Theres a lot to unpack here, but really OP made a mistake by asking to go hiking. Thats a terrible first date idea and also isnt inherently date-y. Likely he was just missreading her kindness as flirting, but if he had asked her to dinner or coffee brunch it would’ve made his intentions more clear to her.
Not that it really matters because its fake and gay anyways. 4 months ago
I’ll never understand how difficult people make things by not being forthright and making things awkward:
“Is it okay if I bring my boyfriend?”
“…I think there’s been a misunderstanding. I had asked you on a hike as a fun first date, I didn’t realize you had a boyfriend. I’m going to bow out of this, but I can give you the hike info if you want to take him.” And then you laugh about the misunderstanding the next work day, and keep things at work from then on. No reason for it to get bad. Flirting is still fun! Just leave it at that without expecting anything more. 4 months ago
Don’t flirt with someone single if you’re not interested, don’t flirt with someone in a relationship if you’re not interesting in breaking it.
It’s just that simple. 4 months ago
I wonder if you have a different definition of flirting, because the end goal of flirting is not necessarily to gain a relationship. 4 months ago
Being polite and friendly to a person isn’t flirting. Sexless losers who never leave their basement always think a girl being friendly to them is flirting with them. 4 months ago
Some people think flirting means they want more. 4 months ago
“Why can’t men understand hints?”