- Comment on Wait, my body's own heat is enough? Always has been. 3 months ago:
Nope I sleep like a baby. If it’s too hot them my dreams might get weird though.
- Comment on Wait, my body's own heat is enough? Always has been. 3 months ago:
I don’t seem to have any actually good pictures of them in my phone atm and they’re in the middle of a shed right now. So the best I’ve got is a pic from the time they decided slither into my couch frame and made me partially dismantle my couch to get them out. They’re lucky that they’re cute.
- Comment on Wait, my body's own heat is enough? Always has been. 3 months ago:
You do realize that there’s insulation in those walls right. That’s the whole point of wood frame construction; you stuff the gaps between studs full of several inches of insulation. Besides, most of a homes heat loss isn’t through the walls anyways. It’s through any openings in those walls (windows, doors, etc) and through the roof.
- Comment on Wait, my body's own heat is enough? Always has been. 3 months ago:
26?! Hell, I can’t even sleep if it’s above like 20C in my room. My bedroom right now is 10C (vents blocked to keep it extra cold) and that’s about the perfect sleeping temp. I’d go that cold in the rest of the house too but my pet snake probably wouldn’t appreciate it.
- Comment on yo mama joke 3 months ago:
I think you a word.
- Comment on why is the mexican-american war considered "the last war of humanity"?? 3 months ago:
How high are you right now?
- Comment on Claim Now! 3 months ago:
- Comment on This world is cruel… 4 months ago:
Ok, but most of those shouldn’t even be considered hobbies. Like poker can be a hobby but if your hobby is just “gambling” then you probably have an issue. I guess your hobby could be porn if you’re in the kink scene and into making porn or something, but while watching porn is ok, if you consider watching porn a hobby then you may have an issue.
- Comment on This world is cruel… 4 months ago:
It’s that men don’t take a lot of pictures of themselves.
I can’t speak for all men but I have a complete inability to look even remotely normal if I know a picture is being taken of me. I try to take profile pics and they all wind up awful and that’s not just my view. I showed my friend just to make sure it wasn’t just poor self image talking and they reacted like I was showing off a broken bone. I think the only way I’m going to get workable dating profile pics is if I have a friend take pictures of me without me noticing like I’m some sort of cryptid and they’retrying to capture proof.
- Comment on Anon tries to understand his coworker 4 months ago:
My first dates generally start with coffee then turn into a walk in the park if things are going well. A coffee shop is also just a convient place to meet. But I guess that is also going to depend on city layout.
- Comment on Anon tries to understand his coworker 4 months ago:
Some people just come across as flirty. It usually isn’t deliberate and if you mistakenly interpret it as flirting that’s fine. Just don’t get all butthurt about it when it turns out they weren’t flirting with you like OP and then it’s no harm no foul.
- Comment on Anon tries to understand his coworker 4 months ago:
Coffee is a great first date if you met on a dating app. It’s a public location where you can both meet in person for the first time and chat but neither of you is forced to stay if things aren’t shaping up how you expected.
But if you already know each other then yeah, coffee isn’t much of a date.
- Comment on Has Fast Food Gotten Worse, or Am I Just Getting Old? 4 months ago:
Hydroponic tomatos are cheap, big, and never have any flavor. Those are what most fastfood uses.
- Comment on Im flyinf to the USA from england 4 months ago:
My condolences.
Mostly joking, I dont know a damn thing about Arizona. There should be some beautiful national parks there but other than that it’s pretty empty. Vastly different landscape than the UK though so that should be interesting. Also you’re definitely visiting durring the right time of year.
- Comment on Love her or hate her, she’s spitting facts 4 months ago:
I’m not about to find them but there were a couple studies a while back that said regular prostate stimulation reduces the risk of prostate cancer.
Of course those could always be like the studies that come out every year about how eggs/chocolate/coffee are good/bad for you.
- Comment on Love her or hate her, she’s spitting facts 4 months ago:
Prostate exams actually aren’t recommended for most people anymore. It turns out they weren’t great at catching prostate cancer anyways. Now they only recomend them if you actually have a family history of prostate cancer or other risk factors.
But also I don’t think this is refering to pegging being a prostate exam. I’m fairly certain it’s refering to the fact that some studies have shown that regular prostate stimulation slightly reduces the risk of prostate cancer.
- Comment on Im flyinf to the USA from england 4 months ago:
Where in the USA are you going. Saying you’re going to the USA is like saying you’re going to europe. There’s a vast difference between the different states and regions within those states.
- Comment on Anons discuss PC vs console gaming 4 months ago:
You could definitely play diablo 2 with controller with the right maping. The person who first introduced my mom to diablo 2 was actually a paraplegic man she was a home care nurse for. He didn’t have enough motion to use keyboard and mouse properly but he did have just enough finger control that he could play by holding the mouse upside down in his hand and rolling the ball of the mouse with his thumb. That’s practically a joystick at that point. Apparently he was also pretty damn good.
- Comment on That's not oxidized plastic... 4 months ago:
Do they use a lot of lotion? I’ve seen similar from someone who frequently used lotion on their hands.
- Comment on Poo science 4 months ago:
Instead of Josh Richmond my semiawake brain initially saw Richard Stallman and I was very confused for a moment.
- Comment on Post-election blues 4 months ago:
- Comment on How do Americans win their country back? 4 months ago:
All the projections I’m seeing him show him almost certainly winning the popular vote. There’s a gap of 6 million votes and almost every state is over 90% reported in. That gap is going to likely shrink a bit, but unfortunately it almost certainly won’t be enough for him to even lose the popular vote.
Lets face it, we’re (assuming you’re american) apparently just a country of facists. It looks like GOP is going to have majority in both houses too so here comes project 2025 I guess.
- Comment on How do Americans win their country back? 4 months ago:
Trump is winning the popular vote by a pretty decent margin. The electoral college isn’t the issue here.
- Comment on Close the damn window 4 months ago:
So glad that was censored. Almost lost mi innocence there.
- Comment on A divorce lawyer gives a few dating tips to young men 4 months ago:
At the same time though, he sees where people have routinely fucked up. He sees exactly what critical incompatibilities get missed until it leads to a divorce.
I’d say it’s more like an ER doctor teaching people how to use a chainsaw. They may not necissarily know what to do, but the sure as hell know what not to do.
- Comment on Drink it, I dare ya 5 months ago:
Please describe all chemistry to me as body horror.
- Comment on Piece work entry unpaid 5 months ago:
Even if that’s the case state is also very important when it comes to laws.
- Comment on Subway 5 months ago:
“Yeah. Uh. I’ll get the tuna salad. Also can I get that toasted.”
- Comment on Why don't we have cool vending machines in the US? 5 months ago:
Idk about food but I used to work for a company that sold fastners and tools via vending machine all the time.
- Comment on Thanks, Logan. 5 months ago:
The higher potassium does make some sense if you consider that most people already get excessive amounts of sodium in their diet and comparitively little potassium. Sodium is in practically everything, potassium not so much.
I would personally love to find an electrolyte mix with more potassium because I’ve had issues with potassium deficiencies. Of course I’m not about to buy this garbage and I doubt the shitheel selling it put that much thought into it.