- Comment on Stupid Sexy Mice 3 months ago:
The scientists probably said that, compared to mice on a specific feed, mice who eat a simulation of a natural diet, and ones with yogurt added to their diet, the ones with yogurt averaged less fat, and had more mates/sexual interest.
Person wrote the articles about this, hands it over to whoever makes headlines, and they, in a bid to get attention, wrote the results in this manner.
- Comment on You best start believing in a cyberpunk dystopia 3 months ago:
Militarized police, criminal syndicates using robots that destroy evidence when caught, to smuggle drugs, I don’t think this person knows what cyberpunk is
- Comment on You best start believing in a cyberpunk dystopia 3 months ago:
This is EXACTLY the type of thing I expected from a cyberpunk dystopia
- Comment on Intruder 3 months ago:
Yeah, and the kid is 11, instead of thinking “man, a full grown man broke into an 11 year old’s house, then threatened his life, and he shot the guy while running away, and then said mean things to him, he must have been in the middle of a big mind fuck, one that adults have issues dealing with, at 11, and isn’t acting normally, and this will have effects down the line we can’t foresee” many are like “I know exactly how people should behave to this specific childhood trauma, and this child is definitely a psychopath”.
- Comment on Intruder 3 months ago:
Most of this thread falls into two categories of people -
Shooting someone, under any condition, and not pouring you heart out for the person = psychopath
People who do illegal things are not actually people, please more authoritarianism
It is pretty obvious that almost no one, commenting here, has been in a situation where your life is truly being threatened, after your safety has been violated, and people who do not understand the how, and why, of criminal behavior. Yet they are all making very self-assured, absolutely black and white logic, statements as if they are the herald of truth.
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
Well, I have to defer to the conclusions of neuroscientists in the papers I have read, and what my neurologist has told me. You can go and peer review research, if you would like, though.
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
From what I have read studies do not show it, however it is believed it does happen because, when the data in those studies is extrapolated for 60+ years, it shows that it should contribute to it, at least
So, yeah, seems too, but it really isn’t a factor worth worrying about
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
It does do this. However so does ageing, low sunlight exposure, low altitude, ethnicity, sex, nutrition, neuro-divergence, cell phone use, EM fields… you get the idea.
- Comment on Good News! 4 months ago:
Yes, Trump has always been open about his penchant for domestic violence.
I was talking about Donal Hall Sr., the owner/director of Hallmark though.
- Comment on Good News! 4 months ago:
Hallmark Boss Assistant: “Donald, you are worth 3 billion dollars, your wife never cooked, you have staff that runs your household. Now buy another wife, and more on, like a normal billionaire.”
- Comment on Horse denier 4 months ago:
Either way, it’s horse fuckin
- Comment on Horse denier 4 months ago:
ok Vaush
- Comment on Horse denier 4 months ago:
You can rest assured I am not a bot, as you are just a figment of my imagination.
- Comment on Anon tries to understand his coworker 4 months ago:
No, they got the right thread. This is a 4chanism, posted in a thread, on a lemmy forum about 4chan posts.
- Comment on Websites: Then vs Now 4 months ago:
“Shop like a billionaire”
“Uh, ok”
closes Temu app, calls Sotheby’s
- Comment on Anon takes the horsepill 4 months ago:
Yeah, this might be 750 dollars worth of bottom of the barrel, wholesale, oats needed to give the average horse enough calories to survive.
- Comment on That’s wild. Which Wendy’s though? 4 months ago:
But that doesn’t say which one OP will be at, either!
- Comment on Anon is jealous 4 months ago:
She wasn’t a teacher, or working for a school. She was working for some factory in Tenn. and quit, which she was already preparing to do, when she did that interview. These rumors are just fiction.
- Comment on How do Americans win their country back? 4 months ago:
They disagree I should be allowed to live though
- Comment on I'm not worried you're worried 4 months ago:
If you think selling weapons is a maximalist policy, you are very naive.
- Comment on I screen, you screen, we all screen for I screen. 4 months ago:
And the more control you have over the work the more screen time you get. My family has a lot of contractors, and my dad left that to work trades for the government. Before my dad died he spent most of his day on his computer, even though it was his least favorite part, but he was the head of his department. My contractor uncles all spend hours a day on screens, calls, orders, book keeping, meetings, drafting, reading specifications, reading contracts, etc., now that they are the head of businesses that have younger people doing most of the physical work.
- Comment on lemmy.ca user Is this true? 4 months ago:
those scintillating, jeweled, scuttling crabs are good though.
- Comment on Anon awakens an ancient evil 4 months ago:
Missed the follow-up post to this from twitter Image
- Comment on You have 8 seconds. 4 months ago:
Don’t start talking to them with the intent to ask them out. Just see if you can get their attention, see of you can find a little bit of common ground to build a conversation on, then, if they are receiving you well over the course of your conversation, say something like “hey, I enjoyed talking to you, would you mind meeting up some other time?” or something to that effect. This works best in places for socializing, bars, music venues, hobby spaces, etc. It can be applied to more formal places, just has to happen over a broader period of time, as you get to know your coworkers, or whatever.
The strong vibes of “my intent in talk to you is to have sex” is, often, what makes things uncomfortable. So, even if you can’t find common ground, or the conversation went well and she turns you down, or gives some non-committal answer, and you part ways amicably, you will have not be seen as some creep.
- Comment on The grand prize 4 months ago:
I mean, I can only estimate it’s size from the person standing next to it. From there I can use that estimate to get the volume of the cube, then the weight, then look up the cost by weight right now and apply the average.
So it would be somewhere around 1mm by weight.
- Comment on The grand prize 4 months ago:
That cube would be in the neighborhood of a 1 million dollars of tungsten
- Comment on There is only 1 choice 4 months ago:
Well, my commendations
- Comment on There is only 1 choice 4 months ago:
Pics of GTFO
- Comment on There is only 1 choice 4 months ago:
Can we instead have him dance fight his through the heart of congress?
- Comment on Fead 5 months ago:
But, it told me it lived under my bed?!