- Comment on So glad they are reporting what matters and not some mundane thing. 1 day ago:
Ahh yes. Because as we all know news websites only cover one story per day.
- Comment on Amazon's previous VP of Prime Gaming said they "tried everything" to disrupt Steam 1 week ago:
Was always going to be an uphill battle trying to battle Steam’s monopoly and the Stockholmed G*mers.
- Comment on Grand Theft Auto VI and Grand Theft Auto Online Could Be Sold Separately; Rockstar Is Targeting Solid 30 FPS on Consoles, According to Former Animator 4 weeks ago:
It’s comment threads like this that just show how absolutely clueless G*mers are.
- Comment on 🤡🤡🤡 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on 🤡🤡🤡 5 weeks ago:
I know you’re trying to do a bit. But you seem to have misunderstood my comment. so I’ll explain.
It’s the use of the word fuck but it’s placement. It doesn’t fit and makes the sentence rather awkward. Hence why I said it was written by an eleven year old discovering swearing and not understanding it.
- Comment on 🤡🤡🤡 5 weeks ago:
The swearing does make it seem like an eleven year old who doesn’t understand swearing wrote it.
- Comment on After shutting down several popular emulators, Nintendo admits emulation is legal 1 month ago:
Get a load of the nerd reading the articles and making informed opinions. Just join the rest of us in mindless circle jerking.
- Comment on Steam has the best UI 1 month ago:
I personally love when the world’s largest police force outsourcesWhen you have a monopoly you don’t have to try. Add in years of Stockholm syndrome (as you can see with the amount of brainwashed G*mers in the comments) and I’m surprised Steam isn’t in Comic Sans.
- Comment on Tokyo Xtreme Racer returns to the road for the first time in 18 years next week 1 month ago:
The amount of hours I’m going to be putting into this.
Been looking forward to this since it was announced.
- Comment on 15 Years After It Was Announced, The Shadow Of The Colossus Movie Is Alive And Has A Script 1 month ago:
The Last Guardian was the next game in the ICO trilogy.
Whenever people talk about games as art, Shadow of the Colossus is guaranteed to be brought up.
- Comment on 15 Years After It Was Announced, The Shadow Of The Colossus Movie Is Alive And Has A Script 1 month ago:
Which is also annoying because The Last Guardian would make a perfect TV show.
- Comment on 15 Years After It Was Announced, The Shadow Of The Colossus Movie Is Alive And Has A Script 1 month ago:
Imknwo Shadow of the Colossus is the bigger name. But ICO would make such a better movie.
- Comment on Delicious bulk relief 1 month ago:
- Comment on Guy never bought a game on the Epic Store... Owns 200+ 2 months ago:
Not only that. Epic takes a smaller cut, and when a game goes on sale or is free that comes from Epic’s cut, the Devs get full pay.
Something that the bootlickers always seem to forget.
- Comment on Guy never bought a game on the Epic Store... Owns 200+ 2 months ago:
I see the Valve bootlickers are out in force. How dare Epic fund indie games, what a bunch of bastards
- Comment on Coffeezilla does a third part of his CS:GO gambling expose...where he squarely puts the blame on Valve 2 months ago:
where he squarely puts the blame on Valve
I know G*mers are far to Stockholmed by the monopolistic hell scape that Valve is responsible for.
But it’s nice to see someone say it.
- Comment on It was rigged? 3 months ago:
The same people who took this seriously are the same people who mock wrestling fans. And wrestling fans could see through this.
- Comment on Anon tries to understand his coworker 3 months ago:
Lemmy is filled with middle aged tech obsessed weirdos. Of course they’ll take something like this literally and take the side of the man.
- Comment on Tweety. I like stretching 3 months ago:
The firecracker looks like it could get a good leverage and the chilling sensation would be new.
Same goes for the pushpop and i could get a good rhythm going like a jackhammer.
Longevity is probably going to be the biggest hurdle here though
- Comment on Was the first too coincidentally 3 months ago:
That’s a blast from the past. Here in Ireland there was a couple months stint of that being all the rage.
- Comment on How do Americans win their country back? 3 months ago:
By not being single issue shit heads.
- Comment on I screen, you screen, we all screen for I screen. 3 months ago:
Im14andthisisdeep ass post
- Comment on World of Warcraft adds $90 mount to in game store 4 months ago:
“Everyone is an idiot except me”
- Comment on Nintendo, famed for hating emulation, likely using Windows PCs to emulate SNES games at its museum 4 months ago:
Hey now it looks like you know your stuff, we don’t do that here
- Comment on Steam's new disclaimer reminds everyone that you don't actually own your games, GOG moves in for the killshot: Its offline installers 'cannot be taken away from you' 4 months ago:
So it’s anti consumer bullshit.
- Comment on Steam's new disclaimer reminds everyone that you don't actually own your games, GOG moves in for the killshot: Its offline installers 'cannot be taken away from you' 4 months ago:
So all those files on the disc I had to install were for something else then?
- Comment on Steam's new disclaimer reminds everyone that you don't actually own your games, GOG moves in for the killshot: Its offline installers 'cannot be taken away from you' 4 months ago:
The reason they hold most of the market share is not because of bad business practices it’s because the opposite. People use their service cause it’s the best.
I have physical copies of PC games that require a Steam Account.
- Comment on Steam's new disclaimer reminds everyone that you don't actually own your games, GOG moves in for the killshot: Its offline installers 'cannot be taken away from you' 4 months ago:
valve being THE company holding the bar up in the gaming space.
I think you mean holding a monopoly in the gaming space.
- Comment on Goat Simulator Remastered just looks like how I remember Goat Simulator looking 4 months ago:
Well the people who this game is made for can stay far away from me.
I wouldn’t want to catch anything.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
I don’t think the Devs can let go. That’s probably why it took 8 years.