- Six-armed octopuses and other abyssal horrors from Ark: Survival Evolved's new AI slop ↗Submitted 2 days ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on Don't make me come over there 3 days ago:
Everyone in the comments is saying real things and the only time this happened to me was when some genZ couple where wondering what kind of animal Knuckles was, and kept calling him an anteater.
And in a very controlled tone, said, “He’s an echidna.”
- Comment on Don't make me come over there 3 days ago:
I hate going to Amazon for everything, but shit like this is why…
Maybe I’m more bold but I’ve told a manager who was trying to be TOO helpful this exact statement.
They backed off real fast.
- Comment on Don't make me come over there 3 days ago:
- Comment on Don't make me come over there 3 days ago:
The dumbest thing you can do as a tech person is let a non-tech person know you’re competent.
- Submitted 3 days ago to | 183 comments
- Comment on Cathy, do the math. 6 days ago:
That’s actually more common than you think. It’s not explicit.
My niece who works at a very popular coffee shop where some are unioned, the non-union ones get paid a bit extra and reminded on the daily about that benefit of higher pay for being non-unioned.
And my aunt works as a receptionist in a non-union hospital. Her counterparts in a union, when they went on strike and got a huge pay bump… She suddenly “mysteriously” got a pay bump aligned with it because the non-union hospital was afraid of employees unionizing (which secretly, they were).
- Comment on Minnesota Sen. Justin Eichorn arrested for allegedly soliciting prostitution with minor – Twin Cities 6 days ago:
The same day he was arrested, Eichorn was one of four Republican state senators to co-author legislation deeming “Trump Derangement Syndrome” a mental illness.
- Minnesota Sen. Justin Eichorn arrested for allegedly soliciting prostitution with minor – Twin ↗Submitted 6 days ago to | 3 comments
- Submitted 6 days ago to | 298 comments
- Submitted 6 days ago to | 3 comments
- Submitted 1 week ago to | 47 comments
- Submitted 2 weeks ago to | 8 comments
- Google’s Sergey Brin Says Engineers Should Work 60-Hour Weeks in Office to Build AI That Could Replace ↗Submitted 3 weeks ago to | 50 comments
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to | 50 comments
- Comment on A balanced diet is important 5 weeks ago:
Do they rip the worst farts or am I just telling on myself that pizza rolls give me room-clearing war crimes-level gas bombs?
- Comment on Jamie Dimon popped off at the 1,200+ JPMorgan employees fighting against full-time RTO: 'I don’t care how many people sign that petition' 5 weeks ago:
I work with a “high powered CEO”. These parasites treat golfing, going to dinner, flying on private jets as “working”.
- Jamie Dimon popped off at the 1,200+ JPMorgan employees fighting against full-time RTO: 'I don’t care how many people sign that petition' ↗Submitted 5 weeks ago to | 73 comments
- The PlayStation Network outage proves PC gamers were right to resist its mandatory sign-in ↗Submitted 1 month ago to | 32 comments
- Submitted 1 month ago to | 1 comment
- Comment on Anon visits a bookstore 1 month ago:
Around 2010, I worked for a company where one project was to increase the social profile of our company. We hired a marketing company to help us improve how our CTO, CEO, CFO, all the C-level folks looked to the public. Pretty much, throwing money to make these people get famous, so the company to could make money from all the news.
A year later, CFO was on talk shows discussing his new book, which was a NYT best seller. The book was garbage and full of content scraped from a dozen other “thought leaders”.
The thought leader circlejerk where hundreds of them have ghost writers write their shit, all of them tell the same 10 stories, all of them quote each other, all of them end up as NYT best sellers because some thought leader friend wanted to do the same so they inflate the sales.
- Comment on Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 hits 1m sales in just one day 1 month ago:
Not me! I got Kingdom Come for either under $5 or free last year.
So I expect to get the sequel at the same price in about six years.
- Comment on Wonder Woman Game is "Years Away From Release" As Warner Bros. Gaming Division Struggles 1 month ago:
Thanks for the write up!
Wonder woman is, in my opinion, an odd choice for a video game. I think it could be really good, and her rope would translate well to video game mechanics, but it doesn’t feel like Wonder Womans time to shine right now
Id argue that I felt the same about Batman not being translatable to a game during the 2000s. Video games based on comics were absolutely awful. Superman 64 was a nightmare, and Batman games were beat-em-ups or platformers.
But really smart creatives made the Arkham series work. So I’m optimistic that in the hands of strong visionaries, it’s absolutely possible.
Now, do I think WB has the capacity to make a good Wonder Woman game? Haha nope. Not after what they’ve shown in the last few years.
- Comment on Please, call a job cut a job cut 1 month ago:
Edwin Evans-Thirlwell 3223 Staff 23 hours ago
I have lost my job to wider cuts a few times myself and on reflection, I think I prefer being “aligned” or “realigned” inasmuch as it makes me feel like a cool laser satellite. But I am not immune to the frictive charms of being “restructured”, which makes me feel like a Transformer
I absolutely love the comments on RPS. It’s hits like these which makes me keep coming back.
- Elder Scrolls creator Ted Peterson is “glad that people are wanting to break away from” watered-down RPGs as he works on an epic Daggerfall ↗Submitted 1 month ago to | 22 comments
- Comment on How did a simple phone call become so problematic? 1 month ago:
People who are so used to getting everyone to stop what they’re doing get upset when they aren’t the center of attention.
- Comment on It really is like this 1 month ago:
Me, as a American: Huh, we just set up camps in Guantanamo Bay to pick up immigrants? That’s fucked up.
Also Me, as a American: China does some shit with the uyghu? That’s fucked up.
Society: yeah fuck China!
Also me, as a American: openAI stole art. Wow.
Also me, as a American: Deepsink stole from OpenAI? Hilarious.
Society: Hey fuck you for supporting China! You can’t even write Tiananmen square on there!
- Submitted 1 month ago to | 15 comments
- Comment on My Honest Opinion 1 month ago:
Are we saying Yes to AI or yes to Dolores?
Because if the latter… 🤤
- Comment on My Honest Opinion 1 month ago:
“Elon Musk and Donald Trump were individuals?”
(people in 2035, who were not around during the Cronenberg-ing of Musk & Trump in 2028)