price?
- Comment on My favorite 1 month ago:
People on the internet all seem to have the most refined and bougie pallet. I’m not going to shout from the rooftops that Olive Garden is amazing or anything. But it’s not terrible food in my experience. And I’ve eaten plenty of authentic Italian. Olive Garden is Nickelback for pasta restaurants. Perfectly serviceable, but the Internet seems to be convinced you will die if you consume it.
- Comment on Performative Perp Walk 2 months ago:
The military is political. It is literally policy when the military moves. Anything any military does is dictionary terrorism. But terrorism is a nasty word for it so we don’t call it that.
- Comment on nuclear 2 months ago:
Molten salt reactors use salt as the coolant
- Comment on I hate when a PC game is ONLY available on Epic Games store 2 months ago:
It’s OK to run a discount for Steam Keys on different stores at different times as long as you plan to give a comparable offer to Steam customers within a reasonable amount of time.
What about that is unreasonable considering you’re using their platform to deliver your software and their multiplayer framework. Steam makes no money on the sale of your keys.
Also, if your issue is that steam is a monopoly, then go make accounts in other places and stop supporting that monopoly you’re mad about…
- Comment on I hate when a PC game is ONLY available on Epic Games store 2 months ago:
I got a ton of my games through humble bundle, Which distributes steam codes. I’ve also gotten steam keys through Itch.io.
As for your price argument, price matching is only for the lowest price steam has ever sold the software for. So you can sell your games at steam sale prices 100% of the time and have a higher price on steam. So you’re literally just wrong.
- Comment on I hate when a PC game is ONLY available on Epic Games store 2 months ago:
But steam isn’t trying to be monopoly. They don’t pay developers to only sell on their platform. Games that are only on steam are only on steam because steam is the only place that developer wants to sell the game.
- Comment on I hate when a PC game is ONLY available on Epic Games store 2 months ago:
That lawsuit is ridiculous and misses a ton of huge boons to developers. The fact is , valve only takes that sales cut for games sold on their platform but they never require you to make that sale on their platform. In fact, they are totally cool with you making the sale elsewhere and giving a steam code out which means steam makes nothing on that sale and they still host the software distribution for said sale. You can use their multiplayer infrastructure, their distribution infrastructure, and their communication infrastructure without paying them a dime if you sell your game on your own website. And it’s by design that you can do this.
As for consumer benefits, steam has a system that allows you to give your friends and family members access to your library. They are constantly selling games at steep discount (after getting permission from developers to do so). They allow a huge range of content with very light handed censorship policies. They have a robust multiplayer system and communications platform that integrates seemlessly with the games they sell and distribute. I won’t get into the Linux stuff but all I will say is Proton wouldn’t be where it is without valve and steam.
Steam is single handedly the most pro-consumer and pro-developer platform on the market. When developers put their games on steam, everyone wins. And it’s never a requirement that those games only exist on steam. When steam is the only place a developer sells their game, it’s because steam is legitimately the only place that developer wants to sell it anyway.
- Comment on Ladies Beware! 4 months ago:
It’s an album cover for sure. Album titled Milf Hunter.
- Comment on Eat lead 4 months ago:
But that still doesn’t change the belief that a creator could have created the universe in whatever state it currently exists in. That’s why these arguments never go anywhere with hard core young earth creationists. It’s also not worth the energy arguing with them because they often believe that anyone trying to convince them otherwise is an antichrist trying to lead them astray.
- Comment on Please pick a password starting with ad and ending with min 5 months ago:
It’s TPLink. Budget networking equipment comes with budget security principles.
- Comment on Why is prostitution called sometimes world's oldest profession? 7 months ago:
Prostitution is not specifically gendered and sex for pleasure’s sake is not specific to men. There could be male or female customers seeking male or female prostitutes.
- Comment on Boochi for Pakistan 8 months ago:
Contains cringe, bad comment
- Comment on Evidence 8 months ago:
Not a tiny speck. You’re not far off however. Theoretically, before expansion, all matter and energy is contracted into an infinitely dense space. Infinite density of infinite mass and infinite energy occupied infinite space. Or at least that is the start of the big bang.
- Comment on Evidence 8 months ago:
The original commercial was showing different women as if to imply it works for anyone. The arrangement of the panels is different from the original ad. It looks like panels 2 and 4 are swapped. I believe there are 2 different women.
- Comment on everything actually important is already metric 8 months ago:
The US sells beverages in 2 liter bottles and milk in gallon jugs. Also any food packaging shows the weight of contents in both standard and metric.
- Comment on Anon's sister is a NEET shut-in 9 months ago:
mid 20s
HS student
- Comment on Did we lose our way in making efficient software? 10 months ago:
Also you didn’t need efficient software when the boundaries of hardware limitation have been so far from the requirements of most software
- Comment on Bear Behind Glass 10 months ago:
The latest FNAF lore is going hard AF.
- Comment on Hooooooooooooooooooot 10 months ago:
Wait a minute, what IF
- Comment on Anan La Italian BMT 10 months ago:
Jay-Jay La Porkchop
- Comment on Let's confuse Americans! 1 year ago:
They do that in Canada. The US sells milk in plastic jugs or cardboard cartons.
- Comment on Tax time 1 year ago:
When you have a single income as an employee with no dependants or spouse, your taxes are dead simple. It’s when you have more things to consider that taxes get complex. If you own a small business on the side, have some kids, own a house, a wife, maybe you came into some money from an estate, also you did some contract work on 1099… That’s just normal people types of complex tax stuff. If your business does well, you can expect the adage “more money, more problems” to rear its ugly head.